Burns--Vickie Moseley--44K
Post Kill Switch, Mulder is getting the burns on his arms cared for, but is the case really over?

Mulder is kidnapped and kept in a prison -- in his mind-- by an odd woman with mysterious powers. One of his captors begins to sympathize with him and calls Scully to his rescue.

Days of Bile and Roses--Vickie Moseley--15K
Mulder is experiencing a some residual affects after his run in with Eugene Victor Tooms.

Demons Don't Die--Shell Brown--102K
Mulder is kidnapped by Cancerman after exhibiting some very unusual behavior. Mulder thinks he is four years old!

Death Will Be Our Darling--Deborah Goldstein--527K
Mulder gets carjacked, and after recovering enough to go back to temporary desk work doing profiles, finds out he's better than ever--which has it's own problems--and that certain people don't appreciate that.
1998 Award: Best Medical MulderTorture Story (VINTAGE).
Lovely, Dark and Deep--Fox's Gal--13K
What if it's all in his head?

Memories I Never Had--PhileyX--26K
How can Mulder tell which memories are true, and which aren't?

The unthinkable happens.

Patient 5A--Glymax--82K
A third-party view of an unfolding X-File.

St. Joseph--Kelly S--4K
An extreme possibility for the series finale.

Scully is dying in Mulder's arms and he can't stop it.

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