Title: Frost Author: Samantha Lin E-mail: TheRa...@aol.com Disclaimer: Alrighty, there's only four characters in this story. Two of them is mine, two of them belong to 20th Century FOX, Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. Sounds fair to you guys? Sure does to me. Archive: ATXC, XFC, Gossamers- yes, yes and more yes. All else, please ask? Classification: MSR Keywords: Mulder/Scully married, alternate universe Rating: G Spoilers: Zippo. Summary: Alright, you know Fox Mulder? Yeah, well, his legs don't work anymore. And you know that red haired partner of his? Yeah, well, she sort of married him. And you know that little girl they have? No? Well, you'll find out. Author's Note: This is a sort of an alternate-universe kind of thing. See, Mulder and Scully has a child, so just pretend none of that Xmas Carol and Emily thing happened. You can do it, use a little imagination. I'd also like to dedicate this to Shan. Shan, you know how I feel about MSR fics... but I wrote one anyway. Are you happy now? My first MSR, my first first-person story. Big step for little ol' me here. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surprises always come at when you least expect them. That's why they're called surprises. Isn't that a brilliant discovery? I used to hate surprises. No surprise is a good surprise. I still remember that day so clearly. That car came out of nowhere. It was lunchtime, I was running across the street to get to the deli to pick up our lunch. I remember the horns blaring and a flash of red. Then I felt it. You bet I felt it. As the car hit my body, I could feel my lower body shatter. Then I felt myself sailing through the air. After what seems like hours, I landed. God, I wish I would've been knocked out then. But no, I laid there for almost half an hour. I felt the snow come down on me. It landed on my face and frozed my cheeks. But thankfully, it also numbed my body and numbed my pain. I eventually lost consciousness, thank God. I awoke in the hospital to the sobbings of my partner. She was still my partner back then. I thought I was dead. Fortnately, I wasn't. Otherwise I wouldn't have heard those sweet words slip out of her mouth. But now that I think about it, I think I may have been better off dead then. Wait, no. If I had died then, I wouldn't be able to meet Sarah. Nothing else matters, but Sarah. Anyway, when I awoke, the first thing I saw was her face. And was I glad to see it. Then I realized I couldn't move my legs. I thought it was the medication. I distinctly remember what I had said to her- "Geez, Scully, what'd they give me?" I had asked. "I can't even feel my legs anymore. Remind me to bring some of that home." Then she started crying. Through her tears, she told me that I was paralyzed. She went on to tell me how it happened, all that medical jumbo. But I didn't hear her. All I heard was 'paralyzed'. Paralyzed. No more F.B.I. for me. No more X-Files. No more basketball. Then something she said almost made it all worth it- "I love you." She leaned in and kissed me. Then she just said it. "Marry me?" That was the only good surprise I'd ever gotten in my life. The second good surprise was Sarah. The only one I'll ever really love, through good times and definitely bad. I loved her from the moment I saw her. And I worried if she could love me back. How could she? I was a crippled man. I worried what her peers would think of her if they saw me. But Scully- that fine woman I married? She assured me that Sarah wouldn't mind. She promised that Sarah would love me, and that there couldn't be a better and more loving father in the world. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Daddy, I'm home!" My daughter's cheerful cries rang through out the house and did not stop until she found me in the kitchen. "Daddy!" She threw her arms around my neck. I hugged her and kissed her. She's six years old. The teacher's pet in the first grade. "Sarah." I looked around. "Where's mommy?" "Mommy said she had to rush back to the office." Sarah said. I sighed. So much stress on her. She had to work and take care of Sarah. And I- I could do nothing. "How was soccer?" "I kicked Jimmy Nolan in his shins!" Sarah beamed. "That a girl!" I said proudly. "But don't tell mommy I said that, okay?" She smiled back at me and I knew our little secret was safe. "Go wash up and set the table, okay?" "Okay." She rushed out. So young. So hyper. So energetic. I wondered if I was ever that vivacious. And I wondered where all my strength and spirit had went. "Daddy?" Sarah rushed back in a few minutes later. "Yes?" "I need new soccer shoes." "Wait till mommy comes home, dear." "But she said she won't be home until late!" Sarah whined. "Please, daddy? The shoe store's just right down the street. I can go by myself- please?" "There's no way you're going out by yourself, young lady." I said firmly. "Go put on your coat, I'll go with you." Sarah cheered and ran upstairs. I should go out anyway. It's been quite a long time. Once in a while I'd go around the neighborhood in my wheelchair with Sarah. Just once in a while though. I waited for Sarah by the front entrance. We made our way out and into the street together, I rolled my wheelchair along besides her. We picked a bad day to go shoe shopping. The sky was so dark. Good thing the shoe store was just down the block. At the store, I had a little help from the clerks getting into the store. Two of them held open the double door while the other wheeled me in. Now you know why I don't like to go out. God, I hated the way the people looked at me. The way they looked at Sarah. I allowed Sarah to run around the store, only after she promised not to cause any trouble. I couldn't keep up with her in this goddamn wheelchair anyhow. I, myself, stayed in the corner and avoided people's gazes. I know what they think. The women pitied Sarah, for having such a father who can't take care of his own daughter. The men pitied Scully for marrying a cripple and wondered why she hasn't left yet. Sometimes I wonder about that myself. God knows she wasn't sticking around for the sex. Not being able to move your legs really puts a strain on your sex life. Take my word for it. We don't really do it often, only on special occasions. It was getting pathetic. "Fox? Fox Mulder?" An unfamiliar voice interrupted my train of thought. I lifted my eyes to come face to face with a middle aged man with wavy hair and nice, healthy, strong legs. Nowadays, I always notice the legs first. "Excuse me, you are?" I asked. "Oh, you don't remember me, but- I'm John. John Greene. I met you when I was an intern at St. Patrick's hospital thirteen years ago." John smiled. "I remember you because you were my first case- and I remember you're the only who received a marriage proposal after your legs, you know..." "Oh. Oh." I smiled politely. "N- nice to meet you... again. You uh, here with family?" "No, my wife's down the street shopping and I thought I'd pick out some shoes." John then said proudly, "we're expecting." "Oh. Good for you." I congratulated him. "I got a little girl myself." I pointed Sarah out to him with pride. "Ah." John sighed. "I was adopted myself. You guys will have some tough times." "Adopted?" I laughed. "No, no- she's mine and my wife's." "She's not adopted?" John chuckled. "No, that's impossible." "You think that just because my legs don't work too well, I can't have sex?" I asked tiredly. God, this was getting old. "No, you're infertile." John said. "I distinctly remember breaking the news t- to your partner..." "You're wrong." I replied in disbelief. "I was at the delivery." "Oh. Oh. God." John started to back away. "You know, my memory isn't what it used to be. I- I- I have to go now." Then he was out the door before I can question him further. I sat there in my wheelchair, staring at the door he went out. It's impossible. Me? Infertile? What about Sarah? Where'd she come from? The naivity of the question almost struck me as funny. But the implications are too serious. Trembling, I called out Sarah's name. "Daddy?" She was soon before me. I examined her closely. She looked too much like Scully. And not one bit like me. "We're going home, sweetie." I said in my calmest voice. "But, daddy, I-" "I SAID we're going HOME!" I screamed. The store suddenly became quiet and all eyes in the store were on me. I moodily shot them all a dirty look. "Out." I said cruelly. The store clerks helped me once again out the door, but they were no longer polite nor cheerful to me. I didn't care anyway. When we got home, I ordered Sarah up to her room. She tried to protest, but I just shot her my most serious look. Then I went around and turned off all the lights downstairs. I sat in the dark, waiting for Scully and playing the scene in the shoe store over and over again. I finally arrived at a decision. I took a big swallow and picked up the phone. I dialed in a number and slowly pressed the receiver to my ear. "Hello?" I whispered into the phone. "St. Patrick's Hospital? Dr. Hall, please..." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was awoken by the sharp beam of my living room lights and the footsteps of my *wife*. I had fallen asleep in the living room, in the corner, in my wheelchair. I glanced at my watch. Twelve O'Clock. "Where were you?" I asked coldly. "At the office." She smiled at me as she hung up her coat. "I told Sarah I wouldn't be home for dinner. Did you get her something to eat?" "Yeah." "What are you doing down here so late?" She removed her shoes. "Waiting for you." I tried hard for my voice not to break. "That's sweet." She flashed me a smile. Did I mention that she's beautiful? She came over and gave me a long kiss on the mouth. Did I mention that she's a good kisser? "I got good news." She said after she pulled away and stepped back. "Yeah? What?" I asked weakly. Nothing could cheer me up now. "I'm pregnant." She smiled shyly at me. My mouth opened, but no sound came out. A rock painfully lodged in my throat. Unable to swallow, unable to spit out. I'm sure you know the feeling. "Well?" She demanded. I said nothing. I just looked at her, my wife of seven years and the mother of my six year old daughter. She stands there before me, in her usual sleek black suit, expecting me to scream and cheer. That's what any normal, loving husband would do. And believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to lie through my teeth, cover up the truth and betray my emotions. But my throat was dry and my lips refused to move. "Mulder?" After seven years of a happy marriage, it's still Mulder. "Are you okay?" I should tell her. What good would that do? I should tell her. "Mulder?" She sat down on the couch besides my wheelchair and took my hand. "Mulder? What's the matter? Tell me." I cleared my throat. There was only one thing left to say... "I love you." The words left my lips. I forced a laugh. "That's great, hon. I love you." She reached over and embraced me. I didn't return the hug. I just stared out the window. Outside, it was beginning to snow. The snow drifted onto the ground and attached itself to the blade of my freshly cut grass. The snow drifted inside to my heart, and froze my soul. And I surrendered myself to the cold, harsh truth. FIN. =============================== Mulder paralyzed. Scully loves Mulder. Mulder loves Scully. They marry. Gosh, that sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Maybe that's because it's only been used like five hundred times in MSR fics (I'm exaggerating, of course). My point? I have no point. All feedback welcome, even flames, I'll just blame it on the MSR. You can say I suck as a writer with or without the MSR... and I'll still blame it on the MSR. Yes, I am VERY difficult. Thank you, please return to your reguarly scheduled programming. "Have a LOVELY evening." --Peyton 'how-can-you-not-love-his-name' Ritter.