Ties That Bind part 1 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Archive: Gossamer Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: April 16, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. Note: This story contains acts of the graphic, non-consensual sexual nature between Mulder and another male. The scenes are extremely graphic, so if this is not your cup of tea, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 and do not send flames, as they will be ignored, but sent back 10 fold. Everyone still present, please send feedback. I'm hungry. ALL NON ADULTS TURN BACK NOW! I TAKE NO BLAME IN CORRUPTING THE MINDS OF THE YOUNG, HOWEVER NON-INNOCENT THEY MAY BE. I ONLY CORRUPT MINDS OF THE ADULTS! Now...ON WITH THE SHOW! ************************************************************************************** Teaser: ************************************************************************************** Somewhere in the D.C. Area March 2, 1999 1:30am It was raining, but he could hardly feel it, as the soft drops fell lightly on his head. He was walking in a somewhat stooped manner, head bowed. He felt like the world was going to come crashing down on him. Everything he knew to be true, and right with the world, (or thought he did) was disappearing, along with the only person that mattered to him in the world. How could she say that to me? He thought. How could she say that I don't trust her, and then just walk away? Doesn't she know that she's everything to me? Hell, He didn't even know what she meant to him half the time, how on earth did he expect HER to? All he knew was that he could feel her slipping away; and he couldn't let that happen. "Scully..." He muttered. Damn! He knew that he was letting Diana push all his buttons, (and she new just how to push) he thought, but Scully, she knew Diana was bad. Why couldn't he have seen it sooner? He still wasn't completely certain of her complicity, but he knew that Diana could no longer be trusted, as he once had. Not after that Black lunged bastard had let himself into her apartment with his own key. Mulder stumbled slightly as he stepped off of the curb, getting ready to cross the street. He was drunk. He knew it, and he knew that he shouldn't have had that last beer that pushed him, stumbling, over the edge, but he just wanted to dull the pain. God, Scully had been so angry. He couldn't bear to see her so angry, let along know that it was himself that had put her in that state. He knew he was only succeeding in pushing her farther away, but every time he opened his mouth lately, he couldn't help but shove his size 11's into it. Earlier today, he'd managed to actually fit both in. Mulder cursed, as he realized that he must have twisted his ankle when he tripped and the pain was slowly making its way up his leg, with every step. "Shit!" he mumbled. "Good! I deserve it." He was hobbling now, and suddenly Mulder realized that he was being followed. The person was trying to match their footsteps to his own, but being that Mulder was now limping, it made it more difficult and easier for him to be heard in the quiet of the early morning. Mulder quickly tried to pull his gun out from his holster, but his actions were slowed from the alcohol, and from him being piss drunk, that the gun went flying from his hands as his arms were grabbed, and he was spun around to face the wall. "What do you want?" Mulder slurred, when he caught his breath. He could hear the smile in the mans words as he pressed himself into Mulder. "Just you, handsome. Just you." Mulder's last thought as he fell to the ground from sickening blow of his own gun meeting his scull, was that there was never a cop around when you needed one. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Part 1 Scene 1 *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Dana Scully's Apartment Annapolis, Maryland 1:30am Scully lay in bed, tossing and turning. She had gone to bed at around midnight, but she couldn't prevent the thoughts that were keeping her awake, from intruding on her peacefulness. She could hear the rain that had started up again about an hour ago, as it slowly and methodically rapped on the windows. Mulder…she thought. God, he really angered her sometimes. She couldn't understand why he would be so ready to trust *Diana* over her. She knew that hey had a relationship with each other, the specifics of which she didn't know, but there was no mistaking the look in his eyes. That look that suggested that he was remembering a better time in his life. But she also couldn't mistake what she knew to be true. That Diana was deceiving them; or rather, Mulder. What was hurting her most wasn't that he trusted Diana, after all, he knew her longer and better, and they'd actually worked on the X-Files together at some point. It was the fact that he was ignoring all the evidence. All the proof that the Gunmen and she had found of her actions in Europe with women who had suffered as she had. The same as all those women in Allentown had; and it was eating her alive that he would ignore facts such as these Suddenly, Scully felt uneasy. She looked over at the clock on her nightstand, and glared at the red numbers that told her it was 1:41 in the morning. Scully wondered at the fact that Mulder hadn't called. He always did, particularly after a rather nasty argument such as they'd had. Either that or he stumbled to her door at 3am, half cocked. True, it wasn't yet 3am, but she was worried. Something was nagging at the back of her mind. She tried to push the thoughts down, as she turned over trying to grasp at the sleep that was eluding her, but she couldn't get rid of the fear that was slowly squeezing her heart in a vice-like grip. Scully and Mulder were close. Closer then any other two agents in the FBI that she knew of. They shared a bond that frequently had other agents baffled, as well as jealous. She *knew* something was wrong. She knew it. Scully turned back over, and flicked the lamp by her bedside on. Dialing the familiar number, she prayed that she'd hear a groggy voice ripped from the peacefulness of sleep that she herself could not find. After four rings, and the answering machine picking up, she hung up without leaving a message. She next tried his cell phone, but when the automated voice came on saying that the recipient of the call was either not answering, or out of range, she hung up again, more agitated and worried. Panic was slowly rising in her. Somewhere in downtown D.C, Mulder's phone lie helpless on the ground, with a few drops of blood splattered over the call display. And somewhere, even farther away, Mulder was calling Scully's name. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Somewhere in Washington DC. 2:00am "Scully…" came a muffled moan from somewhere in the depths of DC. He was cold. Why was he so cold? He tried to wake up. Tried to make some sense out of what he was feeling, and why, but it was easier said then done. His mind was thick with a haze that seemed to have no beginning and certainly no ending in sight. Scattered bits of memories of the prior evening were starting to make their way back to him, the first of which was the bitter fight between him and Scully. Then that horrible bar, where he proceeded to get bombed and kicked out; the twisting of his ankle, followed by the feeling as though he were being followed. The last thought brought it all rushing back to him with frightening clarity, and with the memories came the pain. A dull throbbing from his right ankle, which he figured he probably sprained, and the sharper pain from the blow he'd received to the back of his skull. Frankly, he was wondering why he hadn't been seriously brain damaged long ago, with all the concussions he'd received. (Or maybe he was brain damaged. He knew Scully certainly thought so half of the time.) Other then those two injuries though, he felt relatively unharmed. Finally, Mulder succeeded in opening his eyes, but what he saw made him wish that he hadn't. The sight of where he was frightened him even more so then when he'd realized he'd been attacked. He was in a tall, though small cinder block room, if you could even call it that. It was barely the size of his living room. The floor was just a dirt floor, and it was littered with the scattered remains of clothing of past occupants. There didn't appear to be a door, though he knew this to be impossible, being as how he'd gotten in here somehow, even if it was against his will. There was one solitary window, about 7' up one wall, with bars on it. No furniture; No sink; And no toilet; and damned if he didn't have to pee. That appeared to be the lesser of his problems at the moment though. The first problem to solve was how on earth he was going to get out of this mess. He quickly checked his belongings, though knowing full well that his gun and all other personal belongings had been removed. He was proven right. He really knew how to fuck things up, didn't he? Mulder thought, as a sigh escaped his mouth. Mulder started to feel around the walls, thinking that if he looked hard enough, maybe he'd be able to discern where there might be a doorway of some kind, but being that there was hardly any light filtering in through the window, it made it all the more difficult. He was just starting to think that maybe he'd found something when he felt, rather then heard a presence behind him. He didn't have time to turn though, as he received his second sharp blow to the head of that night, sending him reeling back into the comforts of the blackness that enveloped him. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 3:15am "My my my, we slept long, now didn't we? Perhaps I hit you a little hard that time huh, handsome?" Mulder awoke to find himself lying in a fetal position. He hadn't yet opened his eyes, but he knew that he was bound, by what felt like duck tape, around his wrists and ankles. His arms were behind his back, and he now had a dull throbbing pain in his shoulders to match the pain that had now doubled in his head, from the second blow he'd received. "Now now, handsome, none of that silent treatment! I didn't bring you all the way here to talk to the walls." "What the fuck do you want?" Mulder seethed? Before Mulder had the sentence fully out of his mouth, he regretted it, for it was followed by a swift kick to the middle of his back. Mulder arched his back in pain, and he thought that he could literally see stars flash behind his still closed eyelids. "Shit! Ahh I'm gonna kill you, you bastard! Wait till I get my hands on you. Shit! I'm gonna kill you!" Mulder screamed. "You better watch what you say, handsome, or I may not be so easy on you! You watch your tone of voice, and you had better watch those words that come out of your mouth! I won't tolerate cussing!" "Great, I got stuck with Mr. June Cleaver for an attacker…" he muttered, barely muffling the "Mother Fucker" that escaped from his mouth. The man quickly bent down and grabbed Mulder's hair, pulling his head back so that he could look into his eyes and make himself clear. "I *said* you…had…better…watch…your…language. I won't say it again. Next time I'll make sure you don't say another word ever again." Mulder was now completely terrified, as he looked into the eyes of his attacker for the first time. In his eyes, he saw a bottomless pit. No soul, and certainly no fear of dying. Just a coldness that reached into the very depths of Mulder and made him shiver uncontrollably. "Now I'm not going to gag you. That would take all of the fun out of what I'm going to do to you. I want to hear you scream. I want to hear you whimper, and I definitely want to hear you cry. I'm going to make you so afraid that you won't be able to whip out that pretty little dick of yours to take a piss, you'll be so afraid." Most of all, handsome, I'm going to make you ashamed. Ashamed at yourself 'cause I'm gonna make you come, and scream as you orgasm from me ramming my cock up your ass. I'm gonna make you wish you were dead." Mulder already wished he were. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** End of Part 1 Continued in Part 2 ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** *_Ties That Bind_ *Part 2 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: April 18, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ************************************************************************************** 9:17am Jay Edgar Hoover Bld. X-Files Division (Basement) Scully knew that she should probably stop pacing. If she continued in this manner for much longer, she would wear a hole straight through to the dirt below the concrete floor. The only time in which she wasn't pacing, was when she stopped to look at the clock on Mulder's desk. Then she would compare it to the time that was on the wall in the other section of their "office," and then she would look at her watch. She had arrived at the office at around 7:30 this morning. Scully finally managed to fall asleep at around 4:00, but it had been a fitful sleep, to say the least. After finally deciding to get dressed and come into work, she realized that she hadn't even tried the office phone to see if maybe Mulder was at the office late last night. Sometimes he would go there if he couldn't sleep, figuring that he'd start working on a new case. When she phoned to find that no one was there, she decided to go there and see for herself thinking that maybe the phone wasn't working. She stopped on the way to check his apartment, but of course he wasn't there. In fact, it didn't look like he'd been there since before work the previous day. She was now at her wits end, not knowing what to do. It was a constant struggle between anger and fear, not knowing whether he was missing, or whether he'd ditched her again. Although she'd be furious, she sincerely hoped that it was the latter. Scully was about to go upstairs to talk to Skinner, when all of a sudden the shrill sound of the phone stopped her dead in her tracks. She quickly spun around and ran to the phone, almost banging her hip on the corner of the desk. "Scully." She said quickly, but her heart quickly fell as she recognized the voice on the other end. "Agent Scully." "Yes sir." She said dejectedly. "I need to see you and Agent Mulder in my office right away." She could hear the aggravation in AD Skinners voice, and she had an idea that he was upset about their latest expense report, but she couldn't think about that right now. "Sir- Mulder's not here. In fact, I don't know where he is. Sir, I think he may be in trouble." "What happened Agent Scully?" AD Skinner was slightly agitated. Mulder was always getting himself into trouble, relying on others to get him out of the messes he got himself into. One of these times, they wouldn't be able to help; and that would be a sad day because Fox Mulder was one of the brightest agents that the FBI had. Fox Mulder didn't have many friends within the bureau. In fact, aside from Agent Scully, he couldn't think of one. He had an extreme admiration for the young agents, but he knew that others didn't feel the same. Their nickname for the two as Mr. and Mrs. Spooky told him as much. He did know though, that still others were extremely jealous of his talents, and that often times manifested itself in cruel ways. Although Agent Mulder was extremely intelligent, he was also very stupid at times, putting himself in dangerous situations without adequate back-up and without informing his partner of his intentions. This was probably another such incident. Skinner could hear his agent talking on the other line, and he quickly pulled himself out of his mind and into the present. "...Sir, we had an argument last night, and I haven't heard from him since. I called his apartment several times, as well as his cell, but he's not answering. I also called the office before I came in this morning, but he wasn't here either, and from what I can tell, he hasn't been since we left last night. I also went over to his apartment before I got here this morning sir, and it doesn't look like he even went home last night. There were two newspapers propped up against his door." Scully paused for a moment before continuing. She had been speaking very quickly, and now had to pause to take some much needed air into her lungs. "Sir, I'm really worried." "Calm down Agent Scully," Skinner said. "I'm sure he's fine, but do you have any idea where he might have gone last night?" "Well sir…" She hesitated in telling her boss this, but she knew she had to in order to find Mulder. "Sometimes when he's has a particularly tough day, he goes to a local bar to have a drink, but I can't say for sure." She hoped that Mulder wouldn't get in trouble. Drinking in this line of work was frowned upon, due to the fact that it is a high-risk position; even in their off duty hours. (Not that they ever had "off duty" hours) But it was expressly forbidden during the workweek. She could feel it in her heart that something was wrong and no matter what the consequences, she had to find Mulder. She could hear the AD sigh over the phone. "Do you know which bar he likes to frequent?" "No sir, but I can call all the ones local to where he lives, as well as the ones close to the office." "Why don't you do that agent, and get back to me." "Yes sir." Scully said, and hung up. At least now she had something to do. "Oh Mulder…she sighed. What did you do this time?" *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Somewhere in D.C. 10:00am "Fox William Mulder, Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, otherwise known as spooky Mulder, and all around fuck up who always manages to get his ass kicked." Mulder let out a sarcastic laugh, as he followed around the train of thought that was barreling through his head at the moment. He was still tied up in the corner. Same as before, and the only thing that was keeping him sane at the moment was the hope that Scully would some how find him and kill the son of a bitch that'd done this to him. Scully. "Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully, MD. And friend extraordinar." You wouldn't find her with a name like Spooky, he thought. Oh, right; she was Mrs. Spooky. He hated himself for giving her the reputation that she now had. She had had a bright, promising career in front of her, and now, thanks to him, there was just a dead end. Maybe she wouldn't come for him after all. After their fight the other night, she was probably glad to be rid of him. The only comfort he took in his present state of affairs, was the fact that that bastard had managed to leave him alone since earlier that morning. After letting go of his grip on Mulder's hair, he slowly got up and let himself out. But not before he so gracefully managed to pinch him on the ass. This time as he left though, Mulder managed to be conscious, and so he saw where the door was. It was just below the window, but it was well hidden because it was just about 3 1/2 feet tall. You almost had to crawl through it. If Mulder had continued searching for it as he had been, he would have never found it. As it was, he could hardly see the partition now, but now he knew where to look. Not that It did any good, being that he was still tied up. During the morning at some point, as was normal, his eyes had become more adjusted to the dark. He thought he saw something attached to the opposite wall from the door, but he couldn't be sure. Until now. Now that there was more light streaming through the window, he could clearly make out the form of shackles. They were about a foot off the floor, and they didn't make him too happy. He was just about to go back to reciting his mantra about what a fuck-up he was, when the "door" started to creek open. By how much he had to hunch over in order to get through the door, Mulder figured that the rapist was about 5'11" tall. He was slightly less built then he was, but not by much. He couldn't exactly tell in this light, but he guessed that his attacker had dark blond hair, bordering on brown, and he knew from last night that he had dark soulless eyes. From the events of the past 9 hours, Mulder guessed that he liked to catch people off guard. That it excited him to be witness to someone who didn't know that they were being watched; and he definitely liked to be in control. It was probably the only way that he could perform. "Well well well, good morning handsome! I trust we slept well last night?" When Mulder didn't answer, the rapist bent down and looked directly at him. Growling, he whispered, "I expect an answer when I ask you a question." "Now," he started in a more up beat tone. "Did you sleep well?" "Oh just dandy." Was Mulder's reply. "Well, then I assume that you're all rested for what's on the agenda for us today." "And what would that be? A stroll through the park, after a nice leisurely breakfast?" "You should only be so lucky, handsome." He said smiling. "Actually, it involve a lot of fun for me, and sadly not to much fun for you. I'm sure you remember everything I said to you earlier this morning, while you were being quite uncooperative?" Mulder was silent. The man had turned around when he started talking again, but at Mulder's silence, he whirled to face him again and delivered a swift kick to his ribs. Mulder inhaled a sharp shuddering breath, and when he felt he could resume breathing again without feeling the need to throw up the beer that was in his stomach, he whispered a muffled "I remember." "Good. Then let's start my fun, shall we?" "I'd prefer a little more beauty sleep, actually if you don't mind." Was Mulder's reply. "Oh, I don't think so. I think it's time to have fun." ************************************************************** ***********************************************NC17**************************************************** *18 AND UNDER, DO NOT PASS THIS POINT!* 10:15am Mulder willed himself not to panic, but it was a loosing battle. The man was slowly making his way towards him, and it was all that he could do to not start screaming the profanities he knew would only gain him more bruises and more pain. Not that he'd escape it anyway. Maybe he'd even pass out so that he wouldn't have to experience the rest, but he knew that this sick bastard would never give him the satisfaction. He could only look on in horror, as he slowly drew a knife out of his pocket, along with a pair of keys that he assumed were for the shackles. As the man drew closer, Mulder tried to think of all the different ways that he could attack him, but he couldn't find one. All of a sudden, Mulder cried out in pain as he found himself grabbed by his hair again and being pulled roughly over towards the shackles. If he ever got out of this, (alive) he'd have to remember to shave his hair off. When they reached the other side of the room, the man blessedly let go, and Mulder quickly got to his feet in an attempt to ram himself into his assailant. He only managed to ram himself into the cinder block wall as the man, anticipating an attack quickly sidestepped is efforts. Mulder fell to the ground and almost found the blackness that he so longed for, when he was grabbed roughly by his hands and chained to the wall. "That'll teach ya." The man sneered looking down at him. "Now; let's see what we can do about those cloths." "I swear to God if you touch me I'm going to…" "Your gonna what?" He hollered. Cry? Moan? Shout? Go ahead. No one will hear you, and that'll only make me happier." There's no way you're getting out of here. Alive, at any rate." With that, he picked up his knife which he'd placed on the floor, and kneeled down over Mulder's thighs. Slowly and methodically, he began to slice the buttons off of his shirt, taking extreme delight in watching Mulder squirm. "Trying to go somewhere handsome?" He laughed. Having removed all of the buttons, he sliced a clean line down his right arm, and then his left, taking care not to cut his slave. "Wouldn't want to mar that pretty skin, now would we?" "WOULD WE?" he shouted into Mulder's face. "no." he whispered. " No, we wouldn’t" and so he proceeded to rip the torn shirt from his body. Mulder was shaking now. He couldn't remember ever being as scared as he was right now, and all he could think of was how he could manage to make himself small enough so that he could crawl through one of the cracks in the wall. Mulder felt himself being stroked up and down his torso. The mans hands were slowly, admiringly moving up and down, up and down, as if memorizing it through touch. Then his hands, having moved up farther moved towards his nipples and started to play with them, pressing them between his fingers. Kneading them. Mulder almost gagged when he saw that the man was starting to lower his head towards his right nipple, getting ready to suck on it. And it took almost all of his strength not to throw up at the feel of his hot mouth taking him in and nipping at the small bud, like it was the nipple of a woman's breast. Mulder pulled at the shackles trying ineffectually to tear himself loose, and was rewarded with the rapist biting into his left nipple, which he'd just moved on to. Mulder cried out in pain as he felt the hot tears start to flow down his cheeks. He had never been so helpless as he was right now. Even when his father beat him while growing up, and then when Sam was taken away, he still felt like he had *some* power. But now…now he was completely unable to defend himself, and he felt truly violated and helpless. He felt the rapist start to move farther down again and pause as he started to remove his pants. Mulder was in full-blown panic attack mode now and he started to scream. "Get the fuck away from me, you bastard! I'm gonna fucking kill you I swear to God, your going down." "Ooooh. I think I like the sound of that. In fact; that's what I had planned next, handsome." And with that, Mulder felt the knife sink into his pant leg and underwear together. They were then torn from him, and he was left completely naked, and shivering. Mulder let his head fall back as he closed his eyes and continued to cry softly. "No you don't handsome. I want those pretty blues open. I want you to see everything that I'm going to do to you." When he didn't open his eyes, The man grabbed his penis and squeezed hard. Mulder screamed as he opened his eyes and felt them role back into the back of his head at the pain that was coursing through is groin. He didn't think he'd ever hurt that much before. Not even when Scully had shot him, and he almost past out when he was brought back to reality with a slap across his face. "Now...open those eyes…...there ya go." As Mulder opened his eyes, he saw rather then felt the knife making its trail down his stomach toward his nether regions. He was completely paralyzed with fear. The knife continued on its course down his body, but thankfully stopped just shy of his penis, which was lying there helpless. The knife was put aside as the man started to lower his head and Mulder knew that there was nothing he could do. One move; One cry, and he knew that he'd be given the fastest sex change operation in the world. And then he felt his penis being enveloped in the heat of this animal's mouth. He moved his head up and down with slow, deliberate ease. Caressing his penis with his hand, he opened his mouth and started swirling his mouth around the tip, and Mulder started to whimper as he felt himself start to get hard. He was so ashamed, even though he knew it wasn't something that he could control. He still felt completely violated by himself that he couldn't control his bodily functions. Mulder felt the pre-cum that was on the tip of his now fully erect penis being licked off, and the mouth tighten and start its way back down his penis. In out, in out, in out first slow, and then faster and faster as the rapist started to massage himself through his pants. Mulder tried to stop himself from thrusting into his mouth, but he couldn't help it as he felt the onsets of his orgasm begin, and it only made him cry harder. Faster, and then impossibly faster still, until he felt the orgasm rip through his body with earth shattering force, and he came in the other mans mouth. Mulder felt his penis go limp as the man withdrew him from his mouth. Crying and devastated, Mulder curled himself into a ball on his side, and proceeded to vomit and pee on himself at the same time. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Jay Edgar Hoover Bld. 11:30am X-Files division She was back to pacing. Scully had managed to call every bar in the downtown DC area, and she had found absolutely nothing. No one had seen Agent Mulder the previous morning. She didn't know what to do, and that had her more scared then anything else. The thought that there was no way for her to help Mulder was unthinkable. She just couldn't think. Scully started getting dizzy from her constant pacing, so she stopped to take stock of the situation. "OK," she started out loud. "Mulder went missing at about 10:15pm on the night of March 1^st ." Scully tried desperately to remember what happened that night as they were leaving. They both had left the office together. Mulder had picked her up that morning since the roads were still slippery from a recent ice storm. It was on the ride back to her place when they had that horrible fight. *Diana* had managed to build another wall in between them. Scully crossed her arms in front of her and rested her forehead in her right palm. Scully suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. "Damn it!" she shouted. "His car!" "Excuse me agent?" Scully startled and spun around, and the sound of the AD's voice behind her. "Sir, yes I'm sorry." She rushed. "Have you heard anything?" "No, Agent Scully, actually that's what I came down to ask you." "Sir, no sir, I haven't, but I just realized something. Mulder drove me to work yesterday and I completely forgot." "Agent, I'm not sure I follow. So he drove you to and from work." "Sir, I never even thought to track his car. To see if it was in the parking lot by his building or anywhere else in the DC area." She breathed. "When we find his car, we stand a better chance of finding him. Well have a better idea of where to start looking." "Get on it agent" nodded Skinner. "Be sure to keep me posted." "Yes sir. Right away. ************************************************************************************************************************** 1:05pm Scully let out a breath that she didn't know she'd been holding. She had finally located his car about a half-hour ago, but so far, there were no clues as to where he'd gone, and how to proceed. His car looked untouched since the time it had been parked. He had gone drinking the previous night she now knew, as she was standing in front of a bar that was just 3 blocks from his apartment. One that she never even knew existed, and so hadn't called. She'd gone into the bar to inquire about Mulder having been there the night before, but they couldn't tell her either way. The shift had already changed, and the night shift had gone home. Scully pulled out her cell and started punching in the numbers she'd been given of the previous night's shift. She got lucky on the third call. Yes, a man fitting Mulder's description had been in the bar the prior evening, and in fact had caused such a ruckus that he'd been forced out of the bar just barely an hour after arriving. Apparently he'd been shouting that he'd managed to "fuck" up the only relationship in his life that mattered to him. Again. "Oh. Mulder" she sighed. "I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere." He had been assisted out of the bar at around 1:15am. It fit the time parameters perfectly. It took about 40 minutes to get to her place from work, 30 back to Mulder's place, and then about an hour at the bar. But what the hell happened then? The man on the other line said that he'd called a cab for Mulder, but that he hadn't taken it because shortly there after, the cab driver came in looking for his ride. Obviously, he hadn't taken his car, so he must have started to walk home. Scully started the short walk to Mulder's apartment. She didn't get far though, when she noticed something on the ground that she was hoping she wouldn't see. Just in front of her lying a few feet from the wall was Mulder's cellular phone. Scully pulled out a latex glove and slowly put it on so as not to ruin any evidence that might be on the phone. As she stooped to pick up the phone, she noticed a smear of blood on the brick wall that she guessed was probably Mulder's, as well as the few drops that she now saw was on the phone as well. Frantically, Scully called Assistant Director Skinner, briefed him of the situation and then called in a forensic team to make a sweep of the area. Hanging up the phone, she prayed to the God that she hoped was still listening that they would find Mulder soon. *************************************************NC17************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************** Somewhere in Downtown DC. 1:15pm Mulder could feel himself floating. He was somewhere drifting between wakefulness and nothing, and he couldn't feel his body. Perhaps he was not with his body presently, and that idea arrived in him with some sense of relief. If he was not in his body, he could not feel the pain that it had endured. But he knew it was there. Waiting for his return. ************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder came to in a pool of his own vomit and piss, and for a moment he couldn't remember where he was and what had happened. Then the realization of his circumstances hit him full on with the force of a runaway train and it had the effect of leaving him nearly breathless. He nearly let himself sink back into the darkness at the bleakness of it all when he noticed that he was "sitting" in a somewhat awkward position, and he couldn't for the life of him figure out what was going on. Until he felt the ties that were binding his legs to his forearms. Sometime after he'd passed out, Mulder had been unchained and flipped over so that he was now essentially on all fours. His hands were re-shackled and two long ropes were tying each leg to each arm so that his ass was in the air. Mulder looked down through his legs to notice the upside down figure of the man that he would later come to recognize as the devil as he was visited in his nightmares. "Thank you for rejoining the party handsome. I was beginning to think that I'd chosen the wrong man to be my friend. I was beginning to worry, thinking that it would take so little to break a man of the FBI. By the way, your parent's did right by naming you Fox. You are quite an exceptional looking man. The best looking friend I've ever had, actually." "Thanks for the compliment, sneered Mulder. I'm afraid I can't return the sentiment." Mulder knew that he probably should have kept his mouth shut, but at this stage of the game he felt so vulnerable that he couldn't help but fight back in the only way possible at the moment. He noticed the conflicting emotions that washed over the mans face, but didn't have enough time to analyze them before Mulder felt a swift kick from a metal toed boot connect with the center of his ass. Neither did he have time to recover from that pain before the attacker pounced on him and not so carefully placed his knife at the junction of his scrotal sac and his rectum. "I don't think that you understand quite well the situation that you're in right now. And I don't think that you want to be testing my patience because right now you're two seconds shy of never producing children, or for that matter having an erection ever again. Of course, you may not live that long, but I strongly suggest that you consider what I've said before you open that beautiful mouth of yours again, you hear?" "I said do you hear me?" he shouted, while pressing the point of the knife into the base of his rectum. Mulder let out a muffled cry in response as a few anguished tears dropped off of the tip of his nose. "I suppose that'll have to do. I am deeply sorry that I had to resort to this method, my little fox, but I will if I have to. Now; I think it's about time that the partying resume." With that, he lay the knife down on the ground and slowly began removing his own clothing. All the while, Mulder was wondering how he'd be able to get a hold of that knife so that he could slit his own throat. Mulder didn't have long to dwell on the suicidal thoughts that were now an ever-growing solution in his mind. He felt the hand of the devil touching him in places that no man or woman should ever be touched unsolicited. The hands hungrily groped first his ass, and then his back moving down and under to his mid-section and then up to his nipples as before. Mulder closed his eyes willing the hands to stop their ministrations, but they only continued to do their travelling around his body. Rubbing, smoothing and poking the most intimated recesses of his form. Pinching and twisting, and kneading. What started out as slow, now began to quicken as did the breath of the beast, and Mulder with horror could feel the heat radiating off of the man's tongue as it slithered out through thick lips to taste him. Up it ran, from the crevice of his anus, up his spine, over his shoulder blades and farther as he continued to rub and pull at his nipples, still massaging them as before, but with a new sense of urgency that was building in him. And horribly, as before, Mulder was becoming aroused. Though arousal continued in the physical sense, he was quickly retreating into the recesses of his mind, trying to escape the tortures of the corporeal. Mulder had blacked out in an effort to find some comfort in the unknowing of what nightmares were still to follow, but he wasn't allowed his peace for long. He guessed that he'd probably begun to lilt to the side as he passed out, and so he was rewarded with a resounding thwack to the side of his ass in an effort to rouse him. The devil did not speak. Just grunted a warning while piercing him with a deadening glare to not slip again. Mulder shivered as hands started to move back down towards his genitals to begin again the ministrations of earlier, and what was barely flaccid, quickly became hard. Mulder had to bite down on his lip to keep from crying out in anger and frustration as the tears that had begun earlier now coursed steadily down his already stained cheeks. Rubbing, smoothing, pinching, squeezing over and over again. Then, it suddenly stopped, and Mulder had to open his eyes with disbelief. And wished he hadn't for now the devil was moving him into his mouth. Heat and wetness surrounded him once more as he shivered in the moments of pre-orgasm and humiliation. Nothing. Nothing Mulder had ever experienced, from the abduction of Samantha to the near death of Scully had prepared him for such torture and he sunk farther into the pits of depression. He felt his body jerk as he climbed steadily towards another orgasm, and he was taken farther into the mouth of the devil. All the way to the hilt, and then almost all the way out again. A quick lick of the head of his penis, and a swift bob up and down again and he exploded into a thousand pieces, whimpering and racked with choking sobs. He wished the earth would swallow him whole. ************************************************************************************************************************** "My, Fox…we are tasty. I wish you could taste your sweetness. Very sweet indeed." Mulder didn't hear him. He hadn't fainted again, just closed himself off. He was in a safe place. A place where he could feel no pain, no injustice, and no fear. He was like a silent observer. Hovering unnoticed, and unafraid. He wished he could stay there forever. ************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder was falling. It seemed like he would fall forever, and he thought that just maybe, the earth had swallowed him whole. He heard himself let loose a piercing scream as he felt the white heat sear through his body, resonating out from the point of origin of his rectum. He was entered from behind by the hands of the devil, and was aware of himself being slowly ripped apart from the inside out. One finger, then two, and finally three reached in to probe him. He felt the fingers reach his prostrate and start rubbing it. Caressing it with not so gentle kisses. The fingers moved slowly back out and then in again as other fingers massaged his anal sphincter, and all the while Mulder was screaming. When Mulder thought that he couldn't possibly take anymore, the fingers moved out once again, and were quickly replaced with the devils penis. At that point, Mulder knew that there was no sanity left to salvage. No hope of ever returning to the life he'd known. No hope of ever being the somewhat confident man that he was before. And he was silent. No tears poured forth. No cries for help. No pleas for absolution. Nothing but the sound of flesh hitting flesh as he was pummeled from behind. Nothing but the heavy breathing of the devil as he climbed towards his own orgasm and released himself into Mulder. Mulder felt himself being rocked back and forth as the devil's orgasm ripped through his own body. He felt the devil withdraw and wipe himself off. He felt the shackles and his legs released from bondage. And as he sank back down into the blessed darkness, he felt nothing. *************************************************************************************************************************************** End of part 2. To be continued in Part 3 *************************************************************************************************************************************** *_Ties That Bind_*Part 3 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: April 20, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. *************************************************************************************************************************************** Dana Scully's Apartment Annapolis, Maryland March 4, 1999 2:30am Nothing. Two days and they hadn't found anything that would tell them where Mulder had been taken. The forensic team hadn't found anything out except what her instincts had already told her. That the blood on the brick wall and on his cell phone had in fact been his own. They combed the streets day and night without turning up any leads. No hair or fiber samples, no fingerprints and no DNA. Everything that was found at the scene belonged to Mulder, and Scully just didn't know what to do anymore. She had been running on pure steam for the past 2 days, and she had been ordered to go home by AD Skinner at about midnight. Two and a half hours of doing nothing. No one was looking for him. No one cared that one of their agents had fallen and no one was helping him to get back up again. No one except she seemed to care. But in her mind she knew that that wasn't true. In her mind she knew that there was just nothing left that she or anyone else could do. There were no ransom notes, and there were no calls. There was just absolutely nothing; and that was what frightened her the most. That the kidnapper who had taken agent Mulder either didn't want, or expect anything from his return showed that the only thing the person wanted, was Mulder. Whether he had been the intended target or not, it didn't matter. Time was everything now, and with no leads, they were locked in a room with out any doors. Scully had never in all her life felt so lost. With that last thought, eyes brimming with tears, Scully fell into a fitful sleep; and dreamed. ************************************************************************************************************************** Scully was in the woods; but that was all that she could discern when she looked around her. Trees and still more trees stretched on for miles in all directions, and there was no end in sight. Scully decided on a direction and started walking. She noticed soon thereafter that it was night, and It seemed that there was a path lit in front of her from the light of the full moon. She followed the path, not knowing where it would take her, but knowing that she had to take it where it led. Off in the distance she noticed a small building that didn't look like it belonged where it stood. As she got closer she saw that it was constructed out of cinder block in approximately a 30 foot square and it rose about 14 feet in the air. She slowly walked around the building to the rear where she noticed a Window with bars and continuing around to the front, nothing else. Not another window, and oddly enough no door. She walked up closer to inspect the structure and feeling her way she began to move around the building once more. When she got around to the side with the window again, she noticed that there was a crack in the cinders, roughly even with her bust line, and so she stooped just slightly to get a better look. Suddenly she heard a noise coming up from behind her and so she darted around a tree so as to be hidden, and still be able to see the figure that was approaching. From Scully's vantage point, she got a clear view of the man that was walking up to the structure. He was about 5'11" tall, with dark blond hair, and a strong, lean physic. She didn't know who this person was, but she was instantly wary of him and so she remained hidden. The figure bent down in front of the wall were Scully had been just moments ago and lifted a string off of the ground that she herself had not noticed was there. Pulling on the string, the bottom of the wall gave way and in slipped the man while the door quietly closed behind him. An hour passed and nothing happened. No noise came from the structure, and no one came in or went out. As Scully was about to give up and walk towards the cinders, the door opened up again and out came the man from before. He had a gleam in his eyes that had not been there before, and he walked off humming a tune that she didn't recognize, and didn't care to. When she felt that the man was out of earshot, Scully ran up to the wall to look for the string that would let her inside the building. Her heart was racing and she knew that it was important that she get inside to see what was there. Finally locating the string, Scully pulled for what seemed like forever, and it finally started to lift upwards to allow for her entrance. Bending just slightly, she walked through and let her eyes adjust to the sudden darkness. It was just a moment before Scully was comfortable enough to take stock of her surroundings. There was clothing strewn about the plain dirt floor, and nothing else. She was completely puzzled as to why someone would spend an hour in here to do absolutely nothing. And then her eyes adjusted farther, and she saw. Huddled in the far corner laying in a fetal position was Mulder. As she slowly crept forward, she almost cried out in pain as she saw the condition he was in, but she smelled him long before she got to him. He smelled of bile and vomit, and he didn't look much better. He was bruised and battered over every inch of his body and he was just laying there, unmoving except for the small shudders that coursed through him. Tears were streaming down her face as she leaned over him. His eyes were open, but they were unseeing. She touched him but he did not move. Just shook and stared at what she didn't know. She sat down before him and slowly pulled him into her lap, rocking back and forth. She stroked his hair and laid her head upon his and just rocked him back and forth murmuring his name over and over again. She told him that she was there. Scully was there and she wasn't ever going to let go. He was safe. Over and over again. "Shhhhh." She whispered. "I've got you Mulder. I'm not going anywhere. You're safe with me. You're sa..." Scully stopped speaking as she thought she heard something. "Scully………" Mulder whispered almost inaudibly. "Scully…….." he said again, even softer. "Mulder? I'm here Mulder, right here." She said still rocking him. She tried to look into his eyes, but nothing had changed. There was no recognition behind his them. He just stared as before, seeing nothing. "Scully...." All the while she kept rocking him. And he still kept calling her. ************************************************************************************************************************** Scully sat up in bed. She knew that she'd been crying because her pillow was still wet, as were her cheeks. She sat there for a few minutes just staring off into space trying to figure out what had just happened. She knew that it hadn't just been a dream. Every bone in her body was telling her that she'd been with Mulder just a few moments ago. She looked at her clock and noticed that it was now 4:00 in the morning. An hour and a half had passed, as it had in her dream. She was now as certain as she'd ever been that time was short, and if they didn't find Mulder now, they wouldn’t find him at all. ************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder was floating above his body. He was looking down on himself as the man came in and raped him once more and then left. It was ok though. He didn't feel it. He was in a place where nothing could hurt him anymore. And then he felt it. Scully was with him. He couldn't see her, but he could feel her, and he could hear her. She was rocking him and telling him that he was ok now. That he would be safe with her, and that she'd never leave. He tried to reach out to her. To call her name. To tell her that he was there and that he couldn't see her. She couldn't hear him, but she was there. And he knew he had to get back. ************************************************************************************************************************** 4:00am Mulder was lying on the floor in a fetal position when he woke up. He didn't know what day or what time it was, but he felt warm. For the first time in a while he felt warm and he knew that Scully had been with him. He reached over to the side and under a piece of clothing where it lay hidden. The devil had left his instrument at one point, and now it was Mulder's. He turned it over in his hands and looked at it, and he saw it. Slowly, he put the knife back in its hiding place, and waited. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Dana Scully's Apartment Annapolis, Maryland 6:40am Scully had tried uselessly to fall back to sleep after she'd woken up from her "visit" with Mulder, but sleep would not find her. She had hoped that in falling asleep, maybe she'd be able to once more make that connection if only to find out where he was. But as she tossed and turned, the only thing she managed to do was cry. Cry for the pain that she knew Mulder to be suffering from. She knew what horrors he'd suffered. She knew them as if they'd been done to her, and she almost felt as if they had. Whatever happened to him happened to her. It's the way it had always been with the two of them, and it would always be that way. She was aware of the fact that she loved him. She'd known it for a long time though there never seemed to be the right moment to say it. Especially if she didn't feel that it would be returned. But with the dream came the realization renewed, that life was short; and she made a vow at that moment to God, and to Mulder that when she saw him again, she'd tell him and make him understand that she meant it. With all of her heart, now and forever. She picked up the phone and dialed the FBI switchboard, asking to be patched through to Assistant Director Skinner. She wasn't sure what she was going to say to him yet, but she had to make it clear that time was of the utmost importance. Although she knew that the dream was real, she couldn't very well declare to the AD of the FBI that she had received a vision and thus knew of a way to find Mulder. He'd have her sent for a psychiatric evaluation sooner then you could say the aliens have landed. Either that or he'd think that she'd spent too much time with Mulder. Instead, when she was connected to the AD, she said that she couldn't just sit back and do nothing. She had to find Mulder and if no one was going to help her, she'd look by herself. Knowing Skinner as she did, she knew that even if he couldn't call anyone off of their present duties to go look for what amounted to a needle in a haystack, he would at least help her look himself, and that gave her a little more hope. Skinner asked her if she had any idea where they might start to look, and she suggested any wooded areas around Alexandria, which was where he'd been taken from. After agreeing to meet in two hours in his office, Scully hung up and decided to look over a map of the Alexandria area to get a better idea of where to start. Scully was aware of 3 parks within Alexandria but they weren't wooded areas. They were along the river, and she knew that there hadn't been a river in her dream. Of course, the woods didn't have to be literal, but figurative. She didn't know of any woods within Alexandria. But she was certain that Mulder was still close, and so she kept the search within that area. Scully was now carefully scanning the map of Alexandria. There was the Potomac View, Founders Park, and Oronoco Bay Park. And then there was the cemetery. It was the only grassy area that was away from the water. It had more trees then any of the parks, but it also had more people, sadly on a day to day basis. She supposed that there could be a cruel irony in the idea of the living among the dead, the same way the building in her dream was surrounded by life. Mulder lying helpless and dying amongst all the life of the trees that surround him. Maybe the trees were a metaphor for people. She tried to focus on another area of the map, seeing if their was possibly another part of Alexandria that Mulder could be, but her focus kept being brought back to the cemetery, and she knew that even if it turned up nothing, she had to try. At 7:45, map in hand, she headed for the office. ************************************************************************************************************************** Alexandria National Cemetery 9:00am Mulder was waiting. He had felt the chill in the air leave as the sun rose in the sky signaling daybreak. Just sitting and waiting not making a sound. He was torn between the feelings of wanting to take the knife and end it here and now, or whether to wait and attack, giving him the chance to escape before the devil took him. If Scully had not come to him earlier that morning, the choice might have been easier. But he had her warmth surrounding him now. Protecting him and making him feel loved. He knew she was looking for him. He couldn't let her down by giving up. She hadn't given up on him, so he couldn't give up on himself. He was still struggling to keep the wolves at bay. To keep the night from swallowing him up in darkness. If she had not come, perhaps he would still be floating, somewhere between awareness and death, but now he had a purpose. He had a way out. Mulder heard the door start to give way, and he quickly and silently grabbed the knife and made his way over to the corner of that wall so as to surprise the devil on his way in. The hunter was now the hunted. ************************************************************************************************************************** 9:30am FBI headquarters Office of the Assistant Director "Scully, are you sure you want to check the cemetery?" Skinner asked. "I think it's as good a place to start as any sir." "It's a rather large cemetery agent. Are you sure you don't want to wait until we can assign more agents to assist?" "Honestly sir, I really don't think that we have the time to wait for more manpower, and as I said on the phone, I will go it alone if I have to....sir." Scully said, looking Skinner directly in the eyes. "Then what are we waiting for agent. Let's move." ************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder crouched in the corner, ready to attack. He was sore all over, and it hurt to move. He was in so much pain, he doubted he'd be able to make it far if.....once he got away. He knew he had at least two fractured ribs, a slight concussion, and a bruised everything else. Not to mention the sprained ankle he'd given himself. He just prayed he'd be able to hold his own against the devil. The devil was just about all the way through the door when Mulder jumped on him and rammed the handle of the knife into the back of his head. Mulder being week though and the knife not being very heavy only had the effect of stunning him and before Mulder could get through the door he found himself thrown up against the wall. The knife went spiraling out of his hand as he fought to stay conscious. As he saw the devil coming at him, he threw his knee up which connected with the devil's crotch and he fell screaming to the floor. Mulder dove for the knife, and managed to get it in his hands. His back was facing the devil as he lunged at Mulder again and as Mulder turned, he swung the hand with the knife around and sliced him full across both of his upper thighs and his groin. Mulder dropped the knife as the devil fell and made his way out into the harsh light of day. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Alexandria National Cemetery 10:00am Scully and Skinner made the short drive to the cemetery in relative silence; Scully not wanting to voice her concerns on in what condition she knew they'd find Mulder, and Skinner not wanting to voice his opinions on if they would find him. Before they knew it, they were there and parked the car on the east border of the cemetery. "Well agent, where do you want to start our search?" The AD asked Scully made a cursory examination of the grounds, looking for an area that resembled that which she saw in her dream, and couldn't see anything remarkable or out of place. There weren't many trees around, except in small individual clusters, so she couldn't imagine where the building she'd seen Mulder in would be. She was thinking that maybe she'd made a gross misjudgment when she turned and saw it. There was a grey marble mausoleum towards the south side of the cemetery. Behind it was another small clump of trees, and beyond that still she could see stark white peeking out from behind one of the trees. Scully made her way towards the structure with growing anticipation and fear. Skinner just followed behind her in silence. As Scully and Skinner got closer towards the building, making their way around the left side of the mausoleum, Scully grew more and more positive that it was the right place, and drawing her weapon, she broke into a run. "Agent Scully, what is it? Did you see something?" questioned the AD, but he got no answer. Scully slowed her pace when she was on top of the building and feeling her way as in her dream, she moved around to the other side of the cinders. She saw the window with the bars, and she felt the break in the cinders. Bending down, she felt for the string that she knew would be there. As Skinner saw her start to pull and the partition give, he stooped to help lift it all the way. Skinner paused so that he could prop up the door with a log, and hunched over, guns drawn, they made their way through. But Mulder wasn't there. What Scully saw instead, was the man from her dream, lying passed out on the floor in a pool of blood that was still seeping from his groin. Scully and Skinner just looked at each other in stunned silence. ************************************************************************************************************************** 10:05am Mulder had to squint at first when he stepped out into freedom. He hadn't seen the sun in he didn't know how long, and it took his eyes a while to adjust. The sun felt good on his tortured body. He was mentally and physically exhausted, but he didn't know how badly he'd actually cut the devil, so he kept on walking. He didn't know how but he had to get to Scully. Suddenly Mulder recognized where he was, and he realized that if he hadn't gotten out when he did, he probably wouldn't have gotten out at all. Alive, at any rate. It was getting more and more difficult to move, and he didn't know what to do. All he wanted was to lie down and go to sleep, and maybe never wake up again. He didn't know if he could face what had happed to him for the rest of his life. Go through the terror filled nights as he woke up from the nightmares he knew would come. The horror of seeing the awareness in Scully's eyes at what he'd gone through and her blaming herself for not getting there in time to prevent any of it, and the ever present shame of getting aroused from it. The fear that some part of him had liked it. He didn't want to live that life. He wished he hadn't dropped the knife. Mulder was growing more and more tired with every step, and he knew he wouldn't make it to Scully. He was making his way around the left side of the mausoleum when he caught his foot under the trunk of a tree and went crashing to the ground. Everything went black. ************************************************************************************************************************** 10:20am Scully and Skinner left the building not knowing where to go next. It had been the right place, and the right abductor, but Mulder was no where to be seen. They knew he'd been there, because when they were looking around, they found his suit, (minus the jacket which had been recovered from his car), along with a whole mess of other peoples clothing. "Sir," started Scully, Where could he have gone?" "I don't know Scully. In the condition he's likely to be in, I don't think he could have gotten far, and from the condition of the man inside, it couldn't have been too long ago." After finding the man and the state he was in, Skinner had called in need for back up and an ambulance. They were just heading out to the front of the mausoleum to wait for the team when Scully noticed the unmoving body of a naked man to the left of the marble structure. Scully stopped dead in her tacks and nearly screamed. She shouted to her boss to stop and dropping her gun she ran over to the figure lying in the grass. She quickly knelt down beside him, and covering him with her trench coat, she pulled him into her lap as she had the night before. It was Mulder. Skinner meanwhile, called for another ambulance. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 10:30am It seemed like it was taking forever for the ambulance to arrive. Scully was still sitting on the ground with Mulder, rocking him back and forth as she had in her dream. But this time it was different. She was really there, and Mulder was even less responsive then he had been, which wasn't saying much, but it still had her extremely worried. He was slightly shivering as before, though he had broken out into a sweat, and had a palled coloring to his face. His pulse was terrifyingly slow, and his breath was shallow. To make matters worse, he had a high-grade fever that Scully guessed to be at about 102 degrees. Mulder was in shock, and the slight concussion that she could tell he had wasn't helping anything either. "Where the hell is that damn ambulance?" Scully muttered to no one. As Scully worried her bottom lip between her teeth, she continued to rock Mulder back and forth. She smoothed his hair off of his forehead and laid her cheek down on top of him, whispering to him that he would be all right. That she'd take care of him and not let anything happen. He was still unresponsive and she could feel him slipping away. "Come on Mulder," she spoke softly. Stay with me. Hold on just a little longer. For me Mulder, please hold on." Two lonely tears slipped out from under her closed eyelids. And then came the sound of the sirens off in the distance. ************************************************************************************************************************** The ambulances finally arrived, and as they pulled up, Skinner directed them over to the cider building to help them take care of the other man, while Scully stayed with Mulder. She quickly relayed Mulder's current condition and what had happened to him. She watched while he was loaded onto the stretcher and strapped in, then lifted into the waiting ambulance. When he was safely inside, she told the EMT's to wait for five minutes while she went to talk to Skinner. As she walked off, the EMT's quickly started a Saline IV drip, and administered 10cc's of Epinephrine to increase his heart rate. They checked his temperature, which was found to be at 102.5 and injected him with 400 mg of Ibuprofen. "Um, Sir..." Scully began. "Don't worry agent Scully. Go with Agent Mulder to the Hospital. I'll follow behind the other ambulance and meet you there." "Thank you sir." Scully replied, and strode off to rejoin Mulder so that they could be on their way. Scully hopped into the waiting ambulance and as the EMT closed the doors. She sat down next to Mulder, taking his hand and soon they were off, sirens blaring. ************************************************************************************************************************** Georgetown Medical Center 11:00am Skinner had gotten to the hospital all of five minutes after Mulder's ambulance, and he soon met up with Scully. "Agent Scully, have you heard anything yet?" "No sir, we just got here. He's been taken into the examination room and then x-rays in order to determine the extent of his injuries." But Scully already knew what his injuries were. She just couldn't say it to Skinner, though she knew he probably suspected as much. Mulder had been raped, beaten, and mentally tortured, and she couldn't seem to get the word rape past the lump in her throat. If she did, she knew she'd probably start screaming and wouldn't be able to stop. Instead, she sought to focus on the hope that aside from the Rape, Mulder might actually be physically o.k. In addition to the sprained ankle they discovered in the ambulance, she suspected bruised bones, maybe 2 broken ribs and a concussion, but aside from that....aside from that Mulder would never be the same. He would have nightmares for months and probably wake up screaming. He'd be afraid of everyone he comes in contact with, especially men, and he'd most likely be suicidal, but hey. Everything was just peachy. Scully stifled a hysterical laugh, and Skinner looked at her. She continued to look at her shoes. Scully looked up as she noticed a doctor walking towards them. "Agent Scully, Assistant Director Skinner, My name is Dr. Wiessman. We've just finished looking over Agent Mulder, and other then the injuries noted before, we didn't really find anything to be worried about. There were two broken ribs as hypothesized which has been set along with his right ankle, as well as the bruises which should heal on their own just fine. There was some bleeding due to some tearing along the inner walls of the rectum, which has been stitched up accordingly. His prostate was slightly bruised as well, which is consistent with the account of the rape but there is nothing to worry about there either, and all of his internal organs seem to be functioning normally. We are slightly concerned with the fever, which is holding steady at 102 degrees, but we suspect that it'll come down soon and his heart rate seems to be back up to normal. He hasn't yet regained consciousness, and if he doesn't by morning I would be concerned but we'll have to wait on that. Otherwise everything seems fine. We did find traces of semen not matching his own. We are having them tested for STD's as well as DNA typing. We are checking Agent Mulder for STD's as well. We should know shortly. He's stabilized right now and we have him in a private room. Agent Scully, I know you have a medical degree, are there any questions that I can answer for you?" "Can we see him?" " I don't see why not. He's in room 232." "Thank you doctor." With that, Scully quickly rode the elevator up to the second floor and soon she was sitting beside Mulder. She took his hand in both of hers and let the tears flow. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Georgetown Medical Center 7:33pm Scully couldn't remember ever crying as much as she had in the past 2 and a half days. It seemed like so much longer then that, with the constant worrying, and the nonstop working towards trying to find Mulder. She didn't realize how bone tired she really was until she had fallen asleep clutching Mulder's still hand at around 2:30. She had woken up with a start, realizing that she hadn't contacted his mother, or her own. She quietly left the room to make the phone calls that she dreaded making, but she knew that his mother had to be informed, and she needed her mother there for the emotional support. She had always considered herself to be a strong woman. At times, she even felt infallible, but at that moment she couldn't hold onto the charade, and so she had picked up the phone and dialed the numbers, almost numbly. She knew her mother would want to be there. She considered Mulder family, and wouldn't want to be kept in the dark about something such as this. Maggie was shocked and horrified by what Scully had told her in the brief conversation, and hanging up, said she'd be over immediately. Next, she made the phone call that she least wanted to make. Tina Mulder picked up on the third ring, and after hearing what had happened, started to cry. The only words she had been able to utter at first were "My poor baby." Scully told her that she felt that he would make a complete physical recovery relatively quick. Mrs. Mulder had informed her that she couldn't make it to the hospital to see Mulder, because her health hadn't been to good lately and the doctors didn't want her travel. As Scully hung up the phone, she had promised to keep her apprised of the situation as things progressed. Now Scully was in the chair again, still holding Mulder's hand, as her mother sat next to her in a chair borrowed from another room. Skinner had gone to the office to right a report on the situation, as well as to assign two security guards to the hospital room of the perpetrator, as well as two agents to guard agent Mulder. "Dana honey, you should eat something. I doubt you've eaten anything in days." Spoke Mrs. Scully. "I'm not hungry mom. Besides, I need to be here in case Mulder wakes up. I don't want him to be alone." "He's not alone, Dana, I'm here. I can wait here while you eat something. Maybe go home for a change of cloths." She did feel kind of ripe. She hadn't showered in days, much less eaten, and she really would love a change of cloths. Still, she couldn't bear to leave his side. She had promised him that she wouldn't leave him, and she intended to keep her promise. "I promised I wouldn't leave him." She whispered. "When honey, when did you promise Fox that?" "When we found him. I told him that I wouldn't leave him. I said that I'd take care of him. "Dana, you need to take care of yourself too." "I know mom. I just can't leave him right now." "Dana honey, look at me." The whole time Scully and Maggie had been talking, she'd never once looked up at her mom, but she did now, and her mom had asked, and her mom saw the glint of fresh tears in her eyes. "Would you like me to go pick up some cloths for you? I could also bring something for you to eat. Maybe a sandwich and juice?" Her mom said with kind eyes. "Oh mom, what if he doesn't wake up? I mean, physically he should be awake. His concussion is gone, his heart rate and brain functioning is fine, he should be awake. What if he chooses not to come back." "Dana, you mustn't think like that. Fox will be fine. He just needs to find his way back, and he will. Just give him some time honey, you'll see. He'll come back to you." Dana released Mulder's hand briefly so she could hug her mother. "I love you mom." "I love you too sweetie. Now, would you like me to pick up those things for you?" "Please?" "I'll be back shortly." She said smiling, and Scully and Mulder were left alone together again. ************************************************************************************************************************** 2:02am She didn't know what to do with herself. She thought that maybe she might go insane if Mulder didn't wake up soon. She had fallen asleep again sometime around 11 when she was woken by a nurse asking if she wanted a second bed brought in. Since it was a private room, it would be allowed and it would be easier and more comfortable for her to sleep that way. She agreed, even though it meant that she'd have to release Mulder's hand. That cot just looked so inviting, and so she lie down in it and facing Mulder quickly fell asleep. For the first time in days, she slept soundly. She didn't even wake when her mom, tip-toeing in at around 4:00am, sat down in the chair Scully once occupied to watch her sleeping babies. ************************************************************************************************************************** 11:01am Scully had woken up at around 10:30 to see her mom sitting in the chair next to Mulder's bed, asleep. She smiled to herself and getting up silently made her way over to cover her with a blanket. She knew that she too was concerned for the man that she considered her adopted son, and she wondered how late her mom had stayed up worrying about him, as well as her. She had just started walking away after kissing her mother on the forehead when she heard her mom speak. "Dana honey?" "I'm just going to the bathroom mom. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." "No, it's alright. Any change from Fox?" "I don't think so. I've just woken up myself. It looks as if everything is the same," she said sadly. Scully quickly went to the restroom, and opening the door, saw that her mother had moved over to once again sit in the other chair. Smiling her thanks, Scully sat down again to continue her silent vigil. ************************************************************************************************************************** 11:19am She was praying. The last time she had really prayed like this was when Emily was sick. It was the only other time she had felt as lost as she did right then. She finished her prayers, and quietly took Mulder's hand in hers once again. "Mulder, please, if you can hear me please listen. I know that where you are right now feels safe. You're where no one can hurt you, and I know that you want to stay there, but you have to come home now. Please Mulder. Please come back to me." With the next remark, she leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, "Hey...and if you come back, maybe I'll finally become that spokesperson for the AB-roller, like I'd said I had years ago." "You know, I think I'd actually pay to see that?" ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** End of Part 3 Continued in Part 4 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* *_Ties That Bind_ *Part 4 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: April 23, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Georgetown Medical Center 11:21am Scully started, now fully awake. When she'd sat down, she hadn't even noticed that he'd turned his head, which was now facing the window. Mulder had said it so softly that she didn't think he'd actually spoken. She looked up as he turned away from the window, and with a sad smile said "hey." "Mulder..." Scully said breathlessly, as she jumped up to hug him. "Oooh, you smell a bit ripe, he said, teasingly." She pulled back to get a good look at him, and almost swatted him. "Remind me to return the sentiment someday." She said sarcastically. "Hi Mrs. Scully," he said shyly. "Hello Fox, how are you feeling." "Ok I guess," he said shrugging his shoulders. "Why don't I step out and let you two talk?" Maggie said as she stood up and walked out, closing the door behind her. Mulder looked around suddenly noticing his new surroundings. Well, not so new. He'd been there many times in the past, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember how he'd gotten there this time, though he certainly knew /why/**he was there. "Um, Scully, how'd I get here." Mulder asked. "Skinner and I found you at the cemetery. You'd passed out trying to escape your attacker." She wasn't about to say rapist, because she couldn't bring herself to, and because she wasn't about to mention it to Mulder if he wasn't ready to confront it. She didn't want to embarrass /him/. "Yeah he said with a sigh, I kinda figured that, but how did you /find/ me? Did he leave any clues behind, did he ask for a ransom? He figured out I was FBI when he took my wallet. I don't think he knew that before he took me." "No, he didn't ask for a ransom. We never heard from him. The only clue left behind was your car that we found at the bar, and your cell phone that had your blood on it a few blocks away, as well as some of your blood on the wall, but we didn't find anything else." "Then how did you find me?" He asked confused. Scully didn't know what to say. How could she answer that question, when she didn't quite know herself what had led her to him, and what exactly caused her to have that dream. She knew that when he was hurt, she felt it to, and the same was true with Mulder, but the dream went farther then that. She was there. She had actually been there with him, and that scared her, because she didn't know how to explain it. This was Mulder's area of expertise, and the feeling of not being able to explain it, although nothing new to her, still left her feeling unsettled. She supposed she should just tell him. After all, he'd probably believer her, though be shocked that she'd actually admit to having a...whatever it was that she had. "Scully? How'd you find me?" he asked again, getting a little worried at the strained look on her face. "I don't actually know Mulder. I just knew." "What do you mean you just knew?" "I..."she started, faltering. "I kind of had a dream." "What kind of dream," he asked getting even more nervous. Scully was acting really strange, and he could tell that she was embarrassed about something, but he didn't know what. He knew she knew what had been done to him. He didn't yet know the extent of the physical damage, but it couldn't be that bad if all that he was hooked up to was and EEG, and an EKG. "Scully?" He asked again, when she didn't answer right away. "I, uh, I kind of dreamed that I was there with you. No, I /was/ there with you Mulder," she said looking up. I was walking in the woods, and I came upon a building and I knew instantly that there was something wrong. There was a man and he went inside. He was in there for a really long time, and then when he came out, I went in and there you were." Scully stopped for a moment to calm herself, and started again in a hushed voice. "You were just lying in the corner in a ball. You weren't moving, Mulder, except for some slight shivering, and I was so scared. Your eyes were open, but they weren't looking at anything. Just staring, and so I sat down and I took you in my arms and started rocking you, trying to comfort you. To get you to wake up but you just lay there shivering and staring. I think you called my name once or twice, but it wasn't in recognition of the fact that I was there. You were looking for me and I tried to tell you that I was there but you didn't know. I tried..." Scully trailed off, as she started to cry, and she put her face in her hands. Mulder was just staring at her. He couldn't believe what she'd said. She'd actually been there. He had heard her voice, but he couldn't get to her. He had thought that it had been part of his delirium, but she had actually been there. With him. She'd actually found away to bridge the dreamscape and reach out to him. He was absolutely dumbstruck. Not so much by the fact that it happened, but that she admitted it. "Scully? Scully, look at me." Scully slowly looked up, trying to quickly dry her eyes. She didn't want to cry in front of him. She was supposed to be strong for /him/. "Scully. I felt you. I heard you calling my name, but I couldn't get to you. I was in such a cold place, but then I felt this incredible warmth all around me, and I heard you calling my name and trying to comfort me, but I couldn't reach out to you. I tried to call your name, but I couldn't get back to myself. I was kind of hovering somewhere above. I had shut myself off so completely, but then I somehow found the strength and I got back. That's when I was able to get the knife and get away, but then...I was so weak, I tripped on a tree trunk, and that's the last I remember." Now it was Scully's turn to be shocked. "You heard me?" she said surprised. Mulder just nodded his head, and took her hand in his. "I heard your voice and felt your warmth, a I knew that I had to get back to you. I had been so far gone Scully. When I first discovered he'd left his knife behind, it took all my strength not to use It on myself. After...after what he'd done." He finished, looking down. "But then you came, and you saved me. You gave me the strength to try and save myself." He looked up and saw her smiling down on him. It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Georgetown Medical Center 11:30am Mulder and Scully looked up as they heard a polite knock at the door. "Mr. Mulder, I see you've finally decided to join us?" Dr. Wiessman asked "Hello Dr. Wiessman," Scully said smiling. "He just woke up a few minutes ago." Scully turned to look at Mulder, and was horrified by what she saw. He was shaking all over, eyes wide and scared, just staring at the doctor. She knew that this would be coming, in fact she had been surprised that Mulder had been acting relatively calm since he'd woken up. But then again, she was a woman, and he trusted her. The doctor was a man, whom he'd never seen before. And he was absolutely terrified. She looked down at their hands, which were still interwoven, and realized for the first time just how tight his grip had become. She could also hear the distress he was in from the EKG, as his heart rate increased. "Mulder...this is your doctor, Dr. Wiessman." Mulder just continued to shake and stare. "Mr. Mulder, I understand how you must be feeling right now, but I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to see how you are doing this morning. Do a standard physical, and explain to you the extent of your injuries as well as to see how they are doing. I promise that I will not hurt you. The man that hurt you is not here, and I assure you that he will not hurt you anymore. "Can...can Scully stay here during the exam?" Mulder asked shakily. "Of course, if you want her to." "Scully?" Mulder looked at her with pleading eyes. "Mulder, you know I'll stay. Of course, if you ever want me to be able to shoot a gun again, you're going to have to loosen up on that grip of yours." She said smiling, and trying not to grimace at the pain. Mulder looked down at their hands. "Oh. Sorry Scully," he said, and quickly released her hand so that she could flex it. Scully looked over at the heart monitor again and noticed, thankfully, that his heart rate had dropped. It was still a little high, but at least it wasn't racing as it had been. "Now, Mr. Mulder, how are you feeling?" "A little stiff. My ribs and my ankle hurt, umm...my, uh, my rectum hurts," He said almost inaudibly. "And this catheter isn't to comfortable either." He added with a slight smirk. "Well, we had to insert that. You're a little weak to be going to the bathroom on your own right now. That'll have to be in for a while I'm afraid. Until you're ready to be released, and you can make a bowl movement on your own, that is. As for the other discomforts, you suffered few injuries, but they were nice ones. You have two broken ribs which have been set, and a sprained ankle, as well as bruising in other places which should heal on their own. There was also some tearing on the inside of your rectum, which we went in and stitched up. The sutures will be checked in about a week to see if they're ready to come out. That's really about the extent of the injuries. I'm going to do a quick physical now, is that alright?" Mulder just nodded his head as he took a hold of Scully's hand again, though with a much looser grip. A short while later the doctor was finished, and Mulder breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright, everything looks to be coming along nicely. If all goes well, you should be out of here in about 10 days. How does that sound." "OK, I guess," Mulder whispered. "Good. Well then, I guess that'll be all for now. Oh, one more thing Mr. Mulder. The Police will have to take a statement on what happened. They have been contacted as is regulation, and they would like to know when you will be able to speak with them." "I uh, um I don't...can this wait? Can we do this tomorrow, I'm kind of tired." Mulder didn't want to do this. He just wanted it all to go away. He didn't want to talk about it, because to talk about it would be to make it real. He didn't want it to be real. He just wanted to go to sleep and to wake up with it having been a terrible nightmare. He didn't want to be as scared as he was right now. Scared that he would always be nervous anytime he was around another man. And how would he ever be able to face Skinner again. Skinner would think he was weak. That he could no longer do his job. And to make matters worse, now he was absolutely terrified of the man. Hell, he was terrified of everyone. Except Scully. Scully was there with him when he needed her. She held him, and kept him safe. She gave him her strength and made him strong enough to escape. He was safe with her. The doctor broke into his thoughts as he spoke again. "Tomorrow then. Meanwhile, I'll be in later to check up on you." "Fine." Mulder sighed. When the doctor left, Scully looked into Mulder's eyes and asked the silent question. "I'm ok Scully. I'm just tired." "Why don't you go to sleep Mulder. You need your rest. Things will look better when you wake up later." She said with a sympathetic smile. "Will you stay with me? Please?" "I'll be here Mulder. Don't worry, now close your eyes," she said in that same tone she'd used when he had woken up after almost drowning in the Bermuda Triangle. "Am I supposed to say there's no place like home?" He asked smiling and remembering. Scully smiled. Mulder suddenly grew serious. "Because it would be a lie," he said. Looking into her eyes, he said, "There's no place like here." ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 2:00pm He'd been asleep for about an hour and a half now. She still couldn't believe that he'd said it. He'd said it so softly that she could almost make herself believe that she'd imagined it, but the look that she'd seen in his eyes had proven otherwise. She didn't know what he'd meant by it thought. She knew that he loved her. What that love was though, she had no clue. Whether it was the love of a close friend or a brotherly love, or something more. They were both extremely good at hiding their feelings for the other. It was something that they'd practiced for going on six years and it had become an art form. She realized that there were times when Mulder touched her for no other reason then to know that she was there. The well placed hand at the small of her back to usher her through a door, or the light tap on her arm to get her attention. She supposed that those touches were some sign of the feelings he had for her, but it's something that he'd done from the beginning so she never really paid any attention to it other then a passing acknowledgement. Then there was the ever-present flow of innuendoes, but that went both ways. Of course, there was that moment in his hallway when they almost kissed. She never really knew where that would have gone if circumstances hadn't sought to stop it. And she didn't know if it was something that had been coming for a long time, or whether it was a means of getting her to stay in the FBI. They never talked about it again. A voice said in her head what she'd been trying to avoid ever since Mulder had said those words in the hospital after being recovered in Bermuda. "Dana, he said that he loves you." And then a voice answered back. "But he was drugged. He didn't mean it." Scully shook her head trying to clear the voices. She just didn't know what to do. It seemed that there was a lot that she didn't know lately, and it was making her extremely tired. She looked over at her bed and thought that it looked extremely inviting at this moment. She was about to get up and go over to it when Mulder started thrashing around on the bed. Shit she thought, he's having a nightmare. He was flailing out with his arms and trying to kick with his legs. She was afraid that he was going to hurt himself farther, so she carefully got onto the bed with him and pulled him into her lap, rocking him back and forth trying to calm him down so he wouldn't strain his ribs or hurt his ankle farther. ********************************************************************************************** ****************************************************NC17********************************************************* Oh God, Mulder thought. Not again. Mulder panicked as he heard the devil outside beginning to open the door. He was coming for him again. He couldn't take it. Not again. It's too much, he thought. Mulder crawled into the far corner trying to get away, but he knew that it didn't matter. He was coming. The devil entered and grinned his evil grin, and started making his way over to Mulder. Mulder tried to scream, but he couldn't get the sound past his throat. The devil was coming. He began to whimper as he was forced over to the chains again and tied up as before. "Please. Please don't do this. Why?" He moaned. "Because I like you my little fox. I haven't had a friend like you in so long. I'm having fun, aren't you?" He laughed. When the devil saw a tear streak down Mulder's face he frowned. "Aww, I guess not. Well no matter. I'll have enough fun for the both of us." The devil began to strip and then as before he positioned himself over him and started caressing him. Up his back and under towards his chest, rubbing his nipples. Kneading them, pinching them, making the arousal build in him until he was crying from embarrassment and shame. Rubbing his penis up against his anus, the head poking at the opening but not entering. Not yet. Still rubbing, but moving farther down now towards his own penis. Hands on his penis moving up and down, Thumb rolling over the head, swirling the pre-cum over the head and shaft. Then the mouth slipping, wet over the head, licking, lapping, moving all the way down to the hilt and back up again. Coming full force in his mouth as the orgasm ripped through him. He could feel the devil grinning as he withdrew his penis, now limp and moved over to his rear. "Oh God, please. Please..." Mulder trailed off. And then the groan from the devil as Mulder was entered from behind. In, out, in, out. Over and over again. The orgasm as it once more began to build and the humiliation as he came all over himself...again. Crying. He couldn't stop crying. And then he was unchained and left alone for the short time before he knew the devil would come again. So alone. So cold. And then he felt her arms encircle him. The gentle rocking and the whispered words of comfort that somehow helped him feel better. Tears. He felt tears on his shoulder. ********************************************************************************************** She had been ok for most of the nightmare. She had been able to stave off the tears during his murmuring. Until that is, that she heard him say please. Please don't , and then she saw the tears slip from underneath his closed eyelids. And she couldn't hold them in anymore. She was still rocking him. Telling him that it would be all right and that he was safe. But she knew that it was far from what he felt, and she couldn’t fight it anymore. She remembered the vow she'd made to herself when he'd still been missing, and she rocked him, waiting until the nightmare subsided. When he was still again and the tears stopped flowing, she leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I love you, Mulder. I've always loved you. I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise." Mulder's eyes twitched and opened. He looked at Scully and murmured, "I love you too, Scully." Smiling, she leaned down and placed a small kiss on his mouth, still wet with tears. She then placed two kisses on each of his eyelids. When she looked down at him, he was asleep again. And she just smiled. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* March 10, 1999 7:10am Mulder and Scully were sleeping in their hospital beds when they were awoken by a commotion a few doors down, and then a loud bang. Scully jumped out of bed, looking over at Mulder and motioned for him to lie still as she crept up to the door to peek out. "Scully, what's going on?" Mulder asked worriedly. "I don't know." She whispered back, "hold on, I'll be right back," she added as she slipped quietly out the door. Mulder meanwhile lie in his bed frustrated that he couldn't get up to see for himself what was going on. When it took to long for Scully to return, Mulder decided to take a chance and try to get out of bed. He needed to know what happened. Somehow he knew that it was important. The catheter had been removed just the other day, so he didn't have to worry about that, and he was no longer hooked up to the EKG or the EEG. It was just a matter of balance. He hadn't really been on his feet too much, and he was a bit shaky. And his butt was still sore. Mulder swore under his breath as he almost fell over, but he quickly got a hold of himself and made the agonizing walk over to the door. He was suddenly very happy that Sully had surprised him with his PJ's the other day, so that he didn't have to worry about flashing all the nurses with the standard issue hospital gown. When Mulder finally stepped out into the hall, he saw that no one was there. He could here voices coming from around the corner in the other corridor, so he tentatively followed them and soon found that he wished he'd stayed in bed. About 50 paces in front of him, in the middle of a crowd of Doctors, nurses, and Scully, was his attacker. He was dead from a bullet wound in the back that from the looks of it went straight through his right lung. Mulder felt his own lungs suddenly empty of air and he collapsed onto his knees in the middle of the hallway. Just then, Scully took that moment to turn around and saw Mulder on the ground, eyes wide and mouth open in disbelief, and she guessed a little fear at having to see his attacker again. "Mulder!" Scully cried, and running knelt by his side. "What are you /doing/?" She cried. "I told you to stay in bed." Mulder just shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. "Mulder, come on, I'm getting you back to your room. Now!" Mulder slowly rose to his feet with Scully's assistance, and she half carried him back to his room and got him settled in bed. He lay there for a while just staring at the ceiling. Finally after about 10 minutes he spoke. "He's dead?" "It would appear so." "What happened?" Mulder asked. "It looks as if he tried to escape. For some reason there was only one officer standing guard. He hit him over the head with the water glass from his room but before he could get away, the other officer returned and saw him trying to run in the other direction. He yelled for him to stop, and when he didn't, he fired and you know the rest." Scully looked at Mulder, but he just lay there; thinking. "Scully?" "Yeah Mulder?" "Um, would you think badly of me if I said that I was glad that he was dead?" Mulder asked quietly, head bowed. "No Mulder. I don't think that anyone would, but I think the question is would you feel badly of me if I said that /I /was glad?" Mulder looked up in shock. Scully rarely spoke ill of anyone. Well, that's not true. She wasn't exactly kind when speaking of Diana, and the syndicate didn't count as people so... "Scully...?" "Mulder, when you were gone, it was like I'd lost a piece of myself. I mean, you've been missing before, but It /never/ felt like It did this time. I was so scared Mulder. I didn't know until the dream what had happened to you, but I knew that it was far worse then anything that we'd been through thus far and I was absolutely terrified. Mulder, I felt what was happening to you as if it were happening to me and I /never/ want /anyone/ to feel like that. Mulder, I'm glad he's dead, and maybe that makes me a bad person, but now one less scumbag is on the streets. Now he can never hurt anyone else again. And he can never hurt you again." "Scully, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, I..." "Mulder, don't you dare apologize, you did /nothing/ wrong." "But if I hadn't defended Diana again, we wouldn't have had that fight, and I wouldn't have gotten drunk. I wouldn't have been in that area and this never would have happened. It's all my fault. It's always my fault." Mulder finished with a sigh. "Mulder," Scully gasped walking over to him and taking his hand in hers. "This is /not /your fault. You didn't ask for this to happen, and that fight was not all your fault. I am as much to blame as you are with that. I know you have a past with Diana, and that you trust her. If we were ever separated and then brought together again, I would expect you to still trust me the way you do now. As you do Diana. I can't fault you for that, and I don't. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is for you to understand that none of this is your fault. No one deserves to have this happen to them." "But I didn't stop him." He whispered. "I let him touch me, and I...I came..." he trailed off. "Mulder, you /couldn't /stop him, and you didn't /let /him touch you. He forced you, and you know perfectly well that you can't prevent the physiological response to sexual stimulation. /No one can/." "No." Mulder said, shaking his head. I should have stopped him." "Mulder, you did stop him. You protected yourself when you could. You got the knife and you got away. Don't you know how brave you are? Don't you know what a wonderfully brave man you are?" Scully looked at him pleadingly. Mulder just looked at her, with the most sorrowful eyes she had ever seen. "Oh Mulder," she whispered as she climbed into bed with him to hold him. "You're such a wonderful person," Scully said as she wrapped her arms around his frail body. "I wish you could see through my eyes just what a truly beautiful person you are." And she comforted him as his body was wracked with tears. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** March 12, 1999 2:45am Mulder was finally going home today. She was as happy for herself as she was for him, because that meant that she could go home too. She hadn't slept at home since she'd found Mulder just 7 days earlier. Seven long, agonizing days of sleeping on a cot in a hospital. But she wasn't sorry. She'd learned so much about herself during that time. Mostly about how much she loved Mulder. She had sent her mom home about a day after Mulder had woken up. Mulder was fine, and she didn't need to be there. She had stopped by frequently to see how he was doing though, and she was happy that he was making such a speedy physical, if not mental recovery; but the latter was to be expected. Mulder was happy to be going home. Truth be told, he wasn't actually going "home." He was going with Scully to her place. She didn't want him to be at his apartment alone. She didn't want to give him the chance to start wallowing, because she knew that he wouldn't be able to get himself out of the depression. Not at this stage of the game, at least. Although Scully didn't know it, Mulder didn't exactly want to go back to his place either. Being with Scully for so long, he didn't want to be alone again. Plus, he felt safer with her. She kept the demons at bay, and she helped sooth the nightmares. Scully was sitting by his bedside on her cot, just staring at him. She couldn't get over how peaceful he looked when he was unaware of the world around him. When all of the worries just slipped away and he could just be. Without worrying about the conspiracies, and the bureau, and his sister. Although she was pretty sure that his sister occupied every sleeping moment as well as the ones when he was awake. She felt sorry for him. Not for the man that he was, but for the child that he was never able to be. You could still see that child poke his head out every once in a while, like for instance when he was sleeping, and she took those moments to wonder about the boy that he must have been, and the man he had become. How did such a man come out of such a tragedy? And how would he survive this latest one? She fell asleep wondering about these things. And was woken up by a gentle hand on her cheek. Mulder had been staring at her for about an hour. He couldn't turn away. She was so beautiful; even more so in sleep then when awake, which was a puzzle that his mind couldn't piece together at this moment, because he couldn't imagine anything more beautiful then Scully's eyes, and you just couldn't see her eyes when she was sleeping. But she looked so calm and peaceful when she was sleeping, and it was rare that he got to see it and appreciate it. Now that their feelings were out in the open, he had no fear of her finding him staring at her, so he just kept staring. Starting at the soft flutter of her eyelashes as she dreamed, moving down the graceful yet strong line of her nose, her plum red lips that fell into a soft pout even in sleep. She was so graceful and tender. The years of sorrow and pain slipping away as she dreamed of better times. A time when her everyday worries weren't that of government plots and conspiracies, and what mess he was getting himself into. He often felt that he was to blame for her misfortunes, and for her having gotten the reputation of Mrs. Spooky due to working with him. And he felt selfish because he just couldn't imagine his life without her now. Although at times he wished that she'd go back into medicine and salvage what was left of her career, he couldn't bring himself to let her go. Because he would miss her. He would miss her, "Mulder, you're crazy," and "Mulder, you're not trying to tell me that..." etc. etc. etc. And he just couldn't stand it anymore. He had to touch her. Even if it was just to lightly brush the stray piece of hair off of her cheek. He had to touch her, and so he did. "Mulder?" "Hey. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." "What are you doing out of bed? Are you ok?" "I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep anymore. I've spent too much time sleeping lately." "How's your ankle?" "Good. It doesn't hurt anymore. You know Scully," he said sitting on the side of his bed. "He...didn't sprain my ankle. I mean it wasn't anything that /he/ did." "What do you mean?" She said giving him "the eyebrow." "I um, kinda tripped when I was drunk. I stumbled off of the sidewalk." He finished with an impish grin. "Lousy drunk." "Hey! No making fun of the lame." "Oh you're lame alright! She said smiling. Mulder gave her the pout. "Oh puleeze Mulder." She sighed, and then muttered under her breath..."two can play at that game, " and she stood up and slowly bending down, kissed him on his lower lip that jutted out ever so slightly. Just has he began to deepen the kiss though, she pulled away and said, "uh uh uh...you do want to leave the hospital today don't you?" "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked, breathlessly. "I'm afraid that if we continue much longer, you /really/ won't be able to walk." And as she said that, she gave him the most seductive look that she could, bent down, and kissed him so long and hard that it left him gasping for air. "Um, Scully?" "Yeah." "When do we get to leave?" *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** End Part 4 Continued in part 5 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** *_Ties That Bind_ *Part 5 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: April 29, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Annapolis Maryland Dana Scully's Apartment March 12, 1999 5:00pm They had made a brief stop at Mulder's apartment in Alexandria to pick up a few items, and it wasn't long before they were finally at Scully's apartment. Word's couldn't describe how he felt at that moment. To be out of the hospital and not to have to go through those humiliating tests to see if he was "functioning properly." To be poked and prodded like a test subject. He had had enough of that in the past few weeks to last a lifetime. Too bad he had to go back to the doctors for a follow-up exam in a week. If he never saw the inside of another hospital again, it would be too soon. Of course, that would be impossible, considering he was and FBI agent who all to frequently took up residence at the hospital, but that didn't mean that he had to like it. Especially this time around, under these circumstances. He was finding it more and more difficult to keep up the façade with Scully that he was handling this just fine. He knew that he wasn't, and he knew that she probably knew that he wasn't, but he couldn't allow himself to feel vulnerable. He needed desperately to feel in control of himself again, but he just wasn't there yet. He didn't know if he'd ever be again, and that scared him more then anything in the world. He didn't want to think of the possibility that he'd never be able to achieve field agent status again. He might as well of let that man kill him. Bet yet, he'd do it himself. Scully broke into his reverie and he realized that he was just standing inside her doorway, staring at the carpet as if there was something extremely interesting about it. He often slipped into these moods, where he couldn't figure out what he was supposed to do. The task of walking became more difficult then he could manage, and so he just stood there and stared. But he looked up when Scully called his name, and gave her a sheepish smile that seemed to appear more and more often these days. Muttering a "sorry," he closed the door and moved to take his things into the spare bedroom. Scully entered the room about five minutes later and found him sitting on the edge of the bed, just staring off into space again. His suitcase was sitting next to him unopened. "Mulder?" She spoke softly. "Are you alright?" "Huh?" he said slowly. "Oh, yeah I'm ok Scully. I guess I'm just tired. Long day. I didn't expect there to be as many more tests as there were. I think I'm going to skip dinner and just go to bed. I'm sorry for being such trouble, I know you had a good meal planned." Mulder was still looking at the floor. "Mulder, you don't have to apologize for anything. We can celebrate your homecoming tomorrow. You go ahead and go to sleep. Don't worry about a thing." Scully walked over and lightly lifted his chin so that he was looking at her, but he still had that faraway look in his eyes and she knew that somewhere inside he was reliving what had happened to him. It hurt her that she couldn't take away his pain. She placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, and then another one on his forehead. When she pulled away, his eyes were closed, and she could see a tear glistening on his cheek. She opened his suitcase for him and pulled out his yellow pajamas. She walked over to him and went to smooth his hair out of his face, and was surprised when he jerked away. He seemed to come to his senses quickly though, and giving her an apologetic look, took the pajamas and headed to the bathroom to change. Scully stood there watching his back as he left the room and with watery eyes turned to turn down the bed. When Mulder returned, he looked like he'd aged ten years. She reached out her hand to help him into bed and he gently took her hand and climbed under the covers. Mulder rolled over onto his right side facing the window and curled into a ball. Scully didn't think she'd ever seen anyone curl into such a tight ball before. She was about to leave the room when she heard Mulder speak to her. "Scully?" "Mmhmm?" "Could you, um, stay here for a while? Just until I fall asleep?" "If you want me to. No problem." "Thank you Scully." "For what?" "For being here for me. For caring and not treating me like I'm defective." "Mulder, you are anything but defective. You are the strongest person I know and you're going to get through this. Whatever you need, I'm here for you. Don't be afraid to ask, and please don't be afraid to tell me when you're upset about something. I can't help if you keep me in the dark. But he couldn't tell her. He couldn't tell her what he was afraid of. He didn't even know half the time. He knew that they were unfounded. That "man" would never hurt him again. He was dead. Mulder knew that, but he was still terrified. He couldn't tell her. So he pretended he was already asleep. "Mulder?" When he didn’t answer, she sighed and sat back in the chair that she'd placed next to his bed. She prayed that his dreams would give him a reprieve, if just for one night. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 10:13pm Scully was awakened by a blood-curdling scream. At first she couldn't imagine where it had come from but then she saw Mulder thrashing around on the bed. He was trying to get away from his attacker, but it appeared as if he couldn't move. He was lying on his back and his arms and legs were still, but he was bucking at the waste. He was sobbing uncontrollably. Scully immediately jumped up out of the chair and went to try to calm him down. She didn't want to wake him for fear of scaring him even farther, so she just climbed into the bed and lying down next to him so that they were facing each other, gently pulled him into her. She calmly stroked his tear-streaked face and placed a kiss on top of his head, murmuring softly to him trying to lull him into peaceful slumber. When she went to sweep his hair off of his forehead again he jerked. She made it a point to ask him about it when he was feeling better. As Scully continued to rub Mulder's back, he seemed to calm down and so Scully loosened her grip on him. Mulder unconsciously snuggled closer curling into a fetal position once more and buried his head in her abdomen. It was if he was five years old, snuggling up to his mother after being afraid of monsters under the bed. She half expected to see him start sucking his thumb. But he just drew up closer to her and grew quiet. And soon, Scully followed him into dreamless sleep. ***************************************************************************************************** March 13, 1999 5:20am When Mulder woke up he was more then a little confused. It took him a while to remember that he was at Scully's place, which was fine, but then he felt an extra person in bed with him and it made him more then a little nervous. And he started to panic. Until he looked over and noticed that it was Scully. Which made him confused all over again because he knew that she hadn't been in bed with him when he went to sleep. Not that he minded, he just wished that he knew how and why she was there now. He was lying on his back and she was curled up along his left side. He was startled at how natural and good it felt to have her beside him in bed. Though he wished that it were under different circumstances, although he really didn't know what those circumstances were. Scully stirred in her sleep and moved closer to Mulder. He closed his eyes simply in order to feel her next to him. He didn't want it to end, but he felt like he was taking advantage of Scully, so he quietly, so as not to disturb her got up. After going to the bathroom he went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. When Scully woke up the coffee was almost ready. She rolled over in bed to find it empty and sat up looking around the room. She smelled the coffee, which at that moment was like a thin slice of heaven, and moved to join Mulder in the kitchen...who was staring at the coffee as it dripped from the filter into the pot. She moved over to him so that she was just in his line of site and stared at him with the most amusing look that she could muster before having her coffee. It did its job nicely. He turned, startled and burst out laughing at the look on her face. She walked up to him and snaked her arms around his waste. He bent down and kissed her on the top of her head. "Hey" She said. "Hey yourself." Mulder pulled back to look at her and gave her a quirky look. "So... I woke up this morning and there was an extra person in my bed, not that I mind, being it was you and all, but might I ask how you got there? I /seem/ to remember that you were in a chair when I went to bed." She looked down and spoke quietly. "You um, had a nightmare. You were crying out and I got into bed to try to comfort you." "Oh. He said softly. Was it bad?" "Yeah. It looked like you were trying to get away from /him/ but you couldn't move. You just kept bucking and crying." She finished in such a low whisper that Mulder almost didn't hear her. "Yeah, um...he had me tied down most of the time. There were...there were shackles and um...rope." Mulder's voice broke on the last word. Scully hugged him around the waste again and he buried his head in her neck. They stood like that for a while, and when they pulled away, they'd both been crying. "It's ok Mulder. You'll get through this. We'll get through this. We won't let him win." "He's already won Scully," he said bitterly. "What do you mean?" "Look at me. I have nightmares every night, I wake up not knowing where I am, I'm paranoid for no good reason because the son of a bitch is dead and I know he can't hurt me but still I'm frightened. I'm scared so you're scared, which makes me angry because that means that he not only got to me, but to you too. He's won!" "Mulder...you're alive, and you're fighting. You're getting better everyday, and as far as I'm concerned, he's lost, because the best thing that has ever happened to me has come out of this. The fact that I can now tell you that I love you and not be afraid is all because of him; and I /hate/ that this had to be the means by which I came to admit it, but damned if I'm going to let that bastard take that away from me. Mulder, you're a fighter. You're the strongest person I have ever met. For you to have gone through the things that you have and survived, not only to have survived but to be the person you are; that is remarkable. It would break anyone else, but you just keep coming back from it all, and stronger then ever before. Are you going to let him take that away from you? Are you going to let him take you from me? Because I'm not going to give up so easily. I won't loose you without a fight." Mulder just stood there in stunned silence. "Scully?" "Yea?" "I love you too." Scully just smiled. Mulder pulled her into a hug and as he smiled said, "Hope to God I never get on /your/ bad side." And they both laughed. The first real laugh that they'd shared in over two weeks. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 10:30am After they'd eaten a small breakfast, Scully had taken a long look around the apartment. It was definitely in need of some spring-cleaning. She had noticed when making breakfast that there was hardly anything in the fridge, so she mentioned the need for going food shopping to Mulder. She had offered to go alone, but he didn't want to stay in her place by himself. It was understandable in his situation, but she was still worried about him. She mentioned to him for the umpteenth time that he should see a psychiatrist, but he denied it saying that he /was/ a psychiatrist and his diagnosis was that he didn't need one. She tried to argue with him, but he started to get angry, but that was the last thing that she wanted, so she dropped the subject for the time being. Meanwhile, they went food shopping, which was pretty uneventful seeing as how Mulder had gotten himself into one of his moods again. She threw jokes at him trying to cheer him up, trying to start their familiar banter, but he just smiled his sad half smile and continued to stare at nothing. She frequently had to call his name to get him to keep walking. She wondered what was going on in his head when he was in one of those moods. She couldn't imagine ever going through what he was going through. She wished that there were something that she could do. When they came upon the dessert isle, Scully got the idea that maybe a cake would help, if just a little to ease the symptoms if not cure the disease. She figured chocolate was probably his style, so she found the most delectable chocolate cake she could and put it in the cart. Mulder didn't notice. Now the cake was safely hidden in the fully stocked fridge, and Mulder was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels, though not really watching anything. He had offered to help her clean, and she had agreed, but when she found him just standing with the vacuum starring at the wall, she gently took it from him and told him that he should probably rest. He argued that he wanted to help, but she told him that she appreciated it though she felt that he needed to get well first, so she sat him in front of the TV. She continued to clean and every so often she looked in on Mulder. He was still the same. Still flipping channels, still staring at nothing. She was really concerned for him. Not because he was behaving this way, but because he was refusing to see a psychiatrist. What would he do when Skinner required one in order for him to get his job back, as she knew he would? Mulder would be furious and uncooperative, but she had to make him see that it was necessary. When she finished cleaning, she put everything away and went over to sit with Mulder. When she walked into the room, at first she couldn't see him but when she drew closer, she saw that he was lying down, having taken off his shoes. He was asleep again. He looked so frail and so small. She just wanted to take him in her arms like a little boy and make all his problems go away. But she couldn't make /these /problems disappear. It was up to him to get through it. She would help him, of course but he had to want to get better himself. She just sat down in her over-stuffed chair and watched him. Hopefully in his sleep he would find some peace from the pain he was going through. Soon, she found sleep herself. ************************************************************************************************** 2:17pm When Scully woke up, Mulder wasn't on the couch. She looked around frantically, but when she heard him in the kitchen she calmed down and chided herself for worrying. Where would he go? She asked herself, and gently shook her head. She got up and went to see what he was doing. She watched him in awe before she interrupted him. He was smiling. He was apparently making the two of them lunch. Nothing fancy, just tuna sandwiches and tea, but he was smiling; and humming. Mulder suddenly turned and saw her. "Morning sunshine." He said smiling. "Sorry to tell you this, but it's afternoon." Scully said smiling just as broadly. "So?" "So whatcha doing?" She asked, coming over to him and hugging him around his back. He took her hands and gently kissed both of them. "Well I decided that I'd better cheer up and earn my keep here, so I decided to make a nice, though rather mundane lunch for us to make up for my rather dull attitude earlier today." "Mulder, first of all, you don't have to /earn/ your keep. You earned it a long time ago. Second of all, you have nothing to make up for in terms of your moods, although I must say that this person who wants to make me lunch and tea may come around whenever he wants." She finished with a smile. He turned around and looked at her with a sad smile on his face. And then suddenly put a blob of mayonnaise on her nose with his finger. "Mulder!" She cried. But Mulder just bent down and taking her face in his hands, barely touching her nose with his tongue swept the mayonnaise off again and then kissed the area which his tongue had previously been. He then tilted her head farther back and kissed her passionately. She deepened the kiss farther and opened her mouth so that he may gain entrance. She brought her arms around his back and started to move her hands up to the nape of his neck and he jerked away. "Mulder?" She asked. "I'm sorry Scully." "No. Don't apologize. Can you tell me what happened? Why can't I touch your hair?" She asked tentatively. "It's stupid, really." He said head bowed. "Mulder, whatever it is, I promise you it's not stupid." "It's just that he, uh...It's that he...would pull my hair whenever he wanted me to move." he said shrugging his shoulders. Sighing, he continued, "The first night, he was yelling at me. He crouched down over me and pulled me by my hair to get me to look at him. Then later...he...pulled me over to...to the shackles...by my hair. He did it other times to." Scully cursed herself for ruining his good mood. She cursed herself for forgetting that he seemed not to like it when she touched his head. "Mulder, I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." "Scully no, he said taking her hands, it wasn't your fault, please don't apologize." He said pleadingly. "I don't want you to be sad; I never want you to be sad." He pulled her hands up to his heart and bent down and they kissed again, hands and heart entwined. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 7:05pm They had eaten a late lunch, so they were now sitting down to a late dinner. It was good that tomorrow was Sunday. Scully had to go back to work on Monday, and she dreaded leaving Mulder alone all day. He wasn't looking forward to it either, but he wasn't up to going back to work yet. Not even the mandatory desk duty that he'd be facing. So, he was consigned to sit around her apartment all day. Meanwhile, they were sitting and enjoying his celebratory dinner. Scully loved to cook, and it was something that she rarely got to do, since she was never home. She took sheer delight in preparing tonight's dinner, and even more joy in watching Mulder consume it. Much like a vacuum consumes dirt. She was just staring at him when Mulder decided to look up. "What?" He asked smiling, mouth full of chicken and garlic couscous. "Oh, nothing...just watching you pretend you’re a Hoover Upright. You know, if you were so fond of vacuuming, you could have done a better job earlier." She finished with her patented eyebrow raise. "You think I'm a Hoover now, wait to you see what I do to that Chocolate cake you got in the fridge." He said with a sly grin. "Mulder, you shit, you peeked!" "Sorry, Scully, he said impishly. I saw it when I went to get the Mayo, earlier. Which I might add tasted better on you then it did on the tuna." "Maybe when you're feeling more "up" to it, we can try it in other places." Mulder looked at her stunned. "Scully, have I told you how much I love you?" "Not in the last five minutes." She said with a huge smile on her face. "Well, maybe this will tell you just how much...." And he took some couscous and flung it at her. Scully gasped. "Mulder! After I just vacuumed! Oh, you're gonna die for that G-man! And they spent the next five minutes having the most hysterical food fight ever. ***************************************************************************************************** 11:21pm Mulder had consumed the cake pretty much in the manner that he'd mentioned earlier. Afterwards, she has burst out laughing at the fact that he resembled an 18-month-old child after eating cake. She directed him to the bathroom to clean up and as she turned to clear the table, heard distinctly "Mulder laughter" coming from the other room. She had just grinned and continued cleaning. Now they were sitting in front of the TV getting ready to watch a movie that they'd picked up earlier in the day after food shopping. Scully had picked out "Philadelphia Story, " but Mulder had wanted "Contact." Scully won out on the basis that "Contact" was tantamount to bringing work home, and he grudgingly agreed. "As Cary Grant popped up on the screen, Mulder said, "Oh come on Scully, I'm cuter then that, right?" When Scully didn't answer, Mulder turned to her. She had the kind of smile on her face that said, "I'm not telling," in the kind of way that only a child could perfect. "Scully?" Mulder prodded moving in closer. She just crossed her arms in front of her chest and said, "Shhh, I'm watching Cary." "Scully, if you don't answer me, I'm going to be forced to resort to tickling." Scully whipped her head around. "Mulder, if you touch me so help me..." But at that, Mulder pounced and started tickling her stomach. Scully squealed and began kicking in the air, trying to get away. She managed to get Mulder's hands away, but in doing so they both became unbalanced and landed with a resounding /thud/ on the floor. Scully on top of Mulder. Scully was so busy laughing that she didn't notice Mulder had grown still and silent. When she looked down at him he had a panicked look on his face. Scully quickly got off of him and moved to his side. "Mulder, I'm sorry...are you ok?" "Yeah..." He said quietly. "I'm fine. I just...I wasn't prepared." "Do you need help up?" Scully asked tersely. "No, I'm fine." Mulder said as he got up and went to the bathroom. Scully just sat there, wondering if she'd ever be able to touch him without worrying if he would get scared and shut himself off. About five minutes later, Mulder came back and sat down next to Scully, who was still sitting on the floor. "Scully, can we talk?" "Sure Mulder. Whatever you want. I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere." "I know." He said smiling, "and you have know idea how happy that makes me. To know that I can rely on you after something like this. I know how frustrating this must be for you; us finally telling each other how we feel, and not really being able to show it. Well, in any physical sense I mean." "Mulder, don't worry. It'll be ok." "Scully, I know. I know it will, but it's frustrating for me too because I want so badly to hold you and to make love to you, but every time I think about it I get scared. I just...I just don't know how long I can deal with this. I'm scared all the time. When you touch me I feel /his/ hands and it's killing me that he's gotten to me like this. I know that if you hadn't found me I'd be dead right now. He wouldn't have let me live, Scully, and I am so thankful that I'm alive, but is this much different? Am I just the walking dead? I feel so empty inside. Like that bastard took everything away that was me. My sanity, my soul. I just don't know how much more I can take." "Mulder, I can't say that I know what you're going through, because I don’t. All I can say is that he hasn't beaten you. What you're feeling is normal. I mean, God, what you suffered...I could have never survived that. I honestly don't know how you're dealing with it as well as you are. You have to remember though, that you have so much more then you think. You /do /have your sanity, because you're sitting here talking with me. You are so strong Mulder; you have no idea what you've accomplished. And please don't forget that you have me. That's one thing that this bastard can't take from you. And the man I love...the man I have always loved...he hasn't taken that away. He can't ever take that away, no one can. Mulder, it's going to take time to get through this, but I will always be here with you. Please don't forget that. But Mulder...you do have to talk to someone if you want to get better faster." "But I have you to talk to." Mulder said quietly. "Mulder I know, and you have no idea how happy it makes me that you want to talk to me about it, but I'm not a trained psychiatrist. Mulder, you /know/ that you have to speak to a professional. It doesn't make you weak, and it doesn't mean that you're messed up. It just gives you someone to work out your problems with. You of all people should know that. What would you tell someone in your situation?" "I know. I just don't want to talk to a stranger about this. It's embarrassing. I mean, I /know /what they're going to ask. 'How does this make you feel.' I mean, come on, How the fuck do they think I feel?" "How do you feel, Mulder." Scully asked quietly. "I...I feel like this mother fucker took my heart and just stomped the ever-loving shit out of it! I feel like he took the only thing from me that I had any control over! I hate the fact that every time I have to take a piss I feel like I'm going to hear him laughing at me because I pissed all over myself when he raped me! I feel betrayed by my own body because I got aroused, and I /know/ that it wasn't in my control, and I hate myself for that too. And most of all, I hate the fact that I feel so dirty, and so perverted that there's no way you'll ever want to be with me. You know what he said to me? He said that he was going to make me ashamed at myself, and that he was going to make me wish I were dead, and you know what? He did! I am so ashamed at myself and so angry that I /do/ wish I was dead! At least then I wouldn't have to look at myself in the mirror! At what he did to me! Every time I see myself I'm repulsed and I just want to end it all! I'm just so tired of this crap." When Mulder was finished, he was in tears, and Scully was not far from the breaking point either. Mulder covered his face with his hands as his whole body began to quake with earth shattering sobs. Scully just took him in her arms and let him cry, trying to remain calm herself so that she could be his rock. When Mulder quieted, he gently pulled away, and looking at Scully said, "So what's that psychiatrists number?" ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Part 5 Scene 5 All disclaimers and notes in 1^st part. ****************************************************************NC17***************************************************************************************** March 14, 1999 3:43am It was happening again. The hands were coming for him and he couldn't get away. He couldn't move. He could feel the cold breeze as it swept over him and made him shiver even more. Trapped, like a caged animal. Hands shackled, and legs tied, ass shooting into the air, ready to be tortured as before; and he couldn't do anything to stop it. Couldn't stop the beast that was coming for him again and again. He felt the over whelming humiliation as he was groped again and again. The hands were moving all over him. Touching, prodding, poking, and pinching. First one nipple and then the other. Then there came the tongue that always wanted to make him vomit. Then the white searing heat of his mouth on his penis, moving him in and out, first slowly and then faster and faster as he became hard. The knowledge that the beast was stroking himself as he was Mulder, mimicking the movements of his mouth with his hands. Making him come as he screamed in agony. Pleading. Always pleading for him to stop; to please leave him alone. But he never listened; always touching, feeling, and tasting. Crying. Shaking. Always so cold. Then the pain as he was entered from behind. The horrifying feeling of his Prostrate being massaged by the fingers. Always beginning with one, then another finger added as his anus got used to the feeling, and then finally three. Three fingers invading. Rubbing and massaging. Making him hard again. The humiliation. And ultimately, his penis. Wet and ready, entering him with a moan of pleasure from the beast, and a cry of pain that escaped his own tortured soul. Thrusting in and out, over and over again until his come came spewing out at him. Always the same. Never safe. Always trapped. Never safe. And then the familiar warmth would come and ease away his fears, enveloping him in safety once more. Calming his nerves. Forcing out the demons that invaded his sleep, and his waking hours. Putting his shattered soul back together again. His savior. ************************************************************************************************ 3:43am After Mulder had calmed down earlier, they had both decided that maybe it was time to go to sleep. Cary Grant would have to wait until another time. They were both exhausted from the events of the past day and they figured all would look brighter in the morning. She and Mulder both adjourned to their respective rooms, and Scully kept her door open, as did Mulder in case he needed her. But Scully was unable to find sleep. Four hours since they'd said goodnight, and she was still tossing and turning, trying to keep her own demons at bay. The demons that forced her to envision what Mulder must have gone through. She didn't want to know. She felt that she possible had enough fodder for years of nightmares. And then she heard his strangled cries. His pleas for his captor to leave him alone. To please not touch him /there/ and the shattering screams that she thought might even make the angels cry. Always crying. She quietly but swiftly entered his room to the sight of him, once more in a fetal position, hands clasped around his knees and rocking back and forth. She could barely hear his quiet please escape his lips. "No...No... Please no. Please..." Her heart went out to him. How much more must he be forced to endure? She silently asked herself. But without hesitation, she climbed into bed with him once more and took him in her arms, muttering soothing words of comfort. Telling him he'd be ok and that he was safe, and he visibly relaxed into her. And she continued to rock him. ************************************************************************************************ Safe. He felt safe again. And then his dream shifted. The day was warm with a cool breeze, and he felt happier then he had since the days before Samantha had been taken. He felt the most unbelievable love in his heart. He was surrounded by white, and he noticed he was standing by the alter of a church. He looked around him and saw familiar faces. His mother and Mrs. Scully were sitting side by side, and they were beaming at him. Father McCue was standing at the head of the Alter, and A.D Skinner was standing beside him. And he was actually smiling. Then the doors at the end of the church opened and Mulder's heart soared. There was his Scully, dressed in a white flowing gown with shimmering sequence and pearls. The white of the veil set off her hair perfectly. She looked like an angel descended from the heavens just for the purpose of keeping him safe and loved. And he felt loved. For the first time in his life he felt truly loved. And she came to him, arm in arm with her brother Bill Jr. When they arrived at the altar, Bill released his Scully to him and shook his hand. And he smiled. "I love you," Mulder whispered. "I love you too." And the ceremony proceeded as they said their vows. Vows which they'd been living by for years with out really noticing. And they kissed. A kiss that made the angels sing, and they were one. ************************************************************************************************ Mulder woke up with the feeling of tender arms wrapped around his waste. He carefully turned so as not to wake his love. He bent to place a kiss on her forehead and as he pulled back, she murmured two words. "I do." ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** End of Part 5 Continued in Part 6 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* *_Ties That Bind_ *Part 6 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: May 3, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* March 18, 1999 5:27am Every night for the past week He and Scully had gone to bed in their own rooms, and every morning he woke up with her arms rapped tightly around him. The nightmares kept coming, and he thought that if they didn't stop soon, he might possibly go insane. (If he wasn't there already) He was so tired, being that he hadn't received a good night sleep in almost three weeks. He was used to nightmares, but they'd never been like this. He'd gotten used to the dreams of Samantha's abduction years ago, and then he'd had to get used to the ones of Scully being taken. Now he had these to deal with. There wasn't much more of this that he could take. He was actually looking forward to meeting with the psychiatrist today after his first check-up at the hospital. That alone was scary enough. That he /wanted/ to talk about it. If only so that these damned nightmares would go away. Scully shifted in his arms and let loose a soft sigh. Mulder smiled despite the situation. He liked waking up with her in his arms. Or rather, with him in /her/ arms. It felt so natural. When she was with him, he could almost make himself believe that the events of the past three weeks had never happened. But they had, and he had to deal with it. He was just glad that he didn't have to deal with it alone. Scully had been back to work for three days now and he was going stir crazy not having anything to do. If all went well at the doctors today, he could possibly be back at work on Monday. At this rate, he'd even be happy to do desk duty. Mulder was startled by the sound of the alarm going off next to him. After two nights of moving into Mulder's room, Scully had begun to set the alarm in there so that she would wake up in time for work. Not like the first day where she showed up an hour late for her first day back, because of him. 5:30; it was time for Scully to get up to go to work. He quickly shut it off in order to give her a few more minutes of sleep. She deserved it, having to put up with his nightly torments. She shouldn't have to go through this too, he thought to himself. But what would I do without her? He gently got up to go start the coffee. It had become like ritual that every morning he would make breakfast so that she had that little bit of extra time to get ready. He loved doing things for her. Even little inconsequential things like making the coffee. It made him feel almost normal. Who was he kidding? He'd never been normal, and he never /would/ be. He didn't even know what normal was. Soon the coffee was made, and Mulder cut up two bagels and smeared them with cream cheese. (Regular, not light) Putting them on a tray he crept back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed, placing the tray on the floor for the time being. He then bent down and placed a tender kiss on Scully's mouth. She slowly deepened the kiss and carefully, so as not to touch his head brought her arms up around his back. Mulder felt her smile against his mouth and he pulled away so that he could look into her eyes. Her eyes were so blue and deep that he thought that they were surely deeper then the deepest ocean. They were so clear and beautiful, and as pure as her heart. "Well, good morning handsome." Mulder shivered. "Um...please don't call me that, Scully." He said in a whisper. "Oh...um, good morning my sweet, loveable, gorgeous, hunk of a G-man." Mulder smiled. "Wow. Now that's better." Mulder bent down to pick up the tray of breakfast. "Mulder! You didn't have to do this." She sighed. "Yea I did. I don't know of anyone who would be so understanding and loving of someone who was going through what I'm going through, and there's just no way to thank you. I love you so much Scully, and it's killing me that I don't have a way to show it." "Mulder, you show it every second of every day. When you look at me I know. When you touch my hand I know. Every time you place your hand on the small of my back I know. Mulder, I've always known how you feel about me, even if I've never been able to tell you. There's no way I could /ever/ let you go through this on your own, because it doesn't just effect you. When you hurt, I hurt Mulder, and that's because I love you and I /never/ want you to be in pain, whether that be physical or emotional. You're my other half. You said a while ago that I make you a whole person. Don't you know that without you, I wouldn't be me? Mulder didn't know what to say. He and Scully were never one for showing their feelings, and now that they were being so forthright in emotions, he didn't know how to react. So instead he settled for pointing at the bagels and saying, "Um, It's real cream cheese. Not light." Scully broke into a broad smile and kissed him on the nose. "My hero." She said ******************************************************************************************************** Jay Edgar Hoover Building X-Files Division 12:13pm Scully was working on the latest batch of paper work when she was startled by the ringing of the phone. "Scully." "Agent Scully, may I see you in my office please?" Spoke AD Skinner. "Yes sir, right away." And she hung up the phone. She had no idea what the AD wanted to speak to her about. He sounded anxious. Well, more so then usual. She arrived shortly In the outer office of the AD and his secretary informed her that she was allowed to go right in. "Sir, you wanted to see me?" Scully inquired. "Yes, Agent Scully. Please, have a seat." AD Skinner said, as he took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "Thank you sir." Scully replied as she sat, crossing her legs. "What is your prognosis on Agent Mulder's current condition?" "Sir?" "When do you feel he will be up to coming back to work?" "Well sir, I feel that he's making good progress. He's less introverted then he was when he first left the hospital, and he's agreed to speak to a psychiatrist. In fact, he has his first meeting with her today." I know that he's bored having nothing to do and that he actually would like to return to work as soon as possible." "Do you think that he'd be able to work half days for a week starting Monday, and then full time after that. Desk duty only, of course until he is given the ok for field agent status by his doctors." "I believe that he would be up to the task sir. Of course only Mulder can tell you how he's feeling on the matter. Whether he feels he can handle it or not. I feel that he can though." "Would you tell him that I would like to meet with him on the issue on Monday at 10am?" "Yes sir, I would be happy to." She said with a small smile. "Thank you agent, that will be all." Skinner said as he placed his glasses back on his nose and waved her out of the office." Scully rushed down to the basement to call Mulder. He was going to be so happy. She knew that it was torture for him to be alone all day with nothing to do. She thought for a moment before picking up the phone, and then decided that she'd meet him at the hospital instead. She'd take him out to lunch to celebrate. She couldn't wait to tell him the good news. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Georgetown Medical Center Examination Room 2 12:59pm Mulder was sitting on the examination table waiting for the doctor to arrive. He was uselessly swinging his legs back and forth, and starring at them. Left right, left right, and then left again. He just didn't want to think about what was waiting for him. The exam, and the questions on how he was feeling. Physically, he was fine, and he knew that he was going to be fine. He wasn't worried about STD's, because the tests had all come back negative when he was there a week ago. He was nervous about being touched. By a man. And Scully wasn't there. He wished that Scully could have come. It would have made him feel safer, even if he knew that his fears had no grounds. He knew the doctor wouldn't hurt him, but he was still nervous. The door opened, and looking up from the floor, Mulder saw Dr. Wiessman walk in, clipboard in hand. He greeted Mulder, and Mulder grunted his hello. "How are we feeling today, Mr. Mulder?" The doctor asked. "Fine. I'm fine. My ribs don't hurt anymore, and everything else is good to." Mulder replied quietly. "Good. I'm glad to hear it. I'd like to run through the normal physical exam. See that everything is healing properly, as I'm sure it is, and then I'll give my recommendations for your returning to work. How does that sound?" "Fine I suppose." "Good, then we'll get started." The doctor was about to put the clipboard down when there was a nock at the door. The door opened and Sully peeked her head in. Excuse me doctor, is it alright if I come in?" "Scully." Mulder breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor took a look at Mulder and noticing his relief nodded his head in ascent at Scully entering the examination room. "Thank you," she said as she made her way over to Mulder. "Got some good news for you." She whispered in his ear." "What?" "Tell you after." She said beaming. Mulder couldn't believe it. She was there. Once again, the God he'd thought he didn't believe in answered his prayers. Suddenly the doctors visit didn't seem that bad, and he actually smiled. Just 20 minutes later, the exam was done as if it had never even started. Everything was fine, as Mulder had professed, and the Doctor gave the ok for him to return to work when he wanted. But not Field status. He could only work behind the desk until the psychiatrist gave him the thumbs up. But that didn’t matter. He could actually get out of the house. He couldn't be happier. "So Scully, what did you have to tell me?" "Well, I'm sorta bummed now, she teased. The doctor got to tell you first." She said in mock sadness. "Tell me what?" "Well, Skinner called me into his office today. He said that if you were up to it, you could come back to work on Monday." Mulder was glowing. "He would like to meet with you at 10am on Monday. See how you're doing." Mulder's face fell. He hadn't thought about it. Of course he'd have to speak with Skinner. He didn't know how he'd be able to sit there and talk to him knowing that /he/ knew what had happened. That he'd seen him in that condition. He was embarrassed enough as it was with Scully having seen him like that, and now he'd have to deal with his boss. "Mulder, what's wrong?" Scully asked noticing his change in mood. "Nothing really...it's just...Skinner. I really don't want to have to face him. I mean, what must he be thinking? He already had it in for me, now this. What if he doesn't think I can handle the job anymore?" "Mulder, come on...he seemed really eager...in his own way...to have you coming back. Besides, he asked for you to come back, didn't he?" "I guess..." "Come on G-man. Cheer up. I'm gonna take you to lunch. What time is your meeting with the psychiatrist?" "3:30." "Good. We have plenty of time. Do you want me to come with you to the meeting?" "Um, I would actually rather talk to her privately. It's just that...I don't want you to know yet. What happened that is...I just don't want you to have to worry anymore then you already are. Is that alright?" "Whatever you want Mulder. I'm here for you. You know that right?" "I know. Thanks Scully." And so they went to eat lunch, with Scully being equally sad as she was relieved. She didn't know yet if she was ready to hear what exactly Mulder had been through. Her mind was already going into overdrive thinking about it. But she was also a little taken aback that Mulder didn't want to talk to /her/ about it. She told herself that he would in due time, and they both continued on. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Gracie Adams Psychiatric Center Georgetown 3:25pm Mulder was sitting in the waiting room waiting to be told that the psychiatrist was ready for him. He'd been so ready to talk earlier in the day, but now he could feel himself closing off and he couldn't get rid of the urge to just get up and walk out. He knew that he had to talk to someone about it, but his insides were slowly starting to churn at the thought of having to go through what had happened all over again and with a stranger yet. He was trying to remember why he'd insisted upon coming alone, when the door opened up and he was ushered into the inner room. Gracie moved away from the door and urged him to sit on the sofa chair. Even though he himself was a psychiatrist, he couldn't get over the idea that there should be a black leather couch upon which he was supposed to lay down. He sat down, just as Gracie told him that should he feel the need at any point in the session, the chair rocks back and a foot rest comes out, so that he can get more comfortable. He said thank you, but that it wouldn't be necessary. She just nodded her head. "So, how are we feeling today, Agent Mulder?" Dr. Adams asked, pulling out her notebook and writing the date at the top of the page, along with the name of the patient. Mulder didn't answer at first. He was sitting shoulders slumped in a defeated manner, staring at the floor with his arms resting on his thighs, hands clasped. "Agent Mulder?" "Fine. I'm fine." He said in a hushed tone. He was beginning to feel like maybe he had switched roles with Scully. Fine had seemed to become his favorite word as of late, but it was just a word. Something to say so that people would leave him alone. "Somehow I find that hard to believe. Agent Mulder, I'm here to listen, not to dictate. You're going to have to talk to get through this. No one can help you get better unless you /want/ to get better, and if you don't talk that's not going to happen very quickly. If fact, it'll probably get worse. When Agent Scully called to set up the appointment, she mentioned nightmares you've been having. Do you want to talk about it?" "Not really." "Why not?" "'Cause." "Agent Mulder, would you like to elaborate on that?" He just continued to stare at his shoes. "Agent Mulder, maybe you should come back when you're ready to talk." Dr. Adams sighed. She wasn't really inviting him to leave. It was just a tactic, to get him to open up. Maybe if he got angry with her, he'd start talking without realizing it. "Excuse me?" He said in disbelief. "Well, you don't seem very willing to get through this. I felt that maybe you don't /want/ to get better, and so maybe you'd better go." "What the hell do you know about what I'm going through? He seethed, slowly getting agitated. I happen to have a photographic memory, which is more often then not a curse, then an advantage! I can't close my eyes without seeing what that bastard did to me. Hell, I can't even have my eyes open, and get rid of his face. The feel of him touching me in places that he shouldn't have. The feeling of my body betraying me and not being able to do anything about it but cry. Not being able to fight because I was chained down like a /fucking/ animal. How the /hell/ do you presume to sit there and tell me that I should go because I'm not willing to talk? What the fucking /hell/ gives you the right to judge me?" "I'm not trying to judge you Agent Mulder. I'm just trying to get you to trust me. To open up so that you can begin to heal. To start to forgive yourself for not being able to do anything. To take ownership of what happened to you so that you can accept it and move on." "But how do I forget what happened?" "You don't. You learn to live with it, and it /does /get easier. I promise it will." "I'm not so sure." He said quietly. "The bastard is fucking dead, and I still can't get a decent nights sleep. He's dead, and he still haunts me. I'm scared of everyone and everything. How the hell am I supposed to go back to work and do the job that I once did? I can't live my life in fear of the suspects that I have to apprehend, but I can't sit behind a desk for the rest of my life. I need my life back." He finished desperately, finally looking up at Dr. Adams with pleading eyes. "How do I get my life back?" "You've made the first steps today. I know it sounds cliché, she said, but admitting your fears, talking about what happened, that's what is going to help you heal. And you can't just talk to me about it. You have to admit it to yourself, and you have to talk to the people in your life who are willing to listen and to be there for you." "But what if them knowing will hurt them?" "It may hurt, but it'll help them cope with what you're going through. It'll help them help you to find a way back to yourself, and to those who love you." Mulder just nodded his head. "Well, I think that that'll be all for today. Shall we meet again, this time next week?" "Yeah, I guess," Mulder said, in tired agreement. He felt like he'd been through the wringer today, and he just wanted to go back to Scully's place and sleep. As he stood, he went to shake Dr. Adams hand. She took it warmly, and as he left, he decided that maybe talking to her would help after all. As he left, he was suddenly glad that he'd asked Scully if she'd pick him up. He was all of a sudden too tired to drive. **********************************************************************************NC17****************************************************************************** Mulder had finished emptying his stomach and was now sitting on the cold tile floor, back up against her claw foot tub and legs wide apart just staring hat his hands. Tears poured down his face as he tore himself apart on the inside. He never in his wildest dreams would have thought that he would be a personal threat to Scully. Sure, he'd blamed himself thousands of times for her abduction, her cancer, her sister's death, etc., but he'd never considered that he could raise his own hand against her and that terrified him. That he could loose control so completely and put her in harms way was unthinkable. He probably couldn't have killed her with that letter opener, but he could have definitely done some serious damage. He slowly pulled his knees up to his chest and covering his face in his hands cried probably harder then he ever had before. He didn't think that he even cried this hard that night not so long ago in Scully's hospital room as she lay dying of cancer. He couldn't let himself be her downfall. He wouldn't. *************************************************************************************************** Scully sat for a while in the same spot where Mulder had left her, tears streaking down her face. She just didn't know what to do. She could handle just about anything she thought, except to see Mulder go through such pain. She knew that he was currently beating himself up about what had just transpired, but she didn't blame him. She blamed his captor, and she couldn't even take out her anger on him. He was dead, and just as always, there was no justice. There had been none when her sister was killed, and there was none now that Mulder was slowly dying inside. Scully slowly rose off of the floor and went to the bathroom where she found Mulder crying into his hands. Sitting down next to him, back up against her tub, she pulled him into her lap and felt his body shake as it was wracked with even greater sobs, and she knew at that moment that his heart was breaking. "Shhhhh." She whispered. "It's ok...Mulder this wasn't your fault. I don't blame you Mulder." "How..." He trailed off. "What?" He slowly sat up, and looking into her eyes asked, "how can you not, Scully? I do!" "Mulder, I know you do, but it wasn't your fault. You were dreaming. You thought that I was him. I know that you would never intentionally hurt me. The fact that you are in here so visibly upset is evidence of that, but I don't need this as evidence because I know you, and I know your heart. You are one of the kindest and most loving people I know, Mulder. You have such love in your heart that I /know/ that that was not you out there, and to you, that was not me. Mulder just sat there in silence for a few moments, thinking to himself. "Scully?" He had said it so softly that she almost didn’t hear him. "Yeah Mulder?" "I need to...I um, I need to tell you what happened. I can't hold this in any longer, because if I do, this is going to happen again, and I can't let it. I won't have you in danger because of me. Either this stops now, or I go back to my own place and let whatever happens happen, but if I keep this all inside for much longer, I'm going to go crazy and I'll end up taking you down with me." Scully took a hold of Mulder's hand and waited with trepidation at what she was about to hear. She knew that it would be bad, but she had no way to prepare for what she was about to hear. Mulder looked at her and she nodded in ascent for him to begin. "You already know how I was taken. I was drunk, he came up behind me and when he'd gotten my gun, he conked be over the head with it. Not the only time that was done, by the way, which is most likely how I received the concussion; but anyway...When I woke up, I was in that place where you found me. I was alone, but when I started to feel around the place looking for a way out, he suddenly appeared out of no where, and before I knew it I was out cold again. It was still dark when I woke up again, and I was hog-tied. He was really weird, Scully." He said looking at her. "I mean, he was one of the most sadistic bastards I ever had the displeasure of meeting, but he got extremely angry whenever I was rude to him. If I cursed at him, or refused to answer him, he'd kick me, or pull my hair." Mulder paused for a moment to collect his thoughts, along with his courage and continued. "He left after that and didn't come back until morning. When it got light out, I noticed that there were...there were shackles attached to one of the walls. When he returned, he untied me and started to drag me by my hair over to them, and when he let go I tried to attack him but he sidestepped me and I ended up head butting the wall." Mulder let out a self-deprecating snort of laughter. "Typical Mulder, huh? He just tied me up again by chaining my wrists to the wall. He um...he then began to...he...he started to cut off my clothing, and he was, he was touching me all...all over. He was rubbing me and stroking my, my...genitals and..." Scully couldn't stop the tears as they began to fall in time with Mulder's own tears. "Mulder," Scully said. "You don't have to go on." "It's ok Scully," Mulder said. "I'm ok, but yes, I do. He just kept stroking me...everywhere. He then...then he started to um, he started to give me a blow job. I...I was so humiliated, Scully. I didn't, I didn't want to." He cried, "but he made me. I couldn't stop him and he just made me and I...I, oh God, I came." Mulder started to cry again as he hugged his knees to his chest. "I didn't want to." He just kept mumbling. "Mulder, I know." Scully said as she put her arm around him. "Mulder it's ok. It'll be ok." "I don't know for how long, but I had passed out and when I woke up I had peed and vomited all over myself." Mulder said in an embarrassed whisper. "I was also in a different position. He...he had unchained me and then positioned me so that I was on all fours. My, my legs were tied to my arms, and my...my arms were re-chained to the wall. He, he started, he started rubbing me again like before, and he did everything that he did before. Everything." Mulder paused, remembering. He looked up at Scully, and she gave him the ok to continue. In a quieter voice, almost non-existent, he went on. "He then entered me from, from behind with his fingers. First one, and then...then two and finally three. He, he was stroking my...he was, he...he was touching my, my prostrate, and I, I was getting hard again, and I just kept telling myself to stop and I couldn't. I couldn't stop him...And then, then he withdrew and I thought it was over, but then he just entered me again with his, his...his penis. I think that I had been screaming...up until this point, but then I just stopped. I think I realized that there was no turning back now. No stopping it. I just stopped, and suddenly, it was like it wasn't happening to me anymore. I mean, I know that it was. It was like I was watching myself from above, and I could see what was happening and I could see that it was happening to me, but I couldn't feel it. After he withdrew, he unchained me and left. But he came back again. He'd always come back and do it again. Always the same. He always did it the same. If I was out of it, he'd rouse me by kicking me or punching me. He always wanted me coherent. If I was screaming or crying, it made him more aroused." Scully was cold inside. She had hated this man before, but now she wished that he were alive so that she could kill him herself. She wanted to be the officer that had put the bullet in his back. She wanted revenge. Scully couldn't remember ever being as angry as she was right now. She was seething. Mulder lay his head in her lap once more and quietly began to weep. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" He said weakly. "How...how many times did he...did he do this to you?" She asked in horror. She wasn't sure why she needed to know. She just did. "...Um, I'm not really sure. I know that it was about 3 times a day." He said quietly. "I remember...I think that I saw the sun 3 times, but on the third time I got away. Six? I think it was six times." Mulder finished in a voice as small as a child. "Oh my God," Scully sighed. "Oh Mulder...I'm so sorry...I'm so, so sorry." She cried, rocking him back and forth. Soon, Mulder's breathing grew deep and even. He was asleep. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** End of Part 6 To be continued in Part 7 ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** *_ _* *_Ties That Bind_ *Part 7 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: May 11, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Annapolis, Maryland Dana Scully's Apartment March 19, 1999 5:30 am Scully woke up to the shrill sound of the alarm clock in Mulder's room. She shook herself out of the confusion that came with realizing that you were in a strange place. She and Mulder were still on the bathroom floor where they'd fallen asleep just hours earlier. Mulder felt like a dead weight on her and she gently shook him so as not to startle him out of the few peaceful hours of sleep he'd had in weeks. He woke up with a look of confusion that mirrored hers from just a few moments earlier, and upon realizing that he'd fallen asleep literally "on" her, he gave her a sheepish grin and gently rose to stretch his limbs. When Scully got the feeling back in hers, she did the same. It was strangely reminiscent of their time in the woods of Florida when Mulder had yet again fallen asleep on her after being injured by a Ponce De Leon wanna be. Scully smiled at the memory. "What are you smiling at?" Mulder asked in confusion. "Oh, just remembering a certain forest and talk of sleeping bags." She said, with wry humor. "Offer still stands Scully." Mulder said with a smile. "Oh does it? Well I just happen to /have/ a sleeping bag this time Mulder." Scully replied with a hint of a challenge in her voice. "Is that right?" Mulder asked stepping closer to Scully, invading her personal space that was becoming less personal of late. "That's right," Scully replied in a whisper. "I think right now I'd settle for a kiss." Mulder replied in a similar tone. "Pucker up G-man." She replied, and for the first time in forever it seemed, they kissed. Scully started to move her hands up to the nape of Mulder's neck, when she felt him stiffen, but then like a chill, he seemed to shake it off and he deepened the kiss, while Scully moved her hands up to ruffle his hair. She smiled into the kiss for this simple luxury that she'd been denied thus far, and nearly cried for the hundredth time, but she held them back and they finally broke apart. They looked at each other for a split second before breaking into enormous grins simultaneously. Suddenly, they both became aware that the alarm was still beeping ear-shatteringly, and they started to laugh. "I guess talking /does/ help, huh Scully?" Mulder asked, voice dripping with awe. "I prefer the kind of communication that doesn’t require words, Mulder." Scully said with an arch of her eyebrows. Mulder smiled, and for the first time in he didn't know how long, he felt truly happy. **************************************************************************************************************** Jay Edgar Hoover Building X-Files Division March 22, 1999 8:20am Mulder felt wonderful, when he walked into the office early Monday morning. He couldn't remember a time when he felt /this/ happy to go to work. Even if it did mean that he had to face Skinner, the knowledge that he wouldn't be consigned to Scully's apartment all day by himself was enough to put a bounce in his step. And Mulder didn't bounce. Mulder and Scully had spent a lazy weekend together. She had called in sick on Friday, so it was a /long/ lazy weekend. They went to the movies, rented movies, and played scrabble, (of which Scully, as always won). Mulder could just never pass off on her his words symbolizing alien technology. Of course, when Scully put down a medical term that Mulder didn't know, she just whipped out her medical dictionary and shoved it down his throat. Why wasn't there a dictionary on alien technology, he wondered? But it was a wonderful weekend none the less. Mulder now sat rocking back in his chair behind his desk, Feet up on top of said desk, and fiddling with a pencil. He briefly looked up at the ceiling wondering how many of them he could get up there before Scully walked in. Too late. He looked at the door to find her standing there, arms crossed, and with a gleam in her eye that said, "not again." "Mulder, you've been back here for all of five minutes and already your throwing pencils at the ceiling." It wasn't a question. It was a matter of fact statement. She knew him /way/ too well. "So, what's on the agenda for today, /very /Special Agent Dana Scully?" He asked completely avoiding her comment. (typical, she thought) "Well, /I've /got expense reports to finish for the last case we worked on. Why don't /you/ start looking at the stacks upon stacks of case files piled on your desk so that when you are allowed back on the field, we have something to investigate, Mr. let's see how many pencils can fall on my head within five minutes?" Mulder all of a sudden turned serious. He had been brought back to thinking of his meeting with Skinner. "Scully, what if I'm never allowed back in the field? What will I do?" "Mulder, first of all there's no reason why you wouldn't be, second of all, there's plenty that you could do, in that eventuality, Like being a profiler for one, or opening your own practice...I know it's not your cup of tea, but there's nothing saying you can't investigate the paranormal from behind your desk." "Scully, you know I can't work behind a desk. I was here for five minutes and I was already contemplating the relationship between sharp pencils and a ceiling. You know it's boring for me. I'd suffocate down here." "I know, Mulder," Scully said with a sigh. "There's nothing to worry about anyway. You'll be allowed back in the field. I mean, look at how much better you are after just one session with Dr. Adams, and talking with me about what happened. You'll be fine in no time." "I hope you're right Scully." Mulder said sadly. They both started in on their work and before Mulder knew it, it was time to meet with Skinner. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder made slow pacing movements across the interior of the elevator as it made its way up from the basement. He was trying to think up a way to sit in front of the Assistant Director without destroying his chances at returning to field agent status. He knew that it was obvious that he was nervous. If there were others in the elevator they’d probably be worried that he’d wear a hole through the floor. The elevator doors opened and Mulder stopped with a start. He looked down the corridor for a moment before continuing on, head bowed and hands in pockets. As he got closer to the AD’s office, he could feel the tension building in him. He feared that if anyone so much as whispered his name, he’d probably jump sky high. Mulder slowly entered Skinner’s outer office and nodded his hello to the secretary. "Go right in Agent Mulder. He’s waiting for you." She said. "Thank you Kim." Mulder whispered, and turning the knob, he walked into the office. ********************************************************************************************************* AD Skinner was standing behind his desk looking out the widow. It was almost 10 o’clock. Almost time for his meeting with Agent Mulder, and he was just about as nervous as he expected his agent to be. Agent Mulder had been through quite a horrible experience. One he didn’t wish on his worst enemy, and he had absolutely no clue as to how to handle him. How to talk to him and to assure him that he thought no less of him as an agent, not as a man. He also knew that Mulder wouldn’t feel comfortable in front of him due to the fact that he was a man, in a position of power and dominance. He needed to make sure that his agent felt safe and not threatened in anyway, which Is why he wouldn’t take his normal seat behind his desk. Skinner looked up suddenly as Mulder opened the door and head bowed, walked into the room. It was a shame that it took such n event to make him on time for a meeting with his boss. Mulder had closed the door and was now just standing by it, hands in pockets, and eyes averted. "Sir, you wanted to see me?" "Yes, Agent Mulder, thank you for coming. You may have a seat if you wish." Skinner said uncertainly. He didn’t want it to seem as if he were giving orders. He wanted Mulder to feel as if he had some control. Something which he hadn’t when he’ been held against his will. "Thank you, Sir." Mulder said as he took his familiar seat in front of the AD’s desk. Skinner quietly moved around the desk and perched on the edge of it in front of Mulder. Mulder flinched as Skinner got closer, but he managed to calm himself down and when he finally looked up at his boss, he was relieved to see the compassion that lie behind his eyes. The kindness that the AD didn’t usually let peek through. Mulder relaxed just slightly as he realized that maybe Skinner wasn’t a threat. "Agent Mulder," the AD began, "The reason I called you in here today is to find out how you’re doing. I know that you’ve been through quite...and ordeal, and I wanted you to know that whatever you need, time wise or whatever, you have it. Whatever you need to get back on your feet is yours. If you feel you need more time off...-" "Thank you sir, but I think I’ve had all the time off that I can stomach." Mulder replied desperately. "What I really need is to get my field agent status back; however desk duty right now is far better then sitting at home all day doing nothing." "Good, well as far as your field agent status goes, I’m afraid it’ll be a while." Skinner replied, settling into his gruff AD voice. "Your psychiatrist will be sending me weekly progress reports. While everything that is said will remain confidential between you two, she will keep me apprised of your well being. In about a month, I’d say I’ll make a decision on when you may return to the field." "Sir, so you mean to say that I /will/ be able to reclaim my status as field agent?" Mulder asked in quiet hope. "From what I can tell so far, there should be no problem with that. Of course for a month after you return to active duty, will be asking Agent Scully for her opinion on your well being. "Yes sir. Thank you sir." Mulder said in awe. He couldn’t believe he was being so lucky. He fully expected Skinner to tell him that he’d have to sit behind a desk for far longer. "You’re welcome, Agent Mulder. You may return to work now." Skinner said settling back into his "I’m the boss" tone. "Yes sir." Mulder said as he rose to leave. Mulder left the AD’s office with the beginnings of a smile spreading across his face. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder and Scully's office 10:30am Scully sat nervously in Mulder's chair, drumming her fingers on the desk. She didn't know what would come of the meeting. She did know however that Skinner was aware of Mulder's condition and she could only hope that he would be more understanding of his needs. She was just wondering why she didn't offer to go with him when he walked through the door...with a smile on his face. Scully looked up in surprise, and noting the smile on his face broke into a smile herself. "Hey! So what happened?" Scully asked getting up and perching on the corner of his desk so Mulder could take his own seat. Mulder sat down and leaning back put his legs up on the desk and crossing his arms, just beamed a smile at her. "What?! " She cried. When Mulder didn't answer, she went to swat him on his arm. "Mulder!" "Oh, it was pretty uneventful. Actually, Skinner was great. He acted more like a concerned friend then a boss." Mulder said in astonishment. "He said that I'd probably be consigned to desk work for a month or until the psychiatrist gives him the ok. He's going to be receiving weekly reports from her. Then for a month after I return to active duty, he'll want reports from you to see how I'm doing, but Scully, at least I'll be on active duty!" He said grinning like a fool. "Mulder that's wonderful." Scully said with a sigh of relief. "How 'bout a celebratory smooch?" He said resembling something along the lines of a Cheshire cat. "Mulder, were at work. What if someone has the office bugged?" She whispered. "They /already/ call us Mr. and Mrs. Spooky." He said as he got up and trapped her with his arms on either side of her body, leaning into her with his nose practically touching hers. "Mulder..." Scully warned. Mulder captured her lips with her own and she deepened the kiss, leaning into /him/. When they broke, Scully was the one with the smile. "I think we should celebrate Mulder, she said beaming. How does tonight sound?" "Ooh Scully, you're speaking my language now." Mulder grinned. Scully thought that if they didn't stop smiling, they might actually get stuck that way. She thought of the lies that her brothers would tell her while growing up of how if you made a face and someone smacked you on the back, you'd get stuck like that. But she just couldn't wipe the smile of her face. ********************************************************************************************************** Scully's apartment 6:30pm Mulder was resting in the bedroom while Scully was preparing dinner. He had asked if he could help, but she'd declined, saying that even though he'd only worked a half-day, that he should rest after not having worked for so long. Truth be told, he was exhausted and he'd already nodded off once since he'd been back at her apartment. It felt more like their apartment now, and he couldn't help but feel like it was the most natural thing in the world. He didn't relish having to go back to his own apartment. He hoped that Scully wouldn't ask him to. As he lay there, he thought of the turn that their relationship had taken in the past weeks. He had always been attracted to her, even since the beginning. True, at first it was physical, but the more time he spent with her, the more he began to love her mind and eventually her. He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment in which he fell, but he had fallen...and hard. There was a time when he didn't want to work with anyone. He couldn't work with anyone. Now he couldn't imagine working without her. Or spending five minutes without her for that matter. Having her around had always been a comfort to him. Now he needed her, as if she was truly his other half. Mulder thought back to that case when he remembered his past life and how Melissa Riedel was his /soul mate/. He didn't believe it now. He couldn't, because at this moment, he couldn't imagine ever being with anyone other then Scully. ************************************************************************************************************** Scully was in the kitchen making dinner. (Cornish Hens with squash and baby carrots) By the way that Mulder had consumed the chicken the night they had celebrated his homecoming, she knew that he'd like the hens. She didn't know how he felt about vegetables, but she'd sautéed them in a light olive oil and seasoned them with garlic salt and cinnamon, so she felt that he'd probably like them. She hoped, at any rate. She was smiling and humming softly to herself. She liked this domestic side of her. She didn't get to let her out too often and she hoped that she would be able to keep her around a while longer. She didn't want Mulder to go back to his own apartment. She wanted him to stay with her. Not only because he was vulnerable right now and because he was still having night terrors, but because she liked having him around. It made life less lonely, and she missed him when he wasn't around. She never knew how much she missed him until he wasn't there. She supposed that she'd always been attracted to him, but she supposed that she really fell in love with him when he gave up who he thought was his sister for her safety, when the shape shifter had taken her. She had managed to shove those thoughts deep down inside of her until just earlier this past year when he'd literally traveled across the world to save her from...she still didn't know what. (Maybe she just didn't want to admit what had happened to her.) Risking his own life, after receiving a bullet wound to the head, he'd traveled all the way to Antarctica to find her. She figured that that's when she first realized that he loved her too, although maybe he hadn't yet known it himself. She smiled at the knowledge that they loved each other, and she wouldn't ever let anyone take him from her again. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 6:45pm Mulder was just beginning to doze off again to happy thoughts of him and Scully when he felt the bed sag and Scully's small hand on his chest. Mulder opened his eyes to see her smiling down on him. "Hey." He said, smiling. "Hey." She replied, with love in her eyes. "If you want to sleep, dinner can wait." She whispered. "Nope!" He said rising. I'm ready to start that celebrating G-woman!" Scully laughed. Her laugher was pure music to his ears. He hugged her around her waist as he had once before and briefly closed his eyes. "I love you Scully." Mulder murmured. Scully rubbed his hair and kissed his head without thinking, but he just held her tighter. "Oh Mulder." She sighed. "I love you too." Mulder pulled away reluctantly and as his stomach started to growl, he said "Um, Scully...I think we better go eat before my insides devour /me/." "Now that /would/ be an X-File, wouldn't it?" Scully said with a pensive look on her face and a tilt of her head. "Come on G-woman!" Mulder said grabbing her hand. "Let's see how fast I can turn into a Hoover again!" "Mulder, I swear if you get food all over the floor and walls again...!" But Mulder didn't hear her...he was already through the door. Scully just sighed and shaking her head followed him out. Scully found Mulder in the kitchen sniffing in all the pots and peeking into the oven. She stood just in the doorway and hands on her hips glared at him. "Mulder! No peeking or no dinner!" "But Scully...!" He wined. "It smells soooo good." "Well then, if you expect to eat it, you'd better set the table and stop snooping!" Mulder started to walk past her, head bowed and lower lip jutting out. As he past, Scully swung her arm and swatted him on his behind. Mulder whirled around and starred at her stunned. He quickly recovered however, and grinning his sly grin, he said what Scully knew was coming. "Don't start something you don't intend to finish, Scully." "Oh, I intend to finish, Mulder...What do you think you can get chocolate cake every night for dessert?!?" Mulder stood there, mouth agape. "Mulder, unless you're attempting to catch flies for dinner..." she trailed off as she turned to minister to her food. As she turned around though, Mulder pinched her on /her/ behind. It was her turn to whirl around now, but he was already gone. She heard the bathroom door slam, and she smiled to herself. Then she noticed that the table still wasn't set. "Mulder!" She screamed. "Get back here and set the table!" When he didn't respond, she looked heaven wards and shook her head. Then she turned to get the silver ware to set the table. *************************************************************************************************************** Dinner was now finished, and Scully was tending to the dishes. Mulder had eaten much in the same manner as he had for their first celebratory dinner and as she'd hoped, he'd loved the vegetables as well. He was now seated in front of the TV looking for what she assumed was something along the lines of sci-fi. She couldn't help but wonder at the way things were going for them. Things just seemed to be going to well for them, and that just didn't happen. Something was going to happen, and she hoped that when it did, it wouldn't be as bad as she feared. Scully loaded the last dish into the dishwasher and putting soap in the dispenser, turned it on. She then joined Mulder on the couch and at the invite, she snuggled into the crook of his arm. Mulder looked down at her with a mixture of desire and tenderness in his eyes. Kissing her, he said "I'm ready for my dessert now." Scully pulled back and looked at him, not bothering to mask the concern on her face. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Don't you think that it may be too soon?" "I don't think so Scully. I think I'm ready. God, I've been ready for 5 and 1/2 years now." Mulder then got a strange smile on his face as he said "besides, Scully...I think Spooky has a mind of his own." "Spooky?!?" Scully said, almost afraid to know the answer. Mulder just nodded, and with his eyes gestured south. Scully looked down, and sure enough, it seemed as though /Spooky/ was ready and raring to go. Scully looked up to be met with a smile and a shrug. "I guess I kinda got attached to the name." "Well then, Mr. G-man...let's not keep Spooky waiting any longer." "Yes ma'am..." Mulder replied as she took his hand and led him to the bedroom. *****************************************************************************NC17************************************************************************** NO KIDDIES BEYOND THIS POINT! THIS MEANS YOU! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** When they had gotten into the bedroom, Scully had sat Mulder down on the bed and taking something from her bureau, went into the bathroom. Now Mulder thought that Scully was beautiful no matter what condition she was in. Whether she was covered in dirt after a case, or all dressed up for work, he thought she was more beautiful then any of the women in his video collection...extensive as it was, but when Scully emerged from the bathroom just ten minutes later, she took his breath away. She had scrubbed off what remained of her make-up from earlier that day and had taken her hair down from the loose ponytail she'd sported. It had been unseasonably warm in DC that day so her hair had a slight wave to it and it flowed like a halo around her head. She had undressed and had slipped on a pure white negligée that hung down almost to the floor. Hugging her in all the right places, it managed to compliment her pale skin tone instead of making her appear washed out. She was the very definition of beauty, and all he could do was stare. Mulder slowly stood and walked over to her. She just stood there like an angel calling to him. Beckoning him home, into her waiting arms. He looked into her eyes, which were now gazing up at him. They were the purest shade of blue that he'd ever seen. As pure as her heart, and so filled with love. Love for him, and he couldn't thank whoever it was that had brought her into his life enough for blessing him with this wonderful gift: His angel, and his savior. He gently cupped her face in his hands and remembered a time not so long ago when they had almost shared that first kiss. That night when she was once again taken from him, and this time, right out from under his nose. He closed his mind off to the flood of images that exploded into his head of her lying on his hallway floor, confused and scared about what was happening, and closing his eyes as well, he bent down to place a gentle kiss on her rose petal lips. He felt her arms snake around his waist and her hands roam up his back as she deepened the kiss. At this moment he knew that if there was a God, he had surely made them for each other, and he thanked him with all his heart. The kiss ended as gently as it had begun, and when Mulder opened his eyes, he saw that Scully was staring at him, one lonely tear trailing down her face. Softly, and with concern, he asked "Scully, what's wrong?" "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." And she smiled. Mulder smiled in kind and with his thumb gently wiped the tear away. Taking her hand, he then proceeded to lead her over to the bed. "Mulder," she said softly. "You are seriously over dressed for the occasion." Mulder chuckled quietly. "What are we going to do about it Scully?" "Oh I think I can remedy the situation." Scully started to unbutton his shirt with deft fingers, all the while not removing her eyes from his. She wanted to remember this moment for all eternity. This moment when their love and their lives would be sealed forever. She couldn't believe the love that she had for this man. She had no doubt in her mind that she loved him. It was that she could love this much and this fiercely, and know that that love was reciprocated. It had the affect of humbling her. As she moved to unbutton his slacks, Mulder bent down once more and placed a feather light kiss on her forehead, and then another one on each of her eyes. As he did this, her task was momentarily forgotten and a sigh escaped her ready lips. Scully leaned in as Mulder again kissed her on the mouth and she opened her lips so that he may gain entrance. As they continued to kiss, Mulder slipped first one and then the other of the thin straps of the delicate negligée off her shoulders and it pooled at her feet. Scully managed to finally unbutton Mulder's pants and she helped him slide them off of his legs along with his boxers. Mulder lifted her off the floor and into his arms as Scully cried out in surprise. Laughing, he placed her on the bed. Scully wasn't used to giving up so much control to someone else, but she had no worries as she looked up at Mulder who was looking down at /her./ She had to be tough at work to survive in the /boys club/ but with Mulder at last she could be herself. There had always been this part of her that need to be cared for and to be taken care of. Not completely, but in the matters of the heart, and she knew that Mulder would not criticize her for it. He would not think her weak for needing to be held and loved. She knew that he needed to care for her, as he needed to be cared for, just as she did. "God, Scully." Mulder began. "You're so beautiful." Scully sat up and reached her arms out to him. He joined her on the bed and lying next to her, perched on one arm he ran his fingers through her hair and down the side of her face marveling at this beauty that was before him. Again she beckoned him and slowly, positioning himself so that he was leaning over her, legs on either side of hers, he began his worship of her. He lay gentle kisses on practically every part of her body, starting at her navel and ending at her lips. He then cupped her breasts in his hands, wondering at the fact that they fit perfectly in the palms of his hands, as if they were made for each other. It seemed everything about them was in sync. Two different pieces that when put together made a complete whole. They were so different, but they only managed to compliment one another in their differences. Mulder began to stroke her breasts and as her nipples swelled and turned a darker shade of red, he ran his fingers over them and under the swell of her breasts and placed sweet kisses down the middle of her abdomen, moving lower and then lower still. Reluctantly, he released her breasts and brought his hands down to where the red fluff that covered her most intimate recesses began. He massaged the area where her thighs met her outer lips and smiled as Scully sighed and arched her back, bringing his destination closer to him. He cupped her in his hand and gently stroked her, and then plunged two fingers inside. He briefly flashed to his captivity, to when his captor had done the same to him, but he managed to push the thoughts out of his head as he slowly began to circle and kneed her clit. Scully bucked at the hips and began to moan. Mulder moved his fingers faster and then reached deeper inside her, entering a third finger. He could now hear soft cries coming from Scully's lips and he noticed that her head was thrown back and beads of perspiration were beginning to gather at her hairline. Her eyes were closed tight and she had a look of shear pleasure on her face. Mulder withdrew his fingers and Scully looked up in time to see him lower his head, and throwing her head back again she felt his tongue lapping up her juices which were flowing steadily now. His tongue flicked at her clit, and dug deeper inside her. He caught her between his lips and she cried out in ecstasy. Her hips were moving up and down at a steady pace with Mulder's movements now, and she could feel herself coming close to blissful release. Suddenly, Mulder placed two fingers inside her again and squeezed her clit once more. Scully gasped and her hips shot up as she hit her peak and went tumbling over the edge of the greatest orgasm she'd ever experienced. She fell back onto the mattress fully expended. ******************************************************************************************************************** Mulder looked up at Scully. Her eyes were closed, but there was a smile playing across her lips. He moved up so that he was hovering over her and kissed her on her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She could feel /Spooky/ pressing into her stomach and she smiled into Mulder's mouth. "Mulder?" She began, "are you trying to tell me something." "Yea," Mulder replied breathlessly. " "/Spooky/ wants to come and play too." "Let's get it on!" She cried, relaying Mulder's own words back to him. Those same words he uttered when they had played husband and wife not so long ago. Mulder howled and captured her mouth again with his own. Then, with one move he was inside her and it was like nothing he'd ever felt. She completed him; he felt whole. She sighed again and he began to move inside her, first agonizingly slow, and then faster as they found their rhythm. It was perfect, and he could feel Scully tighten her muscles around him. Perfect. It was taking him longer to reach his peak, but Scully was fast approaching another orgasm. She hit and was over the edge again, falling. Mulder was just about to peak himself when suddenly he was assailed with images of his rape again. Scully was gone, replaced by the devil. It was not she who engulfed him, but the devils mouth and Mulder shuttered and began to shake violently. Scully noticed the change in Mulder almost immediately, and her eyes flew open. His eyes were squeezed shut, in terror and agony, and he was quivering. All other movement had ceased and she realized he was reliving his nightmare. She didn't know for sure what had triggered it, but she guessed that it was the onset of the orgasm. She had felt him begin his own release when all of a sudden he just stopped and his disposition changed drastically. She tried to call his name, but he was unresponsive. She reached up and cupped his face in her hands as two tears squeezed out from under his closed eyelids, but he was still trapped in his terror filled mind. Mulder began to shake even more violently. All of a sudden he released a deafening scream and collapsed on top of her, ejaculating as he fell. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** _Ties That Bind_Part 8of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: May 27, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Scully's Apartment March 22, 1999 Scully cried out as Mulder fell on top of her. He was a great deal heavier then her petite 5'3" 110lb frame, and the impact had the affect of knocking the wind out of her momentarily. Her own discomfort was quickly shelved however as her concern was completely focused on Mulder. Scully quickly but gently got out from under him and turned him over, trying to assess his condition. She quickly felt for a pulse knowing that he was probably fine physically. She also knew though that extreme psychological events could affect the heart and she just had to make sure that he was indeed ok. His pulse was strong, if a little on the fast side, but that was to be expected. She sighed in relief, and went to throw on her pajamas. Quietly getting back into bed, she lay down facing Mulder and covered them with the blanket. He could easily be mistaken for just a peaceful sleeper if it weren't for the tears that still leaked out from beneath his closed eyelids. Scully softly brushed them away with her thumb, letting her hand linger perhaps a little too long on the side of Mulder's face. Mulder sighed and moved in closer to her, and she wrapped her arms around him trying to shield him from his nightmares. She could feel his heart beat slowing to a more normal rhythm, and as she started to nod off to the soothing sound, she heard him whisper something. "Please." "What?" She asked just as quietly, not sure whether he'd actually spoken. "Please..." "Scully was about to ask him what, again when he continued. "Please...please don't let him hurt me." He pleaded, pulling his knees up to his chest and moving still closer to her. She felt her heart breaking. It was like listening to a child; so fragile and vulnerable. And she felt so absolutely helpless, because there was absolutely nothing she could do except be there for him. She couldn't fight his demons, because this one was already dead. Mulder had to be the one to destroy the monsters in his closet and under his bed, but she comforted him none the less. "Shhh...I won't let him hurt you. I promise Mulder, he'll never hurt you again." She responded tearsly, softly smoothing his hair, and drying still more tears from his still closed eyes. "Please...It...it hurts so much." "What, Mulder?" She asked worried. "Where does it hurt?" She thought that maybe he was still sore and he hadn't told her, or maybe he hurt himself when he collapsed. She pulled back from him slightly and saw that he had opened his eyes and was staring back at her. There was a haunted look behind clear hazel eyes, and it scared her. "It hurts so much." He repeated. "Mulder tell me, where does it hurt?" Scully pleaded herself. "It hurts...inside." He cried, curling himself up even tighter. He wrapped his arms around his knees and started to shake again, and Scully held him even tighter. She could feel the tears start to sneak out from her own eyes and she tried to wipe them away before they fell on Mulder. He didn't need to know that she was upset. Then he'd be worried about /her/, and she didn't want that. She slowly rocked him and soon his breathing slowed and the shaking subsided. He was asleep again. She hoped that things were better in the morning, because they couldn't get much worse. *********************************************************************************************************** When Mulder woke up it was a little past 3 in the morning. Scully was sleeping quietly beside him, and she had one arm placed gracefully across his stomach. He gently took her arm and moving out from under it, placed it back down on the mattress. He pulled on his pajama bottoms and then taking one of the pillows left her bedroom. After last night, he didn't feel he belonged there. Grabbing the afghan that was placed over the back of her couch, he lay down and tried to get comfortable. He wasn't used to sleeping on couches anymore...he was so used to her bed. No, he was used to her. Being next to her, and being held by her. He didn't deserve it now, though. He didn't deserve her. He'd leave for his own apartment /now/, if he knew it wouldn't make Scully angry and upset with him, but he couldn't do that to her. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he'd go back to his place, and she wouldn't have to worry anymore. She wouldn't have to be inconvenienced by him and his ill-timed flashbacks. And he wouldn't have to see her cry. He knew that she had been crying last night, because despite her efforts, he could feel the tears as they fell on him and he could feel her quivering body as she tried to comfort him. He didn't want to leave...He could almost convince himself to stay, but he wouldn't. He couldn't watch her suffer because of him, and he couldn't let what happened last night happen again. It wasn't his pride that was wounded...It was his heart, because last night had been so wonderful, and so important in their relationship...and he'd ruined it. If he could at all help it, it wouldn't happen again. ************************************************************************************************************* Scully woke up suddenly and looked at the clock. 3:55. She knew immediately what it was that woke her. Mulder wasn't there. She rolled out of bed and went to look in the bathroom but he wasn't there either. She found him curled up on the sofa. It was obvious that he'd been crying again. There were damp spots on the pillow and his eyes were still lightly puffy. Scully went back to the bedroom and called in a message to AD Skinner saying that they wouldn't be into work today. She simply stated that Mulder was sick and that she didn't feel right leaving him alone all day. She noted that she'd keep him apprised of the situation. She then went to the closet and got another afghan, and coiling her legs under her, got herself settled on her overstuffed chair. She sat there staring at him for a long time. She knew why he had come out here. He was punishing himself because he felt that he'd let her down in some way. He was probably embarrassed, and felt that he shouldn't be with her after what had happened, but nothing could be farther from the truth. She wanted him with her more then ever. She wanted to comfort him and to love him, and she wanted that from him as well. She knew as well that he wasn’t worrying about himself, but was concerned about what he was putting her through, but she didn't care about that. She was worried for him and that wouldn't stop just because he stopped sleeping in her bed. She would always worry for him because she loved him. Tomorrow she'd have to make him understand that. ************************************************************************************************************* March 23 10:13am Scully felt a pair of eyes on her as she slowly pulled herself from the confines of sleep. She prepared herself for a stiff neck and limbs that would come from sleeping on the chair for a better part of the morning, and was startled to find that she was lying down. Scully was on the couch, where Mulder previously had been and he had taken up residence on the chair. He must have woken at some point and moved her there. Strange that she hadn't woken. She must have been exhausted. She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Mulder had taken to staring at the floor when she looked up and he said a quiet good morning. Before she could reply though, he continued. "I um, thought I should tell you...I think I should go back to my own apartment." "Mulder..." She started, shocked. "Don't. I know what you're going to say, and I know that last night wasn't my fault but I can't go through that again. I can't risk having another flashback and having to know what it's doing to you. How it's affecting you, and you say that you don't care and that you're fine but /I'm/ not." He said, finally looking up. "I can't watch you live through my nightmares. I just can't. It would be better for you if I just went home." Mulder got up and moved towards the door. His bags were there. He'd already packed. She sat there dumfounded. When she pulled herself together, she went to try to stop him. To try to make him change his mind, but he was already gone. She wondered for a moment how he planned on getting home, since he didn't have his car here. She went to peer out her window and she saw that he had called for a cab. She watched him get into the car, and then he was gone. ******************************************************************************************************************** Scully was pacing the floor of her living room with frantic movements. She didn't know what to do. She just didn't know. Mulder was wrong; it /was /her fault. She should have told him no. Should have told him that he wasn't ready. She's a doctor for Christ sake! Ok, so she may not be a psychiatrist but still. She /knew/ that he wasn't ready. This was all her fault, and now he was suffering. She stopped just in front of her couch with a thought. She slowly smiled to herself. Fine. He thought that he was better off at his place? Fine, but nothing said she couldn't stay there with /him/. She knew that he meant that he felt he was better off alone, but that's not what he'd said. She ran to get her bag and hastily packed. He'd be upset, but she didn't care. She didn't trust him to be by himself. She didn't think that he was suicidal, but she wouldn't take the risk, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. He wanted to run from her that was fine, but she wasn't going to give up without a fight. She phoned her mother before she left to let her know where she'd be, and was out the door. ****************************************************************************************************************** Alexandria, Virginia Apartment of Fox Mulder 11:21 Mulder was sitting on his couch staring at the TV. For the first time in a long time, it wasn't on. He was just staring at a blank screen. He felt numb all over. She was the best thing in his life and he'd just walked away. She was upset at him no doubt...maybe even a little angry, but he couldn't help that now. He couldn't watch her follow him down into despair. He had seen the terrified look in her eyes when he'd finally been able to say last night /where/ it hurt. The awareness that seeped into her eyes at what he'd meant. He had lied to her when he said that he thought he had been ready. He knew that he wasn't, but he was willing to take that chance. He knew that it was too soon, but he'd wanted to be with her so badly. And he knew that she wanted to be with him. He had wanted to give that to her. He had wanted to love her and to be loved but he saw that that wasn't possible now. Maybe he didn't deserve that happiness. Every time it seemed he had it, something took it away. He contemplated his gun, which was sitting on the coffee table just a few feet away. He remembered back to that night when he learned that he might have been the reason for Scully's cancer, and how he had been so ready to end it all. To pull the trigger and be out of her life so that he could never do her harm again. He would have done it too, if Kritchgau hadn't called at that moment. But he wouldn't do it now. He wouldn't let that piece of filth win. Then he thought again about what happened last night and how maybe he already had. ********************************************************************************************************************** Scully stood just outside Mulder's door, not sure of how to proceed. Now that she was here, she thought that maybe she'd made a mistake. She wasn't sure how Mulder would react and she didn't want to upset him, but she couldn't let him shut her out. Not now, and not ever again. She put her suitcase on the floor and knocked confidently on the door. It sounded more confident then she felt. She heard Mulder's slow movements inside and stepped back as he opened the door. "Scully, what are you doing here?" He asked tiredly. "Well, it occurred to me that you never said that I couldn't come /here/ so I thought you might use some company for a day or two or whatever," She said once again picking up her suitcase and moving past him into his apartment. "Scully, go home. I said I wanted to be alone." "No, actually you didn't. You said that you felt you'd be better off at your place. You never said anything about being alone." "Scully. I mean it...go home." Mulder said, now getting agitated. "I don't think so Mulder." Scully said getting agitated herself. "Have you stopped for one moment to think about what this is doing to me? How /I/ feel about this?" "That's /why/ I'm doing it Scully." Mulder replied desperately. "I told you already...I can't let what's happened to me affect you. I can't watch you follow me into my nightmares. I can't watch you cry over me, and see this tear you apart because it's killing me inside. This bastard may have gotten the best of me, but I'll be damned If I let him get to you too!" "Mulder, don't you see though? It /does/ affect me, whether you're at my place or yours. Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I won't worry. It means I'll worry even more, because you're alone and I don't know what's going on in that head of yours. I don't know what you're planning, how you're coping, /if /you're coping. I mean, obviously you're not because of what happened last night. Mulder, not being with you and not worrying about you is like not breathing. If I didn't breath, I'd die, and without you, It's as if I am dead. You are so much a part of me Mulder, that the idea of not worrying about you his absolutely ridiculous. Mulder..." she said taking a step towards him and taking his hands in hers. "Don't see that you're a part of me? Let me help you, /please/." "Scully..." "Mulder, look at me." Mulder just continued to look at the floor. He was starting to tear up again, and removing his hand from hers, he stepped back. "Scully, I'm sorry...but I can't. I just can't." Scully shoulders drooped as Mulder walked past her and closed the door of his bedroom behind him. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 5:30pm It had been hours and Mulder hadn't stepped foot out of his room. After Mulder had left her standing there yet again, she had shrugged out of her jacket and putting it on the coat rack sat down on his couch to think. Six hours later she still didn't have a clue as to how to reach him. She'd knocked on his door numerous times trying to get him to open up, or to at least listen to her, but she always ended up sitting on that couch again, near tears. She tried to be angry with him for shutting her out like this, but she couldn't find it in herself. He was hurting now, and he didn't want her to hurt by suffering with him. What he didn't seem to understand though, was that she was anyway. In fact, she suffered more because he wouldn't talk to her. She got up once more to try to reach him. Scully rapped lightly on his door and called his name. "Mulder? Mulder please talk to me." But there was no response. She felt like everything that they had finally achieved together was slowly slipping away. She just stood there, her palm flat against the door, trying to touch him. **************************************************************************************************** For hours it had been the same. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Staring at nothing. Random thoughts kept flowing through his head. Stupid things, like how he wanted to take down that mirror that hung over his bed, and where the hell did it come from anyway, and for that matter, where did this bed come from. Anything to keep from thinking about Scully, which by the way was nearly impossible seeing as how every time he managed to distract himself, she was there again knocking on his door, pleading for him to listen to her. He closed himself off. He didn't want to listen, because he knew she was right. He just couldn't make himself go to her. He knew that she was hurting too. That no matter where he was, whether he was with her or not she would worry, and be upset, but that only served to make him want to get even farther away. He wished for a moment that she didn't love him, because then she wouldn't hurt like she is. But then he would get selfish again and thank God that she did love him because he knew that without her he wouldn't survive. He would have been dead long ago. Again, he heard her knocking on his door. "Mulder? Mulder please talk to me." And then all was silent again. He could hear her sag against the door. He imagined her small had pressed against the door, trying to reach out to him. He got up, but instead of going to her he went into the bathroom and turned on the light. He looked at himself in the mirror for the first time since he'd been taken. He didn't recognize what he saw. He'd lost some weight. He hadn't been eating much but what Scully made for dinner. His eyes were sunken and bleary, both from not sleeping and from crying; and there was nothing behind them. No life; just emptiness and sorrow. Mulder backed away from his reflection and leaning against the wall sank to the floor. He felt so weak and empty. He had nothing left. All he had in the world was Scully, and now he was pushing her away too. He had no control over anything in his life anymore, and he couldn't seem to make himself stop crying for two seconds. He thought perhaps that he was going insane. Scully could hear Mulder crying on the other side of the door. She tried to turn the knob on the door but he'd locked it. "Mulder, let me in." Scully pleaded. "Please let me help you Mulder, please." When he didn't answer, she slowly sank to the floor and leaning against it with her left side, she placed her right palm against the door again. Quietly, and in tears, she asked "Why won't you let me help?" ***************************************************************************************************************** 10:13pm All he wanted to do was go to sleep. He wanted to shut off his mind so that he couldn't think about what was happening to him. But he wouldn't sleep. To sleep would be to bring on the nightmares, and he knew that it would be the same. The devil would come for him and he would be powerless to stop him. He would cry out in his sleep and Scully would come running. Granted, he'd locked the door but he knew that that wouldn't stop her. She'd just break it down. So he didn't sleep. He did however turn on the TV to start looking for some old sci-fi movies. Anything to keep himself awake. Anything to keep the monsters at bay. Slowly, he lost himself in his task, and slowly morning came. At about 6:30am, Mulder heard Scully lightly rap on his door. "Mulder? Mulder...I, I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for work. I'll be back around 5. Mulder?" Mulder heard Scully sigh and the sound of her heels tapping on the floor as she opened the door and left the apartment. He turned off the TV and unlocked his door. He was starving, but as usually he had nothing to eat. Whatever was in his fridge had certainly gone bad and he wasn't about to go look. He settled himself instead on his couch. Lying down, he turned on the TV and closed his eyes. He was so tired. Maybe with the TV on, and it being day he would have more luck with keeping the dreams away. Within a matter of minutes he was asleep. ***************************************************************************************************************** 11:21am Scully sat at Mulder's desk staring at the computer screen, but she wasn't seeing it. She was just staring. She didn't know why she was there. She wasn't getting any work done because she couldn't concentrate on anything but Mulder. She supposed that it was a way of escaping. She couldn't stay there for another minute knowing that Mulder was so close while still being so far. So instead, she put the physical distance between them to match the emotional. She needed time to think, and maybe if she were at the office, she'd be able to do that. And Mulder would be able to take himself out of his self-imposed exile. Scully was so lost in her own mind and thoughts that she didn't hear the door open and the AD walk in. She was startled when she heard him clear his throat. He stood in the doorway with his hands in his pockets, a concerned look on his face. "Agent Scully? Are you ok...I knocked...?" "Sir, I'm sorry." She apologized as she stood. "I guess I was just lost in thought." "About?" He asked, stepping inside the office and closing the door behind him. When Scully didn't answer, he took a step closer. "What's going on Scully? Where is Mulder?" "He..." Scully paused. She didn't know how to answer. She was afraid that if she mentioned Mulder's current condition, Skinner would think that he wasn't capable of doing his job any longer. She didn't want to compromise Mulder's position. Then again, She knew that Skinner probably knew what was going on, or at least had suspicions. And she needed to talk to someone about it. "Sir, he's not doing too well." She said with a sigh, and sat down again in Mulder's chair. "He had a particularly strong flashback and wouldn't stay at my place anymore. I don't know what he's thinking. He won't talk to me. I went over to his place yesterday but he locked himself in his bedroom and wouldn't come out. The only reason I came in today was because I figured if I wasn't there, he'd let himself out of his bedroom." Scully took a deep breath. "Sir, I just don't know what to do." "Has he spoken with his psychiatrist since the last time?" "No...I think he has an appointment for Friday." "I think that the only thing that can be done right now Scully, is to wait for him to figure things out for himself. Maybe after he speaks with her he'll feel better. In the mean time Scully, tell him that he can take whatever time he needs. I told him as much when I spoke to him, but remind him that he has my support." "Yes sir, thank you." Skinner got up to leave. "Oh, and Scully?" "Yes sir?" "If you need some time as well, you may take it. You have two weeks of vacation time coming." "Thank you sir." Scully said in appreciation. "Your welcome Agent. Let me know how things go." "Certainly sir." And with that, Skinner left. Scully sat back and closed her eyes. She was so tired. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night, and she ached all over. She has spent a good portion of the night and early morning leaning against Mulder's door. She'd moved to the couch eventually but that wasn't much better. She wanted to be with Mulder, but he just wouldn't let her in. She folded her arms on the desk and rested her head on them. Soon she was asleep. ****************************************************NC17***************************************************** It was happening again. Mulder huddled in the corner trying to get away from him. He was coming closer, and Mulder couldn't get away. He was trapped. He cried out in pain as the devil grabbed a hold of his hair again and tied him up. He grew cold inside as he knew what was coming. It was always the same. He started shaking as he felt the devil start his routine. First the hands. They were all over him; roaming his body. Poking, prodding, caressing. Violating. He felt nauseous. He fought the urge to vomit as he felt the mans hands reaching down and stroking his penis. Helpless. He felt so helpless. He felt the devils mouth as it closed over his penis and he started to shake even more violently. He felt the familiar onset of the orgasm and he started to cry. He felt betrayed by his own body. How could he let this happen? He was weak. He had no control. He was nothing. Mulder came and was once again wracked with heavy sobs. He had never before been so ashamed of himself. And then the fingers entered him and he cried out in pain. They were probing him again. Probing, touching, feeling...stroking. And then the fingers left and once again he was entered by the man's penis. He had never felt so much pain. It wasn't the physical pain. By now he was almost used to it. It was more like a slight discomfort then pain. It was the emotional pain. He could feel his heart being torn apart. He was dying. He had nothing left. He had always had himself; his strength, and his will to survive. Now he didn't even have that. He was dead inside. He reached orgasm again and as he ejaculated he screamed. He felt his soul shatter into a million pieces. ***************************************************************************************************************** Scully heard herself cry out as she came awake. She was still in the office, but she had been with Mulder again. It had been different this time. It had felt so strange at first. At first she thought that it had been the same dream as before. She had been with him in the room and he was in the corner, huddled in a fetal position. The same way that he had been when she'd had the vision. But then the door opened and the man came walking in. He had a smile on his face and he'd gone over to Mulder. She saw the terror in Mulder's eyes as he'd backed up to the wall. Trying to become the wall. Trying with all his might to get away from his captor. But he was trapped. She tried to do something. She tried to stop the beast, but she couldn't do anything. She watched in horror as Mulder was raped repeatedly. She felt her knees give and she fell to the floor sobbing. She saw the pain and the humiliation in his eyes and on his face and she watched him cry, and she heard him scream. It sounded like her own soul at that moment. That was when Scully had woken up, and she knew that she had been sharing Mulder's nightmare. Scully jumped out of the chair and grabbing her briefcase, she went running out of the office to the car. She had to get to Mulder. ***************************************************************************************************************** Mulder woke to the sound of a strangled cry leaving his own lips. He jumped up and ran to the bathroom suddenly nauseous, but as he hunched over the toilet, nothing would come out and he spent the next five minutes dry heaving. He felt the tears burning his eyes and he closed his lids. He tried to stand when he was overtaken by a dizzy spell and blacking out went crashing to the floor. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 12:15pm Scully was a nervous wreck. It took her about half the time it normally took to get to Mulder's place and as she parked the car across the street from the front door, she took a few minutes to get her breathing under control. Mulder was no doubt more upset than she was, and Scully didn't want to upset him farther. Taking a deep breath she opened the door and prepared herself for what was sure to be another argument. She was unsure as of yet as to whether or not she should tell Mulder about her dream, but she knew that she'd have to talk to someone. If not Mulder, then a counselor for friends of rape victims. What she had /witnessed/ had been extremely disturbing and she didn't know if she'd be able to handle it alone. In truth, she wasn't alone, but Mulder may not be the right person for her to talk to. Scully finally reached the door to Mulder's apartment, and as she turned the key in the lock and opened the door, she called his name...and got no answer. ***************************************************************************************************************** "Mulder?" Somewhere off in the distance Mulder could hear someone calling his name. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go to it, or even if he could. It was comfortable where he was. The darkness was all encompassing, and safe. But he recognized the voice. It called him back, with its familiarity, and it's own promise of safety. "Mulder, answer me!" Closer now and then closer still as his name was called again. He saw the light, and it was at first blinding, but then warm. Opening his eyes, he blinked once, and then again trying to figure out where he was. And then it all came rushing back to him. He was lying on his back on the bathroom floor, head by the toilet. He had the beginnings of a very nice headache, as well as remnants of the earlier bout of nausea. Mulder rolled over onto his left side as he tried to stand. Just at that moment Scully came in through the door. The sight of Mulder struggling to stand knocked the wind out of Scully and although she wanted to help him, she knew that Mulder probably didn't want it. Scully took an uneasy step forward. "Mulder...are you alri..." "I'm fine." Came a clipped response. Mulder came to a full standing position and as he went to walk past her stumbled slightly. Scully turned and grabbed a hold of his arm, placing the other hand on his back to steady him. He pulled his arm away and continued walking. "I said I'm fine!" "Mulder, you are not fine! You need help!" When she got no answer, she followed him out into the bedroom where he was lying on the bed, facing away from her. She sat down on the edge of the bed and tried to place a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off. Scully couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't sit passively by and watch Mulder deteriorate. She had to shake him out of it and she had to do it fast, or else the man she loved would be gone for good. She stood up and went to the other side of the bed so that she could look at him. She stood there; arms crossed in front of her and with quiet sadness, asked the question she knew would get a response. "Mulder...you said you loved me. Was that a lie? Did you not mean it? Because if you didn't, tell me now and I'll go." Mulder sat up and looked at her in shock. "How can you even ask that Scully? Of course I love you. I could never love anyone else. I don't think that I honestly ever have!" "Then why are you pushing me away? Mulder, you have to know how much I love you. I believe that I've showed it in more ways then one and I've definitely said it. Why now, when you need that love most of all, are you rejecting it...and me?" "I...I have to." Mulder said looking down. "No you don't! Why are you making yourself suffer unnecessarily? Mulder, let me help you!" "No!" Mulder shouted looking up at her, pleading her to understand. "I have to do this on my own!" "Why?!" Mulder got off the bed and started to walk away again, but Scully wasn't going to let him get off that easily. She strode over to him and stood blocking the door. "Mulder, She said in a calmer voice. Why do you have to do this alone?" He turned away and head bowed whispered something Scully couldn't understand. "What?" Scully asked taking a step closer. "Because it was my fault." Mulder put his face in his hands and as he sank to the floor, his frail body was wracked with sobs. "Mulder..." Scully sighed as she walked around him and sitting beside him pulled him to her. He didn't protest this time, and as he shook she gently stroked his hair and softly rocked him. "Mulder, you are /not/ to blame. "But I am." "How Mulder? How are you to blame?" "Because I didn't fight him. I was too drunk and weak to fight him." "Mulder, you couldn't fight him. He had a gun to your head..." "Right! My gun! He had /my /gun to my head. And how did he get it? Because I was drunk!" "Well then Mulder, you might as well blame me too because it was our argument that made you decide to get drunk!" "Scully, you know I don't blame you." "Mulder...I know that, but don't you see how ridiculous you're being? You got drunk. So what? You didn't ask to be assaulted. You didn't walk around with a big neon sign with an arrow that said 'Take Me! Please, I want to be attacked.'" It happened. If you hadn't been there, it would have happened to someone else, whether they were drunk or not. You are /not/ to blame Mulder, any more then /I/ am, and since you assure me that I'm not, I am assuring you that you're not. You don't have to do this alone Mulder. I'm here, every step of the way, and you're not getting rid of me. You know how stubborn I can be!" "I plead the fifth." Mulder said with mock seriousness. Scully smiled. "Can we get off the floor now?" "I would very much like to get off the floor. I think I should attach a piece of wood to my ass. That way whenever I feel the need to kiss the floor, I don't have far too go." "Oh, so you're going to chase your ass like a dog? Can I watch?" "Only if I can chase yours after." "You can kiss my ass!" "Promise?" "Later. Right now, I think you better go to bed." Mulder got serious again at the mention of sleep. "Scully, I don't want to. I...I had the dream again before you came back. That's why I was in the bathroom. I...I got nauseous, but I couldn't throw up. I got dizzy from the constant dry heaving and past out. That's when you walked in. Come to think of it Scully, why did you come back so soon? You said you'd be back around 5." Scully didn't know how to answer. She considered telling him Skinner said she could take time off or that she couldn't concentrate, which of course was all true, but she knew he wouldn't believer her. "Well talk about it later Mulder." "No Scully, tell me. Why aren't you at work?" "Mulder..." Scully got up off the floor and started to pace. She didn't want to tell him right now. It would upset him greatly that she saw what had happened to him. The fact that she had even seen his prone form when she found him had embarrassed him greatly. How was he going to react to this? "...I...I kind of had another dream." "What do you mean?" Mulder said warily, getting up as well and moving to her, making her stop her pacing. It was making him dizzy." "I hadn't slept well last night. I fell asleep at your desk and I dreamed...I saw...I saw what happened to you," she finished in a whisper. "But you saw as much when I was missing. What made you come here?" "No," she said looking down. I saw it...as it was happening. I think...I think I shared your nightmare. That's why I left the office." "What?" Mulder whispered backing away slightly. "I don't know how, or why Mulder, but I was there. I saw him come in through the door and chain you to the wall. I saw him...Oh God, Mulder. I saw him rape you." It was Scully's turn to start crying now. "I tried. I tried to stop him but I couldn't." She said in between sobs. "I couldn't save you. I mean, I know it was just a dream, but...I couldn't...I couldn't stop him. I tried..." Mulder went over to her and hugged her fiercely. "Scully, there was nothing you could have done. There was no way for you to know where he had taken me. You have to know that what I said was true. I don't blame you. You do know that, don't you?" "I know, Mulder...but how do I stop blaming myself?" "I guess we both have our work cut out for us, huh?" "Yeah..." Scully chuckled. "I guess we do." "I have an idea...how 'bout we blame Diana. After all, we were fighting because of her." Scully smiled. "Deal." Mulder smiled in kind. "Scully, how about we both get some sleep." "I think that would be a great idea. Um, Mulder?" "Yeah?" "When did you get a bed?" ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** End part 8 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** _Ties That Bind_Part 9of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R. Date: June 3, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* Dr. Adams office 3 weeks later "So, Mulder...How are we doing today?" Dr. Adams asked. Mulder smiled. "Good. I'm doing well, thank you." "Has anything new happened since we last spoke?" "No, nothing really. Just working, trying to catch up on all the files that were left unattended since...since I was raped." Mulder finished quietly. He still had trouble saying it. Saying that he was raped. But he was getting better, slowly. "Good, good. How are you doing on the personal level? With Agent Scully, that is." Mulder beamed with another smile. "I think that I'm the happiest that I have ever been in my entire life." Mulder said with wonder. "And I think that she's happy too. We haven't tried to have sex since the first time, because I know that I'm still not ready, but we do share the same bed. I can't imagine being without here. I love her so much." He whispered. "I'm so happy for you, Mulder. And how is Scully doing with what's happened and all?" "She seems to be doing better. It was hard for her at first. For both of us, obviously, but we're helping each other. Whenever one his having a bad day, the other is there to support, and I think that that is what is helping us through this. We keep each other strong. We've always had the friendship. We will always have that, no matter what happens. I think that friendship is most important, because it's one of the strongest tie that you have to another person. It's the Tie that binds us together, and for that I will always be grateful. ***************************************************************************************************************** Annapolis, Maryland Mulder and Scully's apartment April 16, 1999 About two weeks after the incident with Scully, Mulder had moved into her place. He didn't much like his apartment anymore. It was only a reminder of the life that he'd once had, and he didn't want that memory. It was a life without Scully, and that just wasn't acceptable anymore. Not for Mulder, and not for Scully. A week after moving out, he sold it. He had always felt more at home and at ease at Scully's place anyway. It wasn't a difficult decision to make. He trashed everything that he had except for his files, his clothing, and of course, his fish. Even thought he always killed them, he was kind of attached to them. Gone was the waterbed that he never really knew where it came from. Gone was the smelly refrigerator with the moldy food. Gone was his sadness. He was starting a new life, a happier life...a life with Scully. "I'm home!" Mulder called as he walked in to their apartment. Home, it sounded so right. More importantly, it felt right. "Hey!" Scully called from the kitchen. How did your session go with Dr. Adams? "Same old same old. She says hello. Actually, she'd like us to go see her together next week. I feel that it's a really good chance that she'll approve me for field agent status." "Mulder that's wonderful!" Scully shouted. Scully felt arms snake around her waste and she jumped startled. "No need to shout Scully, I'm right here. A little deaf, but right here." Scully giggled. God, he loved it when she giggled. "Sorry Mulder. Didn't here you come up behind me." "Well no wonder with all your shouting." Mulder smiled as he kissed her on the back of her head. Scully leaned into Mulder. "Watch it G-man, or no dinner for you tonight." "I withdraw my comment from the court your honor." "Ha-ha, Mr. funny man." "So, what's on the agenda for this lovely Friday evening?" "What do you want to do?" "This," he said turning her around and kissing her passionately on her mouth. "Mmmm," Scully said. "I like that." "Me too. Let's do it again." "No argument here." Mulder pulled away. "Scully, are you ok?" He said feeling her forehead. "Yeah, why?" Scully asked puzzled. "Because I got no argument from you." "Ooh! One of these days Mulder!" "Right in the kisser?" "Not if you don't watch it!" They both smiled ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* April 23, 1999 "Mulder...I never asked, why does Dr. Adams want to speak with me as well as you today?" "I don't know, Scully. She never said. I suppose she'd like to meet the woman that occupies the majority of our conversations." "You talk about /me/ when you're there Mulder?" Scully asked incredulously. "Of course. I'm supposed to talk about how I'm feeling and what's helping me to cope, and it's you. I told you before that you make me a whole person. Without you...without you, I probably wouldn't be alive. You saved my ass so many times Scully, If you hadn't been my partner...my friend, I wouldn't have lived long enough to /be/ raped, and if I had, well, I wouldn't have survived. I'm here because you are. Don't you know that you're everything to me? Slow tears ran down Scully's face for what she felt was the millionth time since Mulder had been taken. But for the first time they were tears of absolute joy. "I love you." Scully whispered. "I love you too, Scully. I'll love you forever. ********************************************************************************************************************* Dr. Adam's Office 20 min. later "Agent Scully, might I say it's a pleasure to meet you." "Thank you, Dr. Adams, It's nice to meet you as well." Scully replied, shaking the hand the woman offered. "Oh please, call me Gracie." She said smiling. "Very well then, It's nice to meet you, Gracie. I must admit, I'm a little curious to know why you asked me here." Scully said as she sat down on the couch next to Mulder. "Oh, nothing to worry about," Dr. Adams said laughing. "I really just wanted to commend you for the way you stuck by Mulder, and how you helped him. The hardest thing to do in a rape situation, I often think is for the friends and family members to be there for the person who has suffered. They often times can't handle it themselves, and so the victim ends up suffering even more because the people who are supposed to be there for them are not. I know that this has been difficult for the both of you, and that you and Mulder were able to help each other is truly a wonderful thing." Mulder and Scully, who were up until now just sitting side by side took the opportunity to look at each other and they took one another's hand and smiled. "Thank you." They both said simultaneously, which made them all laugh. "I also wanted to tell you both together, because I know how Mulder would want to share this with you, Scully. I am going to be recommending to AD Skinner that you be allowed to return to Active Duty effective immediately." "I...I don't know what to say!" Mulder gasped. "Mulder, this is where you say thank you." Scully teased. "Scully..." Mulder warned turning to her. "Mulder..." Scully returned giving him the eyebrow. "Oh wow, thank you so much Dr. Adams," Mulder finally said. "You don't know what this means to me." "I have an idea." She replied smiling. "Well, that will be all for today, Agents, but I still want to see you hear next Friday Agent Mulder. Same time, same place...you know the drill." "Yes ma'am," Mulder replied, in mock solute. When Mulder and Scully were back in their car, Mulder turned to Scully and said, "I feel like celebrating, how about you?" "Sounds great Mulder. How about a nice dinner /out/ and a movie?" "Um, actually I was thinking of going over to see your mom. I want to talk to her about something." "My mother's?" Scully questioned. "You /do/ know that Bill is on leave right now and he and Beth are visiting, right?" "Oh, good, I need to talk to him about something to." Mulder replied cryptically. "Mulder...I hope this is not your idea of a celebration. You know how my brother feels about you." "I know." "It's your death sentence. I'll call my mom." Scully sat back worried. She didn't want to have to measure Mulder for a casket. She hoped he knew what he was doing. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Scully residence 5:30pm She felt like she was going to throw up. The whole ride over to her mother's house she kept looking over at Mulder, trying to gauge what he was planning. He would just look at her and give that innocent look as if to say "What?" She couldn't imagine why on earth he would /want/ to talk to Bill. Sure, she could think of /one/ reason, but that would be like wearing a bulls eye that said "aim here." Bill /hated /Mulder with a passion, and she honestly didn't think that Mulder wanted to be pummeled to pieces. And the fact that they'd only /really/ been going out for a month, it couldn't be that. Could it? So it was with nervous knots that she said hello to her mother and walked into her house, giving her a hug. "Hi mom." "Hello Dana. Fox, how are you?" "Great Mrs. Scully. How are you?" He asked giving her a hug as well. Scully looked on in surprise. She couldn't remember seeing Mulder hug her mom. Then again, the only time that Mulder ever really saw her mom was when she was missing, and of course when Mulder was in the hospital. She supposed that in their mutual efforts to find her, they'd grown close. That fact made her unbelievably happy. She loved Mulder and she wanted her mom to lover him too. She knew that her mom already considered him a part of the family. Then again, it would take a miracle to get Bill to even grunt towards Mulder without a look of utter hatred on his face. She braced herself for the inevitable. "Where's Beth and Bill?" "They're putting the baby down for a nap. He was getting cranky." They moved in from the doorway and Mrs. Scully closed the door. "Can I get you two anything to drink?" "No thank you Mrs. Scully, I'm fine." "Oh I'll get it mom, thanks." As Scully went off to get herself a drink, Mulder and Mrs. Scully sat in the living room. He was unbelievably nervous. Not about asking her mother, he was fairly sure that she'd approve. She was always so kind to him. He felt as if she were his mother. He felt comfortable around her, and he knew without a doubt that Scully got her strength and her ability to love from her mother. Just as Mulder was about to talk to Mrs. Scully though, Scully came into the room. "I think I'm going to go up and say hello to Bill and Beth. I'll be back down in a few minutes." Perfect, Mulder thought. This was it. "Sure, Scully, we'll be here." As Scully went upstairs, Mulder turned his attention towards Mrs. Scully. "Mrs. Scully, there's a reason why I asked Scully if we could come here tonight. I want...I wanted to ask you something." "Yes Fox, go on." "Firstly, I think you know how I feel about Dana." He paused to collect his thoughts. "The fact is, I love her. I suppose that I always have. We've been the best of friends since we first met 6 1/2 years ago, and I can't imagine where I'd be if we'd never met. I don't want to. She...your daughter is such an unbelievable woman, Mrs. Scully. For her strength, and her courage, her intelligence and her beauty, inside and out. What I'm trying to say is...I want to ask Dana to marry me." Mulder took a deep breath and finally met Mrs. Scully's eyes. She was smiling, and he felt at ease at once. "Of course convincing Bill not to kill me is going to be a little difficult, but it's one of the reasons I'm here tonight. I'm prepared to talk to him, to try to explain to him what it is that Dana and I do, and why. I'm just hoping that he'll hear me out." "Fox...I'm so happy for you two. You know how fond I am of you, and to see you two so happy...well, you definitely have my blessing. I know that Melissa and Bill Sr. would be happy as well if they were here. I know that they're smiling down on us right now. As with Bill jr....good luck." Mrs. Scully said with a smile. "Thanks," Mulder said. "I'll need it." Mrs. Scully rose off the couch and went to the stairs. "Dana honey, Beth, Bill, could you come down here a minute?" "What are you doing?" Mulder asked. Mrs. Scully just winked at him. "Sure mom, what is it? Scully asked. "Could you and Beth help me prepare dinner? And Bill, you can entertain Fox, I'm sure." She said "Umm, ok." Scully said nervously. Both she and Beth looked from Bill to Mulder. Mulder just barely heard Scully whisper to Bill, "Be nice." Bill grunted. ************************************************************************************************************ Once Beth and Scully were in the kitchen, Mulder took a deep breath and walked over to Bill. He offered his hand, but Bill just stared at him. "Mr. Scully," Mulder began, "I was hoping that I would get the chance to talk to you about something." "What is it? What's wrong with Dana now?" "Nothing...nothing is wrong," Mulder sighed. "Can we go outside and talk about this? I don't want Dana to hear." "Fine." Now that they were outside, Mulder felt a little calmer. There was less of a chance of Scully over hearing, and he didn't feel so trapped. Being outside meant that he could run if he needed to. Hopefully, he wouldn't need to. "What did you want to talk about, Mr. Mulder?" "You asked me a while back what this quest was that I am on. I gave you an answer, but now I want to tell you the full extent of it. I want you to understand why it is that your sister and I get into the situations that we get into, and why Dana is so adamant about continuing on in this line of work." "Go on." "I told you how I had lost my sister as well to this thing that I am searching for, but that isn't the whole truth. My sister is the reason that I am on this quest." "What do you mean?" "When I was twelve years old she was...she was taken from our home. By who or what, at that time I didn't know. I still don't. She was eight years old when she went missing. We haven't seen her since. As I got older, I followed my father into his line of work, which of course is the government. I was a criminal profiler with a background in psychology. It wasn't before long that I stumbled upon these files that only I was willing to investigate. By this time I had undergone regression hypnotherapy. I was in the room when my sister was taken, but I had blocked it out. I wanted so desperately to know what had happened to her, so I was regressed, and whether or not it's the truth, or these thoughts were given to me...or of course I could just be insane, I came to believe that she was taken by people from another planet." He looked up to see Bill's reaction. Bill was looking at him with the "Scully look." Wonderful, he thought, another one with the eyebrows. "Anyway...These files, were of the paranormal type. I figured that it was possibly a way to find out what had happened to my sister. These stories I was reading were similar to my own, and so I began to investigate them. About 4 years after I transferred to the X-Files division, me being the only person in that division, Dana, your sister was assigned to assist me. Actually, she was sent to spy on me, although she didn't know this. She was to write reports on the validity of my investigations. She was to debunk my findings through scientific investigative avenues. But she didn’t' do this. Over the years, she has truly become my partner, in every sense of the word. She has been honest in her findings, and as I have, she has fought to find the truth of what is going on. In our search, we have found evidence of a group of government officials who seek to hide the truth, whatever that may be. They are responsible for Melissa's death, and Dana's cancer, and they are responsible for the death of my own father; because of what we have found, Dana and I. These men too are now dead. What ever it is that is out there, it's important, important enough for these men to want to suppress the evidence. And that means stopping Dana and me from investigating. Whether you believe in aliens or not, I have to believe that Dana and I are onto something big, or else why all the bother to stop us? Why kill my father and Melissa, who was shot by accident?" "This is why Dana won't stop looking for the truth, and why she follows me into danger. Because something is going on within the government, something big, and we are trying to stop it, and to bring these men to justice. I know that you do not disapprove of her working in this line of work due to the fact that she's a woman. It's because she's your sister, and you don’t want to see her get hurt. I know how you feel. I don't ever want to see Dana get hurt again, and believe me when I say that I would gladly put my own life on the line to save hers. But this is her quest now too. Not because she believes in aliens, and not because she feels she owes me anything. It's because she wants to find out the truth, and I respect her for that; you should too." Bill sighed. "Mr. Mulder, I appreciate your candor, and your honesty with everything that you've told me, and you're right, I don't want to see her get hurt, but the fact of the matter is that she does, and that kills me inside. I know that you appreciate that." "I do, but all I can say is that in the end, Dana is going to do what she feels she must and neither you or I will ever have a say in that matter. She's her own person." "Mr. Mulder, Is there another reason you asked to speak with me?" "Yes, there is." Here it goes, he thought. "Umm...a little over a month ago, I was...I was attacked. I was missing for about 3 days, and in that time I was beaten and abused...sexually." Mulder paused to catch his breath and he cleared his throat before continuing. "Your sister found me...she saved my life, and perhaps my sanity. I tried to push her away because I knew that she was suffering too, but she wouldn't go. She stuck by me and helped me through easily the worst time of my life. I'm not telling you this out of want for sympathy. What I'm telling you this for is because through this I let myself admit how I feel for you sister. I have known for quite some time that I love her. I don't know when I came to realize this, but I never told her because I didn't think that she felt the same way about me and I didn't want to loose her friendship. After she found me, she told me that she loves me too, and finally I told her. I told her at one point in our relationship that she makes me a whole person. That I wouldn't be me without her and that's the truth. I love her with all of my heart and with everything that I am. The reason I'm telling you this is because I want to ask Dana to marry me. I've never loved anyone as much as I love your sister. She's my heart and my soul, and she's the reason that I'm able to continue on this quest of mine, of ours. It's because she loves me and has faith in me. I wanted to ask you for your blessing, and I knew that unless I explained these things to you I would never get it. I don't know that I will get it now but I'm trying because I respect you and your relationship with Dana, and I don't want to compromise it. Please consider what I've told you, Mr. Scully. She has no idea that I'm talking to you about this, or that I'm planning on proposing to her. I love your sister very much, so much that I'd risk bodily harm from you to make you understand just how much. "Mr. Mulder, what you've told me is a lot to take in. I thank you again, for telling me all that you have. It is evident how you feel for each other. I've seen it in her eyes, and in yours. I don't believe that you would intentionally put her in harms way, and I know that I can not stop her from marrying you if that's what she wants. You're right, she is her own person. You're a good person, and whatever it is that they are hiding, if it is anything at all, I wish you luck in your search. I give you my blessing because I know that to do otherwise would hurt Dana deeply. Please watch after her because so help me if anything happens..." "Believe me, if anything happens, you won't have the chance to do anything because I'll be dead too." "OK then. I think that we should get inside before the girls get suspicious." And with that, they shook hands and headed inside for dinner. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 8:30pm Everyone sat around the living room heavily engrossed in conversation. Scully couldn't believe how well things were going. Dinner had been eaten in a comfortable silence, as it seemed her mother, Mulder, and her brother were all busy thinking about something. Scully knew that Mulder had talked to Bill about something, but every time she questioned Mulder about it, he'd shrug it off as /man talk/...whatever that meant, and anyway, when had they become so chummy? She vowed to herself that she'd get to the bottom of it...whatever it was. So here they were, having dessert and talking, like she always hoped it would be, and she had to smile to herself. Mulder caught the smile and leaned in to question. "What's going on?" "Oh nothing. Just thinking that this was a great idea to come here tonight." "Yea, I'm having a great time." Mulder agreed. That only made Scully smile more. She wanted so much for her family to get along with Mulder. Especially Bill, because she knew how he felt, and she feared that Bill would never except him as a part of her life. She hoped she was wrong. ************************************************************************************************************** 10:13pm "Good night sweetie." "'Night mom. I'll call you." Scully said as she hugged her mother goodbye. "Goodnight Fox. It was great having you here." Mulder hugged her goodbye, and he was about to pull away when she whispered in his ear. "Good luck." He smiled at her, but not before he caught the look that Scully gave him. He read it loud and clear. It said, "/What /is going /on/?" He ignored it. "Thanks Mrs. Scully. Dinner was wonderful." "I'm glad you liked it. Please come over again." "I don't think that'll be a problem. Goodnight." "Goodnight Fox, Dana." With that, they left. Once they were in the car, Scully turned towards Mulder and arms crossed, face stern said, "ok...out with it. What is going on?" "What do you mean." "You know what I mean Mulder. All night you and mom have been looking at each other as if you're ten years old and you have a secret that no one else is supposed to know about. And then there's you and Bill. You too were practically buddies tonight, and last time you saw each other, he wanted to rip your head off. What the heck did you two talk about?" "Scully...I have no idea what you're talking about." Mulder replied. "I just told him that I was sorry for past arguments and that I hoped we could put it behind us. As for you mother, I /really/ don't know what you're talking about." "You're lying." "Scully! Would I lie to you?" "Yes." Mulder feigned a shocked look. "Mulder, you're not getting away with this. I want to know what's going on." "Well, then you're going to have a long wait, because I don't know what to tell you." "Fine, whatever." Mulder glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. He smiled to himself and just kept driving. ****************************************************************************************************************** 11:00pm "Mulder...where are we going? We should have been home 15 minutes ago." "We're not going home." "We're not. Then where might I ask are we going?" Scully was still a little agitated by the fact that Mulder was hiding something from her. He was up to something, and damned if she wasn't going to find out what it was. "You'll see." "Mulder. I'm tired, and I just want to go home to sleep. It's been a long day." "But we haven't celebrated yet." "Celebrated? What did we just do?" "That was dinner with your family. Did we celebrate something and I missed it?" "Mulder, would you /please/ tell me what's going on?" "Nope." "No. Will you tell me where we're going?" "Sure." "Well?" Scully said raising her eyebrows. "Well what? "Where are we going?!" "Oh...To the office." "To the office?" Scully shouted surprised. "Why on earth are we going there?" "Oh, I can't tell you that." "Why not?" "I can't tell you that either, Scully. Don't worry. You'll see soon enough." "Scully sat back exasperated. She was getting even more tired by the minute. ******************************************************************************************************** 11:21pm "OK Mulder, /now /will you tell me /please/ what we're doing here?" "Just a second Scully. Here," he said pulling her chair out to the middle of the room, and placing his chair so that it was facing hers. "Sit down." Scully looked at him warily, but sat as he asked and as she sat down, he took a seat in his chair. He rolled his chair closer so that they were barely separated and took her hands in his. "Scully, I need to talk to you about something." Oh no, Scully thought, something's wrong. He's too serious all of a sudden. "Mulder, What's wrong?" "Nothing." Mulder replied smiling. "Nothing is wrong Scully. I just...I need to tell you something." "Go on." "When I first started on the X-Files, as you know, I worked alone. I preferred it that way because I could come and go as I pleased, and I didn't have anyone to tell what I was doing. Except of course, for my superiors. Then you came a long. At first, I didn't know what to think. I thought you were a spy." "Mulder, I know all of this already..." "Patience, Scully, patience." "Sorry." "Anyway...through the years that we've worked together Scully, I've come to trust you more then I have ever trusted anyone in my entire life. I trust you /with /my life and you have never let me down. You have always been there for me, putting yourself in harms way in the process, risking your relationship with your family, especially Bill, and loosing your sister and a daughter. I...I don't know /anyone/ who would do that...except you. You have fought for almost 7 years now, by my side not because you believe in my beliefs, but because you believe that whatever the truth is, it is out there, and you want to find it, as I do. You have no idea, what an amazing person you are." "Mulder..." "Wait, please Scully, let me finish. Last year, I told you that you make me a whole person. I told you that I didn't think that I could continue on my quest without you. Well, that holds true still today, but it also holds true in the sense that I can't imagine my life without you. I don't want to. You make me a better person, a better FBI agent, and a better man. I brought you here tonight Scully, because this is where we first met, and that's a day that I never want to forget, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, starting today." Mulder paused to take a small velvet box out of his pocket. "Scully, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Scully just sat there in shock, tears running down her face. She knew that Mulder love her, but she never thought that he wanted to marry her. Not so soon after they'd finally admitted their feelings for each other. "Mulder..." she gasped. "We just started really dating." "Scully, I have spent at least the last five years denying how I have felt about you, not only to you, but to myself. I don't want to do it anymore. We've been dating for a long time. We just never admitted it. Everyone else saw it when we didn't. I don't want to date you anymore. I want to marry you. I want to be with you forever." Scully took the box and opened it. Inside was the most beautiful diamond solitaire that she'd ever seen. It was classic and classy. "It's beautiful." Scully breathed. "Just like you." Scully looked up at Mulder, tears shinning in her eyes. She handed the box back to Mulder. "Scully...?" Mulder asked, doubt and fears swimming in his eyes. "Mulder, I thought that maybe you'd want to put it on me." Mulder nearly passed out. He let out the breath that he hadn't known he'd been holding and carefully taking the ring out of the box, he placed it on Scully's finger. "Scully, will you marry me?" "Yes, Mulder. I will." ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** End of Part 9 ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** _Ties That Bind_Part 10 of 11 By Stephanie Feldman Rating: NC17 for graphic language, and violence; Rape. Classification: MSR, SA, MA, R Date: June 6, 1999 Spoilers: Everything up until and including season 6 (US) Disclaimers: Mulder, Scully, Skinner, and Margaret Scully as well as any other XF characters belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created out of my own sick and twisted mind. Summary: Walking home one night, Mulder is attacked and the events that follow force him to realize the feelings that he harbor for Scully. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* It all had begun almost eight years ago. It had begun without them knowing it, the events that had brought them to where they were now. It had all begun with one decision, made by a young woman who would forever change the life of one man, a man who would do the same for her. Together, they would change the lives of many, but first, they had to change their own. One thought ran through her head as she stood in the dressing room gazing at her own image in the mirror, words that were spoken to her in a long past moment of fear and uncertainty. "You never know who you're going to meet at the FBI." She hadn't known the truth of those words at that moment. That simple little sentence that hinted to her all that was to come. So much had changed in those eight years. So much had been lost, but still so more had been gained, friendship, knowledge, validation, and most of all love. Scully still looked at herself in the mirror. Imagining that she was looking at her sister, she said a silent prayer. "Missy...you were so right...about many things, but one in particular. You told me often that I was closed off, that I never let anyone in. I knew you were right then, but I couldn't admit it. Instead I'd get angry with you because it was the only true reaction that I could have. You also told me that the people I'd meet would change my life, and I theirs. Sometimes I wonder if you weren't truly psychic...if such a thing exists. I miss you so much Melissa. I wish you were here. I know you saw how Mulder and I felt for each other. It seems it was obvious to everyone but us. Why is that? I'm so happy right now Melissa. I know that God is shinning down on Mulder and me. We finally found our happiness...in each other. Two lost souls who found their way in their union." Scully closed her eyes and smiled. She turned around at the feel of a hand on her shoulder, but no one was there. She could smell the faint hint of jasmine in the air; it was how Melissa always smelled. Scully smiled. "I love you too, Missy." ********************************************************************************************************* Sunday, November 7, 1999 St. Mary's Church 11:00am Scully stood just outside the doors waiting for them to tell her it was time to walk. Each time that the doors would open, she'd peek down the aisle to catch a glimpse of him. He looked absolutely stunning. Scully glanced at the man standing beside Mulder. She still couldn't believe that he'd asked him to be his best man, although he looked like he was having the time of his life. Skinner looked dashing in his tuxedo but he couldn't compare to Mulder, her soon to be husband. She wondered if she'd still call him Mulder. Then she laughed. She couldn't imagine ever calling him Fox. It didn't seem like it fit him. He was more unique then that, and Fox was definitely unique. No. It would forever be Mulder. She remembered back to the first time that she tried to call him Fox. He'd laughed nervously and told her that he had even made his parents call him Mulder. She'd never tried to call him anything else again. She also remembered the conversation they'd had, and it played again in her mind. "Scully...if there's and iced tea in that bag...could be love." "Must be fate Mulder..." Maybe it /was/ fate that had brought them together, and maybe even back then, she had loved him. "Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anyone but you." Scully smiled. "What are you smiling at?" Scully looked up into warm eyes. They were eyes that mirrored her own happiness. "Just thinking about how happy I am." "Seeing you happy makes me happy. I'm so proud of you Dana." Scully was about to respond when the doors opened, and it was her turn to walk down the aisle. She took a deep breath as he placed his arm in hers and together, She and Bill started the walk down the aisle. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Mulder stood there waiting for the doors to open so that he could see Scully. From his vantage-point he couldn't see her when she peeked through though she could see him. He briefly glanced at the person standing beside him. He could still remember the AD's reaction when they told him that they were getting married. "Well it's about time." "Excuse me sir?" Mulder and Scully had asked confused. The had been expecting to be split up. They hadn't thought that marriage between partners would be allowed. "Scully, Mulder...for all of the talent and knowledge that you two have shown over the past 61/2 years in your investigations, you could never see what was in front of your own eyes and in your hearts, that which you let everyone else see on a day to day basis." "But sir," Scully said. "What about the rule against Agents getting involved with each other?" "Scully, that rule was made too keep agents from getting so attached to their partners that it made them careless. With you two...you've been to hell and back on numerous occasions and you always come back stronger. That rule doesn't apply to you two. But..." He broke off looking at each one separately, but longer and sterner at Mulder..."That rule against agents consorting in a motel room while on case still applies!" At that, they all broke into hysterical laughter. Mulder Smiled to himself. He thought about all the times they'd been in danger, and it was true...they'd always come back stronger. The first time he'd lost her though, he thought he'd never be able to go on. He now knew that he wouldn't have. November 7, 1994...It was a day that would live in his mind forever. It was the day that she had been returned to him after Duane Barry had taken her. The day that he knew that if she never survived, he would go on if only to kill the people who had put her in that condition. But she had survived, and come back to him. And that was why he had chosen this day to get married. November 7, 1999...it was the day that they'd seal their lives together forever. They would truly be one, one heart...and one soul. He only wished that Samantha were here. It was the one thing that could make this day perfect. He missed her so much. Sometimes, he didn't know if he believed that she was still alive, but she had to be. He'd know if she weren't, he would feel it. What was taking so long? Mulder looked at his watch for what must have been the umpteenth time. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't wait to see her. He knew that she'd be absolutely gorgeous in her White gown, which would offset her hair beautifully, and accent her pail skin and blue eyes. Finally, the doors opened. Scully stood there, arm in arm with her brother...and she took his breath away. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** So here they both were she thought. Seven years after becoming partners, perhaps five years after falling in love and they were finally crossing that final bridge in their partnership and becoming truly partners, Husband and wife. It didn't sound as strange as she had once thought. The thought of becoming Mrs. Mulder...Mrs. Spooky only brought her smiles. "Are you happy?" Mulder asked from beside her. "Oh Mulder...I am so unbelievably happy." She whispered still smiling. "I'm glad. I only want happiness for you." "Mulder...even in the worst times over the past seven years, I was happy because you were there. You were with me." "I love you so much Scully." "I love you too. Now shhh...the man's speaking." She said gesturing toward Father McCue. "Who gives this woman to this man?" Father McCue began. "I do." Replied Bill and then placing a brief hand on Scully's shoulder went to take his seat beside his mother and brother. Knowing Scully must be thinking of her sister right now, he whispered. "She's hear, Scully...watching over you and I believe she's happy. I can feel her around us." And he could. "I know," she said. "I can feel her too." "I have known Dana for all of her life..." Father McCue continued. "I have watched her grow from a little girl into a beautiful young woman and the wonderful person she is. I have counseled her when she needed it and she's helped me as well as many others in this world. I have known this man, Fox for a shorter time but in that time I have come to see that he is every bit as wonderful as this woman is, compassionate and loving, I can see that he cares for this woman deeply. I've seen it since we first met a couple of years ago, and I see it still now." Mulder and Scully looked at each other. "I have always loved you Scully." Mulder said. "I will always love you. I could never love anyone else. You have my heart, and you have my soul. Scully, you are my soul mate. I feel it, and I'm as sure of it as I am that you are standing here with me. We'll always be together, souls mate eternal." "Mulder...If there is reincarnation...then I believe it too. Even before I loved you, I felt a bond between us. Even that first day when I first met you, I felt that our partnership was right. It was true. I had never felt that sure about anything before in my life. I was even unsure about joining the FBI. But I've never had any doubts about us. I've never had any doubts about you. You are my soul mate, eternally. Smiling and with tears in their eyes they turned once more to the altar where the father was still talking. "So it is with pride and honor that I join together these two hearts, and these two souls. May you two find only happiness in your life together." "Thank you." They said in unison. "Well then, if there be anyone who objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." "The ring please." Skinner stepped forward and handed Mulder the shinny gold band. He turned to Scully and looked deep into her eyes. "Do you, Fox William Mulder, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in heath as long as you both shall live and till death do you part?" "I do." He said placing the ring on her finger. He took her hands in his and she squeezed them. Beth stepped forward next and gave Scully the matching band for his finger. "Do you, Dana Katherine Scully, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live and till death do you part?" "I do." She said, placing the ring on his finger as he had hers. They stared at each other for long moments, as if they were never going to see each other again. He wanted to remember how she looked at this moment. She was so happy right now. He never wanted this happiness to end, and with her, he knew it never would. It was as she had said. Even through all of the hard times they'd suffered...they were happy because they were together. And now they'd be together forever. "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. I believe you know the rest." It was just the two of them now. They were the only two people left in the world it seemed. All they could do was stare at each other and slowly, never breaking eye contact, they moved in to one another. Mulder cupped her face in his hands and as they kissed, Mulder could swear he heard the angels singing. The End ************************************************************************************************* But don't fear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is an epilogue coming. J ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** _Ties That Bind- _Epilogue By Stephanie Feldman Archive: Anywhere...just ask first Rating: NC17 for sex, sex and more sex. Classification: MSR, RST Date: June 15, 1999 Spoilers: See part 1 Disclaimers: Mulder and Scully, belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am merely borrowing them to toy with their emotions and to fill some void within myself that seeks fulfillment. Please don't sue me, as I have no money. All characters independent of The X-Files belong to me, and are created from my own imagination. Summary: Mulder and Scully are finally married....LET'S GET IT ON! (It's honeymoon time!) Note: This portion of the story contains material that is NC17 in nature. If you are not of legal age...(17 in this case) Do not read this part. I take no blame in corrupting young minds. Pure mind candy follows. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** A remote island somewhere in the world (yes...this world) J Scully slowly opened her eyes. She felt wonderful. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she felt better. It was like everything was finally falling into place. True, everything was the same as it always had been...the conspiracies were still present and growing, it seemed, and she and Mulder were constantly in danger, but they were together. They were married. She turned the word over in her mind for a few minutes letting it's meaning fully sink in, and then she turned over onto her left side to see Mulder snuggled up close to her, a peaceful smile playing across his face, eyelashes fluttering slightly as he dreamed. The light streaming in through the window glanced off him playfully, highlighting that one lock of hair that was forever hanging down over his forehead. She gently brushed it aside and as she did so his lids slowly opened and his eyes found hers. He looked at her tenderly and she leaned forward and placed one long kiss on his lips. He brought his hands up to cup her face and deepened the kiss and then easily and with no thought moved on top of her. They hadn't made love yet since that first night when circumstances saw fight to stop them. After their flight the previous day they'd been too exhausted and just went to sleep. Plus, Mulder could tell that Scully still didn't think that he was ready. But he was. And this time he was sure about it. But Scully stopped him. "Mulder... "Scully...I'm ready. I'm perfectly fine." He said smiling down on her, bending down to kiss the tip of her nose. "But Mulder are you sure?" She asked uncertainly, remembering the last time she asked him this same question. She couldn't bare to see him go through that again. And she wouldn't be able to take it. "I'm positive." Mulder assured, still smiling. "Mulder, if it's ok...I think you should take it easy. Come on now...I'm a doctor." Scully said rolling out from under him and standing up. "Scully..." Mulder started tiredly. "I said I'm fine." Mulder turned around to find Scully standing there staring at him with her hands on her hips...and she was naked. "Scully?" "Mulder...now as your /personal/ doctor, I say that you need a lot of bed rest. After all...the past few days have been incredibly stressful, what with last minute wedding arrangements, the wedding itself, of course, and the plain ride...very stressful." Scully finished shaking her head. She walked over to Mulder who was just sitting there, mouth agape staring at her. She pushed him gently back so that his head was resting on the pillow and climbed over him. "Now just lie back..." she teased..."and let Dr. Scully take care of everything." "Yes Doctor." Mulder choked out. "What else to you recommend?" "Well...I think that your muscles need to relax. You seem kind of tense all of a sudden. I suggest, a deep muscle massage and...let's see," Scully paused, sitting back on Mulder's upper thighs, lips pursed. "I think that lots and lots of kisses are in order." "Sounds like a game plan doctor. How do you propose we begin?" "Well, it looks as if someone's begun already!" Scully replied looking down. Mulder followed her eyes and smiled. "Yeah, um.../Spooky /has been ready for a while now." "Hmmm...I see." Said Scully. "Well, we mustn't keep him waiting /too/ much longer." She said raising her eyebrows. "I suggest we start with the kisses and move on to the massage from there." Then, as if in slow motion, Scully, placing her hands and legs on either side of him moved up and started placing soft kisses on him. First his lips, and then down slowly over his chest, curling her fingers in the light fluff of hair growing in the middle of his chest. Mulder groaned at the feel of her soft lips as they blazed a trail of fire down his chest and then down farther to his stomach. He reached down to run his hands through her hair. He had to touch her. He wanted to taste her, and to feel himself inside her. He wanted to hear /her/ groan as the fire built inside of her. "Scully..." he moaned. "Mmm..." she said looking up. She had a devilish smile on her face. "Tasty." Then she looked down again and set her sights on her next course of action...the massage. Mulder closed his eyes in bliss as Scully gently took hold of his penis in her petite hands and slowly started the /massage/. Scully looked up to see his head thrown back slightly, and Mulder biting his lower lip. Mulder felt Scully start to run her finger tips up and down the shaft of his penis, then up and over the head swirling the little bit of pre-cum around. Then all movement stopped and he felt her entire hand go around him. He opened his eyes in time to see her lowering her head as she took him into her mouth. He through back his head again as he felt his hips rise off of the bed, almost of their own accord, pushing farther into heaven. He felt her tongue as it moved around the base of his penis and then up to the tip as her fingers had before. Blinding flashes of light shot through his head at the feel of the sandpapery texture of her tongue. No, he thought. He was getting to the point of no return and he didn't want it to be like this. He wanted to be inside her when he came. He wanted her to know what she does to him. He wanted her to feel it. "Scully...wait." He pleaded. But before he could stop her, she moved her hand down and gently squeezed his balls. Mulder's hips shot up and his eyes popped open. He was hanging on by barely a thread. "Scully, stop!" Scully looked up worried. Had she pushed him too far? "What Mulder, what's wrong?" "Not like this...inside...I want to be inside you." Mulder managed to get out. Scully smiled. Well why didn't you say so? She joked. Mulder just glared at her, but before she could do anything, he lunged at her. Scully cried out as Mulder took a hold of her shoulders and flipped her over so that he was on top. "Mulder!" She shouted laughing. "So, Scully...would you say that you're head over heels for me?" He asked smiling. "I'd say you're /heads/ above the rest." Mulder groaned. "That was really bad, Scully." "No worse then your usual, Mulder," Scully replied as she brushed her stomach up against his penis. Mulder groaned again, and with one swift movement he was inside her. Scully sighed at the feel of him filling her. It was true. They were made for each other. It was so right. She was complete now. For the first time in her life, everything felt right. She heard Mulder sigh and she looked into his eyes. He was looking at her with so much love it was almost over-whelming. "Scully..." "I know Mulder. I love you too." They smiled and then with agonizing slowness, Mulder moved out and then back in. Then out and back in again, still at the same slow pace. They were still looking in each other's eyes. Mulder bent down and placed a kiss on her nose, and Scully reached up and rapped her arms around his neck. They kissed long and hard, still keeping up the same pace. Scully moved her hips up to meet his with each thrust and still they never broke eye contact. He wanted to watch her face as she came, and he wanted her to see how he saw her in his eyes, beautiful, intelligent, strong, and passionate. They were both breathing heavily now and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the slow pace. Mulder wanted it to last forever. He never wanted this feeling to end. He took Scully's face in his hands and she moved her hands around his waste, pulling him closer. Then, she wrapped her legs around his hips, bringing him deeper inside her. "Scully..." he groaned. He couldn't hold on any longer. He had to speed up the pace. He felt like he was about to burst into a million pieces. "Mulder...it's ok...let go. Just let go." Scully gasped as Mulder thrust hard into her speeding up the rhythm, and she sped up to meet him. Scully was climbing just as fast as Mulder was and it was becoming harder by the second to prolong the inevitable. Scully felt Mulder speed up even more as his body began to shudder with the oncoming orgasm. She was not far behind. Mulder couldn't hold out any longer. He felt the waves of the Orgasm as rippled up through his groin. Squeezing both his eyes shut he grunted as he thrust once more into her and he was soaring. He felt Scully come almost immediately after him and soon they were falling together. Mulder sank back down to the bed and as they both got their breathing under control, he rolled both of them over so that they could be face to face without him crushing her. They were still joined. Mulder forced his eyes open to look at her. There was a thin sheen of sweat covering her face and darkening her hairline. She was glistening like fresh snow in the sunlight. There was a look of pure pleasure on her face, and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Scully could feel him smiling into her chest. She snaked her arms around him and pulled him closer still. Mulder pulled away from Scully just enough so that he could look at her. He found that she was looking at him. "See Mulder...I told you that all you needed was some bed rest." "Scully, that kind of bed rest could put me in traction." Scully burst out laughing. Then they kissed again. Scully pulled a way after a minute. "Excuse me a second Mulder. I have to go use the little Dr.'s room." "Scully...you're not going to put on that green shit again are you?" Scully looked at Mulder confused. "Green...oh! The face mask?" She asked remembering the case when they had to go undercover as a married couple. How ironic she thought. "Yea. The face mask." Mulder replied nervously. "What, you didn't like it?" Mulder shuddered. "No Mulder," Scully laughed. "No face mask. Just going to the bathroom." Mulder sighed relieved. Things like that would give him a heart attack someday, he thought. Scully came back not five minutes later and crawled back into bed. She looked over at the clock. 11:21am. "You know Mulder, we slept for 10 hours last night and I'm still exhausted..." She joked yawning in the process. "Gee, Scully...wonder why." He said laughing. Scully smiled and turned to Mulder. "Remember when we were on that case last year, when we had to pretend we were married?" When Mulder nodded, she continued. "Remember what you said to Shroeder?" When Mulder looked at her confused, she turned over so that her back was facing him and scooted back so that her body was curled up inside of his. She wrapped his arms around her stomach. "Oh...that." He said smiling. "We just spooned up like little baby cats and fell asleep." And they did. JTHE END J Please send feedback to SunshynX@mailcity.com No flames please