Title: Detour through the Ads Author: Sally Bahnsen > Date: 20 jul 99 Summary: A fill in the gaps for Detour. Told from Scully's perspective. Category: MT/UST Rating: PG some bad words Disclaimer: We all know they're yours Chris, I will just covet, borrow, then return them mostly how I found them. Don't sue, my kids need me. Authors notes: This is my first and possibly only solo effort. I want to thank Vickie Moseley for practically doing every thing for me except taking me to the bathroom. If we didn't live on opposite sides of the world she'd probably help me out there too. She's the best! Thankyou to everyone who sent feedback on 'Breadcrumbs' I found that very exciting. Feedback: yeah okay. Detour through the Ads Sally Bahnsen "Mulder?" "MULDER!" Fear tap dances up and down my spine. Where the hell is he? If this is Mulder playing games I'll kill him myself. But then I hear it, a strangled cry. "..ully!" "Mulder!" I call his name and move to where he was last standing. I can't tell where his fantic cry came from. I make my way through the thick undergrowth, branches whipping at my body. I have my gun trained out in front of me, ready, waiting. My arms are aching, they have been locked in this position so long. I relax my grip slightly to keep my balance. Where -is- he ? I hear it again but it's muffled. "Scully!" I whirl around, turning my head trying desperately to see my partner. "Scully!" This time I see something. Trees moving, Mulder being dragged, struggling with his predator. What the hell is that thing? I can see an image but it's blending in with the forest. I fire 4 more shots and hope to God I don't hit Mulder. Must be my lucky day, the thing lets go of him and flees into the bushes. My arms are locked again, gun poised in front of me. What if there's more? I spare a look for Mulder. He's lying on his back blinking, and by some miracle he still has his weapon. That would be right, if ever there was a time it would be understandable for his gun to be missing, he manages to hang on to it! He looks scared and I don't blame him. My heart is pounding so hard it feels like it's going to leap right through my chest. "You okay?" I ask as I continue to sweep the area. He replies yes, but he sounds awfully shakey. I want to tend to him but my FBI training is fully engaged and I won't move to him until I know it's safe. A few more seconds and I see nothing. I lower my gun and return it to it's holster but continue to be alert. My hearing is tuned to anything unusual but as before the forest is ominously silent. No sound. Just my own harsh breathing echoing in my ears. "Mulder!" I gasp as I kneel beside him. My God there's blood all over him. How could he possibly be okay? His eyes are darting between me and the thick growth surrounding us. He makes a move to get up. "No you don't buster, you just stay right there till I check you out." "I'm okay Scully, "he responds hesitantly. "You are -not- okay. You're hurt. Now let me see how bad." I've seen enough blood in my career as a pathologist but when it's someone you know, someone you care about it's just not the same. It's difficult to remain detached. I've certainly had a lot of practice doctoring Mulder but I still can't get used to seeing him injured. I push my personal feelings to the side and draw on my professional training. It helps. I would really like the opportunity to just be a friend though, to have the luxury of just being worried instead of the responsibility of saving him. We are friends though, there's no doubt in my mind about that and sometimes we even relax and let the professional barriers drop for awhile. Those times are precious but all too few. I am roused from my musings by a soft moan. I guess the adrenaline rush is wearing off. I turn my attention back to Mulder. Damn! I don't have the medical kit. Well why would I? Michele was carrying everything we needed. Even venturing out here with Mulder I didn't anticipate anything like this. We were only going to be gone for a few hours and even in the case of an emergency, Michele had food, water and medical supplies. She was experienced and I for one thought we had our bases covered. I could kick myself of course. I should trust my own instincts, which tell me medical supplies and Mulder go hand in hand. I start my examination of Mulder's injuries. Some superficial cuts and abrasions on his face. Not too serious. I feel his head, looking for bumps or deeper cuts. Anything that may indicate a head injury. I move my finger across his eyes. Mulder knows the routine and he tracks my finger without being asked. I smile to myself as I regard how much medicine I actually get to practice on my accident prone partner. "Did you lose conciousness at all Mulder?" "No." He doesn't elaborate and I figure he's still coming to terms with what just happened. I take a closer look at his upper torso. His jacket has some blood on it but it's his t-shirt that has the worst of it. The material is shredded and there appears to be a deep gash across his shoulder, still oozing blood. "Mulder I can see the obvious damage to your shoulder. Are you experiencing pain anywhere else?" He shakes his head, no. His eyes look slightly glazed and I wonder if he's really with me. If he's going into shock the pain from other injuries may not be registering. Better to err on the side of caution so I continue to check him out myself. I notice he is holding his left arm stiffly across his chest. "Mulder I want to have a look at your arm and check for breaks. I'll be gentle, but let me know if I'm hurting you okay?" "Scully I told you I'm fine, really." "Just humour me Mulder, I want to make sure." He moves his arm slowly in my direction. Well that's a good sign in itself. I take his arm and run my own hand gently along it's length checking for any unusual deformities or tenderness. The arm seems fine and I move to his shoulder. Mulder gives me his best I-told-you-so look and I match it with one of my own as I touch his shoulder and he gasps in pain. I feel kind of mean then and apologize for hurting him. I can't feel anything that would indicate a dislocation. I pick up his arm and gently rotate it at the shoulder. He hisses this time through clenched teeth but I still see no sign of a break, no clicking or grating of the bones. "Mulder I don't think you've broken anything but I would guess you've got some serious bruising. That coupled with the gash on your shoulder is going to cause you quite a bit of discomfort. " "Well thank you Dr Scully but I could have told you that myself." I ignore his sarcasm, he tends to get that way when he's in pain. Instead I search my pockets for something to use to stop the bleeding. Still my lucky day. I find an old but clean handkerchief along with a half packet of peppermint lifesavers stuffed in there from God knows when. I pull out the hanky and hold it up for Mulder to see. He just looks at me wondering what the big deal is. "To stop the blood flow from you shoulder wound Mulder." He can be so obtuse sometimes. I lift the shredded material around his wound and carefully place the folded hanky over the top of the wound, applying pressure. I see Mulder biting down on his lip to stop from crying out and once again I find myself apologizing to him. Fortunately there have been no major blood vessels or arteries damaged and after a few minutes the bloodflow is controlled. I leave the hanky there and replace the damaged material over the top in the hope that it will help keep it in place. I reach over then and zip up his jacket, its going to be damn cold out here tonight. Already I can feel the temperature dropping as the sun slips behind the trees. I stand up and take a good look around with a view to spending the night out here. It's doubtful we'll be missed for awhile and then unlikely that a search party will find us till morning. I haven't a clue as to which way is back and I do not intend to attempt walking out of here tonight. Mulder makes a move to get up and this time I let him. We need to find somewhere a little more sheltered than here but there don't appear to be a lot of options. I feel Mulder by my side and take a few seconds to look him over. He seems unsteady on his feet and on closer inspection I notice that his eyes are still glassy. "Mulder are you okay?" I ask, my voice echoing the worry I feel. I reach for his arm to help steady him and he just stares right through me, at the same time his face completely drains of colour as his knees slowly buckle beneath him. "Whoah." I grab him tightly around the waist and lower him to the ground. Thats when I notice the fine sheen of perspiration on his brow. I check his pulse, rapid and weak. Shock. Well I was wondering about that, it did seem too good to be true that he would be injured without his usual dose of shock. Great! I really need to get him warm but how the hell am I going to manage that out here. Before he collapsed I did notice a small clearing over to the left, and I thought I saw a log to shelter it from behind. "Okay, Mulder, you're gonna have to help me out here. There is no way I can carry or even drag you that far." I gently give him a shake not wanting to further aggravate his injuries. "Mulder. Come on partner, time to wake up. Mulder!" Conciousness returns and with it I gather, so does the pain. His eyes are now squeezed tightly shut, no longer relaxed in the land of nod. He lets out a low groan and moves his right hand to his left arm hugging it close to his chest, at the same time curling his body into a fetal position. I place my hand on his forehead and brush back his hair. "Hey Mulder. It's me, Scully. Can you hear me? " "Mmm." His breathing is fast and shallow and now I can feel his body trembling, alternating between violent shaking and a rythmic shivering. "Mulder, talk to me partner. I know you're hurting , but I want you to try and relax. Nice slow breaths okay? In, out, in, out. That's it, your doing much better." His breathing slows and his body starts to relax a bit. All but the white knuckled grip he has on his left arm. As his breathing returns to normal the violent shuddering also subsides. He opens his eyes and looks up at me. His brow is still creased with lines of pain but he does seem to be more aware. "Scully?" "How are you feeling?" "Like Shit," he moans. Ah yes, my partner sure has a way with words. "Mulder I'm not surprised. I want you to lie back right now. You're in shock." I tell him, my tone accusing. There is nothing at hand to use to prop his feet up on and the lack of resources is starting to tell on my patience. I decide to improvise as best I can. I sit by Mulder's feet and lift his feet onto my lap. "Scully what are you doing?" He asks, totally confused. "I'm raising your feet higher than your heart. You should know that by now!" I hear myself snapping at him again so I take a breath to calm my nerves. This time I speak gently. "It's just for a few minutes, till your colour improves." He seems satisfied with my explaination and lays back in acceptance. It's not much longer till he starts to look better. It's getting dark and I'm eager to get moving to the clearing I saw earlier. "Can you try and sit up for me Mulder?" With my help he manages to get upright but the eyes squeeze shut again and the panting starts. "Slow, even breaths ." I remind him. "Scully?" "Yeah?" "I'm gonna be.." the rest is lost, as are the contents of his stomach as he shoves me to the side and proceeds to heave all over the forest floor. I recover my balance and crouch down next to him, one hand resting on his forehead and the other supporting his shoulders. Eventually the vomitting turns to dry retching and then that ceases too. He slumps back against me and I move him away from the mess he just made. He is resting on his side propped up on his good elbow looking very pale and very sorry for himself. "Mulder you don't do things by halves do you?" I ask exasperated, but I'm really giving myself a mentle kick for rushing him. "I always say if you're going to do something, do it right." He gives me a wry smile and I just shake my head wondering how he manages to get himself into these situations. We should be spending the night in a nice hotel in Orlando, courtesy of the FBI, not stuck out in the middle of nowhere freezing our butts off. Mulder is wiping his mouth on his sleeve. We have no water so there is nothing for him to rinse his mouth out. I remember the half packet of peppermints in my pocket and offer him one, its gotta be better than the taste in his mouth right now. "Thanks," he says as he gratefully accepts the mint. "Mulder we need to get moving. I saw a place not far from here that might be suitable to spend the night. " He lifts an eye brow in a suggestive smirk. "Agent Scully are you coming on to me?" Yep. He's feeling better. I ignore this remark just like I ignore all the other ones he's ever made. One day I'll come back with something and see how he copes with that. I stand and reach out my hand to help him up. He sighs and I hear him mumble, "Can't blame a guy for trying." As he gets to his feet I drape his right arm over my shoulder and guide him to the clearing I'd spotted earlier. We make it without further incident. By now it is quite dark and the stars are just starting to sprinkle the sky. I ease Mulder down next to the log, he leans his head back and closes his eyes. The walk has obviously taken its toll on him and I notice he is once again hugging that left arm close to his body. It's going to be a long night for him without any pain killers. While Mulder is resting I gather some dry leaves and twigs and build a fire. Only problem is, no matches. So I start hitting these two rocks together hoping to get a spark and ignite the leaves. I hear stirring behind me, the banging must've woken Mulder. "You were an Indian guide, help me out here," I ask hopefully. "Indian guide says maybe you should run to the store and get some matches." "I would but I left my wallet in the car." I realize that this rock hitting exercise isn't achieving any thing so I move back next to Mulder and start working on plan B. I saw this guy on TV use the powder from a bullet to start a fire. So I figure how hard can it be? Mulder asks me what I'm doing and I tell him. He seems very negative and I tell him his body is still in shock and he needs to keep warm. "I was told once that the best way to regenerate body heat was to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with someone else who is already naked." he recites as he snuggles closer to me. Oh this is too good an opportunity to let go, here's my chance. "Well if it starts raining sleeping bags maybe you'll get lucky." I remark casually. The look on his face is priceless, why is it that you never have a camera when you need one. I bite back a smile and get on with my task. While I'm fiddling around with the casing on my bullet I start to think about the events we have just been through with my cancer. I ask Mulder if he's ever thought seriously about dying. He replies once when he was at the ice capades. I don't know why I thought I would get a serious answer from him. I know the subject of death is still a little raw with him, so close to my remission. I've learn't he masks his pain with humour. I decide to push on anyway and explain how I felt when I was close to dying. As I start speaking I realize that I'm still spooked by it myself and I get a little nervous opening up to Mulder like this. It's breaking our unwritten law of not revealing too much of ourselves. But Mulder, true to form lightens the situation with humour again. This time I let a chuckle escape my lips. Finally the casing comes apart and I move to the "fire" and put plan B into action. Unfortunately it didn't quite happen like I saw on TV, in fact it didn't happen at all. So we are still fireless. I was kinda hoping to use the fire as a deterrent to the thing that grabbed Mulder. That thought reminds me of what he referred to them as earlier and I turn to him and ask, "Mothmen? Really?" "Yeah. But there seemed to be only two of them." Okay, so he's still sticking to that theory. Right now I don't feel like debating with him so I return to the log and decide I am personally going to have to keep him warm. I gather him in my arms and attempt to pull him onto my lap. I can still feel him shivering but he resists me and tells me he doesn't want to wrestle. "Get over here I'm gonna try and keep you warm." The movement causes him to wince as his shoulder is jostled. He settles on my lap and I give his arm a gentle rub, not realizing that even this light contact is hurting him until he grunts with pain. "Sorry." He tells me one of us needs to stay awake, but its not necessary. There is no way I will be falling asleep tonight. "Why don't you sing something?" WHAT?! "No, Mulder." "If you sing something then I'll know you're awake." "Mulder you don't want me to sing, I can't carry a tune." "Doesn't matter, just sing anything." The fact that I am now even considering this proves how comfortable we are with one another. I DEFINATELY would not sing in front of anyone else. Funny how Mulder can get me to do things that I would consider out of character for me. Well, if nothing else maybe it will keep those things (I can't quite bring myself to call them mothmen) away. So I break into my own rendition of 'Joy to the World.' I really liked that song when I was a kid. I can't help feeling somewhat foolish but I stick with it anyway. Eventually Mulder falls asleep and I stop my 'singing'. The silence of the night is almost tangible after the noise of my voice. Once again there is no sound, no night creatures scuffling, no crickets chirping, nothing. Suddenly I feel very alone. The cool night air surrounds me and I shiver involuntary. I hug Mulder closer, seeking the comfort and warmth of his body. It feels good to hold him, to take care of him. In the last year I've had to depend on so many people as I battled my cancer. It owned me. In so many ways I lost control of my life, my independence. Everyone telling me what to do. The doctors, in charge of my treatment, my brother Bill, telling me how I should live the rest of my life, and even my mom, wanting me to return to the church. Although Mulder very rarely mentioned my illness, I could feel him hovering, trying to protect me. And so many times I had to leave him on his own, with no back up, while I had treatment. I just wanted to keep working and pretend it wasn't there. It seemed I was not in control of my own destiny. But here I am. Still on the X Files. Still with Mulder. It feels wonderful to be functioning again in my full capacity. No longer vunerable to the disease my partner helped me fight. Mulder stirs in my arms and I calm him down, shooshing him and rubbing his back in gentle circles. He settles and drifts back to sleep. It's my turn to protect him now, I won't allow myself to fall asleep and put him in danger. So I remain alert to our environment and alert to Mulders needs. This is how we stay until morning peeks its head above the horizon. 5.00 AM My legs are cramped and my backside is numb. It's been a long slow night as nights tend to be when you are uncomfortable. Mulder is sleeping peacefully now, having reached that pre dawn deep slumber. The one you get just before the alarm goes off. I sit here awhile and watch the even rise and fall of his chest. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, not a care in the world. But the call of nature is louder than Mulder's gentle snoring and must be obeyed. I slide myself from under him and there is not even a twitch. Put the man in a bed and he's awake all night, but here, in the cold, injured and now lying on the hard ground he sleeps like a baby. The first rays of the dawn sun are streaking the sky lighting the forest in a warm golden glow. As I return to Mulder I notice some wild berries growing on a bush. The sight of them reminds me how hungry I am and my stomach growls in agreement. I am just gathering a bunch for Mulder when I hear his worried call. "I"m over here." I shout back unconcerned. He asks me what I'm doing and I tell him I'm looking for food. "I wouldn't go far." he warns. "Mulder you never left my sight." What a panic merchant! WHUMP! The next thing I know I'm flat on my stomach spitting out dirt. Now what? As I carefully rise to my feet I hear Mulder calling me again. "I'm down here. I fell in a hole." I reply as I dust myself off. "Are you okay?" He asks a little unsure. "Yeah. I landed on soft dirt. Kind of." Mulder asks what's down there. I start to tell him when I run right smack bang into Michele. "Jeezus." I gasp, but quickly recover and reach for her pulse. Mulder asks if she's alive and I tell him not for much longer if we don't get her some help. Mulder is still speaking to me from above the hole which I now see is more like an underground cave with passages branching off in all directions. Wait a second. I see something glowing. Oh God, they look like eyes. "Mulder I'm not alone." I call up to him trying to keep the rising panic out of my voice. I instinctively reach for for my gun. It's not there. "I don't have my weapon!" This time I -know- there is fear in my voice. Mulder tells me he will drop his weapon down to me. I hear it clunk and reach down to pick it up. As I turn back towards the eyes I hear something thud on the ground behind me. It's Mulder. He's landed awkwardly. I see out of the corner of my eye that he is clutching his arm again and groaning. I try to see if he's okay and help him up when he yells my name. I turn quickly firing off a couple of rounds at the approaching mothman. It drops to theground and I let out a long sigh of relief. We move to get a closer look at it and I can't believe what I'm seeing. "There has to be a scientific explaination for this," I say, the words out before I realize I've spoken them. Mulder just stares at it, not saying a word. We keep ourselves busy attending to the injured. We found the boy's father alive as well. Unfortunately some were not so lucky and we stack their bodies near the opening of the hole. Just as we carry the last one over we hear someone calling. "We're down here," we both respond, glad that the rescue party has finally arrived. It's agent Kinsley. He wants to know what we're doing down here. Mulder and I just look at each other, momentarily lost for words. He has got to be kidding. We tell him we have injured people and need a ladder. He moves off, hopefully to get help. I decide to go check on Michele again when I notice Mulder leaning against the cave wall. He is hunched over hugging that arm. God, in all the excitement I forgot about his injury. I haven't checked on him since he fell and joined me in the hole. "Mulder?" I ask hesitantly. "Hey, you okay?" He nods but I notice his eyes are closed and he's got his lip clenched firmly in his teeth. "Mulder, come sit down I want to check your wound and make sure its not bleeding again." I take his right arm and show him to a rock, gently pushing him down to sit. I pull back his coat and t-shirt. The previously white handkerchief I'd used for padding was now soaked a deep crimson. I pull it back and Mulder gasps as some of the dried blood has glued it to his skin. The wound is oozing blood again and has the beginnings of infection around the edge. I put my hand to his forehead and he leans into my touch, he's a little warm but not too bad. Our rescue has come just in time. Much longer out here and Mulder would be caught in the grip of very nasty infection. "Hang in there Mulder, they'll have us out of here soon and we'll get the good stuff into you." I smile at him encouragingly. "I'm okay Scully, it hurts a bit thats's all," he reassures me. I turn at the sound of voices again. A ladder is placed down the hole and people are descending. I'm starting to feel a little shakey myself now that the ordeal is over and there are other people to take charge. I show them where Michele and Mr Asekoff are. They are the first ones to be taken out, followed by Mulder and myself. I go with Mulder to the waiting Paramedics and give them a quick run down on his condition. They assure me they will take good care of him so I head off to find that coffee I can smell. That's what I like about country towns, in an emergency everyone pitches in. Not only do I find coffee but sandwiches too. After eating I decide to go back to the motel and pack up our things. One of the rangers is heading that way so I catch a ride with him. I finish in my room fairly quickly and move to Mulder's. It is surprisingly tidy and doesn't take long to organize. As I reach for his shaving bag I notice the discarded tray of wine and cheese from the night before. I wonder what I was thinking bringing that to his room. The relief of being healthy and back at work was making me a little giddy, and well, we were supposed to be relaxing at a wine and cheese tasting at the team building seminar. I know Mulder hates those things, I'm not too excited by them myself, but hey, we were going to get a little Florida sunshine, who am I to complain? I should have known better though. Mulder take up the chance to be social? It's not in his genes. He doesn't even notice how evey female head turns in his direction when he walks in a room. And the fact he's unaware only makes him all the more attractive. I can't help smiling to myself when I see those adoring looks from the opposithe sex and all Mulder can do is spout off some new and out landish theory. But that's Mulder and I couldn't even get mad at him when he left me to go chase a lead. That smile of his will do it every time. It's a killer and turns my legs to jello. I am jarred awake from my ponderings when I hear a desperate pounding on my door. Confused I poke my head out and see Mulder. He looks relieved to see me and I'm wondering what his problem is. He just asks me if I'm ready and suggests we leave. I say okay, still confused at his urgency. Mulder is favouring his arm but looks decidedly better. Amazing what painkillers and a cup of coffee can acheive. As I throw our bags in the back I notice Agent Kinsley's jacket on the seat. After 2 seconds thought I decide to hand it over at the airport. The thought of another car trip with those two is enough to send me back to the cave. I glance at Mulder, silently asking if he's ready, he nods and I hit the road. The end. Feedback: bahnsen@alphalink.com.au