Complications - Sarah Kiley Rating R Category TR Archived 96-09-11 Keywords Mulder/Scully romance. Spoilers Summary After Mulder is in a car accident, Scully continues her investigation in an effort to save him. Los Angeles, California May 14, 1995 12:03 P.M. Penelope Melicin sat in her loft apartment in Los Angeles. It was surprisingly quiet for this early at night, but Penelope loved the silence. It was a luxury she didn't get too often, dealing with her project. She had gone over that first night over and over again in her head. What if she hadn't accidentally connected her modem up wrong? What if she hadn't told Dr. Burnstein about what she had done? What if she had kept it a secret? Time and space had seemed to take on little consequence for Penelope since that night. From old computer parts, and the knowledge in her own brain, she had done something amazing. Something no one else had ever achieved. Subconscious interactive virtual reality. Penelope didn't look the part, to have created something as complex as SIVR, though. She still was classified as Generation X, but she fit no stereotype. She was tall, and thin, scraggly almost. At first glance could be considered a college student, in her lax clothes. She was dressed down and out almost always, and you had to glance twice to realize she was pretty underneath the loose jeans, undershirt and flannel. But if you dressed her up in a tight outfit, she'd look like a bimbo. But Penelope Melicin was neither of these things. She had long legs, but her figure was unshapely. She had a long cream white face, a sharp nose, and a heart-shaped pink mouth. Her black hair was dark, and wispy in places, but usually it just surrounded her face, because she never bothered to do anything with it. Her eyebrows were very thin, and they arched over twin blue almond-shaped eyes. Her eyes were one of the most intriguing things about her. On one side, she was innocent, new and lost in the world of Project SIVR, but on the other side, she knew fear, pain, regret far too well to be so innocent. The look in her eyes was all that separated from a college kid. Penelope hadn't been important, hadn't been famous. Just a computer analyst who was still struggling to make a living. And up until that night, she had been just herself, Penelope Melicin. It hadn't been a different night. Her live- in boyfriend Graham Stevenson who seemed to have infinite knowledge of all New Age religion, had disconnected her modem again to use the phone. A night like any other. Until she entered her computer. VR, or virtual reality was something Penelope loved. She could do whatever she pleased, always safe in her apartment. But that had changed. Penelope was always curious, never quite knowing what to expect when she did certain things with her old computer. So she had experimented. An old no longer made brand of phone wire, a new set of VR goggles and gloves, connecting her old phone wire with the one she had pulled out of a trashed computer. It seemed harmless, after all what could happen? Everything. She had opened a world where anything could, and would happen. It had been fun at first, strange, exciting, mysterious. But then things got dangerous. Really dangerous. SIVR allowed her to experience virtual reality with another person. Without VR goggles or gloves, or a computer, even. Just a telephone. The sound waves and the VR waves fluctuated when she used this new computer, and all she had to do was switch her modem over and she could bring the person in. At least, that was what she theorized had happened. In reality, she knew it was much, much different. Her father had been one of the leading inventors of virtual reality, before he went insane, working on a new project. He had involved her in the project, letting her test out VR models he had created. Of course, in the 1970s, it had all been "hush hush" for fear of the Russians getting ahold of this new technology her father had created. And after a time, he had disallowed her use of it because they hadn't learned everything about what this form of VR did to your brain. This entire project was weird. The brand of phone wire was supposed to be defective, but it worked perfectly with her computer, and it allowed her to do more than chit-chat with the few friends she had. It was odd, she mused, that both she and her father should be pioneers in the computer field, then she hadn't even been remotely interested in her father's work, except for being able to fly in VR. She feared she was becoming like her father, going slowly insane every day she dealt with SIVR. When someone came into SIVR with her, it had a profound effect on his or her personality. Going into SIVR left subconscious imprints, hidden messages in the person's unconscious mind, and little side effects happened. She had brought Graham in, and the next day, after learning her murderous thoughts when he made her cook supper, he had made dinner for both of them for a week. The strange thing was that he swore he didn't feel anything happen when she brought him into SIVR. It was as if nothing had happened, he said. But she could see the changes. She had divulged her thoughts to who she thought was her long-time friend Dr. Frank Burnstein, her life changed. She was almost murdered in an assassination attempt while talking with Burnstein, and then she had met someone more important, and she had become something more important than just a computer analyst. She had become a member of Project SIVR, its leader Russell Sandar. She had been forced into it, originally with Burnstein had been her only link to the Russell, but she knew that even he didn't have too much power. Within a week, Penelope had been shown a secret government project, where people mutated into animals using primal instincts. Of course, she had only been asked for to put the subconscious message into each of the members' brains. She had suspected from the start that she wasn't going to like being a part of this. She knew it now. And she also knew it when Burnstein had been shot on his way to a police station to divulge all the information about the project. And she knew then that this was a serious project, with serious people. Join or die. Penelope sighed with heavy memories. Dr. Burnstein, with his calm and cool voice, slight southern accent- probably northern Texas. In the end, the older man with thinning hair and a face that needed a smile more than anything else had given his life for her, she suspected, giving her her first taste of reality, the dangerous side to this "wonderful" new technology she had discovered. She felt alone. Very alone. Oh, sure, she had Graham. She would always have Graham. But although he was officially her boyfriend, she considered him more of a best friend. He was handsome, with long black hair and blue eyes under dark eyebrows, but Graham was really more of a friend. They even slept in separate bedrooms. Which eliminated all her romantic prospects. An outsider would ask questions about the computer, and if she told him, she ran the risk of losing her life. So she basically had no life since entering the project. Not as if she'd had much of one before, but at least she'd been able to do what she wanted when she wanted and if she wanted. She missed her freedom. It was hopeless. She leaned back in the swivel chair, and pulled on her VR goggles. She thought about calling someone. Anyone. Dial any number, and see what happened. But instead she set the landscape as space, the pictures taken from Star Trek episodes and satellites. She floated up and around in her cyberspace. It was nothing like SIVR, but it didn't matter. In SIVR she had to deal with things- people, places, and she never knew what could pop up. It was like a pleasant dream and a nightmare stuffed into one. She heard Graham enter behind her. At least, she thought it was Graham. FBI Headquarters- Washington, D.C. May 13, 1995 11:53 PM Thousands of miles away, Agent Fox Mulder sat at his desk in the basement of the FBI building in Washington, D.C. It was near midnight, but that didn't bother him. There was paperwork to be done, and he'd made it a rule to never leave before his redheaded blue-eyed partner Dana Scully left. He didn't really know why he waited until she'd left, there was certainly no reason to, but it was a ritual he never failed to keep up with. He rubbed his wrist, sore from filling out documents and signing things by hand. He was almost finished with his pile, though, while he didn't know where Scully was. She usually typed up all her documents. He wished sorely that he had taken typing in high school. Might have come in useful now. He glanced over at her. She sat back, and slipped off her glasses, rubbing the bridge of her sharp nose. Her hair was strawberry-blond more strawberry than blond, and it came down straight to shoulder length. She had a slightly rounded face, a tight mouth, and eyes that mimicked the shape of her face. She was short, with a slim and curving figure Mulder paid little attention to. To him she was Scully, trusted colleague and friend. It wasn't that he hadn't noticed she was beautiful- he had. But it just didn't affect him the way it might some other men. She was dressed in a loose white blouse and a wine- colored vest that matched her skirt that came up to just above her knees. He let his eyes linger over her a moment. She looked tired and weary, and it was misplaced. Her face should have had a thousand laughs on it. He marveled at his partner sometimes. She looked younger than her thirty years, but crystal blue eyes told the truth about her age. He watched her eyes glance at her coffee cup, and he smiled softly, getting up. He sauntered over to her, grabbing her cup nonchalantly off of the top of her computer. She watched him move out the door, and smiled. Mulder surprised her often, just little things he did that were sweet. Come to think of it, he had gotten her that coffee mug, for her birthday last February. It had been specially made. On the side was a little picture of a UFO, and the words "I Don't Want To Believe" on it. She had laughed with delight at the gift from her friend. Now she turned back to her computer, and sighed. Only a few more forms, but they could wait until tomorrow, couldn't they? She'd rather just go home. But Mulder was coming back in. He set her cup on the desk next to her, and smiled. "One cream, no sugar." She smiled. "Thanks. How much more do you have to do?" she asked, taking a sip. Scully had long since stopped wondering how her partner knew these things about her- it was just observation on his part. Fox Mulder was a tall, handsome man, with longish black hair that was usually unruly. His face could look incredibly thin, or round, depending on what angle you were at. His nose, just a hair too proud, was made up for by deeply intense brown eyes that showed emotion his face didn't. He had a medium frame, and was lanky in stance. Mulder wasn't extremely muscular, but not out of shape, with slight muscles in his arms. He was now dressed in a gray suit that hung off of his lean figure, and a white and black pin-stripe dress shirt with the cuffs rolled to his elbows, and the collar unbuttoned. His maroon tie with gray stripes was lost somewhere amid the clutter of the office. Mulder waited until he had collapsed in his chair before answering, "Just a few more. What about you?" She nodded in agreement. "I think I'm gonna call it a night- you?" He shrugged, and stood, downing the rest of his coffee with a long gulp. Mulder reached an arm over, and shut off his desk lamp. The only light was from the dimmed ones overhead and her computer screen, which gave off a blue radiance and reflected in her reading glasses. A moment later, that was gone, and he was helping her into her coat. His hands brushed the side of her neck lightly. Mulder's fingers were long and tapered, like a pianists. "Hey Mulder, you never played piano, did you?" she asked. He pulled her hair gently from out of the collar of her topcoat, and frowned slightly. "No, why?" She turned, and tossed her head back. "Just curious," she said, turning back around. She picked up her briefcase and waved her hand. "See you tomorrow, Mulder." "Yeah, bye, Scully." Mulder stood in the office for a few minutes after she left. Something told him he should stay. He was just getting ready to pull on his coat and leave when the fax machine beeped. He turned to it, and watched the sheets of paper roll out. Within fifteen minutes he was booking flights and reservations in L.A. for Scully and him. Mulder was doing the calculations when he shut the door. 3170 W. 53 Rd. #35 Annapolis, MD May 14, 1995 A ring sounded on Agent Dana Scully's phone. She moaned slightly, and rolled over in bed. The digital alarm clock read 1:16 AM. Its red numbers glowed in the darkness, but her eyes saw them as blurry figures. She needed to sleep... But the ring sounded again. It was as if the telephone were calling to her. "Urgeeeennt!" it screamed with its pestilent ring. She reached a slender arm out, and picked it up wearily. "Hello?" she mumbled, stifling a yawn. "Agent Scully," a male voice said. She recognized Assistant Director Skinner's voice, and sat up slightly. A chill ran down her spine. She leaned against the headboard. One hand clutched the comforter to her chest, the other gripped the phone tightly. "Yes," she said, surprised and more than concerned about the faltering tone in her voice. "This is Assistant Director Skinner," the voice continued. I know that, I know that- get to the point! "The reason I'm calling is- Agent Mulder's been in an accident." Scully froze, and her stomach turned. Mulder... "I'm sorry. He- he must have been asleep at the wheel. He hit the curb going eighty, and skidded into a tree. The car flipped over. We don't know about his condition yet..." She swallowed, and tried to still her breathing, simultaneously trying to listen to what Skinner had to say. But her thoughts kept returning. Not Mulder, please, not him. Before Scully understood what was going on, she was dressing. She slipped into a pair of jeans, and a light blue T-shirt. She moved in a daze around the apartment, finding her keys, her jacket. When she remembered that only a few hours ago, her partner had helped her into it, she felt something large and ominous stick in her throat. Didn't know about his condition. Didn't she, the medical doctor that she was, tell that to people who had dead relatives? Mulder couldn't be dead, though. She would feel it if Mulder was dead. She would feel it in the place deep inside her that seemed to be only half a person without him. She was vaguely aware of things, it seemed. Her nerve endings felt as if they had been rubbed raw, and her whole body was numb. She felt herself slip her gun into the pocket of her topcoat, and check to make sure she had her badge. It would probably be the only way she could get in to see him. As she was sitting in her car, trying to shove the keys in the ignition, she wondered if Skinner had called Mulder's parents. She had never met them, not even talked to them on the phone. Scully realized with a sudden start that she was being pessimistic. Maybe Mulder had a... a broken arm, or a bump on his head, and he'd be all right. We don't know about his condition, yet. She kept her futile effort to jam the keys in for a good five minutes, nonthinking. She wondered if Mulder had felt this way, when she had come back, when she had been found. Did he smile, and then immediately worry about her? Did he cry- no, Mulder didn't cry. He kept his secrets inside, and inside was where they stayed. She felt dizzy, and the world looked surreal. The quiet hum as she succeeded in starting the car, and the honks from other cars as she ran through red lights, or just stopped and stared at green ones, seemed far away, as if she was underwater. The lights of the ambulances, red and white, still flashing around reached her senses through a fog. She parked her car in the emergency section, and walked through a maze of people. The hospital was busy. She wandered through the sickly-smelling halls, until someone reached out and grabbed her arm. She turned, and saw Melissa. Her older sister had an expression that held the sorrows of the saints, her red head hung, her blue eyes saddened somewhat. "How did you get here?" Scully realized the words were out of her mouth though she couldn't remember thinking to ask the question. She saw her mother approach, and Skinner. It was he who answered her question. "I received the call at home- I didn't know your private number, and I reached your mother before I was able to reach you," he explained. His voice was subdued. Skinner was a tall, bald man with round spectacles, and a hard, edgy way about him. Even so, he had helped both her and Mulder a great deal. Skinner was an ally, instead of an enemy. "What about Mulder's parents?" Margaret asked. Scully watched her mother, with her long, wavy black hair, the small lines from both worrying and smiling, and the gray eyes that were like her eldest daughter's. "It's taken care of, Mrs. Scully," Skinner said in a husky voice. His face was slightly pale, but otherwise he was in total control of the situation. Melissa took Scully's hand into her own, and Scully found herself in a hard plastic chair. She looked over at her sister's melancholy face, and realized that she was the strong one. She couldn't start crying- Mulder was probably fine. And she certainly couldn't cry in front of all these people, for no good reason. "What happened- where is he?" she asked, calm finally reaching her voice although she was shaking on the inside. Skinner looked down at her, and slipped his glasses off, absentmindedly rubbing them. "He was brought a little over an hour ago. He's up in intensive care, but they won't let anyone in until his family arrives, and says it's OK, and the doctor won't talk to us." Scully stood, regaining her dignity, and rounding it off with a spurt of determination. "They'll let me in," she said, and walked towards the elevator. No one spoke a word. Scully moved calmly down the hall towards intensive care. It was more quiet then one might think, but then again, it was a Monday night. Most people were home asleep, preparing their brains and bodies for the next workday. Scully hesitated a moment, before pushing open the double doors. She glanced around the circular room. The sections designated as "rooms" were shut off from the rest of the world by a pair of heavy bluish drapes. Except for one in a corner of the room. She felt sick when she realized that Mulder was in the same room she had been in. A nurse walked up to her, and Scully smiled, recognizing her. "What are you doing here, Miss, say- don't I know you?" she asked. The tall nurse had short curly black hair, and dark skin, like chocolate, and there was a slight Southern twang to her words. Scully smiled. "I'm Dana Scully- you took care of me when I was in a coma here a few months ago." Nurse Wilkins smiled. "That's right. I remember you now. I remember what came tearing up in here after you. What're you doing here?" "I- my partner, Fox Mulder- he's been in a car accident, and they said I could find him up here." Her smile faded. "Oh, I'm sorry, Dana. Mulder- thought that name was familiar- he's right over here. I just got in, so I didn't get a chance to check on him," she said apologetically, leading the way across the small room. Scully followed, but each step seemed to take a year. What she really wanted to do was run. Run towards his room, pick up the chart, and find out what was happening. It took all of her self-control not to do just that. When she did reach Mulder's room, she bowed her head. He was hooked up to respirators and monitors. She stood beside him, and looked down. His skin was a grayish color, and he looked, in all senses, dead. Tentatively, she touched his forehead, brushing aside a stray piece of silky black hair. "He's comatose," Nurse Wilkins said behind her. Scully turned, and held her hand out to almost rip the chart out of the nurse's hands. "He suffered a concussion, and there was a bit of frontal lobe damage." "He won't remember how this happened when he wakes up," she said softly. She had experienced damage such as that herself, memories blurred and she found herself looking at a life that had changed after she had lost time. After she had lost a few months of her life. She skimmed the rest of his chart, and held her breath a moment. Her blue eyes were large and round as they stared at her partner. Her body trembled slightly, and she closed her eyes a moment, trying to picture Mulder the way he was. Beautiful, intelligent hazel eyes, soft smile, wry sense of humor. Soft black hair, big, gentle hands. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. To never see him like that again, to never look into those hazel eyes that both mocked her and praised her, like a teasing big brother's... "He could be this way forever." Scully sat in the hospital cafeteria. It was empty except for her, the walls a tan color. Immaculate white tables were set up. The cafeteria was closed, all the food put away. There wasn't even any coffee. But it didn't matter. She had to get away from all the people upstairs. Skinner, her mother, and Melissa were still upstairs. She had to think by herself for a while. What would she do without Mulder? He was like a part of her, two halves of a whole. What would she do if she never saw him again? She closed her eyes. He had been there for her, she had to be there for him. She had to keep her optimism high, or else he truly would be dead. She played with a coffee stir, flipping it over in her palm. He had brought her coffee only a few hours ago. A few hours ago he had smiled. "Yeah, bye Scully." She took a few deep breaths to keep from crying. Mulder couldn't die. He just couldn't. There were so many things he had to do yet. He had to find the truth, find his sister. She had to tell him things, how much she cared about him, as her partner, as her best friend. She realized vaguely that in all the time she and Mulder had been partners, there were a lot of things they hadn't done. They hadn't gone out for a cup of coffee together after work, she hadn't told him he was one of her best friends. And if he did revive, she knew that they probably would never do that. She hadn't gotten the chance to do things, yet. To kiss him, hug him, and say good-bye. She had to explain to him how important he was to her. That she would do anything if it would save him, that she had never felt that she would do anything for another human being. That she would die for someone else... A woman sat down across from her, and Scully was pulled from her reverie. The woman was young, in her late twenties, probably. She had long black hair that came to her elbows, dark green eyes, and a thin and shapely figure. She was dressed in a disposable aqua green shirt and pair of pants. The woman looked and Scully and smiled understandingly. "Who is it?" Scully looked up at her, startled. "Um, excuse me?" "Who are you here for? Your father, boyfriend, kid.." She smiled. "My friend. He was in a car accident." "I'm sorry. Is he all right?" Scully looked at her clasped hands. "He's in a coma. He might not come out," she said, wondering why she was chatting with a complete and total stranger. The woman smiled. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Jennifer, Jennifer Harmone. Nice to meet you..." "Dana Scully," Scully said, extending a hand. They shook hands, and Jennifer smiled. "I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Were you really close?" Scully nodded. "Yeah. But he's tough. He's been through something like this before, he'll make it," she said, with more confidence than she felt. Jennifer nodded. "Are you hungry or anything? I work here, and, don't take this the wrong way, but you look like you could use a little caffeine," she said helpfully. "Thanks, could I get a cup of coffee?" "Sure," Jennifer said, pleased. "So, what's your friend's name?" she asked, starting the coffee machine. "Mulder." "That his first name?" Jennifer asked. Scully smiled. "His first name's Fox, but he doesn't like being called that." "If I had a name like that, I'd go by my last name, too," she joked. "What happened was he not wearing a seatbelt, or something?" Scully shrugged. "I'm not sure. You know, it's funny, you never really realize how much someone means to you, until something like this happens. I mean, he's my friend, and I care a lot about him, and I don't think I ever told him," she said softly. "That can happen. You must have been really close. I know my friends wouldn't climb out of bed at two in the morning to visit me in the hospital," she said. The coffee started up, she came back, and sat across from Scully. "It shows you a lot about people, human nature in general. How did you meet him, can I ask?" Scully gave a crooked grin. "At work. I'm an FBI agent. He's my partner, still is. I remember the first time I saw him. I was only just out of the academy, not really experienced, and my superiors paired me up with him. He was working on a bunch of unsolved cases in a certain section of the Bureau they wanted to shut down. So they sent me to validate his work, see if this section was worth keeping around. A lot of other people might have hated being assigned to him, he's been known to have.... well, weird ideas. He believes in UFOs, things like that. But, he was more experienced, he's got a good reputation in the Violent Crimes section, so I didn't mind, not really. We didn't really like each other in the beginning. I was trying to make the best of what you might consider a bad situation, and he was making it as hard as possible, he had this smart- ass attitude in the beginning, it used to really piss me off. Our first case was a bunch of unexplained deaths- with the usual UFO things- small marks, objects found in the subject's nose. Things started making sense, things that were impossible started to fit into place. It scared me, still does. I mean, I'm a believer in science, in physical stuff, and this... it was impossible, unbelievable. It really challenged my ideals, everything I'd ever been taught," she explained. Scully's grin softened into a slight reminiscing smile. Nostalgia overtook her. "I remember- each victim had these marks, two twin marks on their lower backs, and I found two on my back. I asked him to check them out for me- I think I must have startled him, coming to his room in the middle of the night, wearing nothing but my underwear. Turned out to be mosquito bites, but it scared the hell out of me. He didn't trust me in the beginning, either. He knew I was there to, "spy" on him, and he wasn't taking any chances. He's got good roots for his beliefs, though. His sister disappeared when he was twelve. He underwent deep regression hypnosis- I've heard the tapes, and he thinks she was abducted by aliens, he has memories of a bright light, his sister crying for help..." Scully shrugged. "He's really nice. He's always been there for me. I was kidnapped, yes the saga continues," she joked, smiling when Jennifer quirked a perfectly arched black eyebrow. "I was kidnapped- missing for a few months. I don't have any memory of it though, where I was, what happened. But, I turned up in a hospital- comatose, no one knows how. He was there every day, my mom told me. He found my necklace- it's a cross I wear. He kept it with him all the months I was missing," she said, smiling. Jennifer nodded. "He sounds like a great guy, a good friend." "He is," Scully said, her smile fading, her voice dropping lower. "Oh! Coffee's done," Jennifer said, standing. She poured two cups, and looked over at Scully. "What do you take?" "One cream, no sugars," she said. Jennifer turned back, and then brought the coffee over. "Caffeine- doctor's best friend," she said. She took a sip of her coffee, and watched Scully. The two women downed their coffee in silence. When they were finished, Jennifer stood, smiling. "I'll pay this Mulder of yours a visit, maybe, when he's better. See if he's really everything you say. Do you know what time it is?" Jennifer asked, suddenly distressed. Scully glanced at her watch. She yawned. "It's almost three," she said. "I've got to go. I've got surgery in twenty minutes. I'll see you around, okay?" she said, standing. Scully nodded and smiled. "It was nice meeting you!" she called, as Jennifer disappeared into the back of the kitchen. Scully glanced at where the woman had sat. She realized that the woman had left a white sweater draped over the back of the chair. She stood quickly, and grabbed it, running to the door to the kitchen, in hopes to catch her. "Jennifer, you forgot-" No one in the kitchen. Scully looked around. There weren't even any doors in here. Only an open window. A black cat stood next to the window. It meowed at Scully, and then escaped, disappearing into the night. Scully felt a shiver run down her back, and set Jennifer's sweater on the counter where the cat had been. Unnerved, she walked out of the kitchen, and left the cafeteria altogether, feeling sick to her stomach. Scully entered her apartment a few hours later. She felt queasy, she had ever since seeing Mulder in the hospital. Something told her it wasn't just the stress that brought the dull ache. It had been a long night, and now she wanted to sleep, as the sun drifted over the horizon. Almost an hour later, Mulder's parents had shown up, to find Scully, Melissa and Margaret gathered in their son's room. There had been a little confusion, and some yelling, but Scully had taken them aside, and spoken to them. Mrs. Mulder had been a bit more forgiving, but Mr. Mulder's eyes had turned cold when he found out she was Mulder's partner. "What happened?" Mrs. Mulder asked. Scully stared at the older woman. She had snow white hair, was slim and slightly short in stature. Her face registered complete and absolute sadness, and Scully immediately felt for the woman. She had said good-bye to her baby girl, and now she might watch her son die. "He was in a car accident. He's in a coma, and- he could be this way forever," she said softly, her voice reserved. Mr. Mulder snorted. "Who are all these people- how did you get in here?" Scully's eyes went cold, as she stared at him. He was tall, with a face that had hardened to a mask over the years. His nose curved like a beak, and his gray eyes were those of a hunter's. His salt-and pepper hair was receding, and he reminded her a little of Deep Throat. "This is my mother, Margaret, and this is my sister, Melissa. They knew Mulder, also." Mr. Mulder seemed nonplused. "He isn't going to make it." "You can't think like that-" "He was always a weakling. Joined the FBI, and had to use a gun. Always sick when he was a kid, had that snide attitude. Didn't know how to make good judgments, and then he started spouting off that d*mned UFO crap. We should have put him away a long time ago," he complained. Scully took a step back, preparing to go on the defense for Mulder, but his mother took up the cause first. "Would you shut your Godd*mned mouth for once? You crazy old coot. You're the one we should have put away!" she exclaimed. Mrs. Mulder's voice wasn't equipped right for arguing, or yelling. She was a soft-spoken woman who didn't have the voice to yell. "Look, you're both reasonably upset, why don't you just go find a motel room, and let things cool down," Melissa said softly. Mr. Mulder snorted. "You don't even know what this is about. He wouldn't be such a weakling if he had lived with me. He'd be as strong and healthy as a horse. And he wouldn't be lying there in one of these d*mned comas with all your fancy equipment around him!" "You're divorced?" Scully asked smally. She wondered briefly how it must have been for Mulder. Had his parents always been this way? The older man's nostrils flared, and he stalked out of the room. Mrs. Mulder turned, and looked at her son, stroking his head fondly. "Yes, it happened about a year after Samantha disappeared. I got full custody of Fox. Good thing. Bill always blamed him for Samantha. He still does, I think. I'm sorry. He's usually not this bad." She paused, staring regretfully at her son. "How long have you and Fox been partners?" "Almost four years," Scully replied. She nodded. "Mulder almost never had contact with either of us. He's lucky to have someone like you. Most people would take it with a gasp, and then ignore it," she explained softly. At that point Scully had decided to leave. Now she sank onto her bed, and drew the blinds. She wanted to sleep, she needed sleep. But try as she might, she couldn't. It was probably better that way. She might not have found the note if she hadn't picked up her paper. Clad only in a robe and sleeveless white nightgown, she opened the door, and picked it up. A yellow post-it note was smeared across the paper, which had some hurried, scribbled writing on it. She squinted, and made out the words. Top right drawer. Mulder was murdered. On the back was a telephone number. It was Mulder's. She knew immediately what she had to do. Alexandria, VA May 14 Scully removed the key to Mulder's apartment from her purse. She was dressed in a pair of loose tan slacks, a blousy white shirt, and a tan blazer with matching heels and purse. Her long raincoat was undone, and it flew around her like a cape. His paper had been delivered that morning, but Scully found nothing in it. She opened the heavy oak door, and looked inside. The entire place had been turned topsy-turvey, things strewn about, pictures and files scattered on the floor. One of the glass panels in his coffee table was broken. She stepped around the glass shards, from both the table and shattered picture frames, making her way over to his computer. Her heels crunched into broken glass, and it sounded strange in the eerie silence that blanketed the apartment. She picked up the keyboard from the ground, and brushed the glass off of a gray swivel chair. She perched nervously on the edge, and opened the drawer nervously. in it was a small file folder. She tucked it under her arm, and stood. The crunch of glass behind made her freeze, though. Glad for the long raincoat, she pulled it around her, hoping the folder wouldn't slip from under her arm. When she turned, she was face to face with Mulder's father. His eyes were a cold gray, and they made her feel uneasy. "What are you doing- how did you get in here?" he asked, his voice rock hard. She mentally wondered if Mulder's father had been a cop. He sounded like he was interrogating a drug pusher. She took a deep breath. "I was coming to feed his fish, I have a key. I found the apartment like this," she said, trying to keep her voice even. It was difficult not to stammer under this man's cold gaze. She had used the fish- feeding line before, but Mr. Mulder wasn't buying it. "He won't need fish- he's dead. You're just prolonging a wasted life by keeping him on life support. Fish by God. Needs you and a little pet to keep him company," he muttered. Scully furrowed her brows. "Why don't you like him? He's your son," she asked softly. Mr. Mulder snorted. "I don't believe that he ever felt any blame for what happened to Samantha. Before or after. Oh he pretends. He keeps pictures of her around, he pretends he feels guilty, but he doesn't. "Family is very important, Miss Scully. Fox didn't believe that, though." "Yes he did!" She found herself defending him by nature. "Mulder always felt he was responsible for Samantha- " "Then why did he let her go? Why are you more important than her?" Scully stepped back, her brows furrowing. The middle of her thigh caught on the edge of Mulder's desk. "What are you talking about?" "When Samantha came back, when we finally thought we had found her, and that she wouldn't leave us again- he let them take her. He let that man kill her instead of you. He let them do that to her! "Why are you more important than my baby girl? What's so special about you that Fox would rather let her die than you?" "I- I don't know," she stuttered. She now knew where Mulder got his temper from. "Why are you more important to him than his own family?" the old man was yelling now. Scully stepped to the right, and slipped behind the man. "I don't know!" she said again, fleeing. What else could she do? She certainly couldn't change this man's mind. He had been bitter for far too long to know how to do anything else but blame. She hoped Mulder wasn't like that. Once she was home again, she opened the file. Three nights ago, a victim had been found in his Los Angeles flat, all the doors and windows locked, with no apparent cause of death. Three days earlier, another victim had been found, this one in her penthouse apartment, with a high tech laser security system. The cause of death was being listed as heart attack, although each victim was in top physical condition. In each case, the victim had been found near the phone, which was off the hook. Puzzling, intriguing, but what did this have to do with Mulder? She checked over the report again. It had been faxed to him by the Violent Crimes Section, around midnight last night. A thought occurred to Scully, and she was on the phone with the county sheriff's office in a minute getting details. Mulder's car had been found a few streets over from her apartment. The crash had occurred at around one-thirty in the morning. Mulder had been going about eighty, when he swerved, and hit the curb. The right tire blew out, and the car had gone into a spin, eventually wrapping itself around a tree. The sheriff promised a full report with pictures by noon. Scully sat in her kitchen, staring at the cheery wallpaper. It seemed so out of place, the sun shining brightly in a blue sky, the yellow wallpaper. It should have been a cold and dismal day. Her friend could die, there shouldn't be sunlight! So Mulder had been faxed a case. He'd gone home to pack, and was coming to inform her, when he'd met with disaster. She was working the scenario out in her head, trying to visualize her partner doing all these things, but all she saw was Mulder, lying invalid in a hospital bed, with no chance of life... Scully called the airport, and a minute later her fax machine was spitting out a list of all the names of people reserved for flights to LA. Mulder had two reserved for them on the two am flight this morning. She felt sick to her stomach, as she glanced at the clock. Only eleven. She went over the list of evidence in her head. Everything fit into place with her first theory. Mulder had gotten a fax from Violent Crimes, decided to take up the case, gone home, packed a few things, and rushed to come get her, resulting in his accident. Only two things didn't make sense- the first was the note saying Mulder was murdered. Why would his informant tip her off to a crime that wasn't committed? And the second was Mulder's apartment. He usually kept the place pretty neat, tidy, and there had been signs of a struggle in his apartment- broken glass, picture frames... It wouldn't have been the first time an informant had given them the wrong information. Deep Throat, a person she trusted more than Mr. X, had done that. Mulder might have blown the bulb in his apartment, and was stumbling around in the dark. She felt sick to her stomach, and she wanted to go back to the hospital. Maybe if she talked to Mulder, it would become clear to her. When she reached Mulder's room, she saw three members of the Lone Gunmen hanging around. Frohike smiled softly at her a moment, and then his face returned to solemn as he stared at Mulder. Scully watched. The room was getting considerably crowded. Mulder's mother was sitting next to her son, on hand clasping his. Margaret sat in a hard plastic chair, her hands clasped in front of her. Melissa stood at Mulder's left side, holding a crystal over the center of his chest. Scully furrowed her brows, and whispered to her mother. "What's she doing?" Margaret looked up. "I don't know. She thinks she can reach him through that crystal," she said skeptically, getting up. Margaret walked over to where Mrs. Mulder sat, staring at her son. "Why don't you come with me, we can get something to eat. You've been up all night," she said gently. Mrs. Mulder looked up, her eyes noncomprehending, and then followed Margaret. Scully took up residence in her chair, and stared at Mulder. Byers stood in the doorway, tall and silent. He had thick brown hair, and a thick brown mustache. Langy leaned against the door. His long scraggly blond hair hung into his eyes. Thick glasses with black frames rested on his face. Frohike stood at the foot of Mulder's bed, hands clasped in front of him. "Mulder says hi," Melissa said solemnly. Scully pursed her lips. "There would have been a change in his brainwaves," she said. Melissa tilted her head, and looked at Mulder's face. "That's what he said when you were in his place." She shook her head. "Mulder didn't- doesn't have a skeptic bone in his body," she said. The slip to past tense in her voice made her stomach flip. He's not dead, he's not dead... "You can feel his spirit here," Melissa continued. She placed a hand a few inches above Mulder's chest. In the darkness, Mulder felt something. He was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. But it was dark. A dull gray light shone in the distance, but it was far away. Then suddenly, he felt something. A pinprick in his chest, a tugging, a pulling. He glanced down. Something warm inside. Warm and desperate. Two tiny points of light were there. A moment later a third joined them. Then a fourth and a fifth. Mulder smiled. It was cold here, and the small lights were warming him, and at the same time imploring him. He glanced at the gray light in the distance. If he could reach it, if he could stand under that gray light, he would be warm. And it was so cold. He took a step, and seemed a world nearer to the light. Another step, and another. Walking towards the light, urged on by the warmth. Go to it, return to us... A pinpoint left. Another backed off, and a third and fourth. Only one beam stayed there, but it wasn't enough to make him move. And then that winked out and was gone. Scully sat back down in the chair. "Um, can you all give me a minute alone with him?" she asked softly. Frohike backed off, nodding his head in almost a bow, and left. Langy followed. "You wanna go get a cup of coffee?" Byers asked. Melissa turned to look at him, and then back at her sister. "I'll be all right, go," she said. When they had left her alone, Scully shut the "door". Mulder had his own "room" blocked off to the rest of them, and sh was completely alone. Scully stared at her partner. A swelling purple bruise was stamped across his forehead, lined by two small scratches on his right cheek. Wires were in his arm, and he was breathing through force. His heart rate stayed normal. Beep, a few seconds, another beep. His brainwaves remained monotone. She touched the bruise at his head, and stared at the monitor. No reaction. then she took his hand. She glanced at his fingers. Less than twenty-four hours ago she had asked him if he'd played the piano. Now those soft hands that looked as skilled as a musicians were still, and the thought that they might never move again left her cold. She held his hand in her own, entwining their fingers. "You can't leave me like this, Mulder. You can't do this. I don't know if you can hear me, but don't leave. I need you, and you can't leave me," she said. She reached their hands up, and kissed the back of his. "You have to come back, and you have to do it soon." She closed her eyes, and rubbed his hand against her face, as if she could transfer the warmth and life into him, and he would wake up. He didn't, of course. Scully wandered through the parking garage, trying to remember where she had parked her car. She kept feeling sick though, and it wasn't just emotional sickness. It was a swelling pain that drifted throughout her stomach, and gnawed at her insides. She paused by a post, resting against one side. A dark black sedan pulled up, and the door opened in front of her. "Agent Scully," a male voice said. It was deep and even, and she knew immediately who it belonged to. She squinted, trying to see the face of the driver in the dim lights. She crawled into the car, and shut the door. The car did a 180 degree turn, and parked behind a storage room. The driver set the car in park, and turned to her. Mr. X was seated in the driver's seat, cool and calm. His dark skin seemed to make him fit right in the shadows, the slightly receding hair scrunched and curled, and the beginnings of a beard looked greasy. Scully began. "What do you mean Mulder was murdered? There's nothing to suggest-" A tape was shoved in the car stereo. "911 Operator, may I help you?" "Yes, I'd like to report a disturbance." "Okay ma'am, where are you?" "I'm at twenty-six Scott street, apartment 41. There's been some shouts across the hall, and I think I heard a gun go off." The tape came out, and was reinserted in the dark black trenchcoat he wore. "Did you get the file?" "Yes," she replied. "I still don't understand why you said he was murdered. All evidence, save the report and the shape his apartment was in leads to a different conclusion. He got a file, went home, packed, and was on his way to tell me when he got in the accident- there were two seats reserved under his name on a two am flight to L.A." Dark eyes narrowed. "Why would he leave that file in the top drawer of his apartment, then?" Scully paused. "There are too many loopholes in your theory, Agent Scully." "I don't care if he was murdered- it doesn't matter finding the killer to me. I just want him to be all right!" she exclaimed. Mr. X was still a moment. He turned his head out the window, and the silence was terrifying. When he turned back, his expression had changed. "The only way you can help him is through her. Her name is Penelope Melicin. The last numbers dialed on all the phones was hers. It's dangerous, though. She's a computer analyst. Agent Mulder was trying to protect you. He was trying to warn you. There are certain people who do not want you to investigate this situation. Melicin has achieved something called SIVR. Because of your background, you might be able to convince her to use it to save Mulder's life." "How?" "You'll have to find that out for yourself." "Thank you," Scully said softly. Mr. X merely blinked, as she stood, and got out of the car. "Watch your back, Agent Scully. You're pursuing a deadly lead. If you're not careful, you could end up just like Agent Mulder." His last words followed her all the way to her car. "Or worse." Los Angeles May 14 12:12 AM Penelope turned in her seat, and sighed heavily. No one there. She had been getting kind of paranoid these days. She had been paranoid about everything ever since discovering SIVR. She slipped her VR glasses onto the top of her head, one long leg dangling over the side of the swivel chair. The phone beside her rang. "Penelope," the voice came. It was hinted with an English accent, and had arrogance she hated. "What do you want, Sandar?" she said, trying her best to edge her voice with malice, although she could carry out no threat. Penelope had found Russell Sandar sitting in her apartment one night, appointing himself her new contact to the real project leaders, as if she wanted one in the first place. Sandar was suave and tactless. Penelope couldn't stand him, but she had to trust him. Graham trusted him, and he was usually a good judge of character. Whereas Dr. Burnstein had been tolerable, had actually cared about her, or at least about making sure she didn't end up like him, Sandar could care less about giving her the knowledge to do anything. Like Burnstein, she knew he was expendable. He didn't really know what was going on, either. Penelope wondered how she could be at the center of a secret project, and not know the secret. She could almost see Sandar smirking on the other end of the phone. "Touchy, aren't we? Is it that time?" She seethed, trying to hold back her anger. She hated it when people could do the littlest things to tick her off, and it would immediately get on her nerves. Sandar had that ability, and used it to his fullest advantage. "Shut-up, just tell me why you're calling me at midnight and preventing me from doing other things." Sandar snorted, "Like you've got so many other things to do- playing on your computer." Penelope closed her eyes. One day she was going to send this guy into SIVR, where he'd be suspended over a pit of half-starved crocodiles. The thought left her smiling. "Get to the point, Russell." "How touching, she called me by my first name- tell me, am I allowed to use your given-name?" he said sarcastically. Everything about Sandar was razors laced with poison and sarcasm, and tonight he was being especially moody towards her. "Sandar, what do you want?" she asked, a whining note creeping into her voice. He sniffed. "Well, I wouldn't like to be the cause of a woman whining- can't stand those clingy types-" "Sandar!" "Yes, definitely that time of the month. Well, I just called to inform you that there is a woman flying out from Washington D.C., who'll be there to talk to you first thing in the morning," he said snootily. "Who is she?" "An FBI Agent. She's going to ask you about SIVR. You will tell her nothing." "Whoa, whoa, whoa! FBI? Why is she coming out here?" "The answer is tragic- several of those involved in Project Mammalia exterminated her partner- he's comatose. Someone told her about your project, she thinks you might be able to help bring him back." Penelope shook her head. "I can't bring people out of comas-" "You're not even going to talk to this woman, do you understand? As far as you know, there is no SIVR. There is no Project." Penelope swallowed. "But-" "Her partner is a renegade, he's been like that for a long time- a loose cannon. He received information about your precious SIVR, and was coming to check it out with his partner. We wished him exterminated, hence it happened." "Does she know the what they did?" "She knows someone did something to her partner, but she knows nothing of Project Mammalia or SIVR- it's just a term to her, and it is to remain that way, understand?" Penelope bit her bottom lip. "Why is she coming out here then?" The arrogance was one hundred percent in Sandar's next words, "I don't know, loyalty, something like that. Maybe she was sleeping with him. Inter-office relationships are all to often in today's society. You'd think these people couldn't go out and find their own mates." She blinked, and her heart went out to the woman she didn't even know. She had lost people close to her, and she immediately felt sorry for the woman. "Penelope, don't even think about it," Sandar said, as if he could read her mind. "You will say nothing to her, show no sign you know her, or SIVR or anything else she mentions to you. You're Penelope Melicin. No, you don't know anything about SIVR. No, you can't help her. No you can't help her," he repeated, as if to make sure that last line remained firm in Penelope's head. A click and dial tone ran in her ear, and she set the phone back on the jack. Surviving in the project meant turning your back on people. No matter how much your heart protested you help. Your feelings didn't count, your life did. The next question Penelope asked herself scared her. What's the purpose of life if you're not allowed to feel? Washington, D.C. 1:07 PM Scully dropped by the police department to pick up the file. The sheriff, a tall blond woman with a pleasant expression, didn't give Scully any trouble. It was okay. She needed time to prepare for her next battle. Once in the safety of her apartment, she tore open the file, and began rummaging through it. The file didn't say anything interesting. The car had been found wrapped around the tree, there were pictures to go with it. Something about the picture of his car was wriggling at the back of her mind. A detail she was missing. She glanced at a picture of the backseat of the car. Something she was missing... But the more she studied it, the more it bothered her. There was something wrong. She glanced again at the backseat, and then finally noted it. On the white middle leather seating of the Sedan, there were several tiny holes, with pinpoints of yellow fabric coming through. Mulder usually took care of his car, his things, and she had ridden in his car hundreds of times before, and never noticed these holes. Only the windshield had been shattered, and there was no glass on the seat, save for a few fragments on the floor- but their edges were two big to make these paired holes. Five to be precise. Five lined in a half-circular pattern on one side, another half-circle to the rear, and two more on the other side. If she hadn't known better, she could have sworn they were cat claw marks. She took the other picture again, and realized what was wrong with it. The back window was rolled halfway down. Why would he have the window down? It meant something, she was sure of it. If only Mulder was here, he could help her. He would be able to pick up the connection where she'd left off. She yearned for him now, as a partner, as someone with more experience who might be able to help her decipher this bizarre mystery. Scully glanced at her watch. It was close to one, and she had to see Skinner. God only knew what he'd have to say about this. "Sir," she mumbled. Scully stood in the doorway of Assistant Director Skinner's tan office. She hated the way this place always reminded her of the principal's office. She clasped her hands in front of her, and waited for his recognition of her presence. When it did not come, she said a bit louder, "Sir?" Skinner put his pen down, and looked at the doorway, his eyes questioning her. "Your secretary told me to wait until she'd finished her lunch break, but I couldn't, sir, it's urgent." "Have a seat." Halfway there, he began to talk. "You went AWOL this morning, Agent Scully." "Yes, sir, I know. I had forgotten to call in sick under the circumstances," she said softly. This was not what she wanted to discuss. "Which are?" She paused. He knew what the circumstances were. "Agent Mulder's car accident last night. I came directly from my house, and I didn't get any sleep last night." He nodded, and picked up his pen again. "Sir, that's not what I came here to talk to you about. I've requested assignment on a case Agent Mulder picked up before his accident." Skinner dropped the pen. "I wanted to ask your immediate consent, if possible," she said humbly, but firmly. Like her father had taught her to speak when she wanted to express her opinion to her meanest teacher, as politely as she could. Skinner steepled his fingers, and stared at her through thin round spectacles. "I'm sorry, Agent Scully, but under the circumstances, I don't feel I should authorize your investigation." "With respect, sir, why?" He sighed, and leaned back in the chair. "Agent Scully- Dana, I know that Mulder's accident has upset you, but I can't justify sending you into the field, when I don't think you're emotionally stable enough to do so. You said before you were too upset to call in with your leave of absence, and that you didn't get any sleep last night. I'm not asking you now, I'm ordering you, to take some time. I know you and Mulder are close- just how close I'm not sure, but I don't think you should be working just yet," he said, his voice quiet and reserved. Funny, she thought, Mulder had told her the same thing, well almost the same thing, when her father died. She stared at the mahogany desk in front of her for a moment, reassuring herself. Mulder's not dead. He's alive, he can live. The more she told herself this the bigger the lump in her throat. She couldn't swallow it, and she stood, moving with all her care and grace to the door. Dana was very proud of herself. She didn't feel tears well up until she was safely in Mulder's office. The entire place reminded her of him, of his mission, of his ideas. And she knew she had to get him back, no matter what. 8:03 PM Scully visited Mulder that night, to say good-bye. No one was there, thank God, and she was alone with him. She drew the curtain, and stood over his bedside. She frowned as she went over his face in her mind. She was trying to keep it there, to reinforce herself if she dare question why she was doing this. She had to do this, for him. He would have done the same for her, or more. The frown deepened when she looked at the scratch marks. They weren't deep, and there were no other marks on his face. Glass would have hit deeper into his face. And these marks were close together, and scabbing. They would leave a small mark, if any at all. It looked almost as if someone had scratched him. She sighed, and decided to ignore it for now. She rubbed his face with her palm softly. "I'm sorry, Mulder," she whispered. "I'll be back. Don't worry, I'm doing everything I can. Just hang in there, please, for me." She rubbed his cheek softly, and then bent her head over, and gently kissed his forehead. "Trust me, Mulder. I'll do whatever I can," she whispered, against his forehead, as if to commit her words to his memory. She pulled her hand down his neck, resting it lightly at the top of his chest, just over his heart, as she erected her form. "I promise, Mulder. I'll get you out of this." Those were her last words as she left. Mulder stood in the blackness. He was confused. So far he had been heading towards the gray light, the only light he saw, but now, he saw another one. Far in the distance, there was a golden light, shining with a radiance that illuminated the blackness a bit. He could even feel a little bit of its immense warmth standing where he was in the dark. But it was in the opposite direction of the gray he'd been heading for. Now he felt a warm feeling in his chest, more powerful than the pinpoints of before. "Trust me Mulder," the words floated from space, and echoed in the void. A soft voice, a voice he knew from before, from wherever he was before he had heard it. He tried to remember. He tried to bring a face to the voice, but he couldn't. But the person was the same person that had brought him this warmth. That person was a friend. "I'll do whatever I can," the voice said again. He believed it. This person would help him escape this dark place. But which way to go? His body felt incredibly warm, not only from the brighter light, but from the inner warmth the voice gave to him. He was thriving on it, glowing in its brightness. It was sustaining him in a cold place where hope was lost. A lot of people had been in this cold place. And they had faded before they ever reached the light. Not many had passed into that gray light, even though it was the closest. Would he be warm in that gray light? Would he be as warm there as he would be in the golden light. He didn't know, and he wanted direction. "Help me!" he called, hoping the voice could hear. His words echoed all around. "Where do I go? Where are you?" he asked. Silence answered him, and the golden light was fading. He took a step into the darkness. "Where are you?" he cried. But no one could answer him. With the warmth from the fading light, he turned and took a step. He wanted to talk to the person. He had to talk to that person. A part of him knew that she was the only one who could help him. Scully felt sick on the flight, the same terrible sickness she had felt in the parking garage. She usually didn't get air sick- quite the opposite, it was usually her partner who fared ill during traveling. The thought of him brought a new twist into her stomach. She leaned back in the seat, and wondered what was wrong with her. Nervousness, she told herself. Scully had told no one of the journey she was going to embark on. It was usually her partner who broke security rules, Skinner's rules, everyone's rules. Not her. She usually tried to keep him in line. Breaking rules was strange and oddly exciting to her. She stared out the window into the darkness of the sky, aware that she was burning a bridge she would rather have not. But her reason couldn't have been more important, or as imperative. Her thoughts gradually returned to the mystery posed by Mulder's car, the 911 call and his trashed apartment. She wished she would have gotten a better look around Mulder's apartment. There might be valuable clues there, as to who had done this to him. She didn't want revenge, but now she was watching to make sure they didn't do the same to her. Mr. X had said it was a deadly lead, and that Mulder had been trying to protect her from ending up like him. The car, with the tiny scratches like the ones on his face, and the window half down. She wondered if maybe his death had been accidental after all. What if a cat had found its way into his car, and had distracted him from the road? It was the most plausible theory, but plausibility had its holes. Why the 911 call? Why the trashed apartment? She had tried to get information on Penelope Melicin, but it was as if her whole life was classified. No information on her parents, nothing about her discovery of SIVR, whatever that was. All she found was that her father had perished in a car accident, all information on the dates was unclear. Penelope Melicin was a computer analyst for only about a month or so, her mother was in a nursing home, her father tried to kill her. The reason for that was unclear, too. Penelope's life was a bunch of holes. She'd never been in trouble with the law, she lived in an apartment in L.A. Her computer referenced VR as a common term for Virtual Reality, and it stated that SIVR did not exist. Great, she thought sarcastically. Mr. X was sending her to some computer junkie who'd discovered SIVR. How was THAT supposed to help Mulder? She'd had her computer cross-reference everything twice, but virtual reality was the only term it could come up with for VR. Don't turn skeptical yet, Dana, she calmed herself. You still have to try it- for Mulder's sake. But she couldn't help her disbelief that this Penelope Melicin could in any way help her partner. What was virtual reality going to do for him? Would he even respond to it? Scully tried to stop her skeptical thinking for once. If she was skeptical, Penelope might not help her, if she was even going to help her in the first place. The thrum of the engines in her ears became a drone as she dozed off to sleep. Scully was in a field. A wide green field that stretched into eternity. She blinked, and saw the small round gray headstones. A cemetery. She was standing in front of two graves that seemed set apart, solitary on this large hill. One read her name. Dana Katherine Scully 1964-1995. The other was Mulder's. ÷ Fox William Mulder 1961- 1995. But she wasn't upset about seeing her tombstone, or his. She felt detached from all of it, as if she knew it was a dream. She reached out and ran her hand down the curved path of the tombstone. It was hard, and cold under her touch. It was real enough. She knelt in the grass between their graves. She felt the grass near hers, and gasped as she almost fell in. It was almost like a trap, a trap she was going to fall into, literally. She pushed on Mulder's grave, but it didn't fall in like hers. It was hard and even. The grass was wet from cool spring dew, and her bare feet slid into it. It was then she realized she was dressed in a long black dress. It wasn't like a mourning dress, though. If it was, she'd have black lace, a hat, a veil. It was more like the kind of dress you'd wear to a fancy party. She glanced at the sky. It was bleak and gray. She lay down over Mulder's grave, feeling the dew soak the back of her dress. It was peaceful, comfortable here. "I need you," the voice whispered. It spoke in her ear, and it sounded like it had come from his tombstone. She rolled onto her stomach, and traced the letters of her partner's name with her index finger. "I need you, Dana," the voice repeated. The tombstone vibrated under her touch. "I need you to help me," he called. She felt the earth split open underneath her. "I need you." Blackness was underneath her. But Mulder was there. Mulder needed her. She had to come. She wedged her body between the crack in the earth, sliding past the brown earth, until she came to the edge of the darkness. She felt a little like Skywoman, in the ancient Iroquois legend about the woman who dug under a tree until she fell into another world. But no one had summoned Skywoman. Mulder needed her, she had to go. "I'm coming, I'm coming," she said, pushing herself down in the small crack. Dirt rubbed against her skin, but she could see the darkness beneath her. His voice echoed up. "Come to me, Dana. I need you." She paused. There was something wrong with it now. There was a hunger in it, a desperate need she knew she could never fulfill for him. "I need you," he begged. Something in his voice became raw, and she felt herself being tugged downward by unseen hands. "I can't- I can't!" she cried, pulling at the ground above her, clawing at roots and grass and dirt. Anything to escape that dark hole where she wouldn't be herself, she would be someone, something else. That was her greatest fear. She had gone through an identity crisis, where she didn't know where she fit in, who she belonged with once. It had been the most depressing period in her life. Dana had been incredibly advanced for her years. On her thirteenth birthday, she could remember that she had been terribly depressed, and that she had cried because she didn't feel her life was worth living. Because she didn't belong anywhere, and she most needed to belong someplace. It had taken her a long time to realize who she was and once she had found that, she knew that she could never be anyone else. Facades were hard and straining to carry on, and she didn't want to play them. But the voice was begging her, pleading for her to be the person it needed. Dana stared at gray sky above, reaching for daylight... Sculy awoke with a start on the plane. She lashed out at everything around her on the plane, upsetting the file that had been tilting precariously on the arm of the seat. She looked over, and wondered briefly where Mulder was. Memory hit her hard, shoving her headlong back into reality. The car accident, the phone call, the scratch. She scowled and looked out the window. What was it about those scratches that made her mind keep returning to them? There was certainly nothing unusual about a person getting scratches in a car accident, and maybe there had been some glass that made the pinpoints in the seat. But the glass pieces had thick sharp edges, her mind told her. Then what was it? There was some kind of connection that she was missing. She needed the one piece that would make the entire thing make sense to her mind. She wondered if they had found any cat hairs in the car, and made a mental not to call the garage when she reached L.A. That thought brought her back to Penelope Melicin. Who was this woman? She had been born in 1966, so that made her twenty-eight, but, what could a computer analyst do to help bring him out of a coma? She stared out the darkened window, and wondered about the varasity of her own claims. Mr. X had told her she was on a dangerous lead, and that her partner had been trying to protect her. If that was os, where did it leave her, going to L.A. instead of staying, to make sure no one tried to make him stay silent- for good. What good would it do even if Melicin ended up having something that would help him? By the time she brought it back, and used it on him, it might be too late. Time is of the essence, she realized, staring out over the dark night. She fixed her watch on California time, and wondered how she was going to make it the next few hours. The nightmare had frightened her beyond belief, but she couldn't remember what it had been about. The unknown scared her the most and if she couldn't even remember what the nightmare ad been about, it must have been particularly horrible. So horrible that she'd rather face the unknown than the monster that had been pulling at her in her dreams. She wondered if this was what it was like for Mulder. To have a nightmare so terrible that you didn't want to go back to sleep for fear you would have to face that monster, your own demon that knew your thoughts and fears, and used them against you. She had never experienced a dream like this before, and now she was positive she didn't want to do it again. Scully wondered if Mulder felt this way. She wondered if he woke from nightmares like this, covered in sweat, running from the monster. And then he had to face the horrible reality that his monster was still out there, and that it had his sister. She hoped he didn't wake up like this in the hospital. Penelope awoke around seven to the sound of a knocking on her door. It was polite, not banging, but loud enough to rouse her from sleep. She stretched, and rubbed the kink in her neck. She had spent the night curled in the gray swivel executive chair, and her body ached over. Her head hurt, and she stayed still a moment. But the knocking was persistent- whoever was there wasn't going to go away. Penelope furrowed her brows, and called out in a hoarse voice, "I'm coming." She cleared her throat and stood, twisting half of her body around, and stretching. She stifled a yawn, and glanced down at her rumpled gray sweat pants and undershirt. If it's anyone important, they deserve finding me looking like this, for waking me up this early. She opened the door a crack, and looked out. A short woman with hair that looked like gold on fire stood in the door. She was dressed in a tan suit, and her hair was mussed slightly. Penelope could tell from the makeup that tried to conceal heavy bags under her eyes that the woman hadn't slept a wink last night. She did a mental check, before she remembered what Sandar had told her about an FBI agent coming to see her. She also remembered what else Sandar had told her. Penelope wondered if tears had kept this woman awake last night. If he had been her lover, it would be terrible to lose him like this. "Penelope Melicin?" she asked. Her voice was cold, and detached; impersonal. A business-like tone for a woman on a mission of mercy. Penelope opened the door wider and said, "Yes?" "I'm Special Agent Dana Scully, I'm with the FBI, I'd like to ask you a few questions." Sandar's face haunted her for a minute, before Penelope opened the door wide. "Sure, come in. What's this all about?" "Do you know anything about SIVR?" Scully asked. Her heart thundered in her ears. If Mr. X had sent her out here for nothing- if Mulder was gone when she got back... Penelope licked her lips, and stared into the older woman's crystal blue eyes. They looked at her in almost a silent plea. "Why?" she asked, stalling. She had to find a piece of paper. She had to find some way to talk without being heard. She couldn't turn her back on this woman, no matter what Sandar said. "It's essential to a case I'm working on, Ms. Melicin. An FBI agent was almost killed back in Washington, and we understand that SIVR may have something to do with it," Scully said, trying to sound as professional as she could. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a computer system to outdo all PCs. It had several monitors, mouses, keyboards, everything. Penelope clicked a ballpoint pen, and wrote furiously a minute, while Scully eyed the black glasses that were too large for a woman or a man's face, and black gloves. Penelope turned back, folded the paper, and gave it to Scully. "I'm sorry, Agent Scully, I've never heard of the term," she said, handing the yellow sheet to the agent, and winking. "I wish I could have been of more assistance." Scully read the note, and then searched the younger woman's eyes a moment, and nodded. "It's all right, Ms. Melicin," she said absentmindedly. "If you do come into knowledge about it, please call me," she said, scribbling the hotel address and phone number on the back of the piece of paper, and shoving it in Penelope's face. Penelope nodded. "All right, good-bye." A fake enough closing. She only hoped she was as good an actress that Sandar would believe it. An hour later, Scully waited in her hotel room. Penelope had said she would meet her there, but Scully didn't like waiting. All she could think about was the time Mulder was losing while Penelope was taking too long. After waking up from a coma herself, she felt as if she had lost a bit of her life, and she never wanted to feel that way again. Someone had taken something from her that she could never get back. She sprawled on the bed, yawning. Sleep hadn't come over her after her nightmare on the plane, and she was desperately tired. The phone beside her bed rang. She stared at the stucco ceiling, hearing the long ring. It reminded her of the phone call she had gotten in the middle of the night. Scully realized she was going to wear herself out, running around, getting no sleep. She contemplated for a moment why she was even out here in L.A. She was disobeying Skinner's direct orders- she must be crazy. Maybe it was stress, or lack of sleep... No, it wasn't any of those things. Mulder needed her help, and she wasn't going to let him down. She couldn't let him down. That was unthinkable. He wouldn't desert her when she needed him- he would do anything for her, and she couldn't turn her back on him. Scully sighed, and listened to another ring. She remembered when she had told Mulder that he was the only person she would risk her job for. He knew her job meant a great deal to her, and she thought it was time she proved what she had earlier professed. She glanced at the white phone that seemed to shake with the force of the ring. She reached over, her hand on the receiver of the white hotel phone. She picked it up hesitantly, and pressed it to her ear. "Hello?" A small click, and then Scully saw swirls. Everything was spinning around her, purple and gray, and blue and pink, there was no hotel room, just this spinning tornado. She felt as if she was in the middle of a DNA double helix, staring out. Everything had a silicon feel to it, too smooth, and too perfect. She was twisting around in this place, feeling like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. But she was rushing, hurrying someplace, and something told her she wouldn't float. She wasn't falling, she was surging, towards a world that was strange and exciting, and incredibly new. A place where anything and everything could and would happen.... She felt her breath give way, and when she blinked she saw the world around her. It was the hotel room, still, but it was different from the hotel room. Everything looked charged, as if it had an inner electric energy of its own. She looked around the room, and saw the mirror on the wall catch her reflection. She looked different somehow. Her hair was brighter, her eyes looked different. She was scaring herself. What was this place? What had happened? "Who are you?" a familiar voice asked. Scully turned around, and saw the lax woman. Penelope was pleased with the way she looked. Her gray sweats and matching undershirt told her that Scully hadn't made any assumptions about her, or formed an opinion. She repeated the question, "Who are you?" "I'm Dana Scully. Where are we?" "I don't know yet. Why did you ask me about SIVR?" "My friend- Fox Mulder was almost killed. He's in a coma in Washington. Someone told me you could help him," she disclosed. Penelope frowned. "How am I going to use SIVR to help him?" "I don't know. My contact told me you could help him though using SIVR." "I could contact him through SIVR. But it probably wouldn't bring him out of the coma." Scully's face fell, and she turned back to the motel bed. But instead of seeing it, she saw a hospital bed there. Mulder lay in it, the monitors beeping. "I need you to help him. Please, you're my only chance," Scully begged. Penelope bowed her head. "I'm sorry about your friend. I can try to help him through VR, but it might not work." "Why not? What is SIVR anyway?" "It's what you're in right now. Do you know about the Project?" "No." "Was your contact from the Project?" "I don't know- I don't know what the Project is." "You came here to see if I could help your friend, but there's something else surrounding this situation." "I have suspicions he may have been murdered." "Why?" "The government has been trying to get rid of him. He's a loose end, he's seen a lot- with his knowledge, with his proof, he could go public..." "I understand." "What is the Project?" "Two top secret projects. My contact is from a ring of leaders that control both. I don't know that much about them. They told me not to talk to you." "Why?" "I don't know." "Will you help me?" "Why should I?" Scully stared at the younger woman. "I need your help. I'm not going to let them do this to him. I can't." She stopped and searched for words. How could she explain that Penelope was her only hope? How could she tell her what Mulder's friendship meant to her, and how she had to save him? "Is there any chance at all you can help him?" "Help him how?" "I don't know." "You want me to bring him into VR, and help him. I need to know about things." "What things?" "What's your relationship with him like?" Scully paused. The thought that Mulder might not be fighting to live shook her. "We're friends, very good friends." "It sounds like there's more," Penelope dared. Her eyes shone electric blue, and her hair was so blond it was almost white. "I can't explain my relationship with Mulder. How will you bring him into SIVR? How did you bring me in?" "I did it through my computer. SIVR is virtual reality. I don't know how I brought you in, I don't know how I bring anyone in. I just do it." "How can you bring him in if he doesn't have a body- if he isn't conscious?" "I bring people's subconscious in. When you get back, you'll only have a subconscious implant of what happened- you'll know somewhere in your mind that this happened." "Will you remember?" Penelope nodded. "Perfectly." Scully looked away, and went to the side of Mulder's bed. She stared down at him. The three small scratches stood cherry red on his forehead. "You can get clues from your own subconscious," the younger woman said from behind her. Scully sat on the edge of the bed, nodding to her. She reached up, and touched his forehead. Those scratches, why were they so bright, against a face that was pale in comparison. She wished he'd open his eyes. She would give anything now to see hazel eyes looking up at her. She rested a hand on his chest, over his heart, willing it to beat on its own without the help of the machines that surrounded him, and knowing her touch couldn't do that. No matter how much she prayed it could. "Can you help him? Is there a chance you can bring him back from wherever he is?" Penelope's voice was subdued. "I don't know. If he's in such a condition, I may not be able to reach him at all." "Does that mean you'll try?" she asked the younger woman, hopefully. "I'll do what I can. My friend is on his way over to see you. After you leave here, you won't remember any of this. He'll explain what I told you, and call me with Fox's number." Scully turned, and shook her head. "Don't call him that. He hates that name. Call him Mulder." Penelope nodded. "I will. Is there anything he's afraid of? I need to know, so I can recognize it when I'm in VR with him." She glanced at her partner's bleak and unemotioned face. "His sister disappeared when he was twelve. Mulder, well, Mulder thinks she was abducted by aliens. I know it sounds silly, but he believes in that type of thing, it's like a religion for him." Something bubbled in Penelope, and she fought to keep it down. "Do you think it's silly?" She shook her head. "No. He's the most dedicated person I've ever seen. He still believes she's alive," Scully explained. Pain was clear across her face, as well as in her body. Penelope understood that pain, and a part of her knew she'd understand Mulder's as well- she had lost her father and mother. "What's her name?" "Samantha." "Does he have a reason, is there a reason I can give him if he tells me he doesn't want to live?" "He will want to live. He has to come back. He has to find her," Scully said simply. Penelope nodded. "Is there anything you want me to tell him for you, when I'm in VR with him?" "Tell him he has to come back, because I need him, and because Samantha needs him. Tell him I'm doing everything I can to find out who did this to him." "Anything else?" Scully bit back something, Penelope could tell. "No, just tell him to come home." Penelope nodded, and reached out to brush a strand of black silky hair from Mulder's forehead. Her hand crackled fire lightning, and she found herself back in her apartment. She slipped her VR goggles and gloves off, and typed in a new landscape. Mulder's Dream. Wherever that was, it was his territory, and he controlled it there. That would probably be best. From what Penelope had gathered, he was a pretty stable guy. Not like some other people whose minds she'd gone into. Penelope reclined and waited for Graham to come back with Scully. The tall man leaned back in the chair in his cubbyhole of an office, listening to the static. D*mn. Penelope had pulled her into SIVR. Sandar had said he'd told her. That English idiot didn't know what was going on half the time anyways. But he got the job done where Burnstein had failed. Sandar never let his emotions, or personal regrets get in the way of doing the job the Project ordered him to do, because he knew the consequences otherwise. He had a professional opinion about everything, and it was labeled just that- strictly professional. Whereas Burnstein had let his personal feelings on the Penelope Melicin situation get in the way, Sandar was indifferent to the woman. He dialed a number on his telephone. It rang several times before the old man answered. "Yes?" "Melicin called her. Used VR. I don't know what's going on." "Dammit! They'll ruin the entire project. What about Johnson? Can he deter her?" "Possibly, but we'd have to fly him out from D.C. before she goes back to talk to Melicin, or remembers anything from VR." "Hold a minute, I've got a call." Silence on the man's end for five minutes. Then a click, and the old man was back. "She checked out of her hotel. We don't know what's going on now. Melicin's boyfriend went there, and then she checked out. He came back out with two suitcases, and went down into the subway- we lost him in the crowd, and then when we went to check on her, she had checked out. She slipped right past our insiders, dammit! I could have hired another FBI agent for Christ sake, and they would have done a better job!" "Stop raggin', we've gotta find her. If Mulder told her anything, she's got valuable info that we need to erase, before-" "You don't tell me what we need to do. Just keep listening for info you can get across your little bug there, and if you do a good job, maybe we won't stuff you in a cubbyhole again. Maybe next time you can get the job of the royal *ss-kisser, if you're really good, and I don't hear anything else like that. He knew what we did to him last time, and she'll know too. REMEMBER- we can't do jack until they actually are a threat. He doesn't want her harmed, and he's Johnson's boy. Until they start finding things we can't control, we sit on 'em. Your job is to make sure they don't interfere with Project SIVR or Project Mammalia. If she makes any motion that says she's got something big out of him in VR, instead of just trying to bring him back, that's when we move. "You just remember this: you're the one who screwed up with him, which is why you're sitting where you are now. That's why you're not working head of Project Mammalia, understand, *sshole? You never rub out a tool unless Johnson tells you to!" A click, and the old man was gone. A second receiver slammed somewhere. Scully hung up the phone, feeling a bit sick to her stomach. She felt confusion, dizziness, and a need to call Mulder and make sure he was all right. To protect and shelter him from an unseen enemy, and a most dangerous one. And to find out what the hell those scratches were from. They were bothering her more than ever. They had to hold some significance, and she needed to find out what, for her sanity and Mulder's sake. She clutched her stomach, feeling a sharp pain spring up in the midst of the dull ache that had enraptured her belly since she'd gotten off the plane. A knock sounded at the door, and she stood reluctantly, to answer it. "Yes?" "Uh, you're Dana Scully?" A nod continued him on his way. "I'm Pen's friend Graham. She told me to come and get you, but secrecy is way important, so she wants you to wear a disguise," he said. Graham was a tall man with shoulder-length dark black hair, and the beginnings of a black mustache. Although he was good-looking, the word handsome didn't fit him, as it was too proper for the words that went through most females' minds when they looked at him. Hot, yes, cute, yes, but handsome... handsome was for tall distinguished men. Not guys that looked like a cross between Brad Pitt and Alec Baldwin. His blue eyes were bright in contrast the to the dark black hair, and they should have looked stoned slightly, by the way he sounded to her, but maybe it was just the deep resonance of his voice. A wide nose made up for by high cheekbones characterized his face to one of the better looking ones. He sounded like a deadhead, even looked like one, in the baggy faded jean shorts, black sneakers, and baggy white shirt. But there was something warm about him that told her there was more to him than was let on. He handed her a brown paper bag, and Scully looked inside. A pair of baggy black jeans, a baggy black and blue flannel shirt, and a pair of black sneakers. "Pen said to change into this stuff before you come, so they don't know it's you, and you'll have to come in my way." "Why? Who are they?" Graham shook his head, and ran a hand through black hair to push it out of his face. "Pen will explain it all when we get there, I promise. Gimme your stuff, and I'll put it in the car while you change. Check out of the hotel, and walk a block down the street. There's an alley there. I'll be waiting there for you," he explained carefully, picking up two suitcases nestled next to the door, and sauntering back down the hall. She furrowed her brows, wanting to know more, and satisfying her curiosity with the thought that she would know later, just follow directions, so you can help Mulder. That's all that matters now. She emerged from the hotel in the baggy jeans and shirt that masked any trace of a womanly form. She had a baseball cap pulled on her head, her hair tucked up into it. She wore it front forward, keeping her head down. If they were watching Penelope, they must also be watching her. The outfit hung off of her, and she wore a leather belt to keep the jeans from falling off her petite figure. She had put her wallet into the pocket of the jeans, along with her gun. Her holster and suit were stuffed into the paper bag, that she carried in her right hand. She moved with long strides, and then slowed her pace, not wanting to attract attention. She reached the end of the block, and saw a small brown bug of a car, Graham sitting in the driver's seat. He waved a hand, and she sunk into the passenger seat next to him. Later, she stood on the roof of Penelope's apartment building, Graham leading her around neon signs, tents, boxes and a refridgerator stored on the gravel and tar roof. "Where are we going?" "Welcome to my sunny-day home," he said. "Enter at your own risk. We go in through Pen's window. She knows where they keep the bugs and she silenced 'um, if you get my drift." A moment later, Scully, looking more like a college girl in tomboy fashion than an FBI agent, was seated on the hard, polished wood stairs in Penelope's apartment. Penelope was still in the rumpled gray sweats, but had pulled on a red flannel over the gray undershirt. Graham sat against the desk that held the massive computer, his head leaning against the side, his knees drawn to his chest. He bit into an apple, and chomped totally unaware of himself while Penelope explained SIVR to Scully. The concept was hard to grasp. A totally different universe? Pulling someone's subconscious into VR? This sounded like some fantasy Mulder cooked up. "How are you going to pull him into VR?" They spoke in whispers. "Simple. I type in the scenery, in this case, it will be whatever he comes up with as scenery, so we know where he's coming from. Then I call his number, tell whoever to put the phone to his ear, switch to my other modem line, and we're in." "How will we know if it works?" "You can call the hospital, and ask someone how he is. There'll probably be some irregularities in his brain waves and/or heartbeats, and possibly several other physical exertions," that answer came from Graham, who held off taking a large bite of the apple cupped in his palm. Penelope stared at Scully a moment. "Did you make travel plans to leave for Washington?" Scully shook her head no. "Call now. Charge one seat on the plane to Washington. If they think you're not here, you'll be better off, and you'll probably be all right here for two days at the most before they realized what we pulled on them. Sandar told me not to even talk to you. As long as he thinks I still haven't, we're safe," Penelope said. Scully called, and paid for a ticket on a flight she would never make. "Good. Call your partner's hospital room, and tell the nurse, or his parents, or whoever's there to put the phone to his ear. And as soon as I tell you, flick this switch," she said, indicating a small black lightswitch installed to the side of the main database. Penelope slipped on her VR goggles and gloves. Scully stood, and picked up Penelope's phone. Graham stood on Penelope's left side, and then shrugged and sauntered out of the room. Scully gripped the phone tightly, and placed the call. Nurse Wilkins answered. "Hello?" "Nurse Wilkins? It's Dana Scully. Can you put the phone to Mulder's ear?" "Sure, Dana." A moment later, Scully heard a ruffle. "Hi, Mulder," she whispered, and flicked the switch to change modem lines. Penelope swirled through the twisting purple tunnel, and emerged in a field. A black field. All around her was cold, although she herself felt warm. Mulder stood in the black. She recognized the man from Scully's VR encounter, and surveyed the scenery. In the distance was a bright golden light that emanated heat. And not to far away was another light, only it was gray, and didn't give off as much heat. Symbolism obvious, she spoke, "Hello, Mulder." He blinked at her, but didn't move. She had a feeling he couldn't. "Who are you?" "I'm Penelope, I'm a friend. Dana sent me." Mulder furrowed his brows. "Who's Dana? I know I know her, but I don't know what she looks like. Is Dana a friend?" Penelope nodded. "Dana's your friend. She sent me here to help you." She paused, and pursed her lips slightly. "It's cold here, Penelope," he said. His voice sounded childlike, as if he had to strip away all the falsities of being an adult to survive here. "I'm trying to get there," he said, nodding towards the golden light. "It's warm there." "You can't go there, Mulder. You have to go to that light. The gray one. If you go there, you can go home." "Where's home?" "Home is with Dana. With your family, and your friends," she explained. "Is Samantha there?" She shook her head. "I don't think so, Mulder." "Then I don't want to go back." "You have to, Mulder. You have to go back so you can find Samantha." "If I don't go back, I can go to the other light, and I'll know everything there. I'll know where Samantha is, and then I can go to her," he explained his thinking. "No, Mulder. Dana needs you. She wants you to come home, so does everyone else." He shook his head. "But it's warmer in the gold light. There's more people there- I can find Samantha there." "I know you want to find Samantha, Mulder. But this isn't the way. You have to come back, Dana wants you to come back. Would you come back for her?" He stared at the blackness eating his feet. Penelope reached out to touch his hand, and the electricity crackled, and she was back in her own world. But Penelope knew nothing. Penelope hated staring into Scully's blank and emotionless face, because all she could see was the hope in crystal blue eyes. Penelope sighed, and pulled the VR glasses off, tossing them onto the keyboard, and hanging up the phone. Scully remained patient for precisely five seconds. Then she exploded into questions. "Did you find anything- did you see him, is he all right?" Penelope chose her words carefully. "Mulder's all right. He's- he's at a choosing point, he's choosing whether to return to this world, or go to the next. That's all the symbolism I can read in it," she said. She explained the scenery she had seen in Mulder's dream. "Well, what did he choose?" The younger woman was silent a moment. "I don't know, Dana, I was pulled out before I saw where he stepped." "Well, did you tell him he had to come back-" "I told him you wanted him to come back, even though he could find Samantha in the golden light." Scully buried her face in her hands. "No! You don't understand. The most important thing to Mulder is finding her. It's his life's work, trying to find his sister. He won't come back if you tell him he can find her there!" she exclaimed. What she really wanted was to go into SIVR herself. She knew she could talk to Mulder, convince him to come back. Penelope shook her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Besides, while I was there, he seemed pretty immobile, like he was too cold to move. I'm going to take him to a warm place next time I go in." Scully stared at her. "When will that be?" Penelope shook her head. "Not for a while. Listen, let's get you set up here." Scully awoke around four in the afternoon. The sky outside the window was gray, and it looked like rain. She sat up, and rubbed her head. Her bed was a futon and a downy white comforter. She was downstairs, next to three large bay windows that shone dim light in. She sighed heavily, and stared at the ceiling beams above her head. It was only then she realized how quiet it was. Thunder sounded outside, and she stood, pushing the comforter away. She was dressed in a pair of her own jeans, and a thin silk white blouse. Her white-socked feet slipped slightly on the wooden floors. She looked around. No Penelope, no Graham. "Hello?" she asked air. Silence responded, and she found a note sitting on a small coffee table. Dana- Graham and me gone shopping. Don't go ANYWHERE- they might still be following you. If someone comes to the door, don't answer it. Penelope She dropped the note, feeling a little bit like a child left home alone with a big batch of cookies baking in her mother's oven. Without hesitation, she turned to the computer system. It was still on, but it was going to take a little effort to get into VR. She brought up the program she had seen Penelope using after six tries. The only question was- where would she take Mulder. She didn't want to be in the cold place. With his other destination in sight, he'd continue moving no matter what she said. Better to meet him on more stable ground. "Okay, restaurant," she said, typing the word. It came up as scenery, and she affixed the goggles to her head. Scully dialed Mulder's hospital number. The phone rang, and her mother's voice asked, "Hello?" "Hi, Mom," she said. "Dana, where are you? We've been trying to reach you- " "I can't tell you, Mom. I really wish I could, but I can't," she explained. A moment of silence passed. "How's Mulder?" "He's holding up all right, but something strange happened. Nurse Wilkins said that after you called earlier, things started happening with Mulder's heart. It started beating faster, and his brainwaves picked up. She thinks he might be responding to your voice. We've tried talking to him, but nothing happens-" "Put him on the phone," she ordered. Scully slipped the VR goggles down, and clutched the phone with gloved hands. "Hi, Mulder," she whispered, flicked the switch. The next minutes came to Scully in a rush. She had experienced this before, the twisting turning, all the colors- purple, gold, blue, pink, black, all spinning around her. She felt as if she was in the center of a tornado that had swallowed a rainbow. She was going someplace, the place she had to go as fast as she could, because helping him as soon as possible was all that mattered now... She found herself in a restaurant. It was a fancy one, a place by the beach, she suspected, sniffing salty sea air that drifted in from the open window. The floors had were a dark, red wine color. Scully was seated at a table in a corner, next to a set of French doors that were open. The lights overhead were dim somewhat, and beyond what appeared to be a balcony and a fountain, she could hear the cries of a seagull, and the dull roar of the ocean in the distance. The restaurant was full of people, but only two others shared this corner of the room. Across from Scully's table was an exact replica of her table, with two people seated at it. A man and a woman. She studied them a moment. The woman was heavyset, with short black hair, and a kind face. Scully had the feeling she knew her from someplace, some other time. The man was tall and burly. He had large features, and big hands, and reminded her of a giant. Both were dressed in white, and talking with each other heatedly, ignoring Scully staring at them. The chair across from Scully was empty, although the table was set for two. A single white rose stood in a white vase off to the side of the table. The tablecloth was made of white linen, and a dark red napkin lay at the side of several pieces of silverware. Scully's eyes searched the restaurant, until she spotted Mulder making his way over to her. He was dressed in a pair of black pants, and a black shirt. Equally black hair glinted under the lights, showing darker highlights. Scully stood when he approached, and stared down at herself as she heard a crisp ruffling. She was dressed in white stockings and black patent-leather shoes, with two tiny flowers on each toe. A red velvet dress came down to just past her knees, and long braided hair swung around her. She stared at it, and realized that her hair was black instead of red. The red dress had a white collar that flattened out, and little red bows kept her hair in place. Her chest was flat, and she her figure was unshapely. She sat, and stared at hands that weren't hers. Then she looked at Mulder. "Hello, Scully," he said softly. "Where are we?" "More like who are we. I don't know where we are, Mulder," she confessed. Her voice came out high-pitched, squeaky even. "I'm thirsty, Scully," he complained. She stared at him. His hazel eyes were drinking her in. "Have some water. Are you warm enough?" she asked, handing out her small drinking glass. He took the water, but didn't drink it. It seemed as if holding it was enough to quench his thirst. He nodded. "It's very warm in here. I like it." The conversation was very low, in deep tones that sounded almost seductive to Scully's ears. The candle on their table flickered, and played off the planes and angles of his face. He looked very young, and very innocent to her, and then he was older, eyes holding the wisdom of ages. He reached out, and picked the white rose out of its vase, and handed it to her. It was amazing. Scully felt she could fly in this place, if she wanted to. Everything was rich, and beautiful, and dangerous. It was like a fantasy world where she could do things she'd repressed herself to do. She took the white rose from Mulder's hand, her eyes asking him a million questions, those her lips spoke none. He answered them all in silence. "Um, what happened in the car?" she asked, pulling her eyes off of his, and staring at the rose. It was perfect, purely perfect. Every arch and curve was exactly as it should have been. She ran a finger over the petals, watching them curve inward at her tiny fingers, and then spring back the way they were before. "You mean during the accident?" "And before that, in your apartment." He bit his lip. "I can't remember very well. I remember rushing home- I had to tell you something about the information that was faxed to me-" "I found the folder in your desk at your apartment." He shook his head. "All the information isn't there. I was following this case for a while, Dana. I told him I didn't know anything- I told him I hadn't told you anything. Then there was this cat- it- it was in my car- I don't know how it got there, but it was there. It attacked me when I was driving. But something was wrong. It just scratched me, I don't know how it got out, but it did, because no one saw it, and I know that for a fact. "You have to be careful, Dana. Promise me you'll be careful," he pleaded. She stared up at him. "All right, Mulder. I'll be careful. Is there anything else?" He shook his head. "Nothing I can remember. There's more, there's a lot more to it, but I can't remember..." He sighed. "Let's go out on the terrace," he said quietly, standing. He offered her his arm, and she took it, both sauntering out into the night with the elegance of royalty. The only light was from the stars shining brightly above. In the middle of the terrace lay a fountain. It spilled waters that looked so clean and clear, Scully had the resist the urge to drink from them. She instead stared at her patent leather shoes, and smelled the fragrance of the rose, twisting it beneath her fingers. But something about the way she looked was bothering her. It was bothering her to the point of where she could concentrate on nothing else. There was something terribly wrong about the way she looked... Scully recognized the form, and stepped out of Mulder's grasp. She stared up at him, her face demeaning. "Mulder- Mulder what is this? Is this how you picture me? As- as your sister?" "It's not from my mind," he lied. "I know you're not my sister." "Do you?" she demanded angrily. "I wouldn't look like this if you did! I'm not your sister. I'm not some little girl who needs to be protected." His face went blank and emotionless. He wanted to protect her, because it made up for the time when he couldn't protect his original sister. Scully was like a sister to him. A little sister he could show the ropes to, stick up for, do all the things he'd never gotten to do with Samantha. "I know you can take care of yourself. I know you're not my sister." Her eyelids dropped slightly, and she took a step towards him, velvet dress ruffling in the wind from a dark and unseen ocean. "Mulder," she said, her voice adopting a softer, gentler tone. "You can't think of me this way. I'm not your sister, I don't want to be her. I don't want you to think of me as your sister." "Do you know she'd be just your age? Do you know that when she came back, when I thought I'd found her, that she looked like you? She had red hair just like yours, and blue eyes just like yours. I can't help thinking of you as a sister. I want to protect you, Scully, I know you can take care of yourself, but I want to do it anyways." "That doesn't mean you can think of me as Samantha. I'm your friend, Mulder. I don't know what you feel, but I care about you, and if you were in trouble, I'd do anything to help you, I'd want to protect you from anyone that could harm you. That doesn't mean you're my brother." "I see-" "No you don't! I'm not your sister, dammit!" she cried. Nonthinking, she reached up, pulled his head down, and kissed him. It was the only way to make him see who she was. Scully wasn't sure when the transformation came. She wasn't sure when her anger, and need to prove how right she was dissipated, but it did so with such a sudden flourish she doubted she had felt those things at all. And she became aware of things she hadn't before. Like how soft Mulder's lips were, and how close her body was to his own. And then she felt the change. She felt herself grow taller, she felt her hair unwind from the tight braids and go loose at her shoulders. Her hips flared out, and her body returned to the way it should be. Her clothes were changing, too. With her eyes closed, she felt a silky material connect with her body where the itchy fabric of the velvet dress had been. Pantyhose replaced stockings, patent leather shoes shifted into high heels that lifted her up farther, so she could put her arms around his neck. The kiss changed then from something innocent and furious, into something darker, and wonderful. She wasn't sure when she began to notice his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him, or those soft pianist's fingers diving into her hair. But she did. She also noticed the places where his body connected with hers, strange and dark and different. Or when his mouth began to fight back against her, and she realized that this kiss was not for proving things, but for their own dark pleasure. Things she had never thought of raked her mind. Things she knew no partner had the right to think surprised her at every turn. And his mouth was so warm, and soft and gentle as it took control of her own. But her hands were on the sides of his head, pushing his mouth towards her, keeping him there. She broke away, her forehead resting against his, breathing deeply. She panted against the ravenousness of a mouth she had never touched before. A moment later her lips were caught up again in his own, as they parted against his. Wet and warm and delicious, she wanted to feel more, taste more. More, more, more. Her body cried out for more than this simple kiss, no matter how forbidden the thoughts were. Her heart was racing, her mind going faster. Mulder couldn't believe he was standing here, with this woman. She wasn't his sister. She was a woman. It didn't matter how she had gotten here, or what happened after this. All that mattered was here with her. It was insane, it was totally crazy, and totally right all at the same time. His hand cupped her hip, full under his fingers. Something primitive in him was hungry. Hungry not only for her, to tear the thin clothes he had thought her dressed in off, and take her in his own selfish need, but to have her. To consume her body and soul. The warmth and life in her that he couldn't seem to possess. Her hair felt like silk under his fingers. Wonderful golden red silk he wanted to feel and touch. It felt soft and delicate, like he knew her body was. And she was so close, he could feel the curves of her body against his, and wanted to caress them with his fingers, like his mouth caressed her own. She was so delicious.... She pulled back, far enough so he was forced to loosen his grasp of her. Her face was flushed, and she could feel night air upon bare skin. She was wearing a pair of loose ivory-colored silk pants, and a short sleeved ivory shirt of the same material that exposed a firm stomach. Ivory heels clicked on the stone balcony, and a scarf covered her neck. Her hair was swept back, longer than it should have been, but it didn't matter. She had proved to him that she was right- she wasn't his sister, and she never could be that little girl he had depicted her as in his mind. But something had gone wrong. There had been some little glitch in her spur-of-the-moment plan that had hit her out of the blue, a problem she hadn't seen coming. Her own need. Of course, that was what the plan had been all about, to show him that she needed him to think of her as Scully, not a little girl that needed protection. But at the same time, she had almost crawled into his arms, with an unusual craving for something only he could give her. And she hadn't counted on the change that overswept the kiss, the way it was tinted with desire, and emotion. But most of all, she hadn't counted on feeling something within her change. She hadn't expected anger to dissolve so quickly into lust, she hadn't expected lust at all. She hadn't even thought about what she would feel after it was all over- she had decided she wouldn't feel anything. But she did. She wanted those pianist's fingers on her skin again, soft lips brushing against her own. She felt a stirring inside and knew they weren't just friends anymore. They had the potential to be much more if they submitted to the utter turmoil that had elapsed during the kiss. Now she sat by the fountain, trying to sort herself out. The fountain was circular, made of cement. Large circles on the bottom gave way to small ones on top. Each part had its own pool of water, and three indented spaces on the rim of all except the bottom allowed water to pour out. At the top of the fountain three spigots shot water a foot straight up into the air. Blue lights gave an eerie, but mystical look to the clear water and green vegetation hung over the first three circles' edges. Scully sighed. "That's nice," the woman confessed to the man. He glanced down at her, an amused look upon his face. "I mean, it's nice that they've gotten together." He turned back. "She won't let it happen, you know." The woman stared at her hands. "Nothing I can do about it. I'm just a lowly protector," she muttered. "He won't either. Too d*mn stubborn-" "Tut, tut," the man said. A hint of an English accent was hidden behind his words. "It's their lives, not ours." She snorted. "I don't like that fact, either. What's the good of keeping them alive if all they do is deny?" "Denial helps them through the pain, my dear. I can feel it through him. Besides, he needs all the help he can get now." "He'd get more help if she would only open up, and he would. I wish we had some real power, some influence in their lives. Then maybe everything could work out for the best for once," she sighed. The man stared gently down at her. It wasn't in his job description to stare down, to care, but it was force of habit after looking after someone for so many years. You became everyone's mother, everyone's friend. "Can't blame yourself. That was a long time ago, and it wasn't like this at all," he said softly. He put a big hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with pursed lips. Any hint of negative emotion registered on her face, and it always looked wrong. "It was exactly like this, don't you remember?" He turned away. The man didn't want to remember. Memories hurt, they cut sores in your back, and made it hard to lay down at night. But he knew himself that it had been exactly like this. That was why this was his job, his assignment. He often wondered if it was their fault the others through the centuries were like this. That all the others, too, had to wander through their lives, ignorant of the only one they could ever have, blind, deaf, and dumb to the one. But this time had been different. Both were strong- willed, and he could have sworn he was watching himself when he stared at the youth. She, too, had noticed this pair. After all they had taken care of, they noticed these two. These two could be their chance. The woman knew that, and so did he. The man stared at his companion throughout time, knowing that to confess himself would be horrendous. Time didn't help. Time never helped a broken heart. It only carved the wounds deeper, and played you like a marionette. The man turned away. She couldn't see his tears, she couldn't possibly know or understand everything he knew. It was an end that would inevitably fall on this pair. Time doesn't forget. People don't forget. Time makes sure of that. Every time the man had tried, had tried to turn his back on the memories and the pain, and the tiny sores that were cut so deeply into him, they came back ten times stronger. There had to be some chance, though. There had to be some rhyme or reason to all of this. To the reason they had followed them all their lives. "I remember, Sunflower. There's no way I could forget." She swallowed, and stared at her fingers, twisting them together. He hadn't called her Sunflower in a long, long time. Now the name sounded foreign to her. Sunflower was a person she had been a long time ago. "They could be the ones, you know," she spoke, nodding to the couple. He sighed, and nodded also. "I know." The entire scene reminded him of the past, of a past he had tried so hard to forget, and never could quite put out of his mind. It was too much like his own dark past, too much like a time he wanted to erase from history, and never see repeated, in his mind or otherwise. But he knew that this would never happen. History always repeats itself, and no matter how much he wished it to be different, present would copy past, and, as always, he would be powerless to stop it. The man and the woman stared at the pair that could never quite be. And they prayed that someone would take pity on their souls. And their children's. Mulder stood over her, examining her as if she were some sort of rare specimen that needed dissecting. When she didn't speak, he sat next to her. "Dana," he said softly. He reached over, and cupped her face with his hand. Scully looked up at him. To him her eyes were crystal blue like the water. He was clueless as to what to say, so he asked the obvious question: "Why did you do that?" She looked away, twisting a green vine absentmindedly. "I had to prove to you I'm not your sister- I had to make you see that I'm not her- it was all I could think of." The pause that followed lasted a few seconds, until she could ask something more important. "So where do we go from here?" "What do you mean?" he asked. He knew exactly what she meant, but if she could say something, they could get everything out into the open. Scully sighed. "Well, did that- did it mean anything? I- I felt something then, I don't know if you felt it, but-" Her words were silenced by his lips on her mouth. When she could breathe a moment later, he was close to her. So close his breath bathed her face. "I felt something, too." She looked sorrowfully up at him. "It won't even matter when we get back. You won't remember any of this. You'll only remember the feeling." He stared into the darkness where she supposed the ocean was. "I want you to explain this to me, tell me about what happened here when I get back. There's something between us, Dana. I don't want to lose that in here." She stared up at him. The thought that she could ever have anything more than friends with Mulder had been unthinkable a few moments ago. But now she looked at him, and remembered the kiss, and felt a rush of desire dance waves over her. It was as if here the electricity, the natural magic that went with them to make them such devoted friends and partners crackled louder. She could almost see the energy reeling between them. The bond they had was so much stronger here, so much more alive... But she couldn't do that. Scully didn't want to complicate her life, and she knew that no matter how right things feel here, in this alternate world, it would feel awkward and wrong in the real world. In the world where their only relationship had been friends, it would be uncomfortable. She didn't want to complicate her life with an office romance. She didn't need anymore complications in her life. She already had enough problems, to have to deal with these new feelings. Scully was very good at putting aside her personal feelings. You had to learn to do that in the FBI. You had to learn to hide all the things that bothered you, and carry on. And you had to make tough decisions that would, in the end be best, even if your heart cried out no, and you wanted the denied thing more than anything else in the world. She had long since tried to not affirm her relationship with Mulder. Once, a long time ago, she had offered him more. She had been foolish then. One time she had directly dared him to say he wanted more than what they were. His refusal had been quick, and with a hint of fright in it. Mulder had never been approached by someone who dared him to ask for more, and never so directly. It just wasn't something any of his other partners had done. And it wasn't fair to ask for more when you knew you couldn't handle it. When you already knew it was doomed to fail because your work and your mission were filling up your life. The white rose dropped from Scully's hand into the water. Mulder suddenly put a hand on her stomach. "Dana, something's the matter with you," he breathed. She knew his fingers were there, but she couldn't feel them. Then she glanced down. Her exposed stomach was gray. Not just a little gray, totally gray, almost to the point of being black. Green and yellow surrounded the edges of the dark patch, and Mulder poked at it. A piece of flesh came off in his palm. Her stomach was rotting. All the flesh of her stomach was rotting, like a corpse. A stench arose from the piece of flesh Mulder had torn off. It smelled of decay. Of death. She gasped, and watched, transfixed. Her navel seemed to widen, and then something came out of it. Correction, she thought. Something chewed its way out. From the small gap a large black worm crawled out. Its eyes stared up intelligently at her, gleaming by starlight. They were bright green, and it seemed to smile up at her. It attached itself to her body, small unseen suction-cup feet let it crawl up her belly. She didn't move. Its eyes gleamed up at her, as it crawled underneath her shirt. She felt its slimy body squirm between her breasts, and her breaths came quicker. Then its head peeked out from the rounded collar of her shirt, and she stared over at Mulder, pleading for him to do something, because she couldn't herself. But what she was confronted with was a demon. Its body looked like a burnt hot dog, all shriveled and black. Its eyes were black bottomless pits, and it reached over and grasped the worm. It pulled at the worm, and stuck the head in the dark cavity of its mouth. Then the monster began to suck. And the worm kept coming, tumbling out of her belly button, up between her breasts, all slimy and wet, and the creature kept sucking at the worm. She could see it entering his body. And then the monster began to take organs. She felt her intestines attached to the worm slide up, her kidneys, all her organs, until finally it came to the end, a live, beating heart that thumped, drowning out all sounds, beating against her skin, pumping blood that bubbled over, staining her white ivory shirt, and pants. She turned away, and reached for the white rose, her only link to civilization, to life... She bent to pick it up, but before her fingers could connect with the water, the electricity crackled, and she found herself back in Penelope's apartment. Scully cried out, and clutched at her stomach, lifting her shirt up, and feeling the smooth skin there, as if to reassure herself that she was not dying. Penelope and Graham were crowded around, watching her, and when she slipped off the VR goggles and stared at them, she almost had a heart attack. "Were you there, in- in SIVR?" Graham spoke first. Scully's breaths turned to heaving, and her body shuddered with the force of taking in air and letting it out. "Yes, I- Mulder was there-" Penelope glanced at Graham, and then took him aside to speak privately. Her black hair fell to the side of her face, as she spoke, large blue eyes concerned for the other woman. "How can she go into VR? I thought only you could do that," Graham asked. Penelope shook her head, confused. "I don't know, Graham," she said, studying her friend's face. Graham pushed a hand through black hair in frustration, and it fell to the sides of his head again. "We need to find out what happened to her in there. I can't help getting the feeling there's more behind this than she's telling us. If we can-" A bang, and the door shut behind Scully. The older woman was gone. The sky was a grayish-purple color that reminded Scully of her stomach. It had to do with all the stomach aches she'd been having, but what did it mean? She decided that she didn't care and pressed on. The wind swept around her, and lightning struck giant yellow knives in the distance. A rumble of thunder shook the earth, and Scully began to run. Down the alleyways, past streets until she was lost. She pulled her jacket closer around her, and wished she had something heavier. Scully didn't know where she was, and for the time being, it didn't seem to matter. She wanted to get lost. She wanted an escape from having to deal with Mulder, and nightmares, and Skinner and the government... She wanted to be someplace warm, shut up and away from everyone, but the only place she would find solitude was on the streets, where no one knew her. She realized vaguely that she had wandered into the bad part of town. She walked past barrels burning papers that was the only source of warmth for a group of the homeless. Call girls leaned in doorways, and a group of men in black leather jackets stood on a street corner arguing with a second group of men. Gangs, she realized. She wished vainly that she had someone here with her. Having anyone she could trust nearby in a place like this would make her feel safe. So would being in Mulder's arms, a voice inside said. She understood that now even to have him holding her as a friend would be a comfort. But that was impossible. Mulder was in the hospital, if anything, she needed to hold him... But she couldn't deny the fact that at this moment, she'd like to have him here, an arm protectively around her, even if he thought of her as his sister. He would keep her safe in a place like this. Not that I can't keep myself safe, she though. But this place unnerved her, as she slowed to a brisk walk. It made her paranoid of the people that stared at her as she passed by in her thin white cotton blouse, designer jeans, and topcoat. She kept her head high, and listened to the thunder rumble in the distance. She wished for someone by her side. Right now, more than anything, she needed someone to talk to, someone she could lean on, and tell about all her troubles. But first she needed to get out of here. A slight drizzle started, but behind the pounding of the rain on the pavement, she could hear two people's footsteps. She turned and saw two men. Both were dressed in baggy jeans, a peach shirt and leather vests. One was Hispanic, the other was white. The Hispanic man had a black bandanna folded several times over and tied in the back of his head. Both were following her, and Scully felt a slight comfort in the fact that she had worn her holster, with gun tucked neatly inside. They had their hands stuck in deep pockets, walking with a strut that told you immediately they were from one of the gangs she'd passed by earlier. She picked up her pace, and they did, also. The first thought that came to her was that they wanted to mug her. She glanced back at the two men, hearing their leather boots hit the sidewalk behind her. Her sneakers crunched on broken glass, and five seconds down the sidewalk she heard the crunch of boots on glass. Her sadness and slight fear turned to rage and anger. How dare they follow her? How dare they try anything against a half-crazed woman with a gun? She smiled. A smile that was full of hatred and lunacy and complete and utter madness based on anger and hurt and confusion. They didn't know she had it. Reality hit her hard, and with a scuttle down the nearby alley, she escaped, opening the first door on her left. She panted, and put an ear to the wooden door. The pounding of booted feet on pavement let her sigh with relief. She leaned against the door, her eyes shut for a full ten minutes before opening them, and staring wide-eyed at her surroundings. She was in a Church. Not a regular Church with a steeple, but something to that extent. The building had pews, the lacquer chipped and peeling. But nevertheless, it was a beautiful place, and it was very quiet and serene. She glanced around. She was standing in the back of the Church, which in itself wasn't that big. Probably not even a hundred feet from where she was standing to the altar. She dipped her hand in the holy water and crossed herself before walking up the aisle. She cut across where the pews were separated, and a small table stood, nailed to the floor. She noticed no cloth covered it, and it had several nicks and scratches. She continued up the side aisle, until she reached a place where several statues stood. She recognized one of Jesus, with chips and scratches in it. Next to it was one of the Virgin Mary, in the same state, and the third was a statue of Saint Theresa. Several candles dressed in red, blue and yellow holders flickered by the feet of the statues. She walked slowly past them. Scully had been a Catholic once, a long time ago, and she could easily name the statues and what significance that particular person had in the Catholic religion. Once you got something like that into your head, it never left, no matter how long it had been since you'd used it. Scully didn't know why. It was just something you remembered after years of Catholic schooling. She stared at the candles by the feet of Saint Theresa. Their yellow holders made them glow, and Scully leaned over them, staring at the orange and yellow and red flames leaping out. She slipped her wallet out, and put two dollars in the small collection box by the candles. She took a long thin wooden stick and pushed it into the flames of a lit candle. They leapt up, licking hungrily at the thin stick. Then she held the flame to the wick of a dark candle. Soon flames danced from that one, too, and she stuck the piece of wood back into the pile of stones she had found it in earlier. She didn't know why she did that. It wasn't as if she truly and really believed that it would help anything. But doing it made her feel better, not so lost and cold and scared. "Did you pay for that candle?" the priest behind her asked. She turned, startled. He was dressed in black, with the small white collar at his Adam's apple. He was an elderly man, sixty at least in his years, with a thin frame and a bony face. White hair was thinning, and gnarled hands hung at his sides. "I apologize, miss, it's just that a lot of people come in here, don't pay for the candles, and the Church doesn't have enough money to keep paying for them." She smiled softly. "Yes, I did." "I don't think I've seen you around here before- what's your name?" he said. "Dana. Dana Scully," she said after a pause. He smiled and extended a hand. "James Andrews. Here, sit down, child. You look lost." She smiled. "I kinda am. Can I use your phone to call a cab?" He nodded and led her into the back room. She called a cab, and then came back out, and sat in the front pew. Father Andrew sat next to her. "What's the matter? You look so troubled, but then, isn't everyone? You look different though, not like these other ones around here. Of course, this is the "bad part" of L.A. What with the brothel next door, and the harlots inside." He shook his head tiredly. "I know the good lord preached to all sinners, but a lot of 'em just don't want to listen. Enough of my mouth, though," he said, and she could hear a faint Irish accent highlighting the words, "I'm only weighing you down with more problems- so what's your story?" "Nothing important." "Bah! It's gotta be important if it's botherin' you. Come on, you look like you need to get something off your chest." "I do." "Well? Speak then!" She looked at the man. His hazel brown eyes were stern but good-natured. And right now she really needed to explain herself to someone. "I- I have a friend, and he was in an accident. They say he fell asleep at the wheel, but- I think someone tried to murder him. And- his condition doesn't look good. I came out here- I'm from Washington- because someone told me that a woman out here could help him. And I want to find who did this to him- he told me that I was in danger, and I think he was trying to protect me when they tried to kill him." The old man nodded understandingly. "Don't you think finding the killer is a job for the police, though?" "I'm an FBI Agent. He was my partner, and I don't want him to die on me. I can't let him down," she explained. If only she could explain about SIVR, and all the things that had happened in her dream-like state. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Dana, you're one of the most devoted people I've seen in a while. This man- whoever he is- is probably one of the luckiest men on earth. And I think your partner's an equally devoted person. Have you broken down yet?" he said. She frowned. "What do you mean?" "You seem very vulnerable right now, Dana. Like you've been holding back a lot of tears." "I- I have, I guess. I don't have time to mourn. I have to save him." The priest tilted his head and stared at her. "You love him that much, Dana?" She choked, confronted with a question she didn't know she'd been subconsciously asking herself. *Do you love him?* "I- I care a lot about him," she stuttered. Faced with a question she didn't want to answer- something she'd known she'd have to answer sometime, she felt her stomach leap. He smiled tiredly. "You're sick, Dana. I can tell it even as I sit here. You look pale, dear. I think you should go to a doctor. And I don't think it has anything to do with Mulder. Don't worry, Dana. He won't leave you. He needs you. That's what you're worried about, isn't it? That Mulder's going to leave you, just slip off like your father did, and you won't be able to do anything about it. He won't, Dana. And you're father didn't go easily, either. Mulder's going to stay. And you and Samantha are the only things that are going to keep him here," he said. Scully's eyes widened. "How do you know about my father, Samantha- I never even told you Mulder's name!" she demanded. The man ignored her question. "He's in a place, Dana, where there is no wrong, there is no right, there only *is*. You'd like to believe that it's the doctors, and the machines keeping him alive, but it isn't. His soul is strong. And he has to choose what he wants to do. Whether he wants to do what's right, and return to you, and his life, or whether he wants the truth." Her face hardened with realization, and defeat. "He needs the truth more than anything else. He wants the truth more than what's right, more than me, maybe even more than Samantha," she said. Her voice was detached, and her thoughts were fluttering. Mulder wouldn't do what's right. Not if it meant he had to choose between something he'd always been looking for, and the people he cared about. The abstract form would win every time. "I can't keep him here." The priest leaned over and grabbed her hand tightly. His fragile hands were well muscled, and they clung to hers almost hard enough to bruise. "Listen to me, Dana. You are the only reason he must decide. You've already placed a shadow of a doubt in his mind. You've already made him think twice before grasping the truth. You are the only person that can convince him to stay." "How?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly. "That's something you have to figure out for yourself. No one can do that for you, Dana." Words from Mr. X. Words that told her everything and nothing. "But-" A beep sounded from outside. "I believe your cab is here, Dana," the old man said, standing on weary bones. "Remember, Dana, you've got to let it out sometime. Even your Mulder had to do that." He slipped into the back room, and Scully blinked. She walked in a tranced state outside, running through the pouring rain to the yellow taxi. When she stared at the wall where the door to the Church had been, she saw only a blank brick wall. Penelope paced. "Calm down, Pen, she'll be fine!" Graham said, in a failed effort to comfort his friend. She sat on the edge of her bed, and put her face in her hands. "It's getting dark out- we don't know where she went! God!" "She's an FBI Agent, Pen. I think she should be able to take care of herself on the big bad streets of L.A.," he said vaguely. She sighed. "Graham, what if they saw her? She went into VR- it's impossible. Only I can do that!" "And her," he corrected. "Before it was only you, so- maybe she's got the magic touch." "Did you see the expression on her face when she came out? She was scared, Graham. I wish she hadn't run out like this, I wish I could have seen what she had in there," Penelope toiled. She twisted her fingers nervously, and watched him run a hand through black hair. He sighed, and looked to his left, as if the answer to their problems was there. "Look, Pen, you've come out of VR scared before. It's a scary experience, because you're not sure if it's real or not." Graham wished he had some way of proving that Scully was all right to his friend. She worried so much lately, *he* was *worried* about *her* getting an ulcer. Before SIVR, Penelope had been, well, normal, he guessed. Before she'd found the magical gateway to anything and everything, she had been just Penelope, a shy computer analyst, and he'd been her best friend Graham. Lately, he'd taken the role of protector, mother, and supporter. But he would protect his friend. He had sworn to do so because there was no one else to, even if he hadn't known what he was getting himself into. She was his friend, and Graham had his loyalties. "But, things start *happening* after you get out of VR, you start seeing things that might not be there, you can't tell what's real and what's not- it gets so confusing- I want to know what she saw in there. What happened. I checked- she dialed Mulder's number and I think she talked with him in VR. If that's true, though- what scared her? Was it the fact that he could die, or does she have a few misconceptions about how clean her record is? We all have fears, and they usually come out in VR- I've had nightmares about being trapped in a burning car, and they've happened in VR, too!" she protested. Graham sighed, and moved rapidly to his friend. He sat next to her, and put an arm around her shoulder. "She'll be all right, Pen. Everything's gonna be all right- if- if the committee already knows she can go into VR, they won't touch her." Penelope collapsed in his arms. That's why she was glad Graham was always there. Because he would always be someone who would be there to catch her when she fell. She put her arms around his waist, buried her head in his neck and sighed, a slight smile on her lips, as she leaned her forehead against his chin. "Thanks, Graham," she whispered. He rubbed her back. "I'm always here for you, Pen. You know that," he said. His low and deep voice brought a slight shiver to Penelope's back. It reminded her of Morgan- the other person that had tried to protect her. In the end, he had lain dying in the streets in her arms. And now everything Penelope did was top secret, and in truth Graham couldn't protect her any more than she could protect herself. No one could protect Penelope. She was a hunted woman and a protected woman all in the same time. And she knew the committee would only use her until they found out how she got into VR. Then, she would either be let in on the big secret, or killed. She had given away all hope of ever getting out alive. She suspected that was what Morgan had tried to let her do. If she had followed his advice that one time- what would her life be like now? Would she be saner, would he have died? What-ifs were her greatest enemy, because they always brought her back to herself. What could she have done to help others? What could she have done to save the lives of those who had lost them because of her? The door to the apartment opened suddenly, and Penelope broke out of Graham's embrace to see who it was. She flew down the stairs, and sighed heavily when she saw Scully coming back in, her red hair slicked back against her head. "Where were you? Why did you run off?" Penelope started, as she collapsed in the executive chair. Graham came down the stairs like a teenager on Christmas morning, and plopped down on the bottom step. Scully clung to herself, and Graham fetched a gray blanket that he calmly wrapped around her shoulders, and got her settled down on Penelope's couch. Penelope watched Graham with a twinge of something she couldn't identify, and thought she was going slightly mad. But that was Graham, always prepared to help anyone. He really was a nice guy, she thought, despite the way he looked and sounded. "I- I just needed," she started, as Penelope brought her a cup of tea. "Thanks," she said, smiling graciously. "I just needed to get away for awhile and think. I just went for a walk. I'm fine." Penelope pursed her lips. "What happened when you were in VR? What did you see?" Scully licked her lips. She told Penelope and Graham everything, leaving out the part about kissing Mulder, and the way she changed from little girl to grown woman. No need for them to know everything. "Symbolism again," Penelope said when she was finished, and leaned back into the couch. "The white of your outfit and the rose stands for purity, the water is an element of romance-" Graham beside her shook his head. "You're amateur, Pen, let me handle this. Okay, water is the source of all life. You said he told you he was thirsty, he took your glass but he didn't drink. He wants some positive energy, some life, which is the water, but he's deciding between taking it from you or someone else who's offered him a drink. The fountain is just another element of this. White can stand for purity, but it also stands for help. Black stands for death, but it also stands for the fact that he could think himself uncleanly. I think you really do have a stomach problem, or something symbolically equal to that.. I don't know. It's obvious though, if you can get him to go into the water, or drink the water, touch it in any way, then you'll save his life. The water is life for him. As for the last part, about the worm in your stomach- I think it might be a product of too many horror movies, and the ideas that things are not always as they seem," he finished. She smiled at him. She had thought there was something more to Graham, she knew there was. "How do you know all this?" Scully asked. He shook his head. "I read a lot, spiritual books, New Age type stuff, classics, whatever." He smiled back at her, and Penelope felt her stomach twist slightly. "Well," she said briskly. "At least now I know what to do when I go back in." She stood, tossing back her hair and walked calmly to the computer. "Penelope!" Scully and Graham were by her side in an instant. "I want to go back in, Penelope," Scully said calmly. "I think I can help Mulder." Penelope stared at the older woman a moment. "Can you handle it?" "I'd do anything for him." "Then go," she said softly. "Graham and I will be right here in case anything goes wrong." Scully nodded, and sat in the executive chair, staring at the massive mound of monitors and equipment before her. Penelope and Graham were seated a few feet away, on the staircase. Scully picked up the phone after a moment of hesitation, and dialed the number. "Hello?" The voice was male, and Scully recognized it immediately. "Hello," she said calmly. "Scully- where in God's name are you?" Skinner's voice asked. "I can't tell you that, sir. Can you put the phone to Mulder's ear?" she asked coolly. Skinner hesitated a moment. "No, last time, his heart rate started bouncing around, his breathing became disoriented. We hung up the phone to make way for the paramedics, he went into cardiac arrest, we almost lost him. It happened last time you called, I don't want to risk it." Scully paused. She hadn't expected any resistance. "Sir, I don't think you can make that decision," she said defiantly. "Is Mrs. Mulder there?" she asked. "No." "Is Nurse Wilkins there?" "I don't know. Dana, I don't want-" "Find out, please," she instructed. Her heart was racing a mile a minute, she couldn't imagine what Mulder's had been going through. If she couldn't talk to Mulder on the phone, she couldn't bring him into VR, and then all was lost. A moment later, the cool, slightly southern twang of Nurse Wilkins's voice came to the receiver. "Hello?" "Nurse Wilkins, this is Dana Scully. I want you to put the phone to Mulder's ear. They said it had a positive effect-" "Dana, I hate to tell you this, but his condition became erratic once we put you on. If you are helping him by talking to him on the phone, or whatever you're doing, you could also kill him," the patient nurse explained softly. Scully took several deep breaths. "If anything really bad happens this time, you can just hang up the phone on me, okay?" "Dana-" "Please!" Scully exploded. The nurse gave an exaggerated sigh into the phone. "All right, but if anything happens-" "Thank you," she said before the nurse could finish the thought. There was some scuffling in the background, the sound of Skinner's voice protesting, and a moment later the phone was nestled against Mulder's ear. Scully pulled down the VR glasses. "Hello, Mulder," she whispered, and flipped the small black switch. (OOC: I'll Be There by Mariah Carey is what Mulder is playing until further notice. K? BIC:) After the twisting and tumbling and turning had subsided, she found herself in a dimly lit bar. She was seated in a table near a grand piano, where a man with dark black hair was running his fingers up and down the keys. The bar was empty, save for a couple dressed in white seated in the back of the bar. They looked vaguely familiar to her, especially the woman, but Scully ignored it. She stood, and realized she was wearing in a red dress with spaghetti straps. It hugged her wasp-waist figure securely, and she felt dangerous and seductive dressed in the piece. Her hair was pulled into a chignon at the back of her head, and her unstockinged feet were bare. Not that it mattered. The couple in the back would mind their own business no matter what she looked like. She recognized the again dressed in black Mulder at the piano, playing it without hesitation. She watched those soft smooth fingers gliding over the keys as if they had always done so. "Hello," she said, hopping up on the black grand piano, shining under the lights of the bar. They were dimmed slightly, and the entire place was rather dark. No bartender stood behind the counter. He looked up, the music still pouring lightly from his fingers. "Hello Dana. I've missed you." "I've only been gone a few hours," she replied. "I still missed you," he retorted. He broke out into the eighties version of Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler. She smiled and laid down on her back on the piano, her head leaning back over the top, so her hair blocked his music, and his mind was filled with her face. "I thought you said you couldn't play piano," she said in a low, throaty voice. Of course, in this place, everything sounded seductive. She stared at his face, and began to realize how beautiful it was. It was something she had never noticed before, for whatever reason. It was as if a floodgate of thoughts had crashed into her mind since their kiss, and she now started noticing everything and anything about him. He continued playing with one hand, and touched her forehead. "I can do anything here," he said softly, brushing her air away from her face. He leaned over and kissed her mouth briefly. She closed her eyes, and he stopped playing altogether to put his hands on the sides of her face as he forced his tongue into her mouth. Delicately, she felt his mouth caress hers, and she was lost to the world. Any mission she might have thought she had was no impossible to complete. It was impossible to think with his lips soft and warm and moist against her own. He pulled back softly, and stared at her face softly. And she saw those brown eyes clouded with desire. "I told you I missed you," he whispered, his mouth just touching her own as he spoke. She breathed slightly, her eyes still closed. "I believe you." He smiled and lifted his head. She flipped over on her belly, her fingers grasping the edge of the piano. Her smile was a careful mix of seduction and playfulness. She reached out, and touched his face. He stared at the place where the red dress was riding low, and exposing cleavage his eyes drank hungrily. "Do you want me to teach you how to play?" he asked softly, lifting his eyes to crystal blue ones. "First I want to know why you won't come back," she dared. No matter how much her body cried to be near him, she was here on business. He looked down at the keys, and played a few lines from "If You Asked Me To". "I want to come back, Dana, but I also want to know the truth. If I go to wherever, I'll know the truth. I'll be able to find Samantha." She sighed, and looked down at his hands on the ivory keys. "I want you to come back. I need you, Mulder," she confessed. Her eyes filled with tears. "I don't want you to die on me. You may be able to find the truth if you go there, but neither I nor Samantha will be there. You'll be alone over there, Mulder." He looked up at her, and stopped playing again. "Samantha could be there-" "Come on, Mulder!" she yelled, sitting up. "You always believed that she was still alive- well? Why do you want to give up now? You have to live, dammit!" she cried, pushing him. She breathed raggedly. "You can't just go off and die on me because you want to know the truth- that's not the way!" His eyes softened, and he came to the side of the piano. He pulled his arms around her, and held her close. She beat upon his chest at first, as if she wanted him to let her go, but finally she subsided, and her body shook with racketing sobs. His face remained calm and tranquil through all of it, knowing that he couldn't leave her, and knowing that he had to find the truth. But what's the point of finding the truth if you have no one to share it with? He left the question unanswered, simply holding her as she cried. He kissed her forehead, and caressed her hair, as she buried her head in his chest. The woman sat in her space and looked at the man. "She needed that. She really did," the woman said honestly. "Do you know why he's like that?" The man shook his head. "He's been faced with a tough decision. He's never had to think twice about his quest, I know. It's good she's made him think twice." "Yes," the woman said. Her small features were ever calm, and the man remembered how they had looked staring into his eyes for the last time. The lump welling in his throat was immeasurable. All he could do was stare at the couple, at the two that might possibly make it, and remember... *It had been a beautiful spring day. The sun had been shining, a blue sky, white clouds. It wasn't the sort of day tragedy struck. But it was a heavy day for his heart. He stood in the drafty halls of the castle, and thought. She was getting married today. She was going to leave the castle with her new husband, and he was forced to think again. She had been his friend since childhood. They had grown up together, him learning to be the best knight he could, she practicing her manners as a lady. She was four years younger than him, only seventeen in her years, but the entire kingdom knew what should have happened. Once he was made a knight, he would ask her father for her hand. It was expected by all, even the king himself, who had already told his wife of the strikingly handsome young man who stared at his daughter with such love. They were a match, almost betrothed. Every night, the king watched his young daughter smile shyly at the almost knight, over dinner. He knew why she had taken up such an interest in horses, and requested the young man be her teacher. When they were little, they had played together, and the girl had told her mother that she had decided to marry him when she was eight. What no one had counted on, though, was that the good king should have a visitor. A king from another country, the man was old, close to thirty. But he had spied the young girl talking with the almost knight, and decided to have her. The king owed him a favor. And the king had no choice but to obey. So now, the almost knight stood in the halls, trying not to cry. She would marry the man today, and leave tonight. And she would never return. He had told her of plans that they could run away, but she had shaken her head. "It is my father's choice. If this is what he tells me to do, I must," she said. She was a good girl. No wild ideas ever came from this young girl with hair the color of midnight, and brown eyes that never filled with tears. "Do you love me?" he begged her. She shook her head. "I can't love you. I have a fiance. I must love him." He had visions of breaking into the outdoor ceremony, on his horse, riding through and picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, never returning with the girl. He wished he could have done that. More than anything he wished she had been willing to break the rules for him. He had been willing to do anything to be with her, but he would always respect her wishes. The pain hit him like a sword shoved in his heart. And the worst part, he thought, is that she'll never know I loved her. Because I couldn't tell her. He watched from a distance the only woman he knew he could ever love. She turned and looked in his direction for a moment. And for that second, he thought he saw her eyes. He thought he felt the love from them, the hurt and the pain radiate through her. But she had to do what was right. She always had to do that. * The man pulled himself out of his reverie, and stared at the woman across the table. He closed his eyes, and prayed she couldn't see the tears that filled his eyes. He turned, and watched the young couple. Please God, he begged, don't let that happen to them. Don't ever, ever let anyone go through what I had to. Not anymore. Scully lifted her head from Mulder's chest. He wiped her tears with two thick fingers. "Don't cry, Dana," he whispered softly. "Listen, sit down, I'll teach you to play the piano," he said, trying for any diversion from the cause of her tears. He led her to the piano bench, and sat her down. He knelt behind her, and put his head on her shoulder. "Okay, put your hands here," he said, putting his arms around her, and taking her hands within his own. He moved her thumb to middle C. "Your hands are supposed to be relaxed but alert, hold them like you're going to type something," he said. Her wrists were loose, and her fingers arched over the black and white keys. "That's it. All right, put your right thumb down." She did so, and a note came from somewhere back in the piano. "That's it, you just played a C," he congratulated. "Oooh, what's my prize?" she said, faking a little girl tone. He laughed behind her. "All right, so I'm a lousy teacher." "Damn straight," she muttered, turning her head. Her mouth was inches from his. "But you're an incredible distraction- I'd never learn anything." He leaned forward, and kissed her lips softly, gently, until her body turned, and he stood. The keys banged as he bent her over them, and the stool upturned and clashed to the ground. He forced her back against the piano, bracing her there. Her gentle curves pressed into him, and she felt a hot rush of desire overtake her. His mouth broke its contact with hers, and made its way down her neck. His tongue drew circles against her skin, as if he needed to taste all of her, to feel all of her. He strained in a fresh wave of heat, clamoring to get her someplace more solid. He pushed her body up on the piano, and draped himself over her. The strap of her dress slipped off her shoulder, and he tugged to get it down, so he could see her, taste those curves that pressed so subtly into him... "Mulder, Mulder," she gasped. Her voice was breathy, and it urged him on. He closed his eyes, and felt her hands in his hair. "You taste wonderful," he whispered against her skin. "You're so beautiful, all over..." "We- we can't," she started. Her body screamed. He was hard all over, and her body was taut with desire. She pulled at his hair. In this place, anything could happen, but if she let this... She felt herself reel when he pulled the dress down farther, exposing the lacy black bra she was wearing. He breathed hard against her skin. "Mulder!" she cried, and sat up. His brown eyes were dark with lust, as she shoved him aside. She pulled her dress back on, covering herself. "We can't do this." "Why?" he posed. She stared at him. "We can't, it's- I just- I can't explain it, but we can't do this. I want to, believe me, you'll never know how much I want to, but we can't," she explained breathlessly. She tried not to look at his mouth, hot and warm, and aching to touch her. And she tried to forget how much she wanted his warm mouth on her skin, tasting her, and loving her... "Dana," he said softly. "I know I don't stand a chance with you out there. I know that no matter how much I ask you, you won't tell me about this. I'll forget it all, and I'll ignore you, and I'll never notice how beautiful you are. I'll see you, but I won't see you. And out there, there is no chance. There's no chance that we can ever be anything more than what we are. You know that, I know that. Why can't we be more in here?" Her eyes welled with tears. "I'm sorry. We just- it would be wrong. If you could only see it from where I am. When you get back, I'll have to play the role of the dutiful partner and friend, nothing more. And I'll remember. I'll remember everything about this, and I'll have to try and pretend like we're still just friends, when I know that we're a lot more than that," she pleaded. "Then why won't you tell me?" She held her head high. "I don't have to answer that, Mulder." He remained like stone, and his voice was flat and rigid when he spoke next. "I'm not coming back." Scully's eyes went wide and she reached out to touch him when the electricity crackled, and she found herself staring into the blackness of the VR goggles, a single word escaping her lips. "NO!" Father James Andrews sat in his Church, and polished his glasses. He scrubbed them wearily, just so he could see out of them, and then resumed his kneeling position in the second pew. The Church was quiet and dark, the only light coming from the candles still lit in front of the statues of the Saints. They flickered in the breeze that drifted in. Father Andrews pulled his light blue sweater around him, chilled. He felt he wasn't alone here, and that something else was. It made him close his eyes, and clasp his bony hands in front of him, as he prayed. "Please God," he whispered, in a soft Irish voice. "Help this man, and woman. You know they deserve the help. Don't let the devil overtake them. They only know what they do. They can help so many people, just help them this once." Across the room, unbeknownst to the good Father, the light from a yellow candle dimmed and blew out in a passing breeze. Scully retreated from the world after that. Penelope and Graham pulled the glasses and gloves off of her, powered down the computer, and covered her mouth. She just kept screaming and screaming. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" "Dana be quiet!" Graham pleaded. "She's gone crazy. Dammit, I knew we shouldn't have let her back in. She's gone nuts!" Penelope started. "Pen don't you start freaking out on me too! Come on, we have to calm her down somehow," Graham pleaded. He was being more reasonable than usual, and that was a good thing. Penelope wasn't feeling so calm right now. She was more panicked. What if VR had permanently hurt Dana's psyche? She feared not only that she had ruined one life, but two. What if whatever had gotten Scully so upset had hurt Mulder as well? Considering his medical condition, he would be in a worse of state. Scully kept thrashing in Graham's grasp, screaming into his thick palm. He pulled her away from him, holding her tightly with one arm. "No no no no-" Her voice cut off like a machine gun out of ammunition, as Graham brought his hand back, and slapped her. She silenced immediately, thrashed in his grasp, and hen collapsed to the ground. Penelope stared at her friend. "Okay, she's still got some sense recognition in her. God, Pen," he breathed, running a hand through his black hair. Graham had never hit a girl before. He had been raised with gentleman's manners. Take care of the girls, never hit them, defend their honor. He felt as if he'd broken some great law, and suddenly felt ashamed of his big hands. He reached over, and placed a palm on Scully's shoulder. "Dana?" he asked, searching her eyes, her face for any recognition. There was none. "I'm sorry, Dana. I just needed you to be quiet." He looked up at Penelope pleadingly. She nodded tiredly, her blue eyes drooping. Penelope knelt by Graham, staring at Scully. "Dana, are you in there? What happened?" she asked softly. The older woman shook violently. Penelope realized she had belittled the power SIVR could have over Scully. It had shaken the woman to her very core, as it had Penelope when she had first entered into it. But she hadn't experience this withdrawal from the world, this backing away from everyone and everything. Only once had she felt this scared after coming out of VR, and that had been when she was in with the boy genius. In a place where he had complete and utter control of everything and anything around, including her. She had curled up in a corner, staring at her fingers, until Morgan had found her. She thought of the man who'd given his life for her brought a twist of regret to her stomach. Scully was a strong woman. She had to be, in order to be an FBI agent. What in the world could have upset her so much? The answer was something only Scully could give. But she wasn't talking. Scully stayed in her secluded world, only concentrating on everything that had happened. Trying to remember everything that Mulder had ever said to her, trying to freeze frame his picture in her mind and keep staring at it. She had to get out of here. She felt as if she had a million doors surrounding her, and if she so much as moved her action would be anticipated, and things would happen. A gut feeling told her if she moved towards the wrong one, she could kill him, if she hadn't already. He had already known she wasn't going to tell him once he was out. She wouldn't- it was impossible. Why should she tell him and bring out more problems? All emotions do is cause entangling alliances, and her life was all ready too complicated. She didn't need any more problems. It was late when she uncurled herself on Penelope's ]ouch, and became aware of where she was, who she was, and what she had to do. "G- Graham?" she asked softly. He was dozing on the other end, Penelope curled next to him. Sharp blue eyes opened and went to her like a hawk. "Pen," he whispered. Penelope sat up, startled, and blinked. "Dana- what happened?" She took several breaths before answering. "I forced him away. He said he isn't coming back-" "Did you get him to drink some water, touch the water in any way, shape or form?" Graham asked. His hair hung raggedy to his shoulders, and he looked overly tired, like someone who never quite got a full night's rest. Like Mulder. "No," she said softly. Penelope sighed. "I'm going to take you to a hospital, Dana," she said. When the older woman opened her mouth to protest, Penelope cut her off. "Just to see if there's anything wrong. Just to make sure you're all right. You never did see about your stomach, anyways." So that was how Scully came to be sitting in the office of Dr. Lois Artrina. She was dressed in a cloth robe, and her jeans. The rest of her clothes lay stacked in a neat pile beside her on the examining table. She sighed, and shivered. The office had to turn down the air conditioning if they were going to let half-naked patients wait for more than fifteen minutes. It was around nine when Dr. Artrina entered. She was a tall, pleasant woman with high cheekbones, a pale complexion, and black hair that came to her shoulders. She was dressed in a green surgical gown, and her smile was tired. "Hello, Dana, sorry to keep you waiting. Your friends tell me you've had some psychological difficulties, and you've been having pains in your stomach," she said. Dr. Artrina sounded older than Scully had first suspected, probably in her late forties. "Yes, I have." "Well, your friends say that you've recently had some stress on you." "Yes, but I don't think it's related. My... friend, Mulder, he was almost murdered a few days ago." "I see," she said softly. "Well, we've done all the tests, and we've found some traces of coelene. I hate to say this, but I think you might have been poisoned. Coelene is a chemical produced when mentholydis is mixed with stomach acids. I don't know how, though. Mentholydis is a purely experimental drug. It's still in the developing stages, even though they've worked out the chemical formula for it. It's supposed to flush out the a blockage on the back of the heart into another artery in a less delicate area so the doctors can remove the blockage without as much risk. You've ingested it somehow. We'll have to give you a shot and keep you here overnight for observation. Otherwise, if you keep taking these antibiotics it should release the coelene from your system, and you'll be all right." Dr. Artrina stepped over to a small box, and prepared a hypodermic. "Roll up your shirt," she ordered. Scully obeyed, and her face remained emotionless as the woman pressed the needle into the right side of her stomach. "I mixed a sleeping remedy with the antibiotic, so you can get a good night's rest." Scully nodded, and laid back against the examining table, darkness sweeping over her. She was vaguely aware of her body. Of being lifted up onto a gurney, and being rolled away someplace, and then being lifted again onto a bed. She drifted into darkness, and awoke with a start at twelve-thirty in the morning. She breathed heavily, as if she had just been held underwater for a few minutes. She looked around. Her hospital room was empty, the door was shut. She moved the bed up, still rather groggy, and picked up the phone. She had to find out what happened to Mulder. The right numbers miraculously got hit, blurry though her eye vision was, and she waited. One ring, two rings... "Hello?" Scully was surprised to hear the familiar voice of her sister on the other end. "Melissa?" "Dana, where are you?" her voice sounded relieved. Scully paused a moment. "I can't tell you. Why are you at the hospital? It's gotta be almost five in the morning where you are." Melissa's voice shook. "Well, after your last call, things went haywire with Mulder. He went into cardiac arrest twice, his condition is unstable. His father and mother both don't want you to talk to him. They don't want you in here even. The doctors say he could go at any time." The woman on the other end of the line tried to keep it together, but she felt her insides collapsing. Mulder could die, and it was her fault. She never should have brought him into VR. Never, never, never... "God, this is just like last time," Melissa said. Her sister's voice ankly, that just makes me sick." Melissa stood, grabbing her purse. She only got halfway to the door, before Skinner crowded in front of her. "Melissa, it's important- what did she say?" "She told me to watch over Mulder for her." "And?" he prompted. "I'm not at liberty to say," she retorted, pushing past him. Mulder stood in the blackness. He had started towards the golden light after his last talk with Scully. It hadn't been because of what she might have thought. He wanted to remember everything when he got out of his coma, and he knew he would never. She would know, and her eyes would wonder at him every day, to see if he remembered, but he never would, and she would keep lying to him. He had felt the old familiar stirring spring within him when he'd held her in his arms. When he'd stood back for the first time in his life, and saw something everyone but he had before. Scully. Not as his sister, but as the beautiful woman she was. As the person she was, a person he knew and cared about, maybe even loved. And she didn't want any of that. She wanted it to remain the way it was. He didn't know her reasons, and it didn't seem important to him to know them. All he knew was that if he couldn't remember her, beautiful and smiling, and remember the feeling that had burst upon him when he'd kissed her, he didn't want to live. She truly would be the only reason for him to come back. Mulder had never been particularly close to anyone, or at least close enough so that he would pick them over the truth. Only Scully had crossed that barrier as his friend and partner, and he wanted the truth. He wanted it more than he had wanted to make love to her in the bar. And he knew that if he went to that golden light, he'd be able to get the truth. He'd have all the answers. What would you do with them? The question popped in his mind for a second time. What would he do once he had the answers? When you had all the right answers but no one to share them with? He'd know where Samantha was. That was important. But what if she was alive- she wouldn't be back to him for years. And he'd be forced to watch life go on. To see Scully go back to teaching at the Academy, his sister go on living wherever she was, with her husband, or boyfriend or whatever. And he'd have to see Scully with her new husband, and the brood of children she would eventually have... The thought left him cold even though the golden light was warming him now. Never seeing Sam in the flesh, watching Scully marry someone... They were thoughts he never knew he had in his mind. Ideas that had played at the back of his head, the dreams he woke up from and never remembered what they were about. They were the underlying truths that ran inside him. The truths he'd kept secret, just like she would keep secret the truths about their feelings. He stopped on his way to the golden light. And then he turned around. The woman stared at the man, quirking an eyebrow. "That's a man for you. She doesn't give in, and he leaves- it's terrible the way the male mind works these days." The man shook his head. "He's not like that. He really isn't. I know you don't believe me, sunflower, but it's true. He really cares. He's just thirsty. He wants the truth, and she won't give that to him when he gets back." Her face drew up into a scowl. "She's only doing what's right by her eyes. It would only complicate her situation with him even more." "Ah, but complexities thicken the plot." "We're not writing a story. We're trying to end it all." The man shook his head. "She'll do what's right because she's just like you, and he'll keep pushing her in the other direction before he realizes acceptance is the only way, because he's just like may." "Let's pray for all our sakes the children will turn out better than the parents." Scully awoke around five in the morning. She dressed and managed to get discharged a few minutes before six. Penelope was waiting for her, as instructed. "Dana, what's this all about?" "Never mind right now- did you get Graham on the flight?" "Yeah, one am. He's at your place-" "Not anymore. If Melissa did what I said, he'll be at the hospital. Hurry, I've got to get into VR now!" Penelope sped down back alleys, and deserted streets, until she came to her apartment. Scully downed a pill dry before racing up the stairs, towards Penelope's apartment. When she reached the place, she made a beeline for the computer. She shoved the gloves on her hands, typed in the scenery as a lake and dialed the number. Melissa answered. "Is Graham there?" Scully asked, trying to mask her voice. Graham came online. "Hello?" "Graham, it's me. Put the phone to Mulder's ear, and whatever you do don't let them take it away!" "Gotcha!" he said. The phone rustled against the pillow, and Scully flicked the switch. The twisting and turning seemed to take longer this time, now that she was in a hurry. Now that she had to hurry... Scully found herself in a lake. It was a long lake, surrounded by green-leaved trees. She sighed suddenly. It was May, spring, a time when things were supposed to be reborn, and instead Mulder was dying. But the leaves were a good sign, even if she had put them there. She found herself naked in the cool waters, the only light coming from the thousands of stars that dotted the sky above her. She searched the banks. He would definitely be on the banks... "Mulder!" she cried when she saw him. He looked up, and stared at her. She swam as far as she dared near him. "You took my advice, Scully. Your stomach- it's all better now. You're all better. Thank you. I know you'll be all right now, and I don't have to worry about protecting you," he said, his voice serene. She was afraid of that serenity because it could mean he was on the edge. "I still need you, Mulder, to help me, protect me," she said. It was a backwards turn, but she was willing to change history to bring him back to her. She was even willing to think twice about being that little girl he had thought she was. Mulder smiled. "You don't need any protecting, Scully. You can do anything," he said. "Me? Well, I'll be going someplace where I can find the truth, Scully," he said, a fey tone in his voice. Everything about Mulder was fey to her. Every look he gave was filled with the sorrow knowledge that he was going to die, and that there was no reason he should live. "You can't do that, Mulder! I won't let you. You have to stay here. I need you to help me find out who did this to you. I need you to be here with me, as my friend," she pleaded. He pursed his lips. "That's right. I'm just your friend. I'm just Fox Mulder the famed friend of skeptic always Dana Scully." She closed her eyes and bowed her head. "Mulder, you have no idea how much I want it to be more, but it can't, don't you see how it could complicate things? We're already in enough trouble with Skinner- I disobeyed a direct order in coming to save you. I have to trust you, and what if it doesn't work out? Where does that leave our partnership, our trust? Where does that leave our friendship?" "And you aren't willing to make the gamble?" She was silent. "Mulder, come into the water, now," she ordered. He looked away. "I can't Scully. I'm not going to let you throw this away. I'd rather die than go through a facade I don't even know I'm playing!" "Mulder, there isn't time for games- you're going to die!" "Then so be it!" he cried. He plopped on the banks, and stared at her, treading water. "I never thought about what it would be like without you until you were gone. I never thought about what it would be like to try a relationship with you until it almost came about." She swam closer, aware that he could see whatever he wanted to, and knowing he wouldn't. "If you go, I'm coming too," she said. She swam close enough so that she could plant her feet in the muddy bottom of the lake. Mulder buried his face in his hands. There was silence around her, as she stared at her partner. He was still dressed in black, and she wanted to put him in a bright white suit with purple polka dots. Anything besides that horrible, horrible black. His dark hair glinted in the moonlight, and his hazel eyes were round and the pupils dilated. Wind whispered through the branches of what looked like Oak and Elms mixed. A weeping willow stood opposite to a dogwood, whose blossoms fell into a small circle on the lake. Scully took another step towards him, and felt the water lower to the top of her chest. She took another step, and then another, until the water was just spitting foam around her ankles. Mulder looked up, and stared at her. Her body was ivory in the starlight. Water glinted on her body, and Mulder felt inflamed at the sight of her. Her figure curved in and then out, he found himself standing before he knew what he was doing. Crystal blue eyes dared him, and as he took a step forward, she took a step back. Her hair looked like wet fire, and he suddenly wanted her more than he knew. And if having her meant going into the water, so be it! He reached for the edges of his shirt, and pulled it over his head and off in a second. Scully stared at him, and wondered why she had never noticed before how firm her partner's chest was. Why she had never thought of those medium shoulders as wonderful for burying your head in to sleep on. He divested the rest of his clothing, so he was completely naked when he came into the water. She studied his anatomy for a moment, staring blatantly at all the places she knew no friend had a right looking at. Scully was under the shadow of the weeping willow, treading water. Mulder swam towards her, his hair looking like fine silk black. She watched him as he retreated into the water. She'd seen all the hidden secrets, and how hard and completely foreign he was. How could she ever look at him again and not remember seeing him naked on the banks of her own private mind-made lake? His eyes stared deeply at her, as he swam up. "Scully, will you tell me? Please, when I'm out, will you tell me?" She crossed her fingers underneath the cold dark water, knowing that she would do anything, even deny the truth to get him back... "Yes, I'll tell you." He reached a hand out, and circled her waist with his arm, pulling him near her. Even in the cold water, his body was stiff against hers. He leaned down and devoured her mouth. She swooned slightly, and forbidden thoughts entered her mind like Eve in the garden. It was stunning, to have such a warm body next to her, while the cold waters spun around her. But she wanted him. She put a hand on his chest, the other ran through wet silk hair. His tongue thrust aside her soft lips, tasting the interior of her mouth. She clung to him, pulling him out farther into the lake, her legs wrapping around his waist, as they sunk underwater, only aware of each other's bodies and their own desperate need.... Scully flew out of VR, whipping off the glasses, and flipped the switch. She threw the gloves at the screen, and then picked up the phone again. She jabbed a finger at the redial button and waited. It was five long seconds before Graham answered. There was shouting and scuffling going on in the background. "Is he all right? Is he alive?" Graham's voice was slowed somewhat. "I'm not sure. They're working-" He stopped a moment, and there was yelling in the back, and someone started crying. Please don't let him be dead, please don't let him be dead... "He's alive, Dana." Scully breathed a sigh of relief she'd been holding in for a long time. She'd done it. He was alive. She smiled. "Thank you," she whispered. A tired but satisfied Special Agent Dana Scully shambled wearily into the intensive care unit. Her body felt like it had been held in a sensory deprivation tank for several hours after being on the plane, and everything around her looked surreal. Evening light spilled in; it was close to eight o'clock. Scully had bought a ticket for Graham to get back to L.A., but not before hugging him thoroughly. She couldn't imagine what she would have done without him. If he hadn't been there to make the connection, she would never have saved Mulder. There were several messages on her machine, most from Melissa and her mother, one from Skinner. She had erased them all, and driven straight to the hospital. She had to see if Mulder was alive for herself. She would have to see his hazel eyes looking up at her before she could really believe it. She seated herself next to her partner. Mulder was still pale, but some of the equipment had been moved. The electrocardiograph was showing regular heartbeats and the only other sign you'd have that he was sick were the tubes in his nose, and the IV dripping some kind of medicine in his arm. She put a hand on his own, and his eyes opened. They brightened immediately at the sight of her. "Nice to see a pretty woman when you wake up. Last time I was staring at the dots in the tiles," he spoke. His voice, coming from his lips, in the flesh was sweet music to her ears. Her heart froze only a second before she realized he was joking. If he remembered anything from when she had taken him into VR, there was no hope. She smiled, hoping she wasn't blushing at the same time. "Well you're all better all right. Probably delirious, but all better," she joked back. "Yeah," he said, pushing the buttons on his bed. It lifted him up, and he straightened himself out before speaking again. "They shot me with something for my leg, I think it was morphine." She smiled. "Forget, that- you're not delirious, you're high." "As a kite. I feel great, though," he said, smiling. She laughed. "I can imagine- what's wrong with your leg?" He shrugged. "I dunno. I twisted my ankle, and there's a big slice from what they think is glass down my leg." "Do you remember anything from before the accident?" "Already playing Sherlock Scully. I was going to your place, I had to tell you something- I can't remember what, but I needed to tell you fast. No idea why I didn't pick up the phone- I've got your number on speed dial two," he added. "Who's number one?" "Home Shopping Network," he joked. She laughed. "What are you doing in the hospital- you're not sick at all!" "I heard you were, though," he said, turning serious. "From who?" "Aaaahh!" he said, rubbing his forehead. He wince when his fingers hit the black and blue mark just starting to go down. "I- I think his name was uh, Danny? Something began with a D..." "Graham," she said. Recognition hit his face. "Yeah, him. I talked with him- nice guy. He said you sent him out here from L.A., you were sick, they said you were poisoned-" She shook her head suddenly. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. Just concentrate on getting better, I need you to help me figure a couple things out," she said softly. "Do you remember anything about being in your coma?" He frowned deeply. He looked up at Scully, looked deeply into crystal blue eyes that reminded him of the blue waters of a lake. A lake he'd been to with her once, a long time ago. He had a feeling that something had happened that he wasn't quite sure of. Her eyes were hiding something from him. There was something she wasn't telling him, and he felt slightly betrayed by her. As if she'd promised to do something, and then refused to do it for him. He'd also noticed something was different about her. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something different about her now. "No, I don't. No golden lights, or anything," he said, mocking a glum tone. He felt around his forehead, finding three small cuts there. He rubbed them vigorously, and then groaned slightly. "Maybe it wasn't morphine. I can still feel the pain." Her smile dimmed slightly, to just a pleasant look. For a moment, he was sure he'd seen something in her face. Something he'd never seen there before. Fear. Fear for something, but what he couldn't tell. He only knew he wanted to find out. If he knew what was making her so scared, maybe he could put her worries to rest. He had seen her cry once, and it had almost broken his heart. Or maybe he had seen her cry more than once. There was that time, after he'd just come in time to save her from Donnie Pfaster, but there was something else he was remembering. When he'd held her close, and she'd beat on his chest in frustration, or maybe anger... He winced. Remembering made his head ache. "Why were you in L.A.?" he asked softly. Scully had her answer all planned out. "Our friend told me to go there. He said there was someone out there who could help you come out of your coma. It was all bogus, though. Just some quack. She performed some kind of weird ritual- that's where I met Graham. She said that you would "awaken at my voice", when you heard me speak," she snorted. "Just plain ridiculous." He nodded, used to her skepticism. "Nice way to start out the spring, almost dying," he joked. She paused again. Could it be possible that her thoughts had rubbed off on him in VR? Her thought about the irony of his dying in May, a time when things were supposed to be reborn had been private. "Ironic," she said, keeping her calm. But Mulder had seen her slight hesitation. "Is something wrong, Scully?" "No," she said quickly. Maybe too quickly. "I don't know, you just don't seem like yourself," he said, shrugging. She broke into a small smile, but he knew it was false. "I'm fine." Staring down at her hands, she continued the charade. "I was afraid you were going to die, you know. I really thought we'd solved our last case, done our last night of paperwork," she confessed. He grasped her hand in his own. "You kidding me? I can't die, I still have the rest of those forms to fill out," he joked. She smiled, and he winced slightly. "What's the matter?" "Ah, nothing. My head just hurts, that's all," he brushed off her concern. "Kiss it, make it all better, Dana," he said in a mock whimper. She smiled, leaned over, and dropped a light kiss on his forehead. Mulder felt the magic connect, the electricity crackle instantly, he felt the change to his system that was her. Scully felt the shock quickly, and stood, her face flushed slightly. She turned away, finding her eyes on the electrocardiograph instead of him. He couldn't see the blinding tears that were welling behind her eyes, or the red flush to her face. But he felt it also, she could tell. The past five seconds had brought his heartbeat quicker, to a stunning high that was gradually going down. He followed her eyes to the electrocardiograph, as a part of his body mimicked the heartbeat. Jesus, what had THAT been about? The crackle and burst of emotion and feeling and hard raw lust was totally unexpected. He blinked several times as if to make sure this was reality. And he glanced at Scully softly. She was wearing a low cut blue sweater that exposed her collar bones as it touched the slope of her chest, and then draped from there. She wore tight jeans, and he found if he closed his eyes, he could mentally undress her. Maybe the change hadn't been in Scully. Maybe it was him. Maybe he was noticing all the things he had so subtly looked over before. Like the way her figure was hourglass, the way it curved. If he closed his eyes, he found the image of her, dripping wet, shrouded only in her wonderful beauty was imprinted in his mind. He had never thought of his partner this way before, but now he was, and it was all strange and exciting, and arousing. If just that slight brushing of her lips against his forehead could do such things, what would it feel like if he... *What was he thinking about?* Dana was his partner, his best friend, to even contemplate what he was thinking was inconceivable! He'd just been in a car accident, maybe it was just his mind working differently. He'd almost died, maybe his mind had just decided it should notice those things. He'd heard of people who'd been best friends with people of the opposite sex for years, been through a trauma, and realized that the person was different, attractive, things that didn't matter in a friendship. It was... natural, he supposed. He had always thought of Scully as a little sister of sorts, a buddy. Not as a beautiful woman. He had known that, but it didn't seem important. As he stared at her now, it was imperative he thought of her like that. He found ideas rushing in his head before he knew what was happening. He wanted to reach up, ignore the pain in his head and leg, and pull her back onto the bed, reach his hands under that blue sweater, and feel her body, touch those intimate places, attach his mouth to them, and never let go of her... He shook himself with the realization he was doing it again. And the fact that the room had been silent for a few seconds, and if he didn't do something to get her to look at him and not that damn electrocardiograph, he'd reach up, and take her in the hospital room, no matter who was watching, and how much he hurt. "Eeeewww! She kissed me, cootie city, man!" he mocked. Her head snapped towards him, and although he knew the comment was totally inappropriate, she smiled anyways. So maybe he hadn't felt desire fuming inside him as their bodies touched. Maybe he didn't remember, maybe everything that had happened in VR had had no effect on him. She knew in her heart this wasn't true, but her mind told her otherwise. He won't remember. Things can go on as they've always been. Say something now before he says something else that makes you feel like crying. She realized that was what she wanted to do. She wanted to flop down, lay her head in his lap, and pour out her heart and soul. Tell him the truth about everything, let out all the tears since his accident that she had been holding in, while he held her close, and promised her that everything would be all right. That's what she really needed right now. Someone to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be all right. That it didn't matter that she hadn't told him. That she could tell him, and there would be no complications, no consequences. Everything would be just as it was before... Only that wasn't what she wanted. What she wanted was to shut and lock the door, pull the curtain around them, and have her own wicked way with him. "Hey, Scully, did you change your hair or something? You look different to me," he commented. She shook her head. "No. I'm probably a mess, and that's what you see," she joked, rubbing hands down her sides to smooth out the powder blue sweater. It dipped slightly at the collar, and Mulder caught the expose of flesh with his eyes ravenously. He smiled. "You could never look a mess, you look beautiful," he said. He realized quickly how that must sound to her ears, and shrugged. "A'course, anythin' I say don't really count, since everything looks blurry," he said, blinking several times to make his point. The lie was quick and easy, and well worth it when she came over, nearer to him, and put a hand on his forehead. Calm, Mulder, he pleaded with himself. Her touch ignited him, and he felt as if there was magic in her fingers. No matter how forbidden, and odd the thoughts of Scully like this were, he had them and they were filling his mind rapidly, like a tidal wave exploding inside him. "You'd better go to sleep," she whispered, even as the electricity crackled in her from being close to him. It was as if every part of her body was reaching out to him, but yet she had to restrain herself. "I'll come back later, and see you," she promised. A moment later she slipped out the door, and Mulder was left to stare at the tiles and wonder. He tried to remember. He knew he had to remember something. He was missing something, but everything felt so right. It felt so right to want to touch her, to want to see her. He wanted to fall witness to her body like he had before, in what seemed to be a dream, but felt so real. He swore he would know what it felt like to be naked beside her, her body pressed against his. He watched the door, as if she might come running back, slam the door, and throw herself upon him. And the feeling... he knew he'd been missing something all those years she was his partner and nothing else. He felt the magic, soar within him. It was like he was completing a destiny he had been denying so long. He was fulfilling something in touching her, in wanting her. The feeling totally consumed him, and he realized he would done anything for her now. And that he always would. Scully breathed a sigh of air as she made her way down to the cafeteria of the hospital, where she found Melissa, her mother, and Mrs. Mulder taking up residence at a table. Melissa jumped up when she spotted her sister, ran and hugged her. "Dana, where've you been? Did you see Mulder? What happened?" Her mother also fluttered about her like this for a minute, before they sat her down in one of the hard plastic chairs across from Mrs. Mulder and made her talk. "Skinner thought you might have been responsible for Mulder's accident. He was placing a trace on your call to me." Scully sighed. "That figures. I was in L.A., look I can't give you all the details, I had something that I had to do," she said, before sneaking a glance that spoke volumes to Melissa. "Everything's fine, I'm fine, I was sick for a little while, and now I'm fine." "You were sick?" "Yeah, it was nothing, just a stomach disorder thing. I'm fine now, except for the fact that I've got bad jet lag, and I don't have a car to go home in." "I'll take you," Melissa interrupted. "You look like you could use the rest. Scully was glad for the silent communication she still had with her sister, even though her childhood was long passed. Melissa was silent through the entire drive, until she reached her sister's apartment. Once they were inside, settled around the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, she dared to ask, "What really happened, Dana?" Scully looked over at her sister for a moment, and then began to talk. She told her everything. About how Mr. X had come to her, telling her to go to Penelope, about how she'd met Penelope, about her suspicions that Mulder had been murdered, her first venture into SIVR, about her kiss with Mulder, and then the horror when she realized her stomach was rotting. Then the priest in the Church, how he'd known all the things about her, how the door had disappeared. About her second venture in, how it had scared her, what had happened with her stomach, finding herself poisoned. Going into SIVR for the third time, convincing Mulder to come back, and her talk with Mulder later. Finally she stopped, sighing, and looked at her sister. "What should I do?" "About Mulder?" "About everything." Melissa stayed silent for a second. "I think you should tell him, Dana. From what you say, I think you've found something very special with him, and I don't think you should give that up for your job, or because it'll make waves in your life. You promised you'd tell him, and by your not telling him, he's going to mistrust you in a way- he'll know you're hiding something from him. And it will reflect in him every time he's around you. "As for your illness and his- I think someone is out to get you, and I want you to be careful. I don't like hospitals." Scully nodded somberly. "I can't tell him, though, Melissa. I just can't!" Her sister nodded. "Get some sleep, Dana," she said, before skirting out the door. That was a good idea, she decided. Fifteen minutes later, Scully sank onto her bed. She couldn't believe how tired she was. It completely overwhelmed her to the point where she felt if she opened her eyes, she'd die with strain. She shivered in the slip, and pulled the covers around her. Her head hit the pillow, and she blacked out into sleep. Penelope thought she'd never hear the end of it. She'd picked Graham up from the airport that afternoon, and come home to find Sandar there, yelling and cursing up to the high heavens. "I TOLD you not to tell her anything- you let her go into VR, for God sake, she could have been killed!" "She needed help, Russell!" Penelope cried. "I couldn't turn my back on her-" Sandar wasn't listening. "After all my instructions- " "Whoa!" Graham yelled. The room quieted immediately. Graham had a low, deep voice, made for soft delicate whispers, and to hear it belted out in such a way startled everyone. Dressed only in jean shorts, his hair still wet from his shower, he had entered the room only moments ago to hear them yelling. He was in good shape, Soloflex stomach and chest, although you wouldn't have expected it with his medium build. Sandar stared at him. "You wanted to protect her- do you think the committee is going to let her run around helping people whenever she feels like it? Why didn't you stop her?" he demanded. Sandar was tall, with piercing gray eyes that you could feel upon you. His dark hair was receding slightly, and he reminded Penelope of a hawk. He was British, or from British decent obviously, but he acted high-class, as if he knew all, and everyone else was just a silly child. That's what usually got Penelope mad- his prep attitude. "Because I saw this woman- she was in bad shape, she was all upset over this guy. I mean it. Besides, nothing bad happened. The guy's alive, she's fine, no problems. Penelope did somebody a favor," Graham said. Sandar knew there was more to Graham than was let on to a lot of people. He knew exactly why it was wrong for Penelope to help Scully, and Sandar knew he knew. "No she didn't! Dammit, this agent was put out of commission for a certain reason! And he'll come back, and he'll bring her with him!" Sandar demanded. Graham pursed his lips, and looked at him over Penelope's head. She stood in the middle, flannel shirt and jeans hanging off her, wondering what they were talking about with their eyes. Graham disappeared outside a moment later, and Sandar turned away. "They'll come here again, Penelope. Whatever you do, don't tell them anything, please." He left, and Penelope collapsed on the couch, feeling like a dejected daughter. Graham met Sandar in the hallway outside Penelope's apartment. "What's going on, Russell?" Graham asked. Deadhead facade forgotten, he stared demeaningly at the older man. "This agent has been following a series of murders that occurred out here. Someone that's been using Penelope's technology to kill others. He was on his way out here, when we stopped him. If he finds out about what Penelope has accomplished, he could go public. You let her into what Penelope has done, and now she's in danger. The committee wants this project as secret as possible, it's in conflict with another group though. It's very complicated, but someone is counteracting their demand. That's the only reason they're still alive. Penelope could be sealing their fate instead of helping them," Sandar explained passionately. Graham squared his shoulders, his face like stone. "Dana already knows us, though." "Pretend you don't know her, and for God sake try and keep Penelope out of trouble!" the older man said, turning and stalking down the hall. But Graham knew he could never convince Penelope to do that. Theodore Stevens sighed. He was getting tired of changing. They always wanted a cat, or something related to a cat. He had changed for several people already today, and he wasn't able to hold the form as long now. Sometimes the powers wore down, and the could only hold it for a few seconds. It was going to be that way soon. He had only gotten one job since he'd been recruited to Project Mammalia. They'd flown him out to Washington, given him directions to the man's house, how to get rid of him, how to get out. A simple night job, and then he was out again. Of course, the other members of Project Mammalia were just as eager to use their powers. They wanted excitement, danger. They wanted to kill. That was what they had been trained to do all their lives. Their daddys were soldiers and their daddys before them. There were five members. Theodore, Henry, Michael, Jacinta and Havannah. Out of all of them, Theo and Jacinta had been the only ones sent on a special job. Everyone else marveled at their powers, but it had been a lot of training- hard, difficult training that had brought them where they were. They all had only been able to attempt cats in public. Privately they changed into numerous things. Havannah had slipped into dolphin form for a millisecond once, and each was trying to come up with their own way to top her accomplishment. It was difficult though, because they hadn't had as much training in turning into other things. It included study, concentration, meditation, and will. If it suited him, Theo could be a green tiger with purple stripes, or a black cat with a white nose. Colors depended upon how they looked before the transformation. Now he was performing for the latest group. Sweat beads broke out on his forehead as he concentrated. It was difficult, now, after he'd done it so many times. The change came. His body went down, his arms became forelegs, his head changed form. Now was the choosing point. What should he be? Panther, he decided. That was always a nice form. His body changed, became sleek, the black tail sprouting nicely. A moment later, there was only a black panther sitting in the white room before a group of twelve men shrouded behind a panel. He plopped down, and stared at the man in the corner with yellow, glaring eyes. Myra knew how much he hated this. "Very good, Theodore. You can change back now," she said. Theo stood on his hind legs, and grew slightly, his arms hanging at his sides, back into the black suit that covered his entire body. His face was painted black, everything was black. He sighed inwardly, keeping a straight face, and erect posture outside. Good soldiers always did what they were told, no matter what. Theo stared at the twelve men staring back at him, and wished he could be in his room. Jacinta had said she wanted to show him something special, and he was excited about anything different. This mundane lifestyle was beginning to bore him. At this point, he had been ready to start planning a scheme to break out of the place with the others. If Gary had let them in on his idea a month ago, he might have been alive, and they might know how to get out. Theo had taken all his maps and plans, but he still couldn't see how Gary had planned to leave through Sector B. It was a dead end, the only duct was minute- too small for a mouse even. Why would he go that way when it would have been easiest to attack the guards in Sector A and go through the ventilation system? Theo would rather have an assignment than escape, truth be known. His first and only assignment, however easy, had also been exciting. Jumping out of the darkness, black leopard form. The man's cry of surprise- he had torn the paper to shreds from under the man's hands. Then after he was on the floor, Theo had turned into human form. What he hadn't counted on was being so tired. He had crouched in panther form for hours, and he was tired. The man had gotten to his feet surprisingly quick, and jumped him. That was why Theo had the crescent-shaped cut above his right eye. Landing on the glass table, hearing it break under him. When he gotten up too quickly, caught the side of his face on a piece of glass. But that had been soon forgotten. He hadn't fought someone for a long time, and he was eager to begin. The man had been in excellent shape, and he hadn't expected the force with which he fought. Nor the gun tucked away in his hand. It had gone off once, embedding itself in the couch. Theo was quick, too. That was when he broke out of the window, landing in the dumpster in black cat form. The man was upstairs for a few minutes, long enough for Theo to climb into his car, poised in cat form. The man, speeding through the streets, hadn't noticed the cat in the back seat, hadn't noticed it until Theo had brought a sharp claw across his face, and the car had spun out of control. Theo had suffered for the accident with a sore back from hitting the steering wheel. But he'd been careful enough to leave the back window open to escape. He glanced at the twelve men, and hoped Jacinta had something equally exciting to show him. Scully dreamed. She was laying in a field. A bright green field with waist high grass swaying in the wind, and wildflowers growing all over the place. She was spread out, arms and legs apart. A breeze ruffled the flowing white dress that adorned her body. The bright blue sky stood parallel to the earth, puffy white clouds floating overhead. It was so peaceful out here. She didn't want to go get married yet. It was so beautiful, so wonderful out here. A man dressed in a tuxedo was approaching. She smiled when she recognized her partner. She was going to marry Mulder, she realized. That was nice. Mulder was a nice guy, he loved her, he'd take care of her. That was something her grandmother had instilled in her. When you get married, make sure the man will take care of you. Make sure that he would rather die than see harm come to you, Dana, and nothing bad will ever happen. That was good. She waited, and let him come to her. Scully smiled when he approached, and stood over her. He fell to his knees beside her, and she sat up. "Hello, Mulder," she said cheerfully. "Why aren't you coming?" She sighed. "It's so peaceful out here- can we wait another day?" His face was solemn. Too solemn for a man about to be married. "I would wait forever, but they won't," Mulder said. "They wanted me to talk to you, to get you to come to your senses. I only wish I could come to mine," he breathed. She didn't want to listen to anything that would confuse her. "I love it out here. It seems like there's just the earth and the sky. Lay down next to me," she insisted, pulling his shoulder. He obliged her, and she reached out and clasped his hand. She was getting married, it was a beautiful day, life was beautiful. She smiled at her future husband. He was so handsome, so sweet. He would wait forever for her, he said. She believed that. Grinning impishly, she rolled on top of him, and kissed his lips softly. "We can stay out here, we can wait just a little longer." She undid his tie suggestively, but he didn't share her enthusiasm for playing. "What's the matter, Mulder? Don't you want to make love?" He closed his eyes. "I wish that more than anything in the world," he breathed. "It won't be true, though." Scully stopped smiling. "Why not?" A hand reached up from the ground and grabbed her. She screamed, and clutched at Mulder, dragging him down under the soil with her. Down, down, down, past the graves of her ancestors, as she screamed all the way, dirt entering her mouth, staining the white dress. Mulder held her all the way down, until they found themselves in a cavern. She looked around scared and confused. A man and a woman stood before them. She recognized them immediately as the couple she had seen in the bar, and in the restaurant. Why are they here? What do they want? "Hello, Dana," the woman said. She was short, round, with short black hair and the kindest face Scully had ever seen. "It's time." Scully knew immediately what they were talking about. She turned to Mulder. He was so beautiful, and when those soft brown eyes looked at her, they held such love... She wanted to drown in the flood, but her own heart wouldn't let her. "Promise, Dana," he begged. Those eyes were filling with tears, and her own did simultaneously. "Please promise..." She had to promise, she knew the words to say. But she was holding back. Something inside her was protesting... "I love you." Complications, complications. "I will always love you." Stop, stop! "I promise to you..." Turn back now! "My heart.." No! "My body.." Last chance! "And my soul," she said, completing the oath. Completing her destiny. Mulder's eyes shone with such adoration that the tears from her eyes bubbled over. And then his face changed, and she felt her own change. And suddenly she wasn't staring at Mulder, but rather looking at the other couple. The big burly man looked younger though. The woman was slimmer, with long dark hair that came down to her hips. Her brown eyes held waves of love for the man. The man smiled graciously at her. "I'm with you, my love. Always and Forever." "Why didn't I tell you..." Scully awoke with a jolt, staring at the ceiling of her apartment. Her first conscious thought was of Mulder. Mulder had been in her dream, Mulder was sick, she had to go to him. It was nighttime out, she saw that. She glanced at the clock that read two in the morning. She got up, and slipped on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She put on a heavy winter jacket, and rushed outside. It was cold for a May night, but the cold didn't bother her. She had to see Mulder, it was imperative that she see him now. The nurses tried to keep her out of the room, but Nurse Wilkins advised them otherwise. Scully sighed when she saw him, asleep. She shut the door, and pulled the curtain around them, sliding her jacket off. She sat by his bedside, and took his hand. He roused from sleep, and looked at her. "Late night, Scully? Margaret told me you went home." "I was home, I came back. How do you feel?" she asked suddenly. He blinked, and let out a breath of air. Moonlight came in through the open window, and it was the only source of illumination in the alcove she'd created. She noticed the electrocardiograph had been moved away, as well as the tubes in his nose. "Okay, I guess. I'm not high anymore. They took away some of the clutter. They say I should be out tomorrow afternoon if the doctor OK's it," he responded. Scully nodded. "Lemme see your leg," she said, lifting the bedcovers from his legs. She stood, and examined his right one. A long scratch that looked like it could possibly leave a ghost of a scar ran from his knee to his calve. "That doesn't look to bad. Why did they give you morphine for it?" He shrugged. "I don't know. It was bothering me a lot though. They thought I might have had an infection, they gave me some antibiotics, shot me up with the morphine, and I was fine. What about you? Melissa told me you were poisoned with mentholydis," he said, concerned. She paused. "What else did she tell you?" He shook his head. "Nothing. Just that you'd been poisoned with mentholydis by someone- whatever that is." "It's a drug researchers have been trying to come up with. They've got the chemical formula, but not the actual chemical, they say. And it wasn't the mentholydis. It was coelene. I ingested the mentholydis, it mixed with the acids of my stomach, and acted as a poison- coelene," she explained rapidly. It was silent in the room as she draped the covers back over him, and dragged the chair nearer to him. She plopped down in it, and leaned her head against the side of the railing. "I talked with our friend today," he said softly. She twisted in her seat, and looked up at him. "He said we've got to be careful. Listen, Scully, I remembered something earlier- did you find the file in my drawer?" She nodded. "Yeah, your apartment was trashed." "Then you know about the people found comatose? Good. It relates to an X-File from 1978- three men were found in a coma. All were in top physical condition. He told me about this woman- her name is Penelope Melicin. All the people that have been found were near or around a phone when they died. The last person to call them was this woman." Scully froze at Penelope's name. She contemplated telling him everything right there and then before she remembered she couldn't. "What does this have to do with what happened to you?" "I don't know. That's what we're going to L.A. tomorrow night to find out. I've already booked a flight and reservations," he explained subtly. "Jesus, Mulder, you've just got out of the hospital- " "You know me. Workaholic. Besides, I wanna talk more to your friend Graham." She nodded. She'd just have to call Graham and Penelope ahead of time. She made a mental note to do that in the morning. She yawned suddenly, not bothering to try and stifle it. "Tired, Scully?" he asked softly. She looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, li'l bit. Do you mind if I spend the night here?" she asked lazily. "I'm so tired..." "Yeah, here, you can have one of my pillows," he said, taking the bottom one from underneath him. He set the railings down on his bed, and she drew her chair nearer. He propped the pillow next to him, and she laid her head upon it. She smiled at him before closing her eyes, her head laying on the bed, her body curled on the chair. He watched her for a moment, wondering why she seemed so enchanting to him, before drifting into sleep. He awoke less than and hour later, and stared at his partner. She twisted in her sleep, and he woke her up gently. "Mulder... what?" "Listen, you can come into bed with me. That's gotta be an uncomfortable position," he reasoned. She was so beautiful, how could he put her in pain? Besides, he wanted someone warm to sleep next to. She almost protested before climbing up into the hospital bed. He pulled the blanket over her, and put an arm around her shoulders, holding her protectively to him. She put a hand on his chest, and looked up at him, batting her eyelashes suddenly. He leaned down, caught in a sudden urge of lust, and pressed his lips against hers hard. The feeling was immeasurable. He soared, the electricity crackled, and shocked him. She tasted delicious, especially when she opened her mouth to him, tasting back. She pulled back suddenly, staring at him, with her own dark need. She pulled the T-shirt over her head, and he stared at her. The curves of her body were just as he had thought them, and she lay on top of him, adorning his face with kisses. His hand trailed up her bare back, the other tangling in her red hair. He wanted her so much. He sat up, and she undid the back of his hospital gown, yanking it down. She touched his chest, warm and firm under her fingers, and he responded the same, allowing his mouth to wander down, and suckle her... Mulder awoke in a sweat from his dream. He glanced down at Scully, sleeping with her head on the pillow. It had only been in his mind. "Dammit," he whispered softly, and looked down at her. The aftermath of the erotic dream still upon him. He wondered if she would look that way underneath the T-shirt. He wondered if she would climb in with him if he offered. If she would allow him to do all those things he had been dreaming about to her. He touched her hair, and gasped slightly. It was as smooth as it had been in his dream, softer even. The lust inside him was almost animalistic in its urges. It came to him from a time when men hauled their wives over their backs like a sac of potatoes after the wedding, and fought wild bears with fire and clubs. She stirred slightly, and if she would have seen the look on his face, she would have been mortified. He knew what had happened. Melissa had come back, and told him everything Scully had told her. About SIVR, about the way she felt.... He could remember it in a haze, though. Kissing her on the piano, the transition she'd made from girl to woman before his eyes, when he'd held her close, and she'd promised to tell him. But if she could hold out, then, by God, so could he. He could remember her body, ivory white, the water on her body glistening from starlight above. He had lied, somewhat. Mr. X ÷.had÷ called him, and told him about SIVR, but not told him all those things. He wanted to go to Graham and Penelope, because he wanted to use SIVR, or he wanted her to use it. Either way, he had to get in there with her. It was the only place where he could make her understand everything. He stroked her head softly. Something inside him was bubbling to the surface. It was something magical, the part of him that sparked and shivered every time he touched her. It gave him an unearthly feeling. As if everything he did and said was written in the stars. As if the fact that this would happen was legendary. As if he was ending something that had been started before he was born. Something ancient and beautiful. There was more to falling in love with her. It would cause so many things, but in the end it would all be wonderful. The thought that other people were depending on him and Scully left him in awe of her. Generation after generation had been trying to do this, striving to do this... Someone had told him that, a long time ago, someone had told him what to do, where to go, and they pointed her out to him... Mulder leaned down, and kissed her forehead softly, knowing he didn't have a choice. The man gave the woman an "I told you so" look. "See? It's true." She smiled, but her heart was heavy. "She's scared. She's played by the rules all the time, and this was one of her rules, you know. She wants this, but it's forbidden in her eyes." The man looked tiredly down at her. "You're right, you know. It is just like it was. God help both of them." "I've been using all my influence on her. That's the only reason she came here. I don't know if it's working, though." "He's got a clue as to what this means." "What do you mean?" "He knows there's more at stake her than just his personal life. He doesn't know what exactly, but he knows something. I've watched him- he works better under pressure." "This isn't work," the woman reminded him. "This is life." The man's eyes closed for a second. If only he had had the determination of this age back then. Maybe he could have kept her from slipping through his fingers. Maybe the generations forever after wouldn't have to endure this. Maybe, maybe, maybe. The stars had written it all a long time ago, and this was how the story went. But the man was almost sure a new one would be born in the future. He could feel it firing up, preparing for its flight. He glanced down at the woman, and hoped this new star could burn forever. If it did, the story would change. But if it didn't, if it flared and then died, it would be as it always had been. The man didn't think he could take that. If the story changed maybe he could say them. Maybe they could be together at last. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Scully awoke in the morning, in the hospital. She took in a deep breath, and stifled a yawn. She lifted the upper half of her body, and grimaced as something in her neck twisted. She began to wish she wouldn't have come to the hospital last night. But then, she might not get this chance. She sat up, and looked at her partner. He looked like a little boy, she thought, touching the side of his face gently. But at the same time he looked dangerous, like he'd wake up any moment and go after you. She gazed at him, pure care in her eyes. Her hand traipsed up to the small bruise on his forehead, and then to the three tiny scratch marks. A cat had attacked him- but how had it gotten into the car? He still didn't remember what had happened before that, and the information was crucial. She wished suddenly that she knew who had done this to him. Find them, and tear their eyes out. She shook with the violent thought. She softly brought her hand to the side of his face. He had the stubble of a few days growth beard. It wasn't as if she hadn't touched him before. She had touched him a lot of times, gentle, explaining touches. But after what had happened in VR, it was as if something she hadn't even realized was there, had opened inside her. And it made her crave for his skin against hers in any way, shape or form. Even being near him sated her somewhat. Scully was scared for a moment. How could she go on like this? With him thinking they were still just friends, when she really ached for his body? Could she stand it again when those brown eyes looked at her with all the warmth and compassion of a friend? She turned away from him, withdrawing her hand. She wanted him. She needed him, and she had to pretend that they were only friends? She wasn't sure she could do it, but she knew she had to. It was a rule she set for herself that had helped her keep every job she'd ever had- never get involved. If you got involved with other people in your job, things got complicated. And she knew that if Skinner found out she was involved with Mulder, he'd snap her out of the X- Files division so fast it would make her head spin. Her job was to evaluate Agent Mulder. And she would certainly be biased if she was in love with him. And everything would go downhill. If someone else evaluated Mulder, they wouldn't bother to look beyond the surface, like she had. They would see a lunatic, and that was all they would see. They wouldn't see the person behind it, with all his secret torments, and personal delights. And then it would be like it was before. She would be teaching autopsy techniques, and he'd be sitting in a building someplace doing surveillance taps. And he would end up hating her, because he'd lost the X-Files because of her. No matter what, she never wanted him to hate her. She wouldn't take the risk of becoming more than friends. Not when there were so many things that could go wrong, so many horrible ways they could end up. Mulder stirred, and she looked at him and smiled brightly. "Morning," she said cheerfully. He opened his eyes one at a time, blinking several times before he looked at her. "Whadre you so happy about?" he asked sourly. She laughed, and uncurled herself from the chair. "Thanks for loaning me your pillow, Mulder," she said, swooping down and placing a quick kiss on his forehead. "There, that make the pain all better?" she teased. She realized vaguely she was openly flirting with him, something she never did. It was usually an off comment or two, but this time she was smiles and seduction, and she found she didn't care. "Not really. You're too happy this morning, and I didn't get any sleep 'cause of my flat pillow," he complained. "I'm not ready to go out and play." She laughed again. "You're so funny, Mulder. I'm gonna do this tomorrow night- I swear, you're such a riot!" she said in a middletone voice, so he didn't know if she was being sarcastic, complimenting him, or offending him. He grabbed the extra pillow, and threw it over his face, shutting his eyes. It was too early to think at all. "Go away, Scully!" he moaned. He pulled the pillow off of his face, and looked at her when she didn't reply back, and realized she was gone. He stared at the morning sunlight drifting in, and felt an emptiness in him that her not being there caused. "I didn't mean it," he whispered to the air. Scully by the door paused. *I didn't mean it.* It wasn't the type of thing Mulder would normally say. She was tempted to go back there, pin him down, and look into those hazel eyes. See what they really knew. Instead she left the room very quietly. She didn't come to see him again, and called Skinner. She told him she would be taking the day off, and she was sorry for going AWOL those few days, that she'd had some private business to attend to. *Yeah, right, Dana, seducing Mulder on a piano is private business.* Damn good thing Skinner didn't know that. Skinner had been very nice, nicer than usual, she thought, and then remembered that he had been tapping Mulder's phone because he thought she was trying to kill him. He probably felt guilty. In any case, it helped her a lot not having to deal with him. When she got a call around noon, though, she had a feeling she was going to be dealing with someone who was a lot more tiring to be around. "Get ready, Scully. I called Skinner, he's OK'd our investigation into the L.A. thing. I got us tickets on the six o'clock flight tonight. I should be out of the hospital by tonight," Mulder said quickly. He hung up before she replied, or even had a chance to think. She sighed heavily, and then went to pack her bags. Scully met her partner at the airport. He walked to her with a slight limp. But he was happy, she could tell. He was being especially nice, letting her have her pick of seats, and he'd even been nice enough to book first class seats. "Mulder, I hope this isn't on Bureau expense- Skinner will skin us!" He laughed. "Nope, figured I'd treat you since you've been so nice, flying to L.A. and seeing psychics even," he joked. She settled down into her seat, and looked at him. He looked better, happier, more alive. He was dressed in what she called civilian clothes: faded jeans and a T-shirt. He leaned into the seat, looked over at her. "Dammit, I just realized something." She looked over from her window, concerned. "What?" The plane's engines roared, and she checked her seatbelt. He held up a finger, silencing her a moment. The plane screamed down the runway, and hefted itself into the air. He undid his seatbelt, and unfastened hers before she could touch it. "I'm gonna be spending the better portion of the night next to you again," he groaned. She laughed. "Well, I'll just have to take that pillow," she joked, snatching the headrest pillow, and setting it behind her back. "Ah, that's better. So, show me this old X-File," she said, determinedly changing the subject. She had caught herself flirting unabashedly with him again, and she wondered what the hell she was doing. Mulder smirked. He handed her the file, and she read through it. "Wait, Mulder, it says these people all died of heart attacks-" "But they all received a phone call before they died, and each victim had never had heart trouble before," he counteracted. She looked up at him and sighed. Then she returned to her reading. Mulder leaned back into the seat and fell asleep. The dream started out like all the others he had ever had. He was alone, in his bed. Only though when he should have looked at himself and seen a twelve year old boy's body, he saw his own. He sat up quickly, and looked around. He was back in his bedroom, and something had woken him up. The plane models that were suspended above his bed began to shake suddenly. He pushed the covers aside, and stood. The ground was shaking. A spaceship model fell off his dresser. Wearing a pair of jeans like he always did when he slept, he went to the door to his room. It swung open for him, and he ambled out, trying to keep his balance. Everything started shaking. Harder, violently. A scream pierced the silence, and he glanced down the hall to his sister's room. Her bed was empty. Fear rose within him, like it always did in his dreams, and he began to run. Down the stairs. Faster, faster, he had to go faster if he wanted to save her... He exploded into the living room, and looked around. There she was, standing with her back to him in the doorway, shaking. He had to get to her before the light came. He made his way around glass from broken picture frames in bare feet. She turned, and he froze. She was an arm's length away, but she wasn't. Standing there wasn't Samantha, but Scully. She was trembling, holding herself. Her blue eyes were filled with tears. "Mulder, help me!" she pleaded. She was dressed all in white, like some sort of angel. Her red hair fell to her shoulders, and she looked desperate. So desperate for something, anything... The light came. It burst through the windows, and she began to rise. "No!" he cried. He reached out and grabbed her hands, but she wouldn't stop rising. He clung to her wrists tightly, knowing he couldn't let go. He could give someone else away to them. They already had something from him. "Mulder help!" she cried, as she began floating towards the window. He let go of her wrists, gathered his bearings, jumped and caught her around the waist. She wouldn't come down. She rose higher, and his feet lifted off of the ground. He knew she should have fallen by now. He outweighed her, she should be in his arms on the ground... But she was still floating. He climbed on her body, groping for anything that would keep him firmly attached to her. "Not her! Bastards! Not her!" he yelled. He held tight, and wouldn't let go. Suddenly, he was suspended in his own light, and he couldn't move. But she was. He couldn't keep his hold on her, his arm slipped from around her neck, the other left her waist, and then he fell to the ground, helpless to watch as she floated away. "NO!" Mulder awoke in a cold sweat, looking around him. "Mulder, what, what?" Scully's voice next to him asked. She couldn't hide the true concern in her voice, no matter what. He turned, and stared at her. She saw fear and anger blatant in round hazel eyes. He realized slowly that he had grabbed her arm. He unwrenched his fingers, and took several deep breaths. She stared at him. The lights had been dimmed for the passengers to sleep, and Scully had almost accomplished that when he'd grabbed her. "Mulder?" she asked again, softer. She put a hand on his knee softly. He turned and looked back at her. "What?" He closed his eyes. "I just- a nightmare. That's all." When he opened his eyes, and looked at her, he felt a wave of love that was immeasurable. Her blue eyes were large and concerned, and they were staring at him with such care... He wanted to hold her, and put all her worries to rest, but he dared not. "I just had a nightmare." She tilted her head softly, and looked at him. "You sure you're all right?" she asked. He nodded, and she leaned back in her seat. He realized about the same time she did where her hand was, and she snatched it away like he had bitten her. He stared over at her, trying to dispel the tidal wave of desire and love that burst. He wanted to be with her so much... "Yeah, I'm fine, Dana," he said, smiling weakly at her. "Go to sleep. You look like you could use it." She leaned back in her seat, and tilted her head to one side. In a moment, he heard her quiet, rhythmic breathing. Mulder touched her face gently. She was so beautiful. He really needed to get to L.A. He had to take her into SIVR. He had to lay all his cards on the table, and he could never adequately do that here. Only in a fantasy world could he do that. He reclined in the seat, letting his head lean towards her own. He looked at her face close up, and wondered if she would wake up if he dared kiss her. He could feel her breath upon his face. He leaned over, gently, and pressed his lips against hers. It was soft, and her mouth didn't respond, but it quenched his thirst for the moment. If only he could hold her... He fell asleep, his hand just touching hers, his head no more than an inch from her own. Scully felt his lips, and forced herself not to wake up, put her arms around his neck, and kiss him back. She fell back asleep, not yet ready to ponder why he had kissed her. By the time they arrived in L.A., the incident was far from her mind. She could only vaguely think as Mulder woke her, and they checked into the hotel. The balconies draped inside, hanging over a pool. A jungle gym and an arcade stood opposite to that. Scully was aware of the smell of chlorine drifting up and hitting her nostrils as they clambered into the elevator. She blinked, and looked at Mulder. When they reached side-by-side rooms, she paused a moment, taking longer than usual to open her door. She wondered if it would be so out of line to invite him in. Catching herself, and doubting her sanity, she thrust the key in the lock, twisted it, and entered, shutting the door behind her. She glanced around the room. It was cream colored, with a stucco ceiling. She sighed, dropped her suitcase, and peeled off her jeans and shirt. She contemplated only for a moment getting her pajamas, and then decided to sleep as she was. It was much too hot, and she was much too tired to care, anyways. Theo wandered into Jacinta's room after the show was finished. "Doesn't anybody knock?" she asked, infuriated. He stared at her, dressed only in a thin cotton towel, and smiled suavely. "I hope you wanted to show me more than that," he teased. She rolled her eyes and seethed. "Would you just turn around so I can get dressed?" she asked, biting her lip, and tapping her foot impatiently. It did strange things to Theo, and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. Her dark black hair fell to her elbows in a tangled mess, surrounding a pale face that hadn't seen real sunlight in a while. Her dark green eyes narrowed sharply. "Oh, fine, if you're just going to stand there like an idiot- I don't care!" she huffed. She opened the dresser, and pulled a long black T-shirt out. She set it on the bed, and then removed the towel from her body, slipping the T-shirt on. Theo turned, and she looked up at him with a slight sneer as she pulled on her underwear. Theo reminded her of a big, burly truck driver. He was broad- shouldered, tall, boyishly handsome, with a crop of scampy blond hair that was always ruffled and looked like he had just spent the night on the street. He could be, however, a pain, a tease and hopelessly insufferable when he wanted to. Now he was just taking in the situation and amusing himself, and she didn't like it one bit. He had a gentleman's manners, but was more practiced in flirting. She wondered how he could have gotten into the military, let alone in Project Mammalia. But he was, all around, a decent guy, and the closest thing she had to a boyfriend since joining Project Mammalia, and, ultimately, canceling her social life. Havannah, with her straw blond hair was always vying for Theo's attentions, but he paid her little, condemning her as a "brainless twit with no mind of her own". Therefore, she was jealous of Jacinta, and Jacinta could do nothing to change her mind otherwise. Henry was older, in his mid-fifties, and more of a grandfather-type person. He was still as strong as an ox, and was being used as an overseer more than a worker. Michael was in his mid-thirties, unabashedly gay, and everyone's friend. Jacinta sighed softly, and dried her hair. "You can turn around, now," she insisted. He did so, and smiled, regaining his confidence. "I take it you wanted to show me something other than that, but I'd be incredibly happy to look at that again if you want me to," he said playfully. She pursed her lips, and sat down on the bed. "Oooh, I like where this is going," he said, amused. He grinned and plopped down next to her. "It'll be going straight to hell if you tell anyone about this," she muttered, leaning under the bed. Theo reached out, and stroked her long black hair softly, pulling it away from her face gently. She turned back, and a thick curl of him smacked him in the face so hard he was afraid he got whiplash. He rubbed the side of his cheek, his mood sobering, and looked at what she had retrieved at such a great price. It was a laptop, a pair of black goggles and gloves with all kinds of wires hooked up to them. He quirked an eyebrow. "You got... new clothing?" he asked. "You're being stupid on purpose, Theodore," she insisted. He could tell she was brimming to anger. She almost never used his full name. "They're VR goggles and gloves. I was talking with this woman a few months ago on the Internet. She went by the name Pencil, and I paid her to send me these goggles and gloves. I've got connections, and they let the package slide away unnoticed by the guards. Anyways, she also sent me a disk, and I've been able to enter VR using these A few weeks ago, I tried something different. I called her place, and tried to bring someone else in with me to VR using my modem. I did something thought, and I as in this place- it's like VR, but it wasn't. It was so different, almost like it was real. I've been using secondary and tertiary lines, and I brought other people I met on the Internet into this thing with me. I want to bring you in," she explained. Theo was skeptical. "How? I don't have these goggles and stuff. What's so great about VR anyways? It's just like real life-" "You don't understand. You can do anything in here. Things feel so different- I can't explain it. Listen I'm going to call you in your room. I want you to pick up as soon as possible, and keep the phone to your ear, or else you might not be pulled in- I can't explain how it works- it just works is all I know. Go, you'll see," she promised. He pursed his lips and rose. "So where will we go?" She smiled seductively. "Someplace warm and secluded." He grinned. "I'm gone, man," he said, slipping out the door to his own room. Jacinta smiled, and pulled on her VR goggles and gloves. It was going to be an interesting night. Mulder awoke the next morning, staring at the stucco ceiling of his hotel room. He got up, dressed, yanking on a gray suit. He would have preferred shorts and a T-shirt. The California May weather was murder when you were a member of the FBI. He checked his watch, and knocked at the thin door that separated his room from Scully's. "Scully," he called softly. He checked his watch again. It was only seven-thirty, and they had gotten in late, or early depending on how you looked at it. He opened the door softly, and peeked inside. He really wished he hadn't showered, and could go start a cold one when he spied her. She was lying on the bed, wearing only her underwear. The sight of her inflamed him, and he sucked in a deep breath, shut the door quickly before he did something he'd regret, and knocked harder on the door, almost yelling her name. "Scully!" "I'm up, Mulder- don't come in, I'm naked," she called after a moment. His ears fancied her taking out the not part of the contraction, and inviting him in. He took several deep breaths. No one had ever affected him like she did. A moment later the door opened, and she tossed her hair back. He reached a hand out, and wiped a smudge of lipstick from her upper lip, where it went out of bounds in her rush to get ready. She was wearing loose pastel green slacks, a white blouse, and a pastel green vest. Her hair was only brushed back lazily. She tried not to grab him and throw him on the bed when he touched her lip. It was hard holding back, pretending. She remembered when eh had kissed her on the plane. Why had he done that? She would have to be extra careful. If he was starting to remember what had happened in VR, or feeling the effects of it too deeply, her plan was shot. "sorry," she said, turning away from him. Trying not to concentrate on how close his body was, and now deep her desire to have him was. "I must have overslept." He nodded and stepped away. The air between their bodies had become electrically charged in the small time he had spent so close to her, and it was tense in the room. Scully thought about the kiss he'd stolen on the airplane all the way to Penelope's apartment. She'd called Penelope and Graham on the plane while he had been asleep, and explained the situation to them. Penelope had been reluctant to do this, but had finally agreed, so there was no reason for her to be nervous. After all, the kiss had been just that: a kiss. Nothing to get nervous about. But she was. She couldn't help remembering. Why had he kissed her? Did he remember? But she questioned her motives for not telling him for the seven millionth time since he'd awakened from his coma. She also questioned how long she could keep up this charade. She wanted him. It was like a constant need inside her that wouldn't go away. She had to have him, it was mandatory. She could remember having his lips so soft and gentle upon hers, just in that simple kiss. And awakening from her slumber to find his hand covering hers and his face only inches away. Mere inches she could have crossed in a heartbeat, and changed everything. There was a minute possibility Skinner would trust her to keep her judgment, and not split them up. She thought back to the phone taps, and decided that the possibility had a snowball's chance in hell. *Stop it!* she scolded herself. *There's never going to be a possibility of you and Mulder- it just will not happen, so stop dwelling over it. You've got a job to do- keep up the facade, and concentrate on work, not on him!* "Mulder, are you sure you don't remember anything else from the night of the accident?" she asked softly. He looked over at her and frowned. "Not really, everything's kinda hazy. It's like I remember some things, but others are a complete mystery to me, and I'm not even sure they really happened." She nodded. Scully had remembered nothing after Duane Barry had kidnapped her, she had been lucky to remember her own name. It hadn't mattered to Mulder though. It was the first time she hadn't seen him looking for the truth, and it warmed her. He had paused in his search, and decided that it wasn't as important as her. People were more important than anything else. She knew how Mulder loved the truth, how he would risk life and limb to find it. But he wouldn't risk her. She knew that. She knew that ever since her disappearance he had guarded her. He had been careful not to drag her into anything, to make sure to stop the trail of breadcrumbs when things got too dangerous. It was one of the first obviously noticeable signs she'd gotten from him that he cared about her, and it brought a smile to her face. He was so wonderful, so completely wonderful. How could she lie to him? How could she ever explain what she felt to him? It brought a tight clench and a drenched warm feeling to remember how he'd given her cross back. If she had been alone with him then, and in better condition, she was sure he would have hugged her until her body went limp, and half her body was numb. She had seen pure happiness in his face that day. Something in his eyes that she had never seen there before. There was still pain, the pain he always carried with him, but it was overshadowed by something else. Something that made dandelion fuzz coat her insides, and bring a smile that she couldn't hide, nor did she want to. She looked over at him with soft blue eyes that showed compassion. He had been through so much pain. If he found out, he would be in even more, because they couldn't act on their feelings. She wanted to, she wanted to act like the lovers they should be, but she couldn't. She would break a rule if she did that. Her mind wandered, remembering a lot of things, and before she knew it they were pulling up in front of Penelope Melicin's apartment. Penelope played her part. No, I don't know what SIVR is, no I've never met Agent Scully before... Scully was thankful, but even so, Mulder had gotten a good look at her computer. "Where were you on April seventeenth?" Mulder asked, sipping a cup of coffee and studying Penelope's computer system. Penelope looked at Scully worridly, and said, "I don't remember. Probably at home- no, wait- that was the night me and Graham went to the movies all night- I remember because we almost got kicked out for booing the end of the first movie." She smiled. "Graham would be?" "Oh, my friend- I think he's here..." she stood, and walked to an open window. "Graham come here!" she called. Scully felt a knot twist in her stomach. How was she going to explain about Graham being here? Graham stepped out, dressed in a long-sleeved untucked blue T-shirt and a sleeveless khaki shirt over that. His long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he wore baggy khaki shorts that came to over his knees. Hiking boots and sunglasses completed the California image. "Graham, Scully didn't tell me you know Penelope," Mulder said, walking over to the other man. Graham pulled off his sunglasses, and shrugged. "Yeah, well, we just met at the psychic's, talked, you know. Hey, Dana," he called, smiling. "I didn't know you lived here," she said, pretending to be surprised. She came, and hugged him briefly. The hug did not go unnoticed, by Mulder or Penelope. Penelope felt a twinge inside her, and spike something raw at Scully. Mulder wished he could have so easily pulled her into his arms, for no reason other that being able to see her again. He would gladly pull her there for any reason in the world, or no reason at all. "Why are you guys here? Good to see you outta that hospital bed, Mulder," Graham added. "Oh, um, they wanted to question me about a few things, there's been a bunch of people who've been killed, and the last number called was mine. I don't know any of them, though," Penelope added. Nervous blue eyes asked why, but Scully couldn't say. "I was just saying that you and I went to the movies on April seventeenth-" "Yeah, remember we almost got kicked out?" She smiled, "Yeah." Mulder cleared his throat. "This is rather odd, but do you know anything about the other deaths? Why did you call the people?" "I didn't. I don't even know any of the victims." "What about you, Graham?" He shook his head. "I was with Pen." Mulder paused, and pursed his lips. Scully understood. It was kind of awkward questioning someone you'd met as a friend before, and that you'd rather consider a friend. "Are those VR goggles?" he asked, stepping over to the master of all PCs. "Yeah, I go into VR sometimes," she said, shrugging. Graham's blue eyes darted to Scully, who looked, and felt, helpless. Mulder was bound to find out the truth if she couldn't keep this facade up. Mulder bit his lip. "Have you ever taken anyone into VR with you?" he asked. He knew Scully had to be going crazy thinking he was remembering, but that wasn't what he was doing. No, another thought had miraculously sprung. "Yeah, once," Penelope replied. "I met someone on the Internet, she went by the name BlackCat. She wanted to go into VR with me, so I hooked her up through a secondary modem, and we went in." "Have you talked to her recently?" She shook her head. "No. It was only once, but it was really cool," she said, relaxing a bit. "Can you take someone into VR now?" he questioned. Scully's stomach did a flip, and she held her breath. She really didn't like the turn this interrogation was taking. If Mulder found out... "Probably, but I don't like too, there's a lot of complex things- phone connections, synchronized times, that sort of thing. If you both don't connect at exactly the same time, you can't get into VR," she said, glancing at Scully every time Mulder looked away. He looked at the computer screens, and spotted the switch next to the computer. Penelope sunk into the gray executive chair. Graham stood behind her, and put his hands on the back of it. Scully stood just behind Mulder, her hand resting on the desk that held the massive computer. "Is there anyway someone could get into VR without your knowledge but using your system?" Penelope furrowed her brows a moment, and stared at the computer. "Yeah, if they had the right equipment. If everything was hooked up properly, they could do it." "Could they bring someone else in with them using your equipment?" She paused a moment. "I suppose they could, but they'd have to be using tertiary lines, and you'd need a high grade computer- like a college computer that's hooked up to all the terminals." "Could they have hacked into a computer like that, and be using its power and equipment to hack into your system?" "Oh, sure, but they'd have to be a real computer wizard," she explained. He nodded. "Thanks. We'll be in touch." "Were you all right in there, Scully?" he asked on the way back from Penelope's apartment. Scully held her breath a moment. No Academy Awards this year, sweetie. She nodded. "Yeah, it was just- I'm still kind of tired- jet lag," she explained vaguely. "Are you sure you're all right? You look kinda pale. You sure they flushed all of the coelene out of your system?" She nodded. "I'm fine." What could she do? How could she get away from him? Certainly if she stayed and worked with him on this case, he'd know something was wrong. But what about next week, when the case is over? Or next month, next year... are you still going to be pretending then? Scully didn't know how much longer she could keep this up. Not with him always so close to her.... "You sure?" "Yes, dammit, I'm fine!" she exploded. "Will you stop asking?" Mulder looked at her a moment, and then stayed silent, and concentrated on driving. Scully looked at her hands and felt immediately guilty. She knew she couldn't keep doing this. She was taking out the frustration of having to hide things on him, and it wasn't right. He had only been asking. He had only been caring about her as he always did. There was no excuse for that kind of an outburst at him. He was concerned for her, and she was scolding him for it. She should never have done that. Mulder didn't deserve to get yelled at. He didn't deserve to get lied to, either. It's necessary, she reminded herself. Necessary for whom? Who knows that the both of you wouldn't be better off with each other, working in different departments? What if he had secretly always wanted a relationship with her? Scully realized she was being selfish. It was selfish not to talk to him, not to try and work things out so they came to a firm standing. She shouldn't be keeping this secret to herself. She looked over at him. Those soft hazel eyes needed someone. He needed someone. She couldn't give up on him now, as his friend or as a lover. To do so would be unforgivable. "Mulder, I'm sorry," she said softly. "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just- I'm sorry," she apologized. Scully reached a hand up, and put it on his arm. "I think someone's been tapping into Penelope's computer and is using her equipment to bring other people into SIVR. From what our friend told me, this SIVR can be lethal. He says that several people have died trying to do what Penelope can." Scully closed her eyes, and withdrew her hand, hurt. He was putting the boundary between them again, and she knew what that meant. Apology not accepted. How could she tell him she was under all this stress because of him? Because of the utter turmoil he made in her body when he touched her, spoke to her. How could she tell him she loved him? She cleared her throat, willing herself not to burst out then and there declaring how much she cared. "Um, Penelope said she didn't even know what SIVR is," she said pointedly. Mulder shook his head. "You gotta think like these people, Scully. Someone told her we were coming, and told her not to tell us about SIVR. She's working with new technology, the kind of stuff governments try to keep under wraps. Didn't you see all that equipment? And the switch was right next to the computer- that's how she goes in, and brings others in." "Mulder, what is SIVR? How do you know about it?" she demanded. Mulder hated having to lie, because he'd been using this conversation to his advantage. He'd planned to get her deep into a conversation about SIVR, and then ask her how she knew about it. A turn of the tables to get her to admit she knew Penelope and Graham better than she'd let on and that she'd been lying to him about where she was, what she was doing while he was in the coma. "Our friend told me. It's like Virtual Reality, but it's got a bigger effect on people- emotional, physical. Penelope uses phone lines to bring people in." "But how does this relate to the three deaths in 1978? Penelope wasn't even an adult then." "They said that SIVR can be fatalistic-" "Mulder, what are you talking about? They didn't have virtual reality in 1978- they didn't even have home computers," she burst out. "Listen to me Scully! Mr. X wasn't the only person I talked to. I asked the guys from the Lone Gunman to do a check on everything they could find about SIVR. It's been in the making since computers first started. In 1978 they reached a form of virtual reality, a lower version of what SIVR is now. Penelope's father was a man named Joseph Melicin- he was a computer scientist working at the university where this lower form was discovered. The three people who died all worked at the university in their spare time. If SIVR can be fatalistic if used the wrong way, who's to say this lower version wasn't. "What does it have to do with Penelope?" "Penelope is the only person who can go in on purpose. It's got something to do with her father- no one knows. There's a secret group, that's been working on this for years." "So you think Penelope has been ordered by the committee to kill these people using SIVR?" "No- I think someone else is using SIVR using a tertiary phone line. One to hook into Penelope's system, one to hook into the bigger computer that's allowing them to use more than one line, and one to call the person they're taking into SIVR." "But Mulder- you said Penelope is the only one who can go into SIVR." "That's not entirely true. Your friend, Graham- he went in once, and nothing happened to him." "How do you know that?" "I told you- Langy hacked into the records." "I still don't understand what SIVR is!" Mulder's anger burst in a tidal wave. "Dammit Scully will you stop lying?" he roared. She paused, and looked at him, wide-eyed. Her face went white as she looked at him. He knew. He knew exactly what had happened when he had been in the coma, he knew about SIVR, he knew about everything. "I- I'm not lying," she stammered. He jerked the car to a halt at a red light, and sent Scully flying against the seatbelt. He turned to her, and looked right in her eyes. Anger burned there, and his voice was loud and dangerous. "You know damn well what SIVR is, you know everything about it. You used it to save me- I remember. You've been lying and covering your tracks, trying to pretend that you know nothing about SIVR, or anything else. You haven't talked to me about it- I want to know why." She yelled, "Talked to you about what?" He closed his eyes, as if trying to control his anger. A moment later, Scully felt her lips pressed against his roughly. His mouth was hard and warm against hers, and she reveled in the touch. His hands on either side of her neck forced her face towards his, and he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. Touching, tasting, feeling, exploring. She felt the electricity crackle in his kiss, and she wanted him more than anything in the world. He didn't give her a chance to respond to it. He was too violent, too passionate in his kisses. All she could do was savor the delicious caresses of his tongue, and wish she could stay this way forever. He was so forceful, pressing her ruthlessly towards him. A pianist's hand slung through her hair, fondling the silky soft red-gold hairs. Mulder's mind couldn't concentrate on anything. He wanted her so much. He wanted to hear her call his name in the throes of passion, he wanted her lips kissing him back, he wanted soft sunny mornings, and lazy late afternoons. Anything she could offer to him, anything that would involve her he wanted. He wanted to give. He would bare his soul to her if she asked, he would kill for her. He would do anything for her. Anything. He didn't want to keep secrets, or hide from her and his own true feelings. He was sure of it now. She was the only one he wanted. He felt so much for her he was sure he'd burst if he didn't tell her soon. If he couldn't show her somehow. He felt star- crossed with her, as if it had been written long ago that he would feel this way, that he would find her in his life, and that he would love her. He also felt responsibility. It was more important that this could happen than their own wants and feelings. Others depended on it. A soul other than his own writhing in torment would also know peace. He broke apart from her, breathing heavily. His forehead rested against hers, and he heard a beep from behind him. He leaned away reluctantly, and started driving. He panted, trying to control his own need. She stared at him. "Mulder," was all she could mumble out. She was shaking, trembling from the hunger she had felt on his lips to the need consuming her entire body. She hadn't been able to control it. What was she going to do now? Mulder pulled over, and she realized suddenly they were at the hotel. She got out, trying to keep her head high, and her pulse steady. Mulder was in front of her before she reached the sidewalk. "Scully, I-" he paused. Not like that he couldn't. "Dana," he said, softer now. Thunder rumbled overhead, and she looked up, realizing how gray the sky was. A breeze blew, strapping her hair back. A piece curled, and drifted into her face. "We need to talk, Dana." She looked up at him. "Yes, yes we do." Mulder was seated on the bed, Indian-style. Scully sat across from him, leaning her head against the backboard. They were in her cream-colored motel room. It was raining outside now, she could hear it hitting the windows opposite the sliding glass doors that led out onto the balcony. She didn't look at him, but at the ceiling. She could have sworn she saw pictures in it. A face there, a pair of eyes... "Dana," he said softly. She brought her eyes to his reluctantly. "Why didn't you tell me you'd gone into SIVR?" She closed her eyes and was silent a moment. "It's dangerous for us to be involved. The Bureau doesn't like inter-office relationships, you know that. But it's especially dangerous for us because we always have to be ready for anything, and you're the only person I can trust. I never want to lose my trust in you, or my friendship with you. I treasure that more than a romantic involvement," she explained softly. It felt odd, and out of place to be sitting here with Mulder, explaining how she felt, explaining all her motives for not saying anything. "Who told you I went in? Or did you remember it all by yourself?" He considered this for a moment. "Melissa told me. Don't be upset, I knew something had changed- even I could feel it. And I remembered some things." "Then you know how I feel. Why are we having this conversation?" she defended herself. Talking like this with him was making her uneasy. He leaned forward, and took one of her hands. "I don't, though. I care about you, Dana. I want to try this," he pleaded. Scully looked into his eyes. They melted her soul, and she realized how much she wanted to fall into strong arms, and never let go. "I want to, also. But- it would be such a mistake. There's consequences. What if Skinner finds out? He'll snap me outta there so fast it'll make your head spin. I'll be reassigned, and they'll send someone else to evaluate your work. He might even transfer me..." she sighed. "Please, you have to understand. I want this, but it's just- it could ruin a lot of things if it doesn't work out." He closed his eyes a moment, and felt as if a thousand doors were slamming shut on him. Any idea he had ever had about her was insane. "I care about you, Dana. I'd say that if we're out to break a rule, we broke all of them a long time ago. I just wish..." he stopped. He wanted her to break the rule. How could he express himself? How could he tell her that nothing mattered to him now except being with her? That he would have given up the truth for her? That he already had? "I'll do whatever you ask me. If you want me to stop this, I'll do it. I'd do anything for you," he professed. She held her breath as he stood. "I'm going to see if I can find out where those secondary and tertiary lines came from- we'll find out whoever's responsible when we find those," he said. Sticking the barrier in there was like sticking a knife in his gut. When he left, Scully sank down on the bed. She drifted into sleep. A dream was the only place she could be with him. (OOC:When I Dream About You- Stevie B. is playing in the background BIC:) Mulder felt frustration, anger, and pain. Most of all pain. He would have given anything to love her. To show her everything he felt... He sighed. Dwelling over it was not going to help. He was in love with her. He knew it the second he'd opened his eyes, and glimpsed upon her face. Seen her as Dana Scully, not his sister. A woman. Or maybe he'd known it before. Maybe he'd felt it, deep in his soul, and he had just realized it. He didn't want to be in love with her. God knew it could only complicate his life, and make everything harder, twisting the knife of pain a little deeper in his stomach. But he was, no matter how much he tried to deny it. He wouldn't hate it so much if she wanted to return everything he felt, if she could, if they could... He got that feeling again. The feeling that he was following a pattern, that what was happening between them was fated, destined to happen, no matter how much they resisted. He only wished he could know the outcome. But he didn't. And Mulder could only prepare for the worst. Havannah crossed her legs and sat in the car. Michael in the driver's seat smiled. "This is kinda exciting- our first real job," he said warmly. Havannah snapped her gum. "We wouldn't be sitting here if Dr. Stevens had let us take care of them instead of Jacinta and Theo. Both of them were probably jerking off instead of doing what they were supposed to," she said haughtily. Michael stared out the window. He didn't really know what to say to Havannah when she got like that. He was excited. He finally had a chance to test his powers, to see if all this training had come in useful. He was hungry for the thrill of chasing down a victim. Of course, that wouldn't happen here. No, he was supposed to keep Mulder- whoever that was, busy, while Jacinta rid the world of his partner, Scully. Michael wondered whether he should go in cat form or himself. Michael was tall, with sandy-brown hair and green eyes. His mother had been part Eskimo, the result being a darker, yellowish shade to his skin, stretched over wide features. He'd gotten a look from the picture of this Mulder guy- he didn't look half-bad. Michael secretly wondered if Mulder preferred men over women. If that was the case, this might be a better evening than he'd first thought. Michael sighed, and checked his watch. They weren't supposed to move until seven. His watch read 6:45. The sun was heading for the Western horizon quickly, but it didn't matter- dark purple clouds obscured any sign of a sunset you could imagine. He looked over at Havannah. In his earlier days, before he'd discovered his own preference, he might have considered her pretty. Straw-colored blond hair hung down to her shoulders. She had a small frame, a large bust accented by the tight black outfit she wore, so she would be able to disappear unnoticeably into the shadows, should need be. Her eyes were honey-colored, and they mystified him sometimes. Michael was also dressed in black, so he, too, would be able to disappear into the shadows. Michael checked his watch again, and rolled down the back windows. He pulled the key out of the ignition, and put it in his mouth under his tongue. He glanced at Havannah, and they got out of the car. Scully awoke red-eyed listening to someone knock on her door. It was late, she realized, and wondered how she could have been out so long. She had been napping for several hours, unusual for her. She stood, and went to the door. It wouldn't be Mulder- he would use the door connecting their rooms. She moved wearily to the door, and opened it, blinking hard. A woman with short blond hair stared back at her. "Yes?" "Ms. Scully?" "Yes," Scully said, suspicious now. The woman smiled courteously. "Can I come in?" Scully considered it a moment. The woman didn't look armed. She was dressed in black, from the tips of her black shoes to her black gloves. "Why?" "I have information that would be useful for finding the person who tried to kill your partner," she said in an even voice. Scully blinked and let the woman slip past her. She walked straight to the back of the room, opening the sliding glass doors, and looking around. "Come out here, please," she said in a dark voice. Havannah was ecstatic when Scully followed her out onto the balcony. This was going to be easier than she thought. A simple push- the woman was red-eyed, as if she had been crying, it could be written off as a clean suicide, foul play the last thing from the minds of any , he had to save her, he had to help... The cat yowled in his ear, and scratched him under the chin. Mulder banged his head again, and exploded into Scully's room. He burst onto the balcony watching a black tail disappear down the balcony. He heard Scully's scream, long and loud, and dove out into the air after her without hesitation. He was floating for a moment. For one moment, he was suspended in air, floating high above everything, a clear view of the purple and gray clouds above him through the plate glass roof of the hotel. And then he began to fall. Down, down, down. The air rushing around him, breezing through his hair, as he fell. He looked down, and he saw Scully not more than five feet below him. Scully... If had to die, it might as well be with her, with the person he loved, no matter how much he didn't want to. The cat had left his head, and Mulder closed his eyes, and heard a splash. A moment later, he heard another splash, and a yowl of pain between human and animal. Then, his own, as his body was immersed into the water. He surged upwards in the deep end of the pool, the chlorine stinging his eyes. Scully, where was she? He looked around, and saw her trying to swim towards the ladder. She was bleeding. He came to her immediately, his clothes weighing him down. It didn't matter. He yanked her out, and she pointed towards the open door that led outside. "It's there- Mulder where?" she coughed and spit up water. "Jesus, Scully, you're bleeding- we've got to get you to a hospital-" She shook her head. "I can take care of the wounds. They're not that bad, just- just get me to my hotel room," she begged. She didn't want to go into another hospital. No more hospital rooms where she was forced to lie in bed like a helpless baby, unable to do anything to defend herself. Mulder stood, and looked around. It was miraculous no one had stopped them. In fact, it didn't look as if there was anyone around at all. He helped her to her feet, and when it became clear she couldn't walk, he swept her into his arms gracefully, holding her close to him. She shivered in her wet clothes, and felt a tear roll softly down her face amidst the beads of water from the pool. Havannah limped outside the door, trying to get to the car as fast as she could until Michael came up having changed into a bigger, faster animal and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. He bounded towards the car, and leapt through the small opening, dropping the other animal neatly in the back seat. He jumped into the front seat, switched back to his human form carefully, and pulled the key out of his mouth. He jammed it into the ignition, and started driving. Havannah switched back to human form, holding her leg out. "Ah!" she moaned. "Dammit! I need to go to a hospital. I think I broke my leg-" "Just hold on, we'll be at the Project in fifteen minutes. They'll ask questions at the hospital," Michael explained. Havannah grit her teeth, and let out a long, loud slew of cusses. When she was finished, she stared angrily at him. "You were supposed to keep Mulder away- he comes bursting in there, startles me-" "I couldn't help it. I tried, but- I just couldn't hurt such a face-" Havannah snorted. "Dammit, you're too nice, Michael. They ought to supply girlfriends, boyfriends, whatever friends in these projects, make sure we all don't go insane from sex deprivation like you did." Michael's eyes narrowed. "I told you, I couldn't help it. I jumped for him, he cracked me against the wall- I think I have back damage!" he cried defensively. Michael did not want to be pulled from the Project, no matter how bad the conditions of it were. Michael always felt he had to prove himself. A lot of people, once they discovered he was of a different caliber than the rest had underrated his abilities, and Michael had had an especially difficult time being in the military. Secrets for most of his years, until recently had kept him very protective of himself, and the way he was. Michael didn't want to change, for anyone. And in Project Mammalia they had made him prove himself. To admit defeat because of a personal weakness would be a leap backwards in his career. "Yeah," Havannah said, sarcasm plain in her voice. "I'll bet." She stared at her long leg, bent now at an awkward angle. She had aimed for the pool, but her decision was quick and inaccurate. She had ended up landing almost on the metal ladder. Her leg screamed bloody murder, and all she could do was wait. Dr. Stevens wouldn't be pleased. They were supposed to kill Scully, but Havannah had seen her getting out of the pool when they'd made their escape. Luckily, Mulder hadn't come after them. Cats may be quick, but this guy was in shape- he probably could have caught up with them. Havannah looked outside at the sunset. Wind from the open window ruffled her hair, and she tried to distance herself from the situation, as she'd been taught to do. Now was a good time to see just how many of her animal instincts she had. If she could concentrate enough, maybe she could heal herself as she'd seen animals do. They knew from instincts what to do for wounds... She concentrated, sweat beads forming on her brow. Go inside yourself. You are a part of the animal. Go back down the bloodlines, to your animal attachments. Use their power. Go to yourself. Deep in your mind, in the part of you that science has no reign over. The part that science says exists but should not. There is the power. Let it go to your nerves. Rushing throughout your body. There, to the place of pain. Heal within yourself. Nature heals itself. Nature can heal you. Set the bone back, easy, easy. Solder it to the other piece with your mind. It's connecting itself back to the other piece. The marrow is healing. Feel it connecting, rejuvenating. Your leg is powerful, you are powerful. You can overcome this weakness. Overcome it. You are battling the forces holding you back. You are breaking through them. Overcome your weakness. Now! You are powerful. You can overcome your weaknesses. You can bounce back from anything. You are powerful. There is no one that can harm you. No one... Mulder opened Scully's door with one hand, hauling her in, in his arms. "M- Mulder," she stuttered. "I was in here- this woman came, Mulder she turned into a cat- I swear, I saw it-" "Don't talk now," he hushed her, carrying her to the bed. He laid her down on it, and glanced at her arm. A moment later her returned with three wet towels from the bathroom. He set them on the bed, and sat next to her. He took one, and gently cleaned the blood off of her arm. "There's a first aid kit in my bag-" she started. He pressed the towel against her arm, and then went to her suitcase. After a few minutes of rummaging, he found the kit, and set it on the bed next to her. "Just tell me what to do," he said, his voice barely audible. She nodded. "Help me get my skirt off," she said softly, trying to pull it off with one hand. A few minutes later Scully's mind was on pleasure more than pain, as he unzipped the back of her skirt, and gently brought it down her legs. Mulder removed her shoes, setting them next to her blood-stained skirt. He took a washcloth, and wiped the blood from around the cuts on her thigh. His hands were gentle, and warm against her cold skin. "Put this on," she managed, pointing to a brown bottle of rubbing alcohol. It was so hard to concentrate on what to do. His hands on her body filled her mind with thoughts she knew she shouldn't be thinking. He pulled the cap off the bottle of liquid, and poured it over the slashes on her forearm and thigh. It sizzled slightly, mixing with the chlorine, and she grit her teeth, grabbing onto his shoulder. Her nails bit into him, but his face remained emotionless. The cuts weren't too deep, they certainly wouldn't need stitches, but they might need a few days to heal. He took gauze, and wrapped it around her forearm gently. He pulled her shirt up, exposing her underwear, but his eyes concentrated only on the cut. She respected him for that as much as she hated him for it. He wouldn't dare try to take advantage of her, and she respected him for that, but at the same time the thought that he wasn't looking, that he was pretending again made her hate him. He fixed her bandages emotionlessly, and put the first aid kit away. He set her up on the bed, and then lay beside her, looking at her. "I want you to go back to Washington," he said gently. "I don't want you out here risking your life for this. Someone doesn't want us snooping around, and I'm not willing to put your life in danger." Scully became angry. "You just want to put your own in danger. You're out to get yourself killed, and you're going to try and send me back, well I'll tell you it's not going to work. I'm not going back, not unless you come back with me." Mulder blinked, and dropped his head against the headboard, looking down at her. "Scully, I don't want you to put yourself in any danger for me. It's not worth it." "What isn't? The truth or your life?" "You're worth more than both," he whispered. She looked up at him suddenly. "Mulder, this is my job, you have to let me take the risks," she explained logically. He glanced down at her softly. "Not unnecessarily. You don't have to be out here, Scully. You're putting yourself in danger for no reason. Someone doesn't want us investigating these murders, and I'm not going to let you follow me to death," he said dispassionately. Her expression softened. "I'm staying." Mulder knew there was no arguing with her. She was stubborn and would do as she pleased no matter what he said. He put an arm around her shoulders. "All right, Scully," he gave in. He put his other arm around her a moment later, and held her close to him. It felt so right to hold her. To keep her pressed against him tightly. He wanted to do so much more. He loved her so much, if only she felt the same way back, if only they could feel this way... Mulder let go. If he kept holding on to her he would go mad. She was so beautiful, so tempting. He realized they were still wet, and brought out two more towels. He began drying her hair softly, wiping the water from her. She didn't bother to stop him. She was too tired to do it anyways. "What were you talking about before, about a woman?" he asked, trying to get his thoughts away from what he wanted most. Her. Scully explained about the woman, how she had turned into a cat, and then looked at Mulder. "It's true, I know it sounds crazy, but it's true!" "I don't doubt that, Scully. I think that might have been the same kind of thing that attacked me in my apartment. There was a cat in my room at the same time that woman came," he said softly. "You know, that might be what those marks were," Scully said, getting excited. She jumped up from the bed, filled with a new energy from within. "What marks?" She picked up the file she had brought along. She took out the picture of the smashed interior of his car. "See? Right there, there's five little pinpoint holes," she said, putting her finger underneath the holes. Mulder pushed her hand away, and held the picture up to his face, studying it by the dim light. She reached over and snapped on the lamp beside the bed. "And the scratch on your forehead- it's too small to have come from the glass- the broken shards were too big to have made those cuts. See how it looks like something attacked you- a cat." "Like the cat that was in my room. There's been stories of people who've been able to train animals to do things, like pick people's pockets." "Bet you can't say that three times fast," Scully muttered. "Mulder, what if the person is a cat? That woman- I saw her, I know it's unbelievable, but I did. Do you believe me?" "I believe that you saw something, Scully. I don't think a human can turn into an animal, but I think you might have seen something." "Might?" she asked, angry. "Mulder, I saw it! I'd expect you of all people to at least believe me!" Mulder drew himself up. "Scully people, don't turn into cats- it's impossible." "What?" she asked, her voice gaining rage and volume. She stood, squaring her shoulders like she was preparing for a fight. "You're the one who's always telling me about these myths and legends, and all these other unbelievable tales- why won't you believe me?" she yelled. He looked slightly confused, as if he didn't know where he was, or why he was here. "Scully, I'd think you'd look for a logical explanation." "I am! But I need you to believe me. I didn't just let a panther into my hotel room!" she said hotly. "All right! All right!" he shouted. "Calm down, sit down- your wounds will start opening up," he said, a little bit softer. She sighed, and obeyed. He perched next to her on the bed. "It's safe to assume that the person, or people who tried to kill you in Washington have followed us. That might also be the person who tried to poison me-" Scully stopped. Hadn't she seen a cat that night in the hospital, after Jennifer- Jennifer. "How do you like your coffee?" "Two cream, two sugar." Jennifer could have slipped the mentholydis into Scully's coffee. And then there were no doors. Only the open window, and that black cat... But the woman who had attacked her before had blond hair, and honey-colored eyes, and Jennifer had long black hair and green eyes. "Mulder, was the cat that attacked you a female?" Mulder gave her a look that said, "Are you nuts?". "I don't know," he said, shrugging. "Is there anyway it might have been female?" Scully asked again, her voice more urgent. He shrugged again. "I think it was male. It attached itself to my head, and a woman pretty much knows where to go to get a guy to stop." Scully smiled softly. She appreciated his humor however inappropriate it was. "Why?" he asked, leaning against the headboard. She explained about her meeting with Jennifer. "So if the cat that attacked you was male, that probably means that there's more than just two of these people." He grinned. "So we're looking for three people- one male, two female, who may be posing as cats. I'll call John Walsh." He winked at her. "Okay, seriously, was she wearing gloves? Did she touch anything we can get a print off of?" he asked. Scully looked toward the sliding glass door. "Yes, she didn't-" she paused, and then stood. Lying by the railing was a black glove. Mulder stood behind Agent Danahes. She was a tall blond woman with a medium frame, green eyes, and just a little too much makeup. Her features were dull and rounded, and she had a Southeast accent. Now she had a cigarette clamped between her lips, typing madly to enter the fingerprints into the system. A beeping sound came up, and she reached up and shut the fire alarm off with a flick of her hand. The office was small and cramped, and smelt like smoke. The fire alarm was to the right of a small nook that served as the computer area for her. She dipped the ashes into crystal cut whiskey glass that served as an ash tray, and waited. Mulder had left Scully at her hotel room, and told her to be ready to call Frohike at the Lone Gunman. She had not found that funny, but knew the short older man and his buddies could find out who this person was a lot faster than she could. Once they got the information, it was going to be modemed into her computer. Mulder checked his watch, and sighed. It was close to ten, and still no match yet. He was about to tell Danahes to call him at his hotel room when she found a match when another beep came from the computer, and Danahes smiled to herself, taking a long drag off of her cigarette. Mulder resisted the urge to break out into a fit of exaggerated coughing when the smoke drifted into his face. He knelt by her. "There's your match, Mulder. These prints belong to Havannah Styarski. No criminal record- she was in the Navy. If you want, I can pull up her file for you," she bragged. "No thanks, I can get the information myself," he said softly. He wanted out of this place as fast as he could. Danahes put on a fake pout, and batted her eyelashes at him. If the air didn't kill him, her come-ons would. "Thank you again, Agent Danahes," he said curtly, and left. He took several breaths of reasonably clean air before calling Scully. Scully wrote down the name, and called Frohike. "Hello, Dana," he said, before she said a word. "You ready with the computer?" she asked, getting excited. They were closing in. "All right, what's the name?" "Havannah Styarski," she said softly. "Okay?" She heard the side door open, and Mulder came in, and sat down on the bed next to her. Frohike could sense the conversation about to close, although he'd much rather listen to her voice. It did strange things to him. "Dana, listen, can you say one thing before I get the info modemed out to you, and I won't hear from you again for a while?" "What?" she asked, unnerved slightly. She glanced at Mulder, and he pulled the phone from her ear. "Say my name in a sexy voice, and I'll do whatever you want me to," he begged. Mulder laughed. "In your dreams, Frohike. Modem us the info." He hung up the phone and smiled at Scully. "I'm not going to ask what he wanted me to say," she said wisely. She hooked up her computer and waited. Ten minutes later, she found the file in her E-mail. She read aloud to Mulder. "Havannah Styarski, Naval Lieutenant Commander. Born December 23, 1962, in Richmond, Virginia. Hair: Blond, Eyes:Blue. Five foot four, 129 pounds, yadda, yadda, yadda... ah! She moved to a California Naval base in the spring of ninety-two. Last year, she moved to a top secret project- Project Mammalia. It's a project to- change people from people to animals using their own concentration and subconscious power. Is he making this up, Mulder? I'd think the government would have better things to do that try to make people turn into animals." "What about SIVR? And wouldn't it explain that woman turning into a panther?" She looked down. "I've been starting to think I might be going crazy thinking like this. SIVR is a project controlled by the committee- it's probably a group of private citizens." Mulder looked away. "I doubt it. Penelope doesn't even know anything about the committee. It isn't crazy, Scully, it's real. And wouldn't it explain that woman changing into a panther?" "I'll believe it when I see it with my own eyes- and I have someone else as a witness. Oh, Mulder, Frohike left you a little message," she said, grinning, and pointing to a PS at the bottom of the screen. He smiled. "Well at least he didn't take it personally." Mulder pulled the keyboard aside, and two- finger typed a message back: I need some identification numbers to get into the project- can you handle it? Mulder A few minutes later a reply came back: Yeah, I'll have them for you by tomorrow afternoon. That still wasn't nice, Mulder. Frohike "Well, there's nothing we can do until tomorrow afternoon," Scully sighed. She stood, and Mulder followed. He didn't want to leave. What he wanted to do was clear away the laptop, shut off the light, and stay with her, instead of going back to his own room, his own lonely bed. He almost asked if she wanted him to stay, and then turned and walked through the door connecting their rooms. He knew he wasn't going to survive this until whatever it was between Scully and him was fixed. There had been an interval of maybe an hour when he hadn't been thinking of her. Of loving her, being with her. And then all he had been concentrating on was work. An idea entered Mulder's head. He dismissed it at first, but when he was lying down, trying to sleep, it came to him again. But an excuse, he needed an excuse... it came to him, and he smiled before falling asleep. The only problem was how to tell Scully. Mulder knocked on Scully's door at nine. She opened it, dressed in jeans and a white blouse. "Hi, I'm just trying to get the info on the other four members of Project Mammalia. Byers is going to E-Mail it to me with the identification numbers," she said, plugging in her modem. "Listen, Scully, I've got an idea. I want you to take me into SIVR," he explained. She looked up at him stiffly. "Why?" "Things from your subconscious are supposed to come out in SIVR, maybe I can remember what happened the night of the accident," he said. "Well, can't you have Penelope take you in?" she asked. She didn't want to go into SIVR with him. Anything could happen in SIVR, and things came out there. He shook his head. "I don't know what's in Penelope's mind, things from her subconscious might pop up instead of my stuff. At least with you, I know what's from my subconscious, and what's from yours," he explained. He hoped to God his reason sounded logical enough. If he could get her in there, he was sure everything would be all right... She sighed. If she said know, he'd want to know why, and she didn't want to explain. "Okay, Mulder. I'll go to Penelope's. Be waiting by the phone." Penelope was surprised at Scully's request to use SIVR, and checked around before letting her in. "What's the matter, Penelope?" Scully asked, draping her topcoat over the back of the gray executive chair. "You look nervous." "They don't want you to go in, Scully. My boss, Russell Sandar, told me not even to talk to you and Mulder," she mouthed. "I need to take him in," Scully mouthed back. Penelope nodded, and set it up. Scully typed in Mulder's Apt. for scenery, and then dialed Mulder. He picked it up with a "Ready." She flicked the switch, and waited. The twisting and turning stopped abruptly, and Scully exploded into the world around her. She was laying on Mulder's leather couch, dressed in a red kimono with a black spandex bikini. He opened the door, and entered. It was dark in the apartment, the only light coming from the high window that let in fluorescent hall lighting. He shut the door behind him, and looked at her. Her hair was an electric orange color, and her eyes bluer than the bluest sky. She looked up at him, pursing her lips. "I trust this was from your filthy mind," she said, glancing down to the way she was dressed. He blinked, hung his coat on the rack blindly, and sat next to her. "I'll admit to it. But it's not a filthy idea. I like picturing you as a seductress," he said. His voice was low and deep, and it seeped into her ears like an infectious disease, spreading inside her. So low, so incredibly intimate... She reached over, and put her arms around his neck, forcing him down on the couch. She sat on him, and slowly began to remove his tie. His hands busied themselves with the tie of the silk robe. It fell off of her with a soft whimsical brush, and he could touch other places on her body. Softer, more intrinsic places he would love to touch with his mouth. He leaned up and attacked her mouth with a forceful, pressing kiss that let her taste the esurience he had been holding back for days, and was trying to hold back now. To take it slow. She leaned up, her forehead cradled against his, her cheek pressed against his. She could hear his soft pants in her ear, as he attached his mouth to the side of her face. She leaned back, smiling inveiglingly. His hands rested at her hips, running his thumb over the waistline of her bikini bottom. She set the tie neatly aside, and yanked his shirt up, out of his pants. She unbuttoned it with her teeth, and one of his hands careened down her back, fiddling with the clasp of her bikini. A low growl caught their attention, and from nowhere a dark black panther sprung. It landed first on Scully, pinning her against the leather. Mulder slid out from underneath, and hauled the panther away. The animal landed on its back, turned, and sprung on him. Mulder landed on the glass coffee table, and it broke to pieces under him. Scully leaned against the wall, staring at the scene. Hair fell in her face, and she gasped as the panther shifted into human form. Mulder was on his feet in an instant, though, fighting with the man. The guy was a big, much bigger than Mulder's medium frame, and he towered over him. Scully watched in horror as Mulder pulled out his gun, and took aim at the man. He ducked, as the bullet hit the side of the wall. The man shifted into cat form, and bolted out the window. Mulder stood there, oblivious to the woman on his couch, and looked down at his feet. The torn pieces of his paper lay at his feet, amidst a yellow post-it note. He got down on his knees, and began piecing the note together. Scully couldn't see what it said, but a moment later he bolted out the apartment door. She came off of her perch on the couch, her feet crunching on broken glass. She stared at the yellow paper lazily pasted together. They're after her. She leaned down to touch the note, and the electricity crackled. Scully bolted out at everything, upsetting the mouse, phone, and sending the monitor twisting the wrong way. She made a sound of surprise and terror, and pulled the black glasses off. She looked around, and took several deep breaths. Calm, cool. It's over. Penelope put a hand on Scully's shoulder, and she jumped, startled, and took more deep breaths. "What happened?" Penelope asked softly. Scully shook her head. "He was on his way to meet me. He knew they were going to poison me. That's why he made my stomach gray in VR, that's why he told me I should see a doctor so I could get better. He knew they had done something to me." Scully smiled, pleased with her revelation. "I have to go- I have to tell Mulder," she said, excitedly. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, everything was starting to connect... She bolted out the door before Penelope could say another word. Scully burst into Mulder's hotel room without notice. He was just pulling off his shirt as she entered. Scully felt an immediate, almost animalistic, urge of lust spring within her, as she stared at him. She looked away softly, embarrassed at having barged in on him. Mulder showed no sign he saw her look away, and reached for his dress shirt casually. "Hey, Scully," he said softly. "What did you find out through VR?" She looked up at him, as he draped the shirt over his shoulders, letting it hang open, and buttoning it from bottom to top. He tucked it in his gray pants, oblivious to her eyes studying his every move with a hunger. "Uh, well, you were on your way to my house. And a panther attacked you. It was a guy- I've never seen him before. Someone left you a note- Mulder you knew they were going to poison me, well, you didn't know, but you knew they were going to try and hurt me somehow. That's where you were when you got into the accident. That's probably why you knew in VR that I was sick- the reason for my stomach. Your subconscious knew they had done something to me, and my subconscious knew that there was something funny going on with my stomach. They must have merged somehow, and the result was what happened in SIVR," she explained softly, perching on the edge of his bed. He nodded, and pointed to her laptop sitting on his bed. "Frohike sent us the identification numbers to get clearance to the project. It should enable us to get into the project, see a demonstration, and we might have access to the personal quarters to talk with the inhabitants. I got a trace on the secondary line used. It came from the main computer at Project Mammalia- a fully maxed supercomputer. I want to leave immediately," he said, getting his suit jacket. Scully paused. Should she tell him what happened before, how she had been in his arms on his couch, ready to do anything he might have asked her to if it would mean she could stay there, in his arms? She looked away. No more secrets. She had told him there would be no more secrets, she would tell him everything. But he would want to know why she hadn't protested, if he didn't already know what had happened. But there had to be total honesty, even between friends or their trust would be shattered, and he was the only person she could trust. "Mulder," she started. "Something else happened in VR," she began. She closed her eyes a moment, gathering herself and explained relentlessly. She averted her eyes from him the entire time, until she was finished. He knelt in front of her, and took both of her hands in his own. He looked up into her face, and Scully thought she would faint. There was such love in his eyes, such pain... She swallowed deeply, and was lost in his eyes. She waited for him to say something, anything. Why didn't you pull away? What do you think that means? But he didn't. He simply held her hands and stared up at her. She closed them, and tried to hold back tears. He came up on the bed in an instant, and put his arms around her. She leaned against him without any hesitation. Her head rested on his chest, and she sighed. A single tear drifted down her cheek. "Tell me," he whispered. "Tell me everything." She looked up at him, and another tear fell. His mouth swooped down, and kissed it away gently. "Tell me," he urged her again. She let the tears fall. She could tell him anything here. Safe in the zareba of his arms, she was sheltered from the outside world, from anything that could harm her. He would keep the demons, the fears away for her. For this time, she had someone else to protect her from herself. It encouraged a tremendous relief and relaxation in her. One she wanted to accept willingly. Scully leaned against him, content in his arms and began to talk. "I was so scared when you were in the accident. At first they wouldn't let me see you- I burst right in. And you were in the coma, and they said you might not ever come out of it. It felt like a part of me was missing. Like those people who say they can still feel their arm, or their leg after it's been amputated. I didn't even want to think about what I would do if you were dead. I was reminiscing with Jennifer, and I remembered when I'd first met you," she said. Her voice choked slightly, and he rocked her slightly. "It's all right. Go on." "I wanted to tell you so many things. I'd never told you how good a friend you were, how much I cared about you. I never- I had never kissed you," she mumbled into his shoulder. He pulled her away softly. She stared up into his eyes, and wanted to cry again. They shone with love that came from within. A pure, deep, sheltering love. She wanted to accept that love, and all the consequences, and complications that went with it. It would be all worth it in the end, if she could keep these strong arms around her forever. She would pay anything to stay like this always. To never leave the safe and security he brought to her, but rather to embrace it, willingly give in to her emotions. Give in to everything that had been tumbling around inside her the past days. The love, the desire. He held her for a few more minutes, and she inhaled the scent of him, pressing her face to his chest. His chin rested on her head, and he rocked her back and forth. "Shh," he whispered. He pulled her back a moment, and then leaned down. His mouth on her own was warm, and soft and gentle. His tongue touched hers almost tentatively. She was almost pliable in his arms. He could have moved her any way he pleased, and she would have followed. He drew back from the immaculate brush. "You'd better get ready. The Project shuts down to visitors at six," he said. Anything to stop the hammering in his mind, and the pounding in his heart while she was next to him. He didn't want to put the barrier between them, as thick and cold as a brick wall, but it had to be done. It had to be, if he was ever to survive. He would have twisted her body over, and taken her then and there if he didn't. He had to maintain some sanity, some order of reason. She moved away, and left his arms. When she shut the door, he flopped back on the bed. "I love you," he mumbled to the thin air. "Why can't you see that?" Scully was silent on the way to the Project. It was not more than twenty minutes from L.A., up in the hills. They pulled up to a gate. Its black wrought iron bars stood firm in front of them. A six foot high, three foot thick white quartz wall. Out of the guard house, two men dressed in army fatigues with guns slung over their backs approached the car. One stopped in front of the car, the other came to Mulder's side. "Name," he demanded emotionlessly. "Robert Grant," Mulder said just as coolly. "I.D. number one five six, dash, two nine, dash, four three two." "And you, Miss?" the man asked Scully. She paused a moment. "Sylvia Marlthrope," she said, recalling the slip she had studied on the way here, now tucked away safely in her purse. "Identification number," the guard prompted. "Four seven oh, dash, three seven, dash, two one six," she replied softly. The man nodded, and hailed to the other man in front of their car. He nodded in response, and pushed a button on the side of the guard house. The gates opened inwardly, and Mulder pulled the car forward. Scully breathed a sigh of relief once they were inside. He parked the car, and they went inside. The late afternoon sun hit Scully's hair, making it look like it was on fire. Overhead, dark purple clouds, thick with rain rumbled softly. It hadn't rained last night, and the pending storm was about to make up for it. They were ushered inside, given small clip-badges, and led to a long room by a tall woman with round thick glasses. The woman, whose name tag read Myra Young, reminded Scully of a duck, the way her glass sat on a squat nose, and her tan complexion to go with it. A panel of thick double-paned glass separated them from a white room. A cluster of gray folding chairs were set up in the middle of a their side of the room. Mulder and Scully took a seat in the first two, and waited. A moment later, a tall man with sandy brown hair and deep green eyes walked in, dressed in orange from head to toe. "I've seen him before," Mulder whispered. "I don't know where, but- I could swear I know him from somewhere." Scully nodded. "Maybe a past life, Mulder," she teased, smiling up at him. He raised both eyebrows, and watched. Myra picked up a microphone. "Hello, Michael. Cat form," she instructed. Michael nodded. "Hello, Dr. Young." He got down on all fours, and Mulder watched. Within moments, the young man was completely transformed. A small yellowish-orange cat sat before them, staring with intelligent green eyes back at them. "Good, Michael. You may change back now," Myra said softly. She turned to Mulder and Scully, "Do you want another demonstration?" "Uh, no," Mulder muttered. Myra nodded, and picked up the microphone again. "You may leave, Michael." Michael smiled, and then looked at Mulder. He drew in a deep breath, and Scully could swear he had batted his eyelashes at her partner before he sauntered out the door, looking like a tall moving pumpkin. Myra turned back to them. "If there's nothing else, I'll let you be free to roam the project if you wish," she said, departing. Scully smiled at her partner. "He was flirting with you," she said, slightly astonished. "Who?" he asked, confused. "Michael- he was flirting with you," she said, grinning now. Mulder stood. "You're probably right about that past lives thing. We were probably lovers, and you were the jealous wife who found out and shot us," he said, pursing his lips. He moved towards the door, and Scully followed. Once they were outside the small room, he searched around, and then leaned down and whispered to her. "Scully, when he shifted, he looked exactly like the cat that was in my room last night." "Yeah, but Mulder, why would our "friend" point us here? There must be a reason why someone they just suddenly want to rid themselves of us," she said, keeping her voice low. She glanced down the hall, feeling slightly paranoid. He looked at the ground. "I think it might have something to do with SIVR. Scully, I was following this case for a while. Both SIVR and Project Mammalia are top secret projects- these deaths are related to both- someone used Penelope's computer to kill those people- someone from this Project. The secondary line came from here- the question is who used the tertiary line to connect to the main computer here." "It could have been anyone, Mulder. It could have been one of the guards, it could have been Dr. Young-" "You're right. But the deaths have been happening in almost a sequence. In the beginning it was usually once or twice a week, then it was once a week. The last death happened five days ago, and just two days ago, someone used the computer to call Penelope's house, and then back to the project- the calls have been getting closer together as it goes along," he explained. "I'm not sure I follow," she said, walking down hall. Mulder caught up and walked alongside, bending his head so his conversation was directed only to her. "SIVR is a fantasy world, Scully. Anything you want to happen in it can happen, and it's totally real. Every feeling is magnified a thousand times, it's like real life, only better. And the only monster that can get you is your own mind. Someone here could be using SIVR as a way to escape from the pressures around them. They might not even know they're hurting anyone. Penelope met the woman who she brought into VR on the internet. Then she never heard from her again. It doesn't make much difference who comes and goes on there- no one suspects anything's wrong if someone doesn't reply to a message, or if they never see someone they were talking to again. They wouldn't know if the person was dead or alive. Do you see what I'm saying? The person or persons who use SIVR probably don't even know they're hurting anybody when they go in. We can't get a trace of the tertiary line used to connect to the supercomputer, or it's going to look suspicious," he said softly. They neared the exit, a set of double doors with two guards in gray army fatigues on either side. Their footsteps echoed down the white hall. As they were about to push through the doors, a guard reached out and grabbed Scully's arm. Her eyes shot nervously to Mulder, and a cold clench of fear ran through her stomach. "Badges, please," he said in a dark even voice. Scully pulled her arm away from him, and yanked the clip badge from the lapel of her jacket. The two metal pieces connected together with a snap, as she handed it back to the guard. Mulder pulled his off, and gave it to the guard, also. He threw them in a bin next to the door and smiled at Scully. "Good-bye miss," he said. Mulder reached over Scully's head and pushed at the door, holding it open for her. She breathed a sigh of relief once they were outside. "Jesus, Mulder, that scared me," she said. He gave a half-grin. "They'd shoot me, not you," he teased. Scully's blue eyes pierced his for a moment. "Don't you even joke about that!" she exclaimed, walking just a bit faster across the pavement where the gray rental car sat. "I'm tired of visiting hospitals," she mumbled, vying for a suitable answer for her behavior. She knew Mulder usually had bad timing for his off comments, and his comment ordinarily wouldn't bother her. She'd been really scared though. When that guard had grabbed her arm, she had thought she'd had her last adventure with Mulder. But it hadn't been just her. She knew with Deep Throat gone there would be no one who would bail Mulder out if he was in a jam. Mr. X surely wouldn't. He was entirely too strict about saving his own ass rather than helping them. They might let her go with a reprimand, but Mulder- Mulder would surely have a worse fate. And she couldn't stand the though of someone hurting him. She swallowed, and waited for him to unlock the passenger car door. When she got in, she sighed. "Mulder, I just-" "I think we should talk with Penelope again tomorrow. Whoever's been going into SIVR is bound to call again, to set up everything with Penelope's line, so she can connect with the other people. You can go into SIVR, and nothing happened to you. When the person calls, I want you to be ready, and see if you can take both of us in. We can find out who's been calling, and see if it's been on purpose, or if it was unintentional," he said, cutting her off. Scully leaned back in her seat. The barrier again. She felt like she was beating her head against a brick wall, and no matter how hard she hit it, the wall wouldn't open up to her. Every time there was more to be said, he would cut her off with a counteractive subject change. She stared angrily out the window, as they passed buildings and cars. She didn't speak again. Mulder reached his hotel room and collapsed on the bed. He wanted to run. He felt full of pent up energy, and needed a release. There was nothing he could do right now. Scully probably wouldn't feel like going over to Penelope's now. He wished he hadn't cut her off. But he just couldn't listen to her apologies for her own emotions. He wouldn't do it. It hurt too much. He stripped out of his suit, and redressed in a pair of gray sweat pants that had been hacked off at mid-thigh to make a pair of shorts and a gray sweat shirt that had no arms. It was going to rain, but he didn't care. Maybe the rain could cool off the fire in his soul. Maybe it could dispel the waves of emotions that burned in him when he saw her. He was so preoccupied that he didn't notice the small yellow post-it note that had been pasted onto the mirror above the dresser, until he went to leave. It was blank, but it didn't matter. Mulder knew who had summoned him. The air was cool and relaxing against his skin. It ruffled his hair, and he could smell the oncoming storm, sweet and fragrant water vapor in the air. The smell of the city and the smog got to him sometimes. Now was one of those times when he would have liked to be in the country, in a park someplace, smelling the trees and grasses. The smog and smoke that floated in a hazy drift over the city was getting to him. He slowed his running to a walk as he neared the alley. A black sedan was parked in the corner, the engine still running, silently waiting. Mulder approached it carefully. There was something he didn't like about this. The car door opened suddenly, and hit him in the gut. Mulder doubled over, clutching his stomach, and a sleek black panther emerged from the car. She pounced on him, pinning him to the ground. Mulder fumbled for his gun, before remembering that he had left it back up at the room. Everything else happened in a flash. He brought his fist up, and caught the panther in the stomach. The big cat rolled off of him, and he watched her shift forms, back to a woman with long dark hair. He glanced at her for an instant and remembered Kristin before something came flying at him from behind the car. The orange and black tiger jumped on top of him, swiping at his head. Mulder brought his arms up, and wiggled away. The tiger let out a powerful roar, and rammed Mulder with its head. Mulder fell back against a garbage dumpster. His head hit the side of the dumpster, and everything was dark and bleary to him. He heard the horn of the sedan give off a blast as though he were underwater, and heard the tires squeal against the pavement as it pulled away. Mulder fell against the dumpster, trying to gain his breath, trying to look at his surroundings. He was vaguely aware of blood seeping down the side of his face. It fell into a sticky red pool in his lap, and he collapsed into blackness. Overhead, the sky rumbled darkly. Lightning darted in and out of the clouds, a warning sign of the storm. Softly, it began to rain. Scully stepped out of the shower. Her entire body felt mellow, relaxed from the force of the hot water beating down on her. She had fixed her wounds, the small cuts had healed nicely, and she doubted there would be a resulting scar. Now she was wrapped in a thin white robe. She dried her hair, and sighed. She was just about to slip into her nightgown when a knock sounded at the door. Her eyes darted to her gun lying on the nightstand by her bed. She went to the peephole, and looked out. She quickly unlocked the door, and opened it wide. Mulder almost spilled into her arms. "Oh my God," she breathed. She struggled to help him. She laid him on the bed gently. His forehead was bleeding, small trickles of blood running down the sides of his face. Blood was on his chest, his shorts, everywhere. She took out her medical kit immediately and found her penknife. She slit his shirt, sliding the cloth out from under him, and took a wet washcloth and wiped the blood from his head and chest gently. The cut wasn't as bad as she had first thought. It was at the right side of his forehead, above the three scratch marks from before. It was a slight gash, not very deep, but very bloody. She didn't think it would need stitches. Carefully, she put gauze over it, and lay down beside him. "Scully- they attacked me in the alley- two of them, no, three- someone was driving the car-" "Don't speak," she hushed him, running a hand through his hair while the other kept the gauze firmly in place on his head. "Just try to go to sleep, all right?" she said softly. Scully leaned over and shut off the light, enclosing the room in darkness. She spread herself out on the right side of him, the medical equipment on the other side. She put a hand on his chest, and her head against the pillows, looking at him. "Go to sleep, all right?" she asked, drifting into her own wave. Scully awoke in darkness. She glanced a the alarm clock by the bed which read eleven twenty-one. She sat up, and looked at Mulder. He awoke when she switched on the light, and looked at her. Scully realized she hadn't changed out of her robe, and peeled the gauze off his head. The cut was closing up, but it needed disinfectant, just to be sure everything was all right. Scully wasn't sure how it happened, or why. Maybe she wanted it to happen, maybe she'd planned it that way, or maybe it was just one of those things. Looking back, she thought she might have twisted her body the wrong way. But when she leaned over his body, stretching for the disinfectant in the medical kit, her breast slid from beneath the robe. It pressed against his chest, skin to skin, and she grit her teeth. Hopefully she could just fix her robe when she came back, and he would be so out if it he wouldn't know... But then an iron clad arm hurled itself around her waist, and a hand came tumbling through her hair. She stared wide eyed at Mulder. He could feel her breast, her own hot flesh against his own, and shuddered. He hauled her on top of him with his arm, and the robe shifted and her bare leg touched his own. The surge of lust was immeasurable. He had to have her. Now, dear God, or he would die... She stared deep into his eyes. She wanted him so much. Would he be well enough? Would his wounds affect him? *WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?* Mulder? No! She couldn't. It could only cause complications in her life, she could ruin her friendship with him... But then she felt his hard thigh against her own. She could feel his body shudder with the force of his desire, and it made her tremble. His hand combed gently through her hair, and then brought her head down to his own. He leaned up and caught her mouth. The kiss was slow and draining. She couldn't think, she couldn't concentrate. Him, him, him. He was so close, she wanted him, he wanted her, they could satisfy the atavistic desire running through them right now. She pulled away, and gasped, putting her forehead against his own. "I need you Dana," he whispered in a hoarse voice. He planted a kiss on her cheek. "I need you now," he said. His mouth touched her chin softly, and Scully felt all resistance shuffle out of her. "Let me have you, Dana. Let me make love to you," he pleaded. She put a hand through black hair that felt like the softest silk. "Yes, Mulder. I want you, I want you to make love to me," she whispered against his face. His hand removed itself from her hair, and went to the point where her breast collided with his chest. His thumb caressed over her nipple, and she groaned. His other hand went down, cupping her derriere through the thin white robe. He gasped slightly, and rolled over, pushing the medical kit aside. It clattered to the floor with a bang, and he pushed himself on top of her. His tongue assaulted her mouth violently, and he moaned in her mouth when she opened up to him, and came on with a counterattack of her own. All he could concentrate on was the need. The need to have her, to touch all those intimate places on her body, to explore them thoroughly. He sat up, and looked down at her. The pleasure came in the pain of drawing it out. Making every touch burn into his mind, because he might never get the chance to touch her like this again. Both hands came to the knot in her robe. He pulled it away softly, delicately, and opened the robe. Her body was just how he had thought it. Curves, planes, angles. A thousand different places. He looked up at her eyes. They were clouded, waiting for him to touch her. He reached out and softly cupped her breast. "You're so beautiful, Dana," he said, leaning down. His mouth touched her neck, his tongue swirling against her skin. She gasped as it drifted over her breast, touching, feeling, tasting. Her hands dove into his hair, raking through it again and again. His left hand danced up her thigh, and wisped down, inwards to the center of her. When his thumb parted her secret lips she cried out. "Oh," she said, her voice loud and throaty. "Oh, God," she breathed. Her back arched against him, and she felt a tingling sensation run from head to toe. His head moved to the center of her chest, and slipped over to her other breast. She tugged softly at his hair, feeling every pore of her body renewed with a filling energy. His energy. She was soaring, screaming, drifting in a place of consciousness and ecstasy. Sounds irrupted around her, love sounds. She couldn't tell if they were hers or his. They all seemed one and the same now, and she curled her toes. She was floating in a place where nothing could harm her, where she felt like a cloud, drifty, dreamy. When the spinning stopped, and she could think again, she lifted her head up and looked at him. His mouth was at her abdomen, and she could feel his body tense with the desire he was holding back. The pleasure-pain that filled him, and made him want her more and more. When his mouth centered itself lower, she threw her head back and moaned. "Oh, Mulder." Her nails bit into his shoulder. "Now, now," she pleaded with him. He couldn't though. He had waited far too long for the quick and easy release his body pleaded for him to make. He continued his exploration. Touching every inch of her with his hands, his mouth, his tongue. Everywhere he could. He leaned up again, and she felt him pressed into her, the only barrier the cutoff shorts that still adorned his body. He would draw everything out, make it last. Scully realized exactly what he was doing. She smiled seductively, and rolled over as his mouth swooped down upon her own. She looked around, searching the crumpled bedcovers until she found her penknife. She looked deeply into his eyes that purely adored her. They stared up at her with the most incredible starry look. A hand cupped her derriere lightly, and she licked her lips slowly, and brought the hand that held the penknife down to the waistline of his shorts. "Do you trust me, Mulder?" she asked, holding the knife above him. Mulder gasped as she pulled the waistline of his shorts, and stuck the knife into the middle. "Yes, Dana," he groaned. She slit the shorts from midpoint up, and brought her hands to his thigh. One hand held up the shorts while the other stuck the penknife through. "Do you want me?" she asked in a low voice. He nodded desperately. His body screeched. Now, for God sake, take her now. She slit one side of the shorts, and moved to the other side. "Do you need me, Mulder?" she asked. There was something almost demonic in the way she said it, and the surge of lust was incredible. When he nodded, she smiled wide. Her hands came to the center of his shorts. One more rip, and there would be no boundaries between them. Each was braced, prepared to burn the last bridge. Suddenly, she felt two larger hands covering her own. She looked up into his eyes. "Do you love me, Dana?" he asked. She paused, her mouth slightly open. Her soul melted in chocolate eyes, and she put a hand to the side of his face. "Do you love me?" he asked again, shaking her slightly. She smiled. "Yes, Mulder, I love you. I tried not to- it would only complicate things, but I can't help it," she tried to explain. A hand came and cupped her mouth softly. "I love you, too, Dana. That's all that matters now," he whispered. She opened her mouth against his palm, and licked it softly. He groaned, and she felt a new wave of lust surge inside him. She put both hands down, took the fabric in her fists and tore. It ripped, and she pulled it away, flinging it aside. He throbbed against her, and his hands pulled her back down to him. A hand tangoed in her hair, and he licked her lips softly until her mouth opened, to a sensual dance. He pulled away, and rolled twice back to the right. "Talk about a roll in the hay," she giggled. She felt giddy, wonderful, like she could climb a mountain, jump out of a plane and fly. She was immortal, she could do anything. He reached up and shut off the light. The only sound was the rain pounding outside, and their own dark moans. He moved so they were in the center of the bed, and spoke to her, soft, pianists hands sliding up her thighs, opening her to him. "I love you with my heart," he gasped, only half-catching her mouth with his. His mouth moved to her eyebrows, kissed her eyelids, and he spoke between the intimate touches of his lips. "I love you with my mind... my body, oh, God, with my body," he breathed heavily on her neck, and his mouth moved up, capturing her earlobe. "And most of all, with my entire soul." He nibbled her earlobes, and his hands captured the soft curves of her hips that flared full in his palms. He pressed into her softly. "And I always will," he breathed. "I love you," she cried, before he pushed upward into her, and there was no world anymore. There was only him, her, as one, and everything was purely that simple. The man smirked suavely at the woman. She pursed her lips. "I know how much you hate being wrong, but, you were. Look at them. I told you it would be them, Sunflower. It can be over, now," he admitted. She looked away, troubled. He hated to see a frown on her face. She was all golden smiles, not frowns and worries. "I don't think they're the ones," she said dreamily. "I'm not sure what it is, but- I just have this feeling- it's not them, at least, not now." The man put his arms around her. It was a daring gesture considering his relationship to her, but maybe they could clear the secrets. Maybe, if they had done it, since they had cleared all the lies away, maybe he had a chance, too. She looked up at him, comfortable in his arms, though she knew she shouldn't be. She had a husband, another man who adored her. But the man had been like a brother to her all her life. She supposed he might not be too upset. "Sunflower, don't think so darkly. We have to have hope. Look at them- it will happen, surely now," he said, more to himself than her. He had to keep assuring himself that now was the time. That it was these two, finally, after so many years, it was finally over. She put her head on his chest. "It could mean nothing for them, you know. In our day, it would have meant the world, it would be considered so scandalous for it not to have..." "Can't you see the love in their eyes? It is time, Sunflower," he said, his voice growing weaker. If only he could tell her himself. If only he had this man's courage to profess himself... She felt tears come to her eyes. She had been waiting so long for something to happen, what she thought was supposed to happen. Eventually, she became acquainted with her own interpretation of why she was stuck here, and why she always met up with the man. "I've watched her all her life," she said quietly. "She'll do what is right, no matter what her heart tells her." The man bit his lip. "Just like you, Sunflower." The woman pulled away, and held back tears of her own. "That's not true. I never had a doubt in my heart. God intended me to the be with my husband, no matter what anyone else's ideas were." "More to do with the devil," he muttered. "I pray these two will make it, though. They have been through so much, it is deserving of them." "Your prayers are futile." Scully awoke to a warm room. The sun miraculously shone in from the plate glass windows, and the daylight swung into the room. She paused a moment, feeling warm, and secure and more comfortable than she had been in a long, long time. She turned over, and looked at him. His face seemed ragged, rough around the edges. Two arms held her to him around the waist, and he looked tired. She smiled gently. Peace. That's what she felt. A peace that slowed her insides and made her smile with the warmth that captured her. She turned again, curling into his arms, and relaxing her head against his chest. She could hear the steady thud of his heartbeat, and the rhythmic sound of his breathing. She sighed and smiled softly. Last night... She sat up. She had had a speech prepared. A speech to Mulder. Last night was just something that happened, they were caught up in the moment, it could mean nothing... But she couldn't say that. Scully couldn't lie again. Not to Mulder, not again. Last night was special, no apologies were needed from either party. Last night was a declaration she had been trying to make, and couldn't find the words. Not until he had shown her them. Not until he had demanded them of her could she say them. Suddenly, she felt his breathing go irregular, and his arms around her tensed. "Good morning," he whispered in her ear. One of his arms removed itself so as to free his hand. He stroked her hair gently, lovingly. "Did you sleep well?" She turned around, and grinned playfully up at him. "What little sleep I did get." He leaned down and kissed her softly. "Last night was the first time I haven't dreamt," he whispered. She pulled away from his kiss and looked into his eyes. "Every night, I usually have a nightmare. It's Samantha, or it's you, or even both of you, and I can't help either of you," he said. She put a hand to the side of his face. "Don't blame yourself, Mulder. You couldn't do anything about Samantha, or me." She paused. "You know, when I went to your apartment, your father came there. I don't know if he was in grief, or anger, or whatever but, he blames me. You never told him that the person that came back wasn't your sister. They knew you had traded my life for hers, and he wanted to know why. You never told me why, either." Mulder squeezed her gently, and kissed her forehead. "Dana, all my life, I've been searching for her, waiting for her. It's my whole purpose in life, my mission. I really did think it was her, but..." She urged him on, "But what?" He buried his head in her hair. "After you disappeared, I had a lot of time to think. And I realized how... important you are to me, not just professionally, but personally, too. In a way, you were like a sister. You were there for me when I really needed you, even when I didn't want you there. I realized that I had never really told you how I felt. I never knew what a wonderful person you are, how much I needed you until you were gone. And as much as the pain of losing Samantha hurts, the thought of losing another person, the thought of losing you... I couldn't do it. I had just gotten you back, it was like a miracle... I couldn't let you go again. There was something, so... different, I don't know how to explain it. It felt more like I'd be killing myself-" She hushed him with a kiss. A tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I'm sorry I lied, and I kept everything away," she wept. "I never knew I could feel this way about anyone, anything." He held her close, fighting away the tears in his own eyes. He loved her so much, to finally be with her was amazing. He pulled back and grinned. "We're not supposed to be crying. I have a couple ideas of my own, you know-" "What about work? You said you wanted to go to Penelope's today," she reminded him. He groaned. "Must you bring up work? Why can't we stay here. We can make love, relax, make love again." "A lot of things on your mind, Mulder," she teased. "But, really, we do have things to talk about." He nuzzled her neck. "Like what?" "Like the fact that things are going to be different, at work for both of us. Like the fact that we'd better keep this entire thing under wraps, or Skinner will find out. You know the Bureau already doesn't like the X- Files, and if they find out we're involved, they might suspect I'm giving you special treatment. And we have to keep our professional and personal lives separate. We'll still be getting two hotel rooms, so everything will appear just as it was before," she explained reasonably. Mulder pulled back, and looked into her eyes. "I know, I know things will have to appear just as they were before. What about later on, though?" he asked softly. She furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?" "What if we decide we want to get married, or we want to further our relationship, or something?" She paused. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," she said. "Now, though, we have a lot of work to do, and I have to take a shower." She threw the bedcovers aside, and giggled inanely at the torn pair of shorts lying by her feet. "And you need some new clothes. Good thing we have adjoining rooms. I would hate to see you try and creep to your room in your birthday suit," she winked at him, and slipped into the bathroom. Mulder jumped out of bed, and knocked on the door. "Do you need any help?" he almost yelled. Scully answered the door, on hip cocked, and smiling. "Why, I thought you'd never ask," she said, pulling him into the bathroom. She giggled and the door shut with a bang. Mulder almost crashed on the way to Penelope's, watching Scully. She had an enormous grin on her face, and the wind coming in from the open window blew back her red hair that shone like silk. When they did get to Penelope's, they stumbled over words explaining the situation, and trying not to get distracted. Penelope nodded dully, and then trudge back upstairs with the explanation, "Do whatever you want- if you get up before noon on a Saturday, you're entitled." Scully smiled, and reclined in Penelope's executive chair. She was dressed in jean shorts and a short sleeved jean blouse. Mulder knelt beside her, and began hooking up the phone trace. It would tell them where the caller was coming from within thirty seconds if it was a local number. "That's it. The phone trace is set up. It will give us the direct number, extension, everything." "Great. All we'll have to do is disconnect whoever did this, and then bring them into VR. I want to bring you in, too, Mulder. If whoever's doing this has someone else in there, I won't stand a chance by myself. Especially if its one of the members of Project Mammalia." He smiled, and kissed her knee gently. "I won't let them hurt you," he swore. She smirked, and he kissed her other knee, and Scully shivered. "Mulder, Mulder-" He looked up at her. "Not here," she said darkly. He frowned. "Why not? Penelope's upstairs sleeping, Graham's not around..." Her eyes bulged. "Are you crazy? Never mind, I know the answer!" she teased looking away. "Only love can make someone crazy, and you are mine," he said emphatically. "I thought you two weren't- whoa, didn't realize I could miss so many things," Graham said, heaving himself through Penelope's open window. He ran a hand through tangled and messy black hair, and smiled dully at Scully. "What are you guys doing here?" Mulder stood, and winked at Scully. "We're waiting for a phone call, actually." Mulder and Graham wandered into Penelope's kitchen, talking. Scully remained seated, breathing in the air. A fragrant blast of air hit her nostrils, and she inhaled the sweet smell deeply. Her last conscious thought was of Mulder. When Mulder returned to the central part of Penelope's apartment, and didn't see Scully, he didn't panic. Calm, cool, that was always his way. "Scully?" he called. He glanced around, and saw the keys to the car still sitting on the computer desk. Something inside him became frantic. He searched the apartment, calling her name loudly. Penelope came downstairs, rubbing her eyes, and stood blankly next to Graham while Mulder yelled Scully's name. He searched the roof, and then came back in. His eyes were wide, and his breathing heavy and irregular. "Where is she? Have you seen her? Where did she go?" he asked. The phone rang, and Mulder picked it up blindly, waiting for Scully. Instead, he saw twisting and turning, like gold and pink and purple things rushed at him, and then he was somewhere totally different. Scully escaped his mind for a fraction of a second, and he realized he was in SIVR. "Scully?" he called out. A woman with dark black hair that came to her elbows walked calmly up to him. He was standing in the middle of a long field with dead grass that came to mid-thigh. "Hello," she said softly. "Who are you?" he asked suspiciously. "I am everyone, and no one. I am whoever you want me to be. " "I want answers." The woman nodded. "We were sent to attack you, as a practice target. We needed to get rid of your partner." "Where is she, what have you done with her?" The woman nodded again, and her form changed. She shifted into a round woman with short black hair who had the most compassionate hazel eyes he had ever seen. "Dana is fine, Fox. You have to get to her though. If you don't reach her in time, all is lost." "Will they kill her?" The woman shook her head, and her eyes were filled with the sorrow of the saints. "No. Worse." "Where is she?" "I don't know. You have to ask him. He can tell you. Hurry, Fox, or there will be no more of us," she said. Her voice was cracking, shifting, until there were two. One was the woman's, and the other was Scully's. "Help us, help us!" Then it was just the woman's voice. "You can't change the stars, you can't change the past, you can't change the future." "No!" Mulder cried. His voice was mixing with someone else's. A deeper, richer voice than his own. "I won't let them take you away from me again! We can change anything. They can change anything. Anything is possible as long as I-" here the deeper voice dropped off, "love you!" The ground began to rumble. Something was coming up from the ground between Mulder and the woman. "Scully!" he screeched. The wall came up. It was a heavy, solid brick wall, shooting towards the sky. Mulder jumped for the edge. His finger connected with the concrete, and the light crackled. "Scully, no!" he yelled, jumping away from phone. He let it crumble to the floor, and looked wide-eyed and scared at Penelope and Graham who stared stupidly at him. How could they just stare when she was in trouble? When she might die? "Don't go anywhere, just- keep the phone off the hook," he said softly, and dashed out the door. He had to get to Scully. Hurry, hurry. Or all is lost. Mulder was lost for the next few hours. He didn't know where he was going, but he was going someplace. The clouds thundered in overhead again, and the wind picked up. Eventually, he found himself walking towards someplace. A destination he had never been to before, but one he needed to go to. He turned down the alley not knowing what to expect. First wooden door on the left. He reached for the handle, and opened it. She had been here. Mulder could feel it. Scully had been where he was standing. Even though she wasn't here now, he could feel her life force, as if the place he was now in still held a faint reminder of her. Mulder looked around. A Church. As far as he knew, Scully had little belief in God. He knew believing was important to her. Her only religious symbol had been the small cross that always adorned her neck. He had even seen it on her as she slept, he didn't think she ever took it off, for whatever her reason was. He looked around. The Church wasn't very big, several pews, with the lacquer peeling from them. Three statues stood to the right of the pews. Mulder dipped his fingers in the holy water, and crossed himself. He started walking up the aisle, covered with red carpeting that was ragged and worn. The floorboards creaked under his weight, as he followed her footsteps, between the separation, to the statues. He paused in front of the one of St. Theresa. He glanced. One candle was halfway burned, but it had blown out. He took a small stick between his fingertips, and relit it. The boards behind him creaked, and he turned, almost expecting Scully. Instead, he was met with a kindly old priest. The man had tough, gnarled hands, a receding hairline, and kind brown eyes. "Hello," he said gently. "What are you doing here, my son?" he asked. Mulder looked down. "I'm not sure, Father." "Sit down, you look worried," he said, gesturing to a pew up front. The old man sat down, and Mulder came and sat beside him. "What is your name?" "Mulder," he said, looking around the Church. The priest smiled. "I'm Father James Andrews. Tell me what's worrying you." Mulder glanced over at Father James. The man was wise, kind, and Mulder immediately trusted him. "My partner is missing. I don't know where she is, I can't find her. I don't know what to do. I left her side for a few seconds, and then she was gone. I don't want to lose her, I don't know where she is, how to find her. I don't even know where to start," he rushed headlong. Father James nodded solemnly. "She is just your partner?" he asked sternly. The rush of emotion that hit Mulder was incredible. "No, she's so much more. She's everything to me. I can't even say I love her. It's so much more than love. I've never felt this way about anyone in my life," he gushed. The old man smiled gently. "You will always feel that way, Mulder. You're going to be faced with a choice, though. Dana will have no control over the choice, this time. This time it is up to you to decide what is right in your mind, and what is right in your heart. You will have to make a decision, very, very soon. A man will come to you. He will tell you what you need to know. You have to decide what is more important. Dana will have no decision in this case, Mulder. It is important you realize that, important you all realize that. She is not the problem now, it is him," the old man said. Mulder turned to him. "How do you know about Scully?" Brown eyes looked compassionately back at him. "Fox, I know a lot of things. You are not false in heart, but this decision is everything. Remember that." Father James stood on old, weary bones. "If you love her as much as you say, you will make the right decision, whatever that is." Mulder swallowed as the old man sauntered up the steps, and into a back room. Then he looked around. A choice. A decision. He would do anything to love her. He would do anything to see her, to know that she was all right. He wanted to cry. Where was she? Why couldn't he find her? In a moment, he realized what had happened. that the meaning of everything he had always been fighting for was nothing. That this was a reminder to him like the constant reminder that he would always jump for what he needed and fall short. Just by a few centimeters. His destiny had been planned out a long time ago, written in the blood of his ancestors- a destiny he couldn't fight. He was repeating history's pattern, the way it was always repeated, and he could do nothing to stop the events unfolding before him. He could only watch in horror as the writing on the wall became reality. You can't change the print, you can't change the past. And if you can't change the past, then any hope of a different, new future, a hopeful one, is lost. It was his destiny, and he couldn't turn away. It was the only way, it was their ancestor's way. "Where do we learn about the present? We look to the past." Words that had escaped his own lips, words that he had said a log time ago, that had come true as they escaped his mouth. If only he had known it would turn out this way. Maybe he could have saved everything. Maybes were his life, maybes, what-ifs, and blame. "The blame is not on your shoulder, you can't blame yourself." Words were everything. They conveyed thoughts, ideas, feelings. Feelings most important. Words could complete a destiny, show a life, an idea that was doomed to fail because you can't change the writing. You can't change the writing. You can't change anything. Those were the words she had said to him, the words that he couldn't deny. But she's not here now. "But now they're not here." It was amazing how much he remembered. The words he had spoken, the words she had spoken, all of them planned out, written before they could say them, by their ancestors, who had said all the words. They were supposed to be the ones to change things. But how could they change the future if they couldn't change the past? The man looked down at the woman. He called her Sunflower because her of her dark hair, and the golden happiness that always had seemed to flow around her when she was younger. It didn't now. Now there was no happiness, now here was only the sorrow because he knew they couldn't change anything. A new star hadn't been born, to fix everything. Only a passing comet. The man took the blame himself. It was, after all, his fault. The woman had been doubtful, and her doubts had given him reason to worry. Reason to keep to himself the words that could convey the feelings. He didn't want to feel the scars open and bleed again. He was afraid. And as long as that fear burned in him, it would overshadow the words he needed to speak. It would curse all the generations so forth to the damnation he had taken up on himself to feel. Others shouldn't have to bear it like he had. It was his fault this was happening now. It had come to the point. Only a few words, and it could have been so. And there would be no more pain. If he could whisper them to her, she would respond, and then... Then nothing! He stared down at her, and closed his eyes deeply. "I'm sorry," he whispered. She knew it was their own fault. "I told you before I suspected it was wrong. They'll search forever now, and this generation will continue in our paths." The man bowed his head. His son didn't need this pain. He had already experienced the pain of losing a Sunflower. He didn't need to lose another one. "Maybe there's a way," he said, the plan taking form in his mind. "Maybe there's a way to ease the pain, if not erase it." He turned to the woman, and cupped her face in his hands. "We can give them another chance." The woman turned her face up to him, and listened. (OOC:Please Don't Be Scared by Sheena Easton BIC:) The call came in to Mulder's hotel room at three in the morning. He hadn't been sleeping anyways. How could he sleep with Dana so far away? How could he sleep knowing she might not be sleeping, that she might be in pain while he was sleeping comfortably? It was the thought that had kept him lying awake for endless nights while she was gone. She was a part of him, part of his star-crossed destiny. He picked it up, and the click on the end told him who it was, or who it should be. He was instantly reminded of the yellow post-it note on his mirror, and the events that had transpired. Only this time, if they did hurt him, there would be no one to take him in. Scully wouldn't be there to heal his wounds, she wouldn't be there when he woke up cold and alone. He sat up, and pulled on a shirt, grabbing the holster and his leather jacket. The L.A. air was cool on his skin, and it made him shiver. A wind ruffled his hair, and blew papers and dust down the street in front of him. The alley was deserted except for a Black sedan, as it had been before. He pulled his gun out of the holster, and paused, waiting to hear the car door open, and something large come out and attack him like last time. But it didn't. The door swung open, and a familiar voice welcomed him inside. "No. Come out here," he said suspiciously. There was no way he was taking another chance like he had before. His head still ached from the cut of the tiger's claw. The door on the driver's side swung open, and the tall black man stepped out. He seemed to melt into the natural shadows of the night, as if he were a part of them directly. A mystery man, like always. He nodded to the drawn gun in Mulder's hand. "Why are you taking such precautions, Mr. Mulder? I don't believe I've pointed a gun at you in a long time." "It wasn't against you," Mulder replied viciously. "Where is she?" "I can't tell you." "Then why did you call?" Mr. X looked around. "We are in great danger here. Get in, quickly," he urged. Mulder pause a moment, and then sat in the passenger's seat. A moment later Mr. X got in, and began to drive on the full and busy streets of L.A. "What made you think you had to bring your weapon along, Mr. Mulder?" Mulder swallowed, and explained about the post-it note. "I wasn't going to take any chances," he said softly. Mr. X swore under his breath. "They know you have been talking to someone, Mulder. I told you before, you're not going to get me killed with your investigations. It's more dangerous than ever for you." "Why?" Mr. X paused a red light. "Agent Scully was kidnapped, as you have probably already concluded. Someone tried to kill both you and her. Someone from Project Mammalia, I congratulate your sources. Project Mammalia is directly linked with the Committee. The only reason we're letting you get this far is because we know you won't talk, Mulder. We need you, we trust you to a certain degree. SIVR is a top secret project, as is Project Mammalia. They knew you had been following the case, that's why they tried to get rid of you and Scully. The members of Project Mammalia were the ones who tried to rid the world of you. They've kidnapped Agent Scully because they found out she could go into SIVR. It's dangerous. Your life, and hers is at stake. They won't think twice about getting rid of her if it proves to be too much of a problem. I am in a position to help, to some extent. I can get them to give Agent Scully back to you, if you wish. They will, of course, erase her memory with an amnesiac. You will tell her nothing," he ordered, stepping on the gas pedal. The car lurched forwards, speeding down the L.A. street. "Why? Scully's seen a lot- she hasn't said anything yet? Why are you taking her now?" Mr. X let the steering wheel slide through his fingers as he made a turn. "Agent Mulder, I'm doing you a favor, because I know how much you care for Scully. I could let them perform all their tests on her they wanted to, until they decided what she and Penelope Melicin have in common that allows them to go into SIVR." Mulder was silent a moment. He should be thankful to the man across from him. Mr. X didn't have to save Scully's life, and Mulder loved her more than anything in the world. Once he got her back, they would be reunited, and they could go on with their lives... They will, of course, erase her memory. He stared over at the tall black man, a new fear striking his heart. "How much of her memory with they erase?" he asked suspiciously. Mr. X raised an eyebrow and made another turn. "The past week will be gone. She will remember none of it. We will implant in her a false memory of the past week none of it including SIVR, or Project Mammalia. No harm will come to her," he assured the younger man. Mulder stared at his hands. If they erased the past week of Scully's memory, she wouldn't remember SIVR, she wouldn't remember him. She wouldn't remember falling in love with him, she wouldn't remember making love with him. She would only remember what they told her to remember. And if he couldn't explain about SIVR, or Project Mammalia, how could he ever explain why she had fallen in love with him. If not for SIVR, they would still be as they were before, very close friends who cared very deeply for one another, but nothing more. He didn't know if he could go back to being that way. Could he hide everything he knew, his love for her? He closed his eyes. "How long do I have to think about it?" he asked softly. The older man eyed him. "What is there to think about? We will erase the past memory week, implant the false ideas of what has gone on in her, and you will have her back. Would you rather have her killed?" he challenged Mulder. Mulder sighed. "Is there anyway you can save some memories and erase others?" He shook his head. "We don't have control over that yet. What is so important?" "Nothing," he muttered. "I just- I need to find something out from her before you erase the memory- can I see her somehow?" He turned another corner. "I can give you the address of the hospital where they are keeping her. It's a government hospital. You will be allowed to get in to see her. Listen to me, though, Agent Mulder. They will perform tests on her in the period before I stop it. Tomorrow at noon, I'm giving the order down," he said. "Unless you want her killed?" Mulder shook his head. "Never." Mr. X handed him a single white envelope. "In here is the information you will need to get in. If they don't let you in at the front desk, then do not use other methods. I cannot hold these people off, Mulder, not without risking myself, which is something I'm not prepared to do." The car jerked to a halt, and Mulder realized they were back in the side alley of his hotel. "Thank you," he mumbled as he stepped out. The black Sedan disappeared into the night. Mulder bowed his head. A breeze blew, and a drizzle began to cover him. He stood in the rain for what could have been hours. The tears on his face mingled with the droplets. He trudged into his hotel room, and dropped the envelope on his bed. Then he went into Scully's room. God, he could smell her, if he closed his eyes and concentrated, he could hear her whimsical laughter, and see her beautiful face. He was desperate. How could he explain everything to her without telling her about SIVR. How could he tell her at all? "Nice to see you awake again, Dana, oh, and by the way, did I tell you we're lovers now?" Impossible. He lay down on her bed. He wouldn't sleep, but it was as close as he could get to her. How could he go back to being "just friends" with her? There was only one way. He had to get her out of there himself. What he would do, where he could hide her, he didn't know. It only mattered that he was able to get her out of there. With everything in place in her mind. He buried his face in his hands, and sighed into them. History was repeating itself. Scully awoke from her nightmare, her breathing heavy. She was hooked up to various monitors, and other machines, lying in a starched white hospital bed. She began to cry softly. She wanted out of here. She wanted to be someplace safe, in Mulder's arms, perhaps. Anyplace where they couldn't poke and prod her like a circus freak. They had operated on her, done all kinds of things to her, given her drugs, truth serums, everything. She broke down completely, her dignified tears turning into complete sobs. She was so scared. What if she didn't get out of here? What if she never saw Mulder, or her mother, or her sister and brothers again? What if she died? Two strong arms suddenly encompassed her. She looked up, startled, and gasped. "Oh my God," she breathed, and buried her face in Mulder's chest. "Am I dreaming? Please, tell me I'm not dreaming," she begged. Mulder shifted his weight, and climbed onto the hospital bed with her. She reached a hand up, and felt his face. The planes and angles, to make sure he was there. That she wasn't having delusions. "I'm really here, Dana," he hushed her. Moonlight spilled in, and Scully felt a slight breeze touch her skin and stir the hairs on her arms. "God, how did you find me?" she asked, staring up into hazel brown eyes that were filled with adoration. He wiped the tears gently from her face with his thumb. His hands cupped her face, so he could stare down at her. Mulder put his lips on hers gently. "God, Dana, I was so worried about you. I was so afraid they were hurting you, God," he whispered, hugging her. His arms were tight, keeping her pressed close to him, and his heart felt so full of love, he thought he was going to burst. "I'll never let anyone hurt you. If they've hurt you, I'll kill them, just tell me-" Scully shook her head, and kissed the side of his face. "It doesn't matter. You're here with me, nothing else matters now," she whispered. Her hands ran under his shirt, pressing her palm flat against his warm chest. "I love you. I've always loved you. I've never felt so much for anyone in my life," she declared. She sunk another arm under his shirt, and tugged it upward. "Scully," he gasped. "We have to get out of here, we can't do this, not right now," he said, trying to restrain himself. She removed her arms gently. "You're right, I'll take a raincheck." "You'll get it with interest as soon as we're out of here, I can assure you," he said. "How did you get in?" "I'll explain later. First, I need you to do something. I have a laptop I brought. If I can't get you out of here, they're going to erase the memory of the past week. You won't remember anything about Project Mammalia, or SIVR, but you also won't remember us. You have to remember us. I want you to modem a file out to your database in D.C., so you can remind yourself somehow," he explained, setting the laptop up. She waited for the screen to come up, the slight beep she prayed no one would hear that told her she was online. She looked expectantly at him. "What should I write?" she asked softly. He leaned down and kissed her. There was a moment of silence. A moment when the demons were waiting in the doorway, when history could take another turn, if the right words were whispered. "Whatever's in your heart, Sunflower," he whispered. History followed itself, the door opened, the demons poured inside. She typed a message hurriedly, and saved it in her database, and on the disk in Penelope's laptop. "Okay- what now?" she asked. Mulder set the laptop down on the bed, and stuffed the disk in his pocket. He slid off the bed, and helped her down. Her bare feet hit the tiles with a smack, and Mulder realized she was only dressed in a hospital gown. No time to change now. He took her hand within his own, and went to the window. The white curtains fluttered in the breeze, like ghosts reaching for them. The ghosts of the past that were trying to retain them from following the true destiny they needed to complete. He looked down. He had been able to climb the trellis that was interlaced with vines, but Scully was having trouble standing. She was so weak from the tests... He climbed out. "I'm going to climb down. When I get to the bottom, try to climb down. If you can't, jump and I'll catch you," he promised. "I suppose now is not the time to tell you I'm afraid of heights. Is there any other way?" she asked, looking nervously down. Mulder looked up at her, as he began his descent. "I won't let you fall," he whispered. She twisted her fingers, biting her lip. Mulder hit the ground with a soft thud. "C'mon," he called in a loud whisper. She looked down at him. Mulder wouldn't let her fall. Mulder would never let anything bad happen to her. He was the man she was going to marry. She stepped up to the windowsill, and then, closing her eyes, pushed forward. She had the same sensation she had had falling over the side of her hotel balcony. She was free, floating, totally oblivious to everything. Then the fall began. Down, down. She resisted the urge to scream. Faster, faster, down, down... Two arms wrapped around her, and she collapsed on someone's body. She sat up, and looked down. Mulder smiled at her. "Light as a feather," he groaned, as she helped him up. He took several deep breaths. "You all right, Mulder?" she asked. What if she'd hurt him? He smiled. "Fine. I just had the wind knocked out of me. Come on, we have to get out of here," he said, taking her hand. The grass was cool and slippery under her feet, and she slid as they tried to climb a hill. When they reached the top, Scully grinned. The parking lot contained the rental car. Mulder hobbled over, and she realized for the first time he was limping. He opened the back door, and she crawled in. "Get down on the floor, and put this over you," he mumbled, throwing her a black sheet. She curled herself up as tiny as possible, and heard him shut the door. She tried to calm her heart, her breathing. She was getting out of here. Mulder had saved her. No more needles, no more people poking and prodding her like a piece of meat. She was not prepared for what happened next. It was all a blur in her mind, but she knew what had happened. The driver's side door opened, but a voice called out. "Hey! You!" A man in army fatigues dashed over as Mulder tried to get in and shut the door. He got the car out of park when Army Boy pointed a rifle in his face. "Get out! Now!" Then harsh people were yelling, dragging her out of the car. "Mulder! Mulder!" she screeched. Mulder tried to go to her, but received the but of the rifle in his stomach as a reward. Her screams and pleas echoed in the night. Two days later, Mulder sat in the same white room, in the same hard plastic green chair that was used for hundreds of criminals before him. None of them had been less deserving. He sighed, and waited. The guards didn't consider him too dangerous. He'd only been caught for a breaking and entering, and besides, he used to be a good guy. Maybe he even still was, and this was all a framing. That was what Scully prayed, as she slid into the chair opposite him, and the guard shut the heavy metal door behind her. She was dressed in a pair of loose jeans, a white short-sleeved blouse, and a wine-colored vest. She looked more beautiful than ever to Mulder, and he wanted to stand and take her into his arms, and hold her for eternity. Instead he stood, and smiled at her. "Hi, Dana," he said sheepishly. "What the hell were you trying to do, breaking into a Federal hospital?" she asked once she was seated across from him. Mulder bowed his head. They had erased the memory, but at least she was alive and free. "Trying to save you," he said softly. She pursed her lips angrily. "I wasn't even in the hospital, Mulder- at least I didn't get there until I was clubbed over the head in my hotel room. Is this the reason you insisted we stay longer in L.A.? So you could go breaking into someplace?" She sighed heavily. "Why did you do it, Mulder? What were you looking for?" He reached over and took her hand. "Listen to me, Dana. They erased the memory, and they replaced it with a false one. They gave you an amnesiac to make you forget everything. I came there looking for you, I found you, we almost escaped." He looked away. "Have you checked your computer files yet?" he asked softly. She eyed him suspiciously. "No, why?" "Before we tried to escape, I made you modem something into your computer files. It might not make much sense, but it could help you remember. I don't know what you wrote, but you wrote something- it's in the disk, too. The disk I had on me when they arrested me- ask them for permission to use the disk, it'll be the same file as what's in your own database. Or- ask him. Ask our "friend"- he gave me the address to the hospital, he told me what they were going to do to you. Penelope- Penelope Melicin loaned me her laptop that I used- ask her-" "Mulder, even if what you're saying is true, it'll never hold up in court. Anyone could have written anything and stuffed it on the disk and in my database. Our "friend" will never testify in court- he wouldn't risk the exposure. I don't remember anything about being in a Federal hospital. I've never even heard of Penelope Melicin!" Scully exclaimed. Mulder's head fell. "I'm going to jail, Scully. And I was justified for what I did. Despite what you may think you know. They're lying to you, and they're using you against me. And you're playing right along," he said, bitterly. She leaned over, and took both his hands. She looked into his eyes. There was so much anger there, pain there. But there was something else in them. Something she wanted to believe was love. Love for her. She tilted her head softly and studied his face. She leaned forward suddenly and kissed him. It was long and slow and sweet, and Scully felt herself on a tidal wave. Sparks ignited, and she could swear she remembered things. He was a good kisser, she realized, as he cradled her face in his hands. Each sweep of his tongue was a delicate, intimate caress. The feeling inside was immeasurable to her. God, she was fantasizing, she realized, recalling with a certain fondness how his mouth would feel suckling her breast, how those pianist's hands would slowly and leisurely drift up her thighs, how hard and full he was, when his body was pressed tightly to hers, and she could taste the salty sweat of his body when she kissed him... She shook herself out of the kiss, and looked shyly at him. "I'm sorry, I don't know what-" His mouth pressed to hers again before she could complete the sentence, and she melted like butter. His arms surrounded her, clinging almost desperately to her. "Don't apologize," he breathed. "I've been waiting to do that for days." She stared at him. "Do you remember about that raincheck, Dana?" Her head fell back and his mouth touched her neck, planting light kisses there. Her body screamed for more, and she ran her hands through his dark hair. What was she doing? Why was he kissing her? Why did she love it? "I'll give you anything," he whispered softly. He pulled away. "Can you remember any of this? Please?" he asked, searching her blue eyes for any hint of remembrance. But all he saw was confusion and clouded desire. He let go of her. "You need to go to Penelope Melicin. She knows I borrowed her laptop- and check the file in your database," he said. He knocked on the window, and the guard cuffed him and led him out. Scully drove down the freeway, on her way to Penelope Melicin's house. R&B music drifted out of the radio. (OOC: Mine in the Heart by Brownstone BIC:) Mulder had seemed so sincere. What if he was telling the truth? *Can you remember any of this? Please?* God, what had gone on the past week? It was almost as if something had happened. She knew it. Something had to have happened. It felt so good, so right when he kissed her, and her body screamed with remembrance that wouldn't come to her mind. Her body told her she had kissed him before, but she knew it wasn't so. She and Mulder were good friends, nothing more. There couldn't be anything more, could there? Mulder sat down on the bunk in his cell. He buried his face in his hands. She didn't remember. Scully didn't remember anything. Even when he'd kissed her, he couldn't see the remembrance he needed. "Hey, you," a dark voice called from across the cell. Mulder looked up. On the other bunk, a big, burly black man sat up. He was taller than Mulder, and he wore a blue bandanna around his head. "You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, would you?" he asked. Mulder shook his head. The man's voice was tinted by an Southern accent, but each word was pronounced with care and preciseness. "What's your name?" the man asked. "Mulder," he replied, rubbing his forehead. The black man smiled. "You got a first name?" Mulder sighed. "Fox." "Bet they call you Foxy, or something like that," he chuckled. "Don't get all huffy, it's a joke, not a come-on. My name's Albert Foche," he said, leaning over, and offering Mulder his hand. Mulder took it and wasn't surprised when the big man's hand almost broke his. "Bet they call you Big Al," he muttered. Al laughed. "See, that's it. Man, you gotta loosen up. These lawyers'll plea bargain everything down to a year or six months. What'd you do, anyways?" he asked, withdrawing his hand. Mulder sat up, and leaned against the wall. "I broke into a Federal facility." Al hissed through his teeth. "That's a tough one. They've been scared about people doing anything around Federal facilities ever since that Oklahoma City thing. Why'd you break in? You're not a bomber, are you?" He smirked, and shook his head. "They were holding my friend captive there. I was trying to get her out." "Damn, they got your woman? I'd believe it. Government is always trying to cover something up. And of course, you'll get time. They never let anybody off who messes with the government," Al said, shaking his head in dismay. "What about you? What are you "in" for?" Al laughed. "You've watched too many bad cop shows, Mulder. They think I assaulted some woman. I say it was self- defense- I put a hand on her shoulder, and she sticks a gun in my belly. Go figure," he said, shrugging. "So what's your woman look like? She's got to be pretty hot for you to break into someplace for her." "She's not my woman. She's just a friend I care very deeply about. She's about a foot shorter than me, blue eyes, red hair. She's gorgeous," he said truthfully. Al grinned. "Damn, guess your her man. She's got you, hook, line and sinker." Mulder furrowed his brows. "What are you talking about?" "It's obvious, you're in love with her. Hey, it's cool. She know how you feel?" "I don't think so. I've never told her." Al smiled. "Keep writing her during your stay, and make sure you tell her in every letter. I know, I've seen it happen. They'll go leave you for some other guy no matter how much you care about them," he said, the smile fading into a look of dismay. "I know it sounds dismal, and I'm sure she would never do that, but you never know about some people." "Yeah," Mulder agreed softly, "you never know." Scully knocked five times before opening the door to Penelope's apartment. All was quiet as she stepped in. "Hello?" she asked the silence. "Ms. Melicin?" she called again. "Penelope's not here," an English voice said. Scully turned and saw a tall man with cold gray eyes and a slightly receding hairline. "She's been moved temporarily. Dreadful California heat, you know." Scully squared her shoulders. "Who are you?" "I'm Russell Sandar, Agent Scully." "How do you know my name?" "Ah," he said, putting a finger to his lips, "that's a secret I'm not obliged to tell." "Is there a number or something where I can reach Penelope?" "I'm afraid that's a secret, too. Now, if you don't mind, I'm trying to ship her computer equipment to her," Sandar said, pushing her out the door. It shut with a bang, and Scully sighed. Defeat was inevitable now. Mulder hated trials. They were long and boring, and never won in his favor. So now, he slouched in a hard wooden chair and looked over at his appointed attorney. The man was older, in his fifties, with a hard face that had seen many criminals through their trials. Now, though, he was having a conference with the judge and the district attorney, trying to plea bargain Mulder's case. Mulder looked behind him at Scully. She closed her eyes and looked away. He reached over, and took her hand. The guard beside him raised his eyebrows, but said nothing. "Dana," he whispered softly. She looked up at met his eyes, almost dissolving to tears. "I'm sorry," she mouthed, and withdrew her hand. When his attorney came back, he looked slightly satisfied. "We've offered up a plea bargain to four months," he whispered to Mulder. "I did nothing wrong," Mulder insisted. His attorney nodded. "It's easier, this way, Mulder." The end had begun, the demons crawled inside. History repeated itself, once more. Jacinta stood over the dark black casket that now contained the body of one Theodore Clemens. She was dressed in a black business suit, a thirties-style hat adorned her head, where her black hair was pulled into a bun at the back of her head. The black veil covered her face, and her eyes were closed. It was her fault this had happened to Theo. If only she hadn't taken him in, if only she had realized what was happening when she took someone in. Hannah next to her stared into the distance. The small hill was grassy, it was a nice place. Jacinta bowed her head in mourning for her friend, and placed a rose on the shiny black coffin. Hannah sniffed, and tossed the mountain of blond hair away from her face, so she could see. Hannah turned stiffly and faced the black-haired woman. "You did this," she said coldly. "I'll kill you." The threat was not an empty one, but Jacinta wasn't worried. She didn't want to live anyways, it wasn't life what she was doing. Totally under the control of the leaders of Project Mammalia, no will of her own. Death would mean freedom, something she would never be able to accomplish here. Jacinta turned away from the coffin. It was all over for her now. The man pulled the woman into an embrace quickly. It was the last time he would be able to do so for a while. She was surprised with the quick gesture, but found comfort in the strong arms. He rocked her back and forth, as if trying to preserve something that was bound to die, trying to let it happen. She pulled out of his embrace lightly, and with a nod of heads, they turned and walked away from each other. There were no happy endings anymore. -TO BE CONTINUED-