Title: Legend of the Split Aparts Author: Soleil Compeau Keywords: Character Death Rating: PG Summary: What happens if one of them dies? Disclaimer: These stunt doubles have just re-anacted what Mulder and Scully do between episodes. The true characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors Notes: The prologue to this might not make a whole lot of sense unless you have a) read my other fic "all things lead to you" or b) you are familiar with the legend of split-aparts. I had to write this. I tried not to, but my sad muse whipped me with wet noodles and demanded it! Onward and upward..... Prologue It is so right, the way we fit together. My head snuggles under his chin, my feet rub against his calves. Every once in a while, his hands leave their accustomed place at the small of my back to rub over me languidly. It's impossible to tell where he ends and I begin. We are one. Tumbling end over end through eternity, the angel's voices soothe and lull us. Other joinings float in the amber nether around us. Occasionally one will brush gently against us and send us careening along another vector. Suddenly the angel's voices are silent, and a rumble shakes the space around us. It grows worse until our limbs are shaking with the violence of it. Suddenly he is ripped from me by unseen hands. The belly where we are joined is torn open and I bleed out through that awful hole. I scream soundlessly, "NO!" and struggle to reach him. His eyes are panicked, his arms flail to get back to me. It's too late, he is gone. I am alone. I am alone. The other joinings seem to shudder in sympathy and cling together more tightly. I curl up around my wound pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. In despair, I drop my head onto my knees and wait..... ------------- Dana Scully jerked awake with a gasp. What a perfect way to begin such a horrible day, she thought morosely. As she dressed in her typical black clothes that today had such signifigance, she had to fight off waves of panic and despair. I cannot do this, she thought. I just cannot do this. Later that day she stood in a church, looking in a casket at Fox Mulder. A sense of unreality washed over her. She thought of the saying that dead people looked like they were sleeping. Mulder never looked like this when he was was asleep, she thought remotely. He always looked so innocent, so boyish. This man's face is a blank mask. Behind her, she knew many of the FBI agents in the seats were closely watching her reactions. They knew that she and Mulder had a more powerful connection than most partnerships produce, even in 71/2 years. Would Mrs. Spooky break down at the death of her strange partner? Scully was sure they wondered at her lack of tears. She didn't care. Let others cry and scream and wail. They had not loved Mulder the way she had. They had not kissed him, had not held him in their arms. They would not bear his child. She stroked her abdomen lightly, thinking of the miracle child Mulder had given her. It was the only thing keeping her anchored to this world. She could only hope it looked like him. Scully had once believed that if one of them ever died, the other would soon follow, whether they would or no. She would have been glad to die along with Mulder. She could not imagine her life or her future without him. Every time she tried, her throat would begin to squeeze shut. Her heart would pause for an awful moment, then begin pounding frantically. To avoid becoming hysterical, Scully maintained a numb, almost frigid state of mind. Now she sighed deeply, preparing herself for the inevitable. Reaching up with both hands, she pulled the lid shut, watching as the shadow fell slowly across his face. Tears flooded her eyes and pinched her nose, a vise of sorrow tightened around her throat. Goodbye Mulder. No more will the light shine on you. No truth for you, my seeking friend, my love. We are split apart. End