Follies of the Mind: Skinner's Thoughts--Vickie Moseley--38K
1998 Award: 1998 Award:Best Episode Fiction (CURRENT).
Follies of the Mind II: Scully's Thoughts-Vickie Moseley--31K
Follies of the Mind III: Mulder's Thoughts-Vickie Moseley--34K
Follies of the Mind IV: Epilogue-Vickie Moseley--19K
Fill in the blanks of "Follie a Deux".

Giving Thanks--Vickie Moseley--14K
Just a little Thanksgiving Story.

Ruminations on Ice--Vickie Moseley--29K
Fill in the blank story about what happened between sitting next to the ice crater and talking to Agent What's Her Face in DC.

Surviving the News--Vickie Moseley--41K
Post ep for Redux II. By my count, Mulder didn't sleep or eat during the time he left Scully for Canada until he told Skinner the news of her remission. That's enough to make anyone pass out. As seen through Maggie's eyes.

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