Together - The Collector's Edition by Talia Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST Classification: XRA *DISCLAIMER- Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, the Cancer Man, Alex Krycek, the Lone Gunmen, the Well Manicured Man, Marita Cov- Cova- ah hell, ya know who I mean, and the whole idea behind "The X-Files" (WHEW) belong to the head honcho, the big cheese, the shipper-in-denial Chris Carter. And FOX and Ten Thirteen Productions. It includes a brief transcript from "Small Potatoes" by Darin Morgan. Christann Drumel is the product of my own fertile, sick, twisted imagination (yeah!) and may not be used without my permission... yadda yadda yadda... I don't mean to offend anybody (though if they were offended that would just prove that they're a bunch of self-centered jerks- oops) so don't sue me because I'm not making any money Offa this. (but feel free; any donations to the Talia Christine-saving-up-for-a-Discman-club would be greatly appreciated). *SPOILERS- Ummm... brief spoilers for Small Potatoes, Duane Barry, Talitha Cumi/Herrenvolk, Colony/Endgame... but they are so small that you might not even notice. WARNING! MEGA SPOILER FOR GETHSEMANE IF YOU READ MY END COMMENT! Just when you least expect it... I'm ba-ack! My new budding inspiration may be classified as my predictions for the fourth season finale. Actually, it's just what flashed through my sick, twisted little mind when I read, "the ultimate relationship test" on the forever revered XF homepage, stretched, revised, and mushed into another plot (which, believe it or not, is actually sorta x-filey- whoa! That's a first!) Comments are thrived on, so read, flame, criticize, love, hate, whatever. Oh, and Steph, shippers rule the world. Talia Christine :-D Summary: He's a man running to forget his part. She's a girl running to find hers. Time is ticking away, for the girl that is his only hope in finding that which had steered his life, and for the woman that makes that life worth living. But for Fox Mulder, the only way to win is to put everything that he trusts on the witness stand. * * * * * Together By Talia :-D * * * * * May 18 8:37 p.m. Washington D.C Talia's Restaurant "Christann? Where the hell are you? We need you over here!" "I'm coming!!" yelled back a young girl of about seventeen, who was hurriedly trying to serve all of her tables while her boss was screaming at her in the background. "Christ," she muttered, jamming yet another meager tip into her pocket, but still managing to flash a semi-flirty smile at a man whose table she was waiting. He smiled back politely, but seemed a little preoccupied. Oh, well. Judging by his looks, he probably had a wife and kids at home already. She hurried back into the kitchen, and picked up another order. She reentered the dining room and was heading to the table when three men, clad all in black, stepped inside ominously. They pretended to scan the room, as if looking for someone, and one of them, who looked exactly like a cross between a hog and Arnold Schwarzeneggar, was staring straight at her. The plates that she was holding crashed to the ground as the men started towards her. "CHRISTANN!" her boss yelled angrily. She didn't care what the hell he thought. She was too busy running. She turned and shoved the people behind her out of the way, and burst full speed to the back. The men were at her heels. She heard yells, and, followed by another scream. Oh, shit. Christann shoved the back door open and hurtled out, gulping fresh air, her breath coming out in shaky gasps. She took off down the alley, not knowing where she was going, and not really caring, either, as long as it was as far away from the men as was physically possible. She knew why they were there. They were there for her. And, dammit, she was not going down without a fight. A small price to pay for the truth. She could hear tires screeching, echoing shrill screams that were emitted in her mind. A black car hurtled out in front of her. She dodged to the right and took off down another alley, her energy fueled only by her intense will to live. She was the prey being hunted by the hunter, and it scared the crap out of her. Oh God, please, oh God, help me... A tall figure burst out in front of her, one arm grabbing her by the waist and the other clamping a large hand down on her mouth, ducking her down through a small door to a warehouse. The door slammed, and she and her captor were in darkness besides for a small window near the ceiling. Christann's life flashed before her eyes, and intense panic surged through her body. She emitted a muffled yell, kicking and scratching with all of her remaining energy, trying desperately to free herself. The man was saying something in her ear, but she didn't care. Tears of fear streamed down her face and she bit down hard on the hand that was over her mouth. It sprang away instantly, and Christann screamed with all of her might. The man was yelling too, and trying to control her thrashing about. "Relax- hey, relax! I'm not gonna hurt you- OOF!" The oof was emitted as she jammed her elbow as hard into his gut as was possible and the arm around her waist loosened. She threw herself forward and was free. Christann whirled around to face him, stunned for a moment to see that it was the man from the restaurant. One hand was raised up in the air in a gesture of surrender, while the other was holding up a badge. "FB- FBI," he said breathlessly. "I'm not going to hurt you. For crissake, calm down." Christann heard the tires squealing and knew that it wouldn't be long before the men found her. She stared at him and he read her mind. "Come on," he said, and ran into the darkness that enveloped the abandoned warehouse. She followed him blindly, stumbling and fighting the wave after wave of sick panic that was rising up into her throat. Finally he threw another door open and she saw that she was back on a main street, near the restaurant. Police cars were everywhere, and people were swarming about. She breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't find her- yet. They wouldn't try to do anything with all the people around. But that didn't mean they wouldn't be back. She let out a shuddery sigh and turned to her savior. "Thanks." He regarded her quizzically, and his hazel eyes struck her. Those eyes- they reminded her of someone... "Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on?" Christann shot a look at him. "No offense, but I don't know if I can trust you." He unveiled a nearly unperceptible smile. "I'm a G-man- one of the good guys." "Trust no one," Christann threw over her shoulder as she disappeared into the crowd. Fox Mulder stared after her and shook his head, incredulous. * * * * * 10:31 p.m. For some strange reason, all of the things that Mulder heard as he entered his apartment seemed amplified ten times louder than normal. Clank. He threw down his keys. Click. He shut the door behind him. Blurb, blurb. The air bubbles in the fish tank. He shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts. What was going on? When he had seen the hog enter the restaurant, his initial reaction was the fleeting rage and anger, as he had reached for his gun. Never in his life had he been so stunned as when the shapeshifter whipped out a gun as well and fired, not at him, but at a tall, thin waitress that had been serving a nearby table. The girl had acted as if she knew that they had come for her, and took off as if her life depended on it. Even if the hog had noticed that Mulder was there, he hadn't given him a second glance. Coincidence? He shook his head, not knowing whether or not he was involved in this whole thing or not. He had jumped up and ran out the restaurant after her, calling 911 on the way for the three customers that the hog had shot. He knew very well that if the men in black were chasing this girl to such a great extent, they would kill her. Mulder knew that from experience. The girl didn't have much of a chance. His mind replayed the shock that he had lived when she had turned around and he got his first real good look at her. The first thought was disdain- his hand was sore and scratched up, and she had jammed her elbow into his side just hard enough to know the wind out of him. She had been going purely on adrenaline, and it sure made her strong. She had hurtled out of his grasp and whirled around, and his heart had thudded, his brain clicking into a sickening deja vu mode. She was tall and had short, dark, unruly brown hair. But her eyes- they were the exact hazel shade of- He shook his head again, hard. Ridiculous, he reprimanded himself. Don't jump to conclusions. At least the girl knew a lot about the game they were in. She knew well enough to trust no one, not even a G-man. He wished that he had at least gotten her name, so he could check her out with the gunmen. He would go back to the restaurant and find out her name first thing in the morning. Beep. His thoughts were shattered as he pressed Play on his blinking answering machine. "Mulder? It's me." Scully's voice floated into the room. Her tone was calm and regulated, but slightly high pitched. Mulder could tell she was upset. He knew why. "Where are you? Langley just called me and said he went to Talia's Restaurant, but there were police and-" she stuttered, only for a second, "and I saw on the news that someone of your description supposedly jumped up and ran after the gunmen..." She paused. "That's a bit risky, Mulder even for a G- man." He smiled. "Anyway, uh, call me when you get back. I need to know that you're okay." She paused, as if she expected him to pick up at that second, then there was the click that confirmed that she had hung up. He rubbed his eyes and picked up the phone. "Scully." "Hey, it's me." "Mulder, where are you?" she asked sharply. "I'm okay- I'm at home." There was silence on the other end, but he thought that he could hear her exhale deeply. "What happened." "I was at Talia's waiting for Langley, and this waitress picked me up-" he paused, but the stony silence told him that it wasn't the right time for Mulderisms. "I was waiting for Langley and-" he took a deep breath, "Scully, the bounty hunter came in." He could almost feel the cold pit that settled in her stomach at his words. "You're kidding." "I wish I was." "What happened?" "They didn't even look at me, Scully," he closed his eyes and wearily rested his head on his palm. "They pulled a gun and took off after one of the waitresses, and shot three people on the way. I went through the old warehouse on Carter Avenue, and caught her from the other side. I took her back to the main road and she was gone. I didn't even get her name." He suddenly felt the incredible urge to laugh. "And she profoundly told me to trust no one." "Hmm, a graduate of the conspiracy universe." His mouth twitched slightly. "Her name is Christann Dramel or Drumel or something like that. They had her picture on the news. She never came back to the scene. Neither did the gunmen." She paused. "No one could give a description of the offenders, though. Besides the fact that they were dressed in black." "If they DID give a description, they would have arrested either Homer Simpson's evil twin or Arnold Schwarzeneggar by now," Mulder deadpanned. Suddenly he remembered. "Scully, did you see the doctor tod-" "Yes," she interjected. "And..." his voice trailed off. She cleared her throat. "Well, I- he said-" she cleared her throat again. "Not good." His heart constricted. "Well, it hasn't dramatically gotten WORSE, but it isn't getting any better." She paused again and gave a short laugh. "I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up." Silence stretched between them. There was a saying that you really didn't love a person unless you could hold a comfortable silence with them for at least twenty minutes. Been there, done that. Mulder could almost feel the energy buzzing through the telephone line. Her fears, his fears. He bit his lip. Don't give up hope. Please, God, don't let her give up hope. There was a rustle at the other end. "So, what are we gonna do about this bounty hunter thing?" "I'm going to try to find her. Maybe I can find out why they were after her. She must have ticked off the higher ups enough that they didn't even care that I was there." "Thank God for that," she said in a low voice. "All of those that were shot are dead." Mulder swallowed. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Mmm-hmm. I'll find out what else I can about this Christann person. You should try to get some rest. You sound beat." "I confess, Scully: Christann kicked my ass." She laughed again. "It's not THAT hard, Mulder," she teased. "Goodnight." Click. He stared at the phone for a moment, then dialed another number. "Gunmen." "Turn off the machine." "It's off." "TURN IT OFF, BYERS!" * * * * * May 19 J. Edgar Hoover Building 8:09 a.m. Scully sighed as she shifted through the piled of paper on Mulder's desk. Less then twelve hours had passed since their phone conversation, and already Mulder had pulled up every available scrap of information on Christann Drumel there was. She frowned as she studied the report: Christann Susan Drumel, seventeen. Abandoned when she was four years old, found in Michigan. In and out of hospitals, treated for epilepsy and lapses of memory loss. As a child the doctors thought she had a case of "multiple personalities", though it turned out that she was simply suffering from posttraumatic stress. The final conclusion was her parents had been abusive. Several futile attempts had been made to locate her parents, but they were soon abandoned as no leads turned up. Scully studied a picture of Christann when she was found in Michigan. A tiny, scrawny little girl with dark brown hair a pouty lower lip and huge hazel eyes. Those eyes- they reminded her almost of- She found herself involuntarily glancing at the picture of a little girl that sat on Mulder's desk. Sighing, she turned the page. Christann had been in and out of foster homes until she was sixteen, when suddenly she ran away. A list of where she turned up was provided only by the MUFON group, to which Christann seemed to be an active member, and hospitals, as she had epileptic seizures and frequently. New York. Chicago. San Diego. Washington. Scully shook her head. It seemed that Christann had spent most of her life on the run. On the run from what? Mulder walked into the office, and looked at her, surprised. "Hey." She indicated all of the papers on the desk. "I tell you to get some sleep and you dig up this girl's biography after seeing her for only two minutes and not even getting her name." "I have connections." She was taken aback. "You can't tell me that the Gunmen had stuff on her." He smiled. "The Gunmen have stuff on everything, Scully. In fact, they've heard of her before. She's a member of the MUFON group." "So I've read." "Yep." Mulder slipped on his glasses (Ed's note: MEGA SIGH!) and sat down at his desk, sorting papers. "Right up our alley." He shot her a quick look. It only registered later that he said "our" instead of "my." * * * * * 9:49 a.m. Downtown Washington Christann opened one eye and willed the sun to go away. She didn't want to wake up- wait. Where the hell was she? She sat up groggily and looked around. She had been sleeping on Joel's couch. She stifled a groan as her head began to pound. She winced. Then she remembered. She had had a seizure... The door opened tentatively and Joel peeked in. She relaxed slightly at the sight of him. He was very tall and well built, with sandy hair and brooding eyes. He stopped when he saw she was awake. "Hey." "Hey yourself, Joel." He walked into the room slowly, jamming his hands into his pockets. "How are you feeling?" he asked softly. She closed her eyes and leaned back. "My head hurts." He nodded, his eyes steadily leading a flow of questions at her. "You had a seizure." "I remember that... I think...." He sat down gingerly on the edge of the couch, as if he was afraid she would snap in two. "What do you remember?" Her brow furrowed in concentration. Suddenly she remembered. The men... in the restaurant... "I was in the restaurant and some men came in with guns. They started shooting and I ran, and-" She stopped. She didn't want to tell Joel about the FBI agent that had saved her skin. "I don't remember much else." Her eyes lit up. "I took the bus here." He nodded slowly. "You were pretty shaken up. I had seen what had happened at Talia's on the news. I wanted to call the police, but you wouldn't let me. Then-" he stopped. "You had a lapse, Chris." She sighed. "What did I say this time?" "You started yelling about your mother. You said they were taking them from you. And they did something-" he winced, and she felt sorry for putting him through this. "Something that hurt you." She sighed deeply. "I don't remember, Joel. I'm sorry." "You had a seizure. You-" he looked away quickly, "had left some of the medication here, so I gave it to you, and it subsided and you fell asleep right away." He stopped, and suddenly seemed very nervous. "Christy," he was the only one that called her that. She had loved him for it. "The lapse- maybe you ought to see the doctor again-" She squeezed her eyes shut, and he fell silent. "Joel, I'm not crazy. Please don't do this to me." He stared at her helplessly. "I didn't say-" "Please, we don't have to go through this again," she interrupted, her voice barely a whisper. She opened her eyes. Joel stared at her blindly. He was trying to help, she knew. But she needed someone that believed her. Someone. She was the only one- the only one who was starting to regain stolen memories. She closed her eyes again. Joel stood, mumbled something about coffee, and went into the next room. Christann sighed. Why, why had she some here? She knew. She had no where else to go, no one else to trust. Even Joel though she was crazy. It was inevitable. In the end, that was what had torn them apart. She was alone again. Alone when she started to remember. Alone when the ones that wanted to forget had come. She felt a tear slide down her face, and her voice came out in a retched whisper to her ears "I'm remembering things. I didn't make them up. They're not my imagination." And they were the reasons for her terror. But they would not take them from her again. The only way to do that was to kill her. That wouldn't happen. She wanted to know what had they had done. She wanted to know the fate of the others. Her mother. And she wanted to know why. * * * * * 1:15 p.m. Scully was relatively silent on the way to Christann's residence. She was sitting straight in the seat, staring out of the window, her brow nearly imperceptibly furrowed in thought. She seemed to be very far away. Mulder wondered what she was thinking about. The cancer? He hoped not. Suddenly she spoke. "Mulder, under what jurisdiction to you file this case?" He didn't look at her. "I didn't come up with that yet." Hoo boy. He kept his eyes focused on the road. Scully sighed deeply. "Skinner's gonna want to know why we're doing this." "A suspect from an earlier case re-surfaced." A wave of chill passed over her when she thought of the bounty hunter. He was the shapeshifter that had taken Mulder's form and kidnapped her. Her mind replayed the scene as if it had happened only yesterday. Put your hands against the wall... She remembered the Mulder-like look of surprise, pain, and confusion when she said that. Scully, it's me... only moments before whirling around and hitting her with enough force to send her flying through the room. She remembered sitting in the car, with the bounty hunter in the back, while she fumed that he had ditched her again, praying at the same time that he was okay. She remembered silently willing him not to disclose his location over the phone, trying to ignore the knife that he held up to her throat. God. She shuddered. She wanted to catch that sonofabitch. For what he did to her... and to Mulder, making him relive the pain of losing his sister for the second time. She glanced at him quickly, and with a sickening remembrance could almost see the bruises that had lined his face when he had encountered the bounty hunter in Antarctica. As a result, he had come this close to dying of hypothermia... A heat of fury went pulsing through her body at that. For what he did to Mulder... "Here we are." The car pulled up to a ratty apartment building. A girl of about sixteen was standing outside, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, a baby on her hip. She regarded them with bloodshot eyes that had seen their owner shoot up on too much heroin. The agents climbed out of the car and approached her. "Does Christann Drumel live here?" Mulder queried. The girl stared at him. "Yeah." "Do you know her?" Scully asked. The girl focused her blurred gaze on her, stared at her as if pondering the question, and finally shook her head slowly. Mulder and Scully exchanged a look and entered the building. They made their way up to apartment 24, and found the door was slightly ajar. Mulder pulled out his gun, and glanced at Scully, who had done the same. Their gaze locked for an instant and she nodded. Mulder quickly shoved the door open and she burst inside. The place was trashed. The phone was off the hook and clothes and papers were everywhere. The main thing of value that was there was a computer, whose monitor had methodically been smashed. After making sure no one was in the apartment, the agents surveyed the damage and began to look around. "It sure as hell looks like someone broke in here," Mulder said in a low voice. Scully nodded slowly, and noticed a small framed picture that had been overturned. She picked it up. The glass was cracked, but she could still make out Christann with her arms around a tall, sandy haired man of about nineteen. "Mulder." He walked over to her. "He might know where she is." "Excuuuuusseee me!" a voice snapped. The agents turned. "What in the shee-it is goin' on here?" A woman was standing there, her hands crossed across her chest, glaring at them, radiating a lot of attitude. Scully took out her badge. "Agents Mulder and Scully, FBI." The woman's eyes widened. "FBI? Shee-it. Just like on TV!" Mulder stepped in. "We're looking for Christann Drumel. Are you the super here?" "You bet yer white ass I am." Scully cleared her throat. "When was the last time you saw Christann?" The woman stuck out her lower lip in a pouty expression. "She didn't never hang round here often, till recently. Folks said she was a bit losin' it, ya know?" Mulder frowned. "How so?" "Shee-it, people said she was some UFO freak or something. Once she went freakin' nuts, screaming about some people doin' somethin' to her and yellin about her momma. But her man was here wither, and he took her to the hospital. And this once, she was downstairs, and she started to kinda shake, you know? And I the ambulance came. She ain't been here long, but Christ..." the woman shrugged. "I dunno. I ain't sayin' NUTHIN'." Scully showed the woman the picture. "Is this the man you said she was with?" The woman nodded. "Yep. His name was Joel. Joel Resin. Honey, was my little girl crazy bout him! I tell ya, I don't know why a looker like him would wanna stay with a nutcase like her... I've had nuff trouble, though. Wuzzit true, what they said on the TV? Was they lookin' for her from that restaurant? Cause some men came and they bust they door down yesterday, said they wuz comin' to get Christann." She surveyed the room. "Shee-it. They done this place in, didn't they?" Scully took out a notepad. "The men that came yesterday. What did they look like?" The woman frowned. "I tell you, girl, that I duwnno? Christ, it must be the booze... But I'm kickin' out this Chris girl when she gets back. I got annufothis." She walked to the door. "If ya need help, I'll be downstairs. Jeest you ask for Rindy Carter. They all know me." Rindy swaggered out of the apartment. Mulder squelched an annoyed sigh and turned back to searching the apartment. Scully watched him. "So, Mulder, what's you theo-" She stopped when he frantically started waving his hand. "What?" Mulder stood slowly and straightened. He took her arm and led her over to where he was looking, and pointed to the edge of the floor, where it met the wall. A bit of the carpet had been torn up, revealing a tiny black object. Her heart thudded as she stared back at him. His face was stony. A bug. Shit. Scully straightened. "Mulder," she said in a low voice, "I think we better go. There' s nothing more to find here." He nodded, the questions in his eyes mirroring her own. But one thing was certain. They needed to find Christann. Soon. * * * * * A man sat alone in a dark room, watching the smoke swirl around in the air, pressing the earphone to his ear. They had found the bug probably. Oh well. It didn't matter. Christann was long gone for now. But they would get her this time. The second she surfaced. It wouldn't be that hard. And they would find her before Mulder and Scully. He inhaled deeply, savoring the smoke that was filling his lungs. Was it killing him slowly, he wondered? He inhaled again. It didn't matter. His life didn't make a difference to the outside. There were barely any people in the world that even knew he existed. And if it wasn't for this Christann girl, he wouldn't have to worry about anyone revealing his work. There was always Mulder and Scully, of course. They had come close before, too close. But in the end they were always left with nothing. No proof. No evidence. No witnesses. No one to trust. No one who remembered. Until now. The Cancer Man leaned back in his chair, eyes, slightly unfocused, blindly staring into the ceiling, musing. They would get rid of Christann. They had to. Just because of a mistake. One damn mistake. They had tried to scare her, to threaten her. That didn't work. They had tried to take her again, to bury her memories one more time. She always escaped. The last time they had tried was yesterday, wakening the interest of Fox Mulder in the process. There was nothing else to do. They had to kill her before she remembered too much. And if the agents came too close, he had no choice but to kill them, too. He could've already done so a million times. Scully already was wasting away. The Cancer Man knew that she would, without a doubt, take Mulder with her. Kill two birds with one stone. The phone jangled. He picked up the receiver, and inhaled deeply. "Hello." "Did they find anything?" The Cancer Man stuck the cigarette butt in an ashtray, and pulled a packet of Morley's out of his pocket. "Nothing of extreme significance. They don't know where she is, either. There's nothing to worry about." "Some of us are getting paranoid." Cancer Man smiled. "There's no need for worry," he repeated. "Davis is taking this very seriously. Him and Williamson. They'll be the first one's to go down if this comes out." "They are the only one's that the people know exist." "I wish they had your confidence." "They haven't watched presidents die." Cancer Man lit another cigarette. "Can we use Marita?" "He doesn't trust Marita anymore. He doesn't trust anyone but his partner right now. I'm afraid, my friend, that the only thing to do is get rid of the girl before they get too close. Work from the outside." "And they won't be suspicious?" "It will just be the end of another life, my friend. A life that people knew of as a nutcase." Cancer Man flicked some ash off the table. "Just another Max Fennig." Just another Max Fennig... -------- 3:29 p.m "Two diet cokes, please." The girl behind the counter looked up. "We're out of diet coke." Scully sighed. "Ice tea then," she said, and felt herself blush inwardly. Wishful thinking, she thought, thinking back to the Tooms case, wondering for a brief moment what would have transpired had she followed instinct and brought ice tea on the stakeout... STOP IT!!!!! She handed the girl the money, and reached for the drinks. As she did, a drop of crimson fell on the counter. Scully stared at it and slowly she felt the world whirl around her. "Ma'am, are you okay?" the girl asked. Scully nodded quickly and shoved the drinks at Mulder, who had just come out of the bathroom. He surprise melted into realization. "Scully-" She ignored him and hurried into the bathroom, heart pounding. She yanked at the faucet and splashed water on her face. Trying hard to calm down. She gripped the sides of the sink and breathed deeply. Her slight headache seemed to escalate, pounding, reminding her of its presence, taunting, teasing. Fear clenched her heart. She swallowed and stared at her pale face in the mirror. The face of a dying woman. She squeezed her eyes shut. God, she didn't want to let go of life. Her work. Her mother and family. Mulder. She fought back the frightened tears and willed her heart to stop pounding. She was trembling, terrified. You've had these nosebleeds before. And each time she could feel her strength and her hope slipping away... She buried her face in her hands and leaned down, allowing several more frightened tears to escape before regaining her composure. Shoving her thoughts as far into herself as possible, she walked out of the bathroom, ignoring Mulder's gaze. * * * * * Dammit, why won't she TALK to me??? Mulder shot his partner another sidelong gaze. She was once again silently staring out the window, only this time her eyes were slightly red, and her lower lip was trembling, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. He wanted to pull over and kiss her and pour out his fears. And he wished that she would so the same. He couldn't stand her keeping all of her worries within herself, torturing and tormenting. He wanted her to tell him what her fears were. She had tried, once, and he had been too overwhelmed to let her go on. The truth was, he was scared shitless of Dana Scully telling him she was giving up hope. At times like these she was his crutch, giving him lifesaving support. When she told him about the ghost, he had been angry; angry that she had to go around wondering if she would wake up the next day, angry at himself for not being able to do anything about it, and angry at those bastards that had done this to her in the first place. He knew that his words had hurt her. He had tried to express his feelings without collapsing. I know what you're afraid of. I'm afraid of the same thing. But now he saw that she was terrified. Maybe it was time for him to play the supporter. God knows he owed it to her. If only she would SAY something... "You missed the turn, Mulder." His heart thudded at the sound of her voice, low and still a bit shaky. "Hmm?" "The turn. You should've gone left down there." "Oh. Yeah." Mulder swallowed and did a U-turn. "Sorry." She frowned. "Are you okay?" Dammit, she was going to end up the supporter again. Christ, he was a selfish bastard. "I'm fine, Scully." "Isn't that usually MY line?" Mulder smiled, feeling the tension between them relieved. They had spent what seemed like hours on the phone trying to get an address for Joel Resin. It seemed to be just their luck that he lived on the other side of the city. Scully craned her neck and scanned the numbers of the buildings. "Over there." Mulder parked and the agents got out of the car. They walked to the front door and pressed Resin on the intercom. Nobody answered. "What now?" asked Scully. They didn't have the authority to go into Joel Resin's apartment without a reason. And they wanted to find Christann Drumel, not search the place. Mulder gestured back to the car. "We wait." * * * * * 5:16 p.m Scully fidgeted. This was taking forever. Where was Joel? In all probability, he might know about as much about Christann's location as they did. She glanced at Mulder. Was it really the re-appearance of the bounty hunter that had drawn him to this case? Or was it Christann Drumel? An epileptic, with a mysterious childhood; a nomad that didn't stay in one place for very long, a UFO freak that people labelled a "nutcase." A female version of Max Fennig, she mused. Mulder sighed and looked at her. She caught his eye for a brief moment, and she remembered that she had thought that Christann looked a lot like Mulder- at least the eyes. Did he- "Mulder," she said suddenly her low voice breaking the shimmering glass of silence, "do you think that this has anything to do with Samantha?" He was taken aback. "Why do you say that?" She blushed. "The pictures- she looked sort of like Samantha... I'm sorry. She's too young to be Samantha. Never mind." Mulder stared at her. "Do you believe that we'll find Samantha someday, Scully?" he asked softly, searching her face for reaction. Something stirred in her heart. The "we" again. God, it was torturing her, sitting next to him in this Buick and not being able to say what she really wanted to. Dark thoughts flitted unbidden into her mind and the demons resurfaced. "Do you think we'll find a cure for my cancer, Mulder?" Something flickered in is eyes, and she felt a stab of guilt. What was wrong with her? She closed her eyes and turned to face him. "Yes, Mulder. I do believe that we'll find Samantha someday." She paused and stared out the window. "I'm sure of it." Before he could reply, she noticed a tall dark haired girl enter the apartment building. She was hurrying along, hunched forward, her eyes darting around nervously. Scully squinted. "Is that her?" Mulder nodded slowly. "Yeah. Let's go." They hurried from the car and flashed their badges at another woman entering the building, who let them in without question. They hurried up to apartment 4b and knocked on the door. It opened almost immediately. "Jo-" she stopped. Christann Drumel's frightened face stared at them. * * * * * Christann stared at them, not believing what she was seeing. She recognized that man immediately. It was the one that saved her. Oh God, FBI. She had just gone and bought a plane ticket under a fake name. A plane ticket to Allentown, Pennsylvania. She needed to see Penny. Penny would know how to help her. She needed to get away. The man held up his badge, his eyes searching her face. "Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, FBI." She swallowed. "What do you want?" The woman spoke up. "We wanted to ask you a couple questions, Christann." Christann bit her lip. Fox Mulder. FM Luder from Omni. And Dana Scully. She had heard a lot about her from Penny Northern. Oh, God. They needed to go away. They would be killed... "Please, I don't have anything to say." Mulder swiftly stepped forward, forcing the door open and inch. "Miss Drumel. this is important. Just for a minute." Christann stared at them, then stepped away from the door. I won't tell them anything, she thought. But I need to know what happened to Penny. "Agent- uh, Scully?" she asked as she closed the door behind them. "Agent Scully, do you know Penny Northern?" Mulder's heart thudded and he saw a tiny flicker of pain in his partner's eyes. "Yes." Christann tried hard to cover her relief. "Oh, where is she? I've been trying to contact her... I can't seem to get hold of the MUFON group ever since I came to D.C. no one at NICAP is helping me, and I really need to speak with Penny-" "She's dead." Scully cut in icily. Christann's face drained of color. Her knees wobbled. That's it, she thought. I'm done for. There's no one else. It was time to give up. That's was she had promised herself. Penny was the last one. She sank down onto Joel's couch. "Oh my God," she whispered, her voice tremulous and terrified. "How, when?" Scully felt Mulder's hand on the small of her back, strong and reassuring. "Cancer, a couple of months ago," he said. "Miss Drumel, we came here to talk to you about the incident at the restaurant yesterday." Christann looked up. "About what?" Scully sat down, flashing a quick thank-you look at Mulder. "The men that came into the restaurant- did you recognize them?" Christann nodded slowly. "Why do you think I ran?" "Have they come after you before?" She nodded again. Mulder was staring at Christann for a long time. "Was it because of something you know, Christann? Something about what they did to you?" Her gaze shot up, matching his identical hazel gaze with hers. Fiery, firm. "Yes." He didn't drop his eyes. "What do you know, Christann?" Christann leaned back, and looked at the both of them. "Agent Mulder," she said softly, "I told you before- I trust no one. They want to kill me, and they'll kill you if I tell you anything." "Miss Drumel," he said quietly, "I believe that they do something to people. We have spent the past four years looking for answers. I NEED to KNOW whatever you do." Scully spoke. "Your records, Christann. People say that you have lapses in which you say that your afraid, that "they" took something or something from you." Christann glared at her feircely. "And they say I'm crazy. Even Joel says I'm crazy. Because of the things I've started to remember. They want to lock me up. And the men in black wanted to erase it again. When I wouldn't let them, now they want to kill me." She paused. "Now Penny's gone too. No one's left." She stared at Mulder. "This way I have a chance. If I tell anyone, then I'm gone. They'll kill me practically before the words leave my mouth." Mulder leaned forward, eyes animated. "Do you remember experiments, Christann?" Scully placed a warning hand on his shoulder. Christann eyes were deadly. "What did they do to you? To your-" he paused, and went out on a limb, "-mothers?" Scully shot him one of her "where in the world did that come from?" look, then glanced back at the girl. Christann's lips parted slightly. She stood up. "Go away," she hissed, her voice shaking. Scully knew he had struck a nerve. "They're going to kill you, Christann, unless you bring what you know to light," Mulder pressed, agitated. "Do you think that I can just go out and tell the world?" she stared at him. "Just another nutcase, no proof, no nothing. NOTHING. They'd eat me alive." She stepped towards them. "Do you think that I ASKED for the memories to come back? The memories that sealed my fate? I want to know what happened to the others. I do. But there's no one else. Penny is gone now. I don't know if even she totally believed me. I don't want to give up my life for something I don't even know I can prove. All I can do now is leave it." Mulder tried hard to squelch his anger. "That's it? You, Christann, can remember the Truth in an instant; the Truth that so many people have been working towards their entire lives, and you are willing to just WALK AWAY?" Christann nodded. "I'm sorry," she said simply. "I've tried to find ways to do this. I can't. Agent Mulder," she shook her head, "don't put your life in danger for this." Mulder could feel the slow boil of anger and frustration building up inside of him. "I already have," he said, "and so has my partner. We've given up our lives for this. You can't just leave it as it is." Christann's face twitched. "I'm sorry," she said again. She walked to the door and unlocked it, waiting. The agents stood. Mulder angrily tossed his card on the table and walked out. Scully followed him numbly, her mind in turmoil. They walked to the car, and neither said a word. Inside the apartment, Christann closed her eyes and tried hard to calm her quaking heart, and to stop the tears from rolling down her face. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." * * * * * 6:07 p.m. Mulder gripped the steering wheel angrily and glared ahead of him. He was furious. His eyes stared at the road ahead, squinting. His whole countenance was shooting a warning to the other commuters. Warning: I am a very pissed off man with a gun. Don't mess with me. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he gritted his teeth in an attempt to keep his rage inside of himself. Damn that Christann. How could she? How DARE she? Did she have any idea the HELL that he and Scully had been through to try to find out what Christann knew? What she knew could save Scully's life. It could save the lives of God knows who else. It would save his. He didn't want to die wondering if he had wasted his life. Christann had the fire in her to bring the truth out. But she was too damned selfish. Too damned selfish to go out on one of the countless limbs and Scully and himself had been on. Christann was too afraid she'd break a nail in the process. Scully watched Mulder, recognizing the stony, angry look on his face. She knew what he was feeling. A sickening sense of loss settled over her. Penny had clearly been that girl's last hope. It maddened her that there was someone out there that knew the answers and refused to bring it to light. The car next to them shot forward and manically tried to change lanes under their nose. The car swerved. Mulder slammed on the brakes. "DAMMIT!" he yelled, the car screeching to a halt, just inches away from the other one. The man in the car gave the agents a not-so-kind hand gesture. Car horns behind them blared. Mulder muttered something inaudible and jerked the wheel to the right. The car lurched forward. The car next to them did the same. Mulder hit the brakes again in order to avoid hitting him. Scully sighed. This was going to be a LONG ride. * * * * * 11:21 p.m. "It's okay dear, it's almost over..." Christann could clearly hear her voice. She gripped the ragged teddy bear by her side and nodded. She squeezed her eyes shut. God it hurt. Why were they hurting her? She wanted to make them stop. She started to cry. Someone spoke harshly to her. A man. He wasn't speaking in English. She heard footsteps, and the rancid odor of cigarettes. More conversation. She tried hard to stop crying. Annie put her hand on Christann's forehead. She opened her eyes. Annie looked tired. Annie was the youngest, besides Christann, who was the product. Suddenly she was on another table. Bright lights shone in her eyes. Someone loomed over her. His eyes where big and grey. She was scared. He didn't look like a person. She started to cry. She wanted Annie. She wanted her teddy bear. She wanted them to stop. She heard the sound of a drill. She cried harder. What were they doing? Annie, what are they doing? Annie, make them stop. They're trying to take something from me. She heard them arguing. Something was wrong, it wasn't working, the doctor said. She smelled cigarettes again. The lights were flickering. The men were arguing. She won't remember, they said, we can't, she's just a kid. It won't work. The other was yelling also. She won't because she CAN'T, do you hear me! Don't screw this up, he yelled again. We have to get rid of her. She can't remember. I don't care if she's just a kid. Do it! She was on a train. It was moving. She heard Annie yell. Don't she's just a little girl. Please. Don't. She heard more yells, and Annie was gone. Christann was scared. She was scared without Annie. The man was looming over her again. She started to yell. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt. What were they doing? Oh God make them stop!!! Who were they? What was going on. She started to wail, and kicked her little legs with all her might. Someone hit her. Shut up, he said, shut up. You're not even a real person. No one cares. Shut up. Make them stop make them stop... Annie... The scene tore away and Christann stared at the dark ceiling above her. A dream. Just a dream, she told herself. She was remembering more. Before, she would have a lapse, but wouldn't remember what they were about. Now she the dreams were taking shape. And she DID remember. She took several deep breaths and tried to calm down. Joel had been the regular gentleman he was by insisting she take the bed. God, this was awkward. She had loved him so much... and she thought he did too, but then everything just fell apart. And here she was again, but for a totally different reason. She sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. A tiny bag was there next to her, neatly packed. She had her plane ticket tucked away neatly inside. A ticket to Kansas. Under the name Susanna Ewing. She was going to start a whole new life for herself. If she sat quiet and kept her mouth shut, maybe they'd leave her alone. The confrontation with the FBI had unnerved her, though. They made her feel like a selfish brat. Maybe she was. But she was a terrified selfish brat. Flashes of the dream came back into her mind, and her heart thudded. She needed some coffee. She didn't want to fall asleep again. She didn't want another dream. She stood and went softly into the kitchen. She peered into the cabinets. No more coffee. She shivered. There was a shop downstairs. She'd just go and get some. She pulled on a jacket and shoes, careful not to wake Joel, who was sound asleep on the couch, and left the apartment. * * * * * 11:56 p.m. The men made their way quietly into the building, and went up to apartment 4b. One of them fiddled with the lock for less then ten seconds, and it opened smoothly. They looked inside. It was dark. A man was sleeping on the couch. He raised his head and squinted as they entered. No time was lost. The largest man, whose face reminded one of a hog, pulled out his gun. The surprise in the man's eyes barely registered before the gunshot, muffled by the silencer, went off. The men hurried through the apartment, looking in every closet, under every table. One found a plane ticket to Kansas, under the name Susanna Ewing. They glanced at each other. The bounty hunter shook his head. She wasn't there. Then something lying on the table caught his eye. In two strides he was there. He picked it up. A card. Fox Mulder, FBI. The man swore. He wiped the fingerprints off the gun and dropped it on the floor. They hurried out of the room. Christann sipped the coffee as she was about to leave the shop. Something on the other side of the street made her heart thud. It was them. She darted away from the window, praying they wouldn't see her. She heard the black car drive away. That was when it registered. Joel. The coffee splattered to the floor, the Styrofoam container bouncing slightly. Christann burst out of the shop and tore across the street. The main door was still slightly ajar; she flung it open and took the stairs two at a time. Please God no please God no please God no... She reached the apartment. The door was open. She darted inside. "Jo-" He was dead. She knew that before she reached him. His eyes were wide open, still blurry with sleep, but very surprised. The floor rocked around her, and she started to shake. "Oh, God..." The bastards. They killed him. The bastards. She would get them. How dare they... She blinked away the torrent of tears that threatened to pour out, and noticed the card lying on the floor. As she snatched it up she could hear the sirens in the distance. And she ran. * * * * * 2:10 a.m. May 20 Fox Mulder's apartment Mulder stared at the meaningless images on his television screen. He wondered if Scully was asleep and considered calling her. He needed to talk... Yeah right. No one else is up at this time except deranged insomniacs. Someone pounded on his front door. Okay, maybe not. Surprised, he got up and opened the door. Christann Drumel flew out at him, her hands covered in dried blood, shaking all over. Sobbing, she fell into the apartment. * * * * * Scully couldn't sleep. She considered watching TV, but decided against it. She stared up at the ceiling, and considered calling Mulder. She needed to hear his voice. She sighed and turned over, squeezed her eyes shut and tried to sleep... Brrriiiinnng. Scully sat up and groggily picked up the phone. "Scully." "Hey, it's me." "Mulder?" "Yeah... Stay there... I'm bringing someone..." * * * * * 3:26 a.m. Scully stared helplessly at Christann, who was sitting on her couch with a blanket wrapped around her, trembling violently. She sighed and turned to speak to Mulder, startled that he was standing just a few inches away. "What happened?" she asked. "I'm not sure," Mulder said softly, the sound of his low voice sending shivers down her spine. "She came running in here, sobbing something about Joel, and saying 'they came.'" She stared at him intensely. "Who's they? The bounty hunter?" He bit his lip and glanced at Christann. "I guess so." Scully walked into the living room. Christann was sitting there, her arms wrapped around herself as if she was freezing. Her teeth were chattering and a rhythmic stream of tears rolled down her face, though no sob was emitted from her throat. She looked up at Scully as she approached. Scully sat down next to her and took her hand, shocked at how cold it was. "Christann," she said softly, "do you remember what happened?" Christann nodded violently, and her voice came out high pitched and shaky, like a little girl. "I w-w-ent out t-to get some coffee... I had a bad- a bad dream and wh-when I was walking back they were there and-" She shook her head, and put her hands up to her head as if she had a terrible headache, "and Joel- they took him from me- he was gone- they took him away from me..." She stopped, stared down at the blood on her hands, and was silent, pressing her lips together so hard they turned white. Scully looked at Mulder. "I think she should take a shower and go to sleep." Mulder nodded slowly, his face unreadable. Ten minutes later they could her the steady stream of water from the bathroom. "Well?" said Scully in a low voice. "They killed him." Scully sank on the couch and closed her eyes. "What now?" "Why did she some here?" Scully was rubbing her eyes. "I guess she had no where else to go. We should take her down to the police department in the morning. If Joel WAS killed, then she will probably be a suspect." Mulder was gazing intently at her. "I think she changed her mind. I think she's gonna talk. And if she is, we have to keep her as hidden from sight as possible until he figure out what to do." He waited for Scully's usual disagreement. Instead, he felt her eyes search his face quizzically. "Yes," she said softly. "Yes, I think you're right." Mulder stood and walked to the door. "I'm going back home to get some things. Hope you don't mind that I'm planning to crash your place tonight." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm a grown girl, Mulder. I own a gun and I know how to use it. I don't need protection." His eyes were amused, and his gaze intense. "Protection for ME," he replied softly. Her lips curved upward slightly. He opened the door. "I'll be back." Scully stared at the door as it closed behind him, her head feeling impossibly light. She allowed herself a smile and heard the bathroom door open. Christann came out. "Feeling better?" she asked. Christann nodded numbly, still trembling a bit. "I think you better get some sleep." Christann lay down stiffly on the bed, pulling the sheets around her shivering body. "Agent Scully?" she asked. Scully glanced at her. "Thank you." * * * * * Davis was sitting in the kitchen, one hand lighting a cigarette, the other holding it up to his lips. God, he hated the taste. But it calmed his jangling nerves. A phone call had woken him about a half an hour earlier. He had been expecting it. But he had expected to hear good news. News that that girl was gone. Taken care of. And he wouldn't have to worry anymore. He was wrong. Not only had she not been in the apartment, but they had found Fox Mulder's card there. Fox Mulder. Shit. They had gotten to her first. Davis' eyes wandered around the kitchen. They were steel gray and hard, expressionless. The eyes of a man who could see a terrible accident on the road and find it in his heart not to stop. To pretend that he didn't see. The eyes of a man that had seen so much and done so many things, that he really didn't care about anything. Except himself, of course. Dammit, he had always been one of the heads of the Project. But he had never had anything to do with the Drumel girl. It hadn't been HIS mistake. But she could bring him and Williamson down. And the gray man, as David thought of him, could walk away without a scratch. Davis was braver than Williamson. Williamson was probably having a mental breakdown by now. He better not do anything rash. Davis was afraid. He just wouldn't show it. He was a selfish bastard. Dammit, if he was going down he would take Williamson with him. He'd expose the gray man if he had to. It hadn't been HIS mistake. His order to let the Drumel girl go. She was one of the "rough drafts." They had been warned that one day she might remember. But everyone had thought that she would have died by then. That's what the doctors had estimated. Yeah, thought Davis, shaking his head. They had given that Mrs. Spooky six months. And she was still going strong. It was time to speed things up. * * * * * 4:09 a.m. Mulder parked outside of his apartment building and got out of the car. As he made his way up to apartment 42, he sensed that something was wrong. It was quiet. Too quiet. He caught sight of his door and stopped. It was open a crack. Mulder's gun appeared out of nowhere as he debated what to do. The smart thing to do would be to get out of there. The bounty hunter- The bounty hunter. All rational thoughts vanished from his mind when he thought of that man. God, he hated him. He walked swiftly towards the door, heart pounding, when it opened suddenly and he found himself face to face with the bounty hunter. He loomed above him, his ugly face lighting up with recognition. He raised his gun. Mulder fired, but hastily, and missed by a wide margin. He ducked just as a flash came out of the bounty hunter's gun. This was no time to play Superman. He turned and took off down the hallway. Someone slammed into him from behind, and the both of them went crashing to the floor. There was a thud, and a sharp pain went shooting up his spine. Whoever it was kicked him hard in the side. He doubled over and spun around, wincing. It wasn't the bounty hunter, but another of the men in black. He lunged at Mulder again. He dodged to the right, and hit him in the back of the head. One more gunshot confirmed that the other man hadn't disappeared. Wait a minute. Christann said that there were three. That meant- Oh, CRAP. He hit the man squarely in the jaw and took no time in running down the hallway again. Ow. Blood was trickling down his chin. He dodged around the corner. A door opened and a woman in a robe and hair rollers stepped out. "What in the name of Jeeeeeesus is goin' on here?" Ah, the convenience of having a badge on hand. He took it out. "FBI," and quickly slipped inside the apartment, making his way to the fire escape. "Call the police," he called over his shoulder. Mulder clattered down the escape, wincing at every step. His eye was swollen. He glanced around for his car. It was about 20 yards away. He would have to run for it. As he ran, or rather, limped towards the car, more gunshots ran out and he could make out the hulking shadow of the bounty hunter coming towards him from the right. Mulder yanked the car door open, turned the key, slammed his foot down on the accelerator, and, pulled out his cell phone all at the same time. The car shot forward, tires squealing, and there was a ear- shattering crash as the rear window behind him shattered. He could hear tires squealing, and knew that they were right behind him. The two cars veered after each other through the streets. There was an intersection right ahead of them. Mulder slammed on the brakes. His car did a three hundred sixty degree turn, tired wailing in protest, and veered straight for the black unmarked car that was following him. At the last possible second he jerked the wheel to the right, so the cars collided on the sides. The impact threw him backward, the airbag blowing up in his face, but the other car was sent skidding into a lamp pole. The door open and the bounty hunter stepped out, his hog face red with fury. Mulder saw him raise his gun and a flash right before his front windshield disappeared from in front of him, sending pieces of glass flying at him. He felt a twinging pain as one of them hit him in the forehead. He floored the accelerator and the car swerved down the road, as far away from the bounty hunters as he could possibly get, trying hard to ignore the blood trickling down his forehead and his heart threatening to tear out of his chest. -------- 4:25 a.m. Scully fought to stay awake as she waited for Mulder to return. As much as she hated to admit it, she didn't really feel safe with all of this going on, and Mulder not here with her... The phone rang, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She snatched it up. "Scully." "Scully...static static... -ou've g- static -out -f- ere." She strained to hear him. "Mulder?! I can't hear you- you're breaking up- what the hell happened?" "You- et - out of there, n-- static... came af- r me." "Mulder, I can't hear you..." She could hear the screech of tires, and the static faded away. He must have pulled over. "Listen to me, Scully, you've got to get out of there- they came after me." Her heart dropped to her stomach. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine... static... get - of th-- ow, Scully." His voice was tense and agitated. "Head f- New York... call me when y- are on -our wa- static, static... Scully, did you hear me?" "Yeah, I heard you, Mulder." Her mind was spinning. Suddenly from the window she spotted headlights approaching... the phone dropped out of her hand. "-Cully?! Sc- static..." She darted into the bedroom and grabbed Christann's shoulder. "Christann! Wake up! We've got to get of here." Christann regarded her groggily. "Get up!!!!" She pulled her out of bed. Christann snapped to attention. She seemed to have recovered from the shock. The headlights swept the room from the window, and Scully pulled her to the floor. "Stay down." Her heart was thudding in her throat, loudly, resonantly. "Are they coming after m-" "Shh!" She heard a car door slam, and her mind whirled. The window, they could get out of the window next to the phone, the one that Duane Barry had- Stop it, Dana. Stop it. Motioning to Christann, they crawled towards the other room. She could hear footsteps coming towards the door. Shit. Her gun. Where was her gun? It was on the table next to the window. There was a click as someone fiddled with the lock. Scully jumped to her feet and darted towards the gun. Her fingers closed around the handle as she heard a slam, and the front door banged open. There was a blast that echoed in her ears. She jumped to the side, firing, feeling a stabbing pain in her shoulder. The figure doubled over. Static and Mulder's frantic voice were still coming from the phone. She grabbed it up, hit the off button and dialed 911, one hand pressing her shoulder, the pain sending tears flooding into her eyes. It wasn't any use. She knew the man - body (she didn't know if he was dead, and after the encounter with the bounty hunter by the dock she wasn't going to check, either) would be gone before they came. She dropped the phone, motioned to Christann, and the two of them ducked out of the window. They ran for Scully's car, and ducked inside. Scully turned the key and glanced at her shoulder. It was only grazed, but was bleeding anyway. She yanked some tissues out of the glove compartment, pressed them to the wound, and, teeth gritted, drove. This time she didn't even know when her nose started to bleed. * * * * * 5:15 a.m. Mulder was frantic with worry. She had hung up on him before. No one was answering his cell phone. Dammit! He rested his head against the steering wheel and fought to calm down. He had driven at 90 miles an hour, using his badge to bypass traffic tickets, ignoring the quizzical looks of the officers as they regarded his windshieldless car. Now he was waiting for her to call. Oh God, what if... No! No what ifs. They were much too dangerous. His cell phone trilled, and he snatched it up. "Dana?" he gasped, involuntarily wincing when he realized he had let the first name slip out. There was silence. "This is Christann." "Oh! Oh God, where are you? Is Scully there? Are you two okay?" "Yeah- we're about a seventy miles from D.C.- we got away. Agent Scully is in the car." She paused. "The man shot her, but she says she's o-" Mulder leaned forward. "What? Shot? What happened? Is she okay?" Please please please please please... "We're at a pay phone.. she left her cell phone at the apartment... she's saying that the bullet only grazed her. Her nose was bleeding for a while, but besides that, she seems to be okay..." Mulder's stomach lurched. It was obvious that Scully wouldn't listen to him to stay put even if he DID manage to get her on the phone. "Listen to me, Christann." He gave her the address of a motel on the outskirts of New York State. "I'll meet you there; room 2d. But if she seems to bad too drive, I don't care WHAT she says, get out and call me; I'll be right there. Okay?" "Yes, Agent Mulder. Oh- and she says to call her mother and let her know that she's okay." Mulder complied, and hung up. Poor Mrs. Scully. She probably must've seen something on the news by now. He closed his eyes, remembering her face when Duane Barry- He shook his head hard. They were okay. Thank God. He started the car and drove towards the motel as he dialed Mrs. Scully's number. -------- 9:08 a.m. Starshine Motel Outside New York "This is it," murmered Scully through gritted teeth as her car finally pulled up the gravelly driveway of the motel. She recognized Mulder's car in the lot and felt relieved. The stinging pain in her shoulder had escalated, and now it felt as if there was a tiny flame eating at her flesh. She had bought some bandages and other things at the drugstore, but it was bleeding again. Thank God it had only grazed the skin... She stepped out of the car, wincing. "What room?" "2d," Christann answered, regarding her with a concerned expression on her face. Scully ignored her, tried to position her arm as if nothing was wrong. They headed towards the room, Scully glancing over her shoulder as they did so. She had backtracked about a gazillion times, making sure she wasn't being followed, but still... Scully knocked on the door. "Mulder? Mulder, it's me." The door flew open immediatly and all thoughts of trying to act calm and collected vanished when she saw his face. He looked like a torn-apart twelve year old. He stared at her for a split second, then murmered, "Hurry." Christann ducked in, and was followed by Scully. Mulder gave the door a light shove; exactly as the door clicked shut, he turned her around, and gently placed his arms around her. The burning feeling of tears in the back of her eyes exceeded that of the wound; she hugged him back and pressed her face into his shoulder, a light sob escaping from the back of her throat. Scully could feel one hand stroking her hair and wished that she could hold on to the moment, and knew that this was one of the brief times that nothing else mattered at all... Neither said a word, they just stood there. Scully bit her lip and swallowed. The same thought passed between the two of them: I almost lost you... How do you express the feeling of relief when you see your other half alive and with you again? Christann watched them and felt a pang of remorse and envy. She forced it away and walked into the bathroom, closing the door softly behind her. Not softly enough. The barely perceptible click brought Mulder back to the present; to the case; to the truth; they had to go on. Even if it meant moving. He took a deep sigh and gently moved back, pulling her away from him reluctantly. He did allow himself moving his hands around her face and gazing down at her for a second. Tears were streaking her cheeks and he wiped them away gently with his thumbs. "Are you okay?" She nodded. He noticed the patch of crimson staining her shoulder. "You're bleeding- Christann said that you were shot-" Her gaze met his. "It only grazed me," she said softly. "Christann brought some bandages-" "So I see." He picked up the small plastic bag, and she took off her jacket, wincing at the shooting pain that seemed to have returned. She rolled up her sleeve the whole way and cringed at the sight. The wound, though small, was bleeding openly now, and the bandage that she had hurriedly applied didn't seem to help at all. Mulder peeled it off gently and smiled at her. "You're not squeamish about this kind of thing, are you?" "I don't know; I've never had the pleasure," she replied easily. "I'll let you know when we get passed the easy part." He glanced at her quickly, reminiscing about their first case in the 'plausible state of Oregon.' Four years ago... The bathroom door opened and Christann came out. "How are you feeling, Christann?" Mulder asked, finishing putting the makeshift bandage on his partner. Scully looked up at her, guilty that they had ignored her "Strange," Christann replied softly. "What are we going to do?" Mulder sat down on one of the two beds and passed his hand over his eyes. "That's up to you. You're the one with the information." Christann stared at him with a determined expression. "I loved Joel, Agent Mulder," she said shakily. "He was the only one in the world that I ever really confided in, even though most of the time he probably thought I was crazy. He didn't deserve to die. That was my call. It was my work." "Christann," said Scully, standing next to her and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Christann, it wasn't your fault. There wasn't anything you could have done..." Christann shook her head hard, fighting a wave of hysteria. "If I had come home five minutes earlier..." Her words rocketed through Mulder as he felt the sickening irony of the situation. Been there, done that. Oh, God... "I'll do whatever you want to me to," Christann murmured. "As long as the truth is revealed." Scully's eyes met Mulder's. This was it. Mulder leaned forward. "Christann, have you ever been put through Deep Regression Hypnosis?" * * * * * 1:12 p.m. "So Marcus is thinking, it's now or never, and I'm thinking-" "What are you thinking?" he interrupted, his face animated and waiting. "-and I'm thinking, what is that siren I'm hearing in the background?" "No WAY!" he stared at her, amused and incredulous at the same time. "Who called the cops?" "It wasn't the cops, it was the fire department. My friend Sylvia and had idiot prom date - " Mulder made a small choking noise. "BURWOOD!?" "-- had built this campfire in the woods that had gotten totally out of control, so we all had to ride back on the - what's it called, the um, the pumper truck." She let a small giggle escape from her throat, not being able to take in the situation. This was SO bizarre... "I can't BELIEVE I'm telling you this..." His face softened, his mouth pouty. "I can't believe you didn't tell me before." Reality was calling, it's voice very very very far away... so low and barely perceptible. But she could still hear it. No, not again. She knew that it was all fake, all of it. Just a dream. She didn't want to relive that stab of guilt and pain again, when- She saw Mulder lean toward her, and closed her eyes. Hell, maybe this time it'll have a different ending... She heard a door bang open, and exactly at the same time she was shoved through the glass wall of dreams and reality when someone gently shook her shoulder. Scully opened her eyes and gave a slight gasp. He was leaning down to her... "You awake?" he gazed down at her quizzically. "Yeah, uh..." she blinked rapidly, glancing around, allowing her senses to register her surroundings- a small hotel room. Christann was curled up on the other bed, asleep. "I must have dozed off." Mulder sat down. "I don't blame you." He indicated a small bag. "I had Frohike go through our apartments and pick up some stuff." "You had Frohike go through my underwear?" "Give the kid something to dream about." Her mouth twitched. "They said everything was totally trashed. You're declared missing since no one could place you in your apartment when the gunshot went off. People couldn't even place WHEN the gunshot went off. And there was no body." He paused, and grinned. "I'm in trouble for disturbing the peace. The woman claims I flew into the apartment and ran down the fire escape brandishing a gun and yelling." Scully sighed and stretched. "And no one around here is suspicious of us suddenly showing up?" He gave her the puppy dog look. "A room for me, my wife and daughter seemed to be the most plausible." "Suuuurreee..." Scully wondered what they were going to do about there only being two beds and forced the thoughts out of her mind. "I'm going to go change." She grabbed the bag and headed for the bathroom. Mulder watched the door close behind her and winced. He hadn't told her. Then again, now was not the time. According to Frohike, the word had passed down from the 'higher-ups' that if he did not report back with a decent explanation for their disappearance within 24 hours, then Skinner was ordered to shut down the department. He watched Christann. Eyes squeezed shut, mouth slightly open, dark hair strewn about, curled up into a tiny ball... as much as he hated to admit it, she DID remind him of Samantha. He noted her rhythmic breathing, wondering if she knew her utter importance to his work. We all know that Mulder's work is -snicker- his singular passion... Mulder closed his eyes and sighed inwardly, remembering the look on Scully's face when she had stumbled through the door. Maybe not. And now, here he had one link to the truth that was willing to go out and expose it. It was time to put an end to it all. To find out what had happened to Christann. And whatever that was... no matter what it meant. He reached over and gently shook Christann's shoulder. She opened her eyes and nodded sleepily. It was time. * * * * * 1:42 p.m. Christann squinted. "I can't hear..." She shook her head, straining. "The sound is... all screwed up..." She shook her head again, then suddenly smiled. "No- I can hear her- Annie." A grin spread across her face, and she gave a low childish chuckle. "Annie is here. That means everything is ok." Mulder leaned forward, trying to keep his voice steady and hold in his nervous anticipation. "Who is Annie, Christann? What is she doing?" Christann's lips parted and she gave a wide, wistful smile at the memory. "Annie is my favorite. She's the nicest out of all of them. She's the youngest, but she's been there the longest. She acts like my mother... she IS my mother..." Scully frowned. Her heart was racing, though she remained cool and collected on the outside. Mulder's voice was throaty and low. "Where are you, Christann? Describe it to me." Her eye twitched. "My home... I dunno..." her hands were gesturing wildly, as if that would add to the description. "Big... labs... and buzzing sounds outside in the garden... always buzzing..." She frowned. "Tanks... and when I look inside I see myself. I'm scared when I see that. But Annie says it's ok. 'Look,' she says, and points to another tank, 'Look, there's me. I'm in there too. There's nothing to be afraid of.'" Mulder glanced at the tiny tape recorder that was placed next to Christann. He felt Scully's eyes on him and met her questioning gaze. The bees... "Who else is there besides you and your mother, Christann?" "Ummm.... theres... uhh...." she frowned. "The doctors. Just doctors. And the other women. All my mothers. But they're all scared. They yell and scream and cry a lot. They don't care about me. Only Annie cares. And there's the-" her back stiffened, and her voice dropped, scared, like a little four-year-old. "There's the bad man. He comes sometimes. I can't see him, but I can smell him. He smells like burning garbage. He likes Annie. He comes and talks to her a lot." Scully's heart caught in her throat, and she swallowed with difficulty. The Cancer Man... Mulder felt his mouth go dry. His heart was racing. My father, my father... no wait, you don't know he IS your father... Stop. He had to stay focused. "Go to the days you remember in your dreams, Christann. You say they took someone from you. What happened?" Christann shrank back, and to Scully's amazement, stuck her thumb in her mouth, her mouth turned downwards. The four-year-old was coming out... "Something- got messy," she murmured. "The Bad Man- he came again, after they did the tests on Annie. And Annie started yelling. Yelling something. She said she wasn't Annie. The doctors hit her, and yell at her, and everyone tells her to shut up. She just says I'm not Annie, I'm not Annie, I remember... and starts to cry." Christann whimpered. "I run away from the others because I'm scared. Annie, why? I start to cry... Annie, don't say that, Annie I'm scared." She shook her head. "Then she started acting all, like, uh... weird... the doctor says she has a personality lapse, and they rush around her, and I am yelling and someone hits me. And Annie-" Christann's face was scrunched up, trying hard to remember, "Annie sits down on the floor, and she stares at the wall. 'It's your move, Fox,' and I laugh because I think it's a game. But she look at me and doesn't know me and she doesn't see me anymore. She doesn't know me. Annie, Annie, it's me, I say, and she just looks at me and frowns. Don't call me Annie, my name is Samantha, she says loudly, and then she, um, like,...-she talks to the air again. Fox, it's your move..." Mulder's head was spinning, and the world rocked around him. Scully had rose from her seat the second Christann had uttered the name Samantha and hurried to his side. The air seemed dense and foggy around him, Christann's voice slurring and farther away. Only one word echoed again and again in his mind. Samantha Samantha Samanthanthanthanthanthanthanthanatha... Scully could sense him tense and she saw the wild spark in his eye. She placed her hand on his shoulder, urging him to focus, trying to control the burning anticipation that was dancing around wildly within her. Mulder started at her touch, and looked up at her, eyes wild and dark. He nodded imperceptibly when he saw her face, knowing that he had to stay focused. Scully smiled slightly. She sat down next to him and slipped her hand in his. He squeezed it gratefully. "Christann," God, his voice sounded so scratchy and different... he could barely force the words passed his throat, "Christann, what do they do to her?" Her face contorted, and she whimpered. "I- I- don't know. They take me away. They-" she started gesturing again- "they lay me on a table, and this man starts to talk to me. He says I am sleeping... and then they give me this shot, and put something in my eyes..." She brushed her face with her fist. "It stings and it burns and I cry. I smell the bad man there. He smells so yucky. The man looming over me... he is so scary. His eyes are big and grey and-" she choked suddenly. "I can't - breathe -" her arms flailed. "They put a mask over me. It's air it's air it's air... then they try to erase it... the man says I'm asleep but I'm not..." "Then what?" Mulder tried hard to hide his impatience. Scully gave his hand a tiny squeeze. Christann was shaking her head and rocking back and forth, as if having some severe internal struggle. "No- no- NO!" her loud exclamation made Scully jump. "I don't want them to erase it... and then the men come and they yell at each other. They say that since I am one of 'them' it might not work. the Bad Man doesn't care. He is really angry. I can tell. He calls to other man Williamson. I don't like it how they say 'them.' I don't want to be 'them.' I want to be normal, but I'm not, I know I'm not..." Mulder's heart constricted. Christann... a clone... "And then-" her voice came out shakily and high pitched. "- then they bring Annie back. And they let me go play in the garden with the buzzing. I like the buzzing. They are my friends. They don't let Bad Man near them. Only me. And big girls, bigger than me... they must be eight or nine... they look like Annie, but a lot smaller, shorter. They are all the same. They don't let Annie out there, either. They say she'll be stung. I want to know what stung is. It must be bad, if they don't let Annie do it..." "Does Annie remember what she said?" Christann chewed on her lip. "Ummm.... no. No. NO! No no no no no NONONONO!" she shook her head decisively. "Annie never says anything again. I don't remember anything either. I don't remember Samantha again... not until now..." Mulder's breathing was raspy and he swallowed. What did they do to her? God it hurt, listening to this... he pressed his lips together and was reassured at the feeling of Scully's hand in his. "And then- and then one day..." Christann was breathing hard and started to tremble. "One day they take me on a - a train. I'm going away. Nobody cares, except Annie. She wants to come with me. The Bad Man lets her. I don't know why. The Bad Man likes her. She doesn't like him though. And they out me on this table and they poke at me and-" she squirmed. "They say I'm just the rough draft, but I'm better then before. I don't know why I'm better. But they want to let me go, because I am close to a person, they say." She trembled violently. "They hurt me, but Annie says it's okay. I don't remember what they do, but it hurts. I hear the doctor say I won't last for long. He says I will be there only a little longer then the others. And then they..." She gave a low sob. "They- Annie starts to yell not to... but they do... she says I'm too little, but they do. The Bad Man gets mad. They take her away. She is yelling. I start to cry. I don't want her to leave. And then they-" A shrill scream was emitted from her mouth, and she threw herself back, kicking and flailing. Something clenched at Scully's heart. Her throat ached. She leaned towards Mulder. "Please, make her stop," she murmured. He nodded, his face pale. He took Christann's hand with his free one, and she shuddered violently at the touch. "Christann, remember what I told you? This isn't really happening. You're in control. You can draw back. You can make the pain go away. Focus on your breathing. You can feel me holding your hand, right?" God, yes, thought Scully. He was squeezing Scully's hand to hard she was afraid he would break it. Christann nodded. "Yeah, I do..." she breathed hard, and her panic seemed to subside. She sat straight again. hey do something to me... it hurts real bad... and I want to know why they are doing this to me... why... it isn't fairrrr..." Her head lolled back, her voice a low whimper once more. "Nnoooooo...." she moaned softly. "Please, noooo..." "Christann, I'm going to count to three, and you can come back. You only have to remember what you want to, okay?" Christann nodded, letting go of his hand. He let it drift and settled on Scully's wrist. "One, two, three..." Christann opened her eyes and looked at them. When she looked at Mulder her eyes welled over with tears. "Did I remember?" she murmured. Mulder nodded slowly, still gripping his partner's hand as if he would never let go. Christann gave a slight gasp, and Scully looked up. Oh God, no... A tiny trail of crimson trickled from Christann's nose. She jumped up and grabbed a tissue, Mulder and Scully staring after her. No no no no no no... Neither could utter a word. * * * * * Mulder's eyes stared ahead of him, not seeing or registering the world around. He was dazed and for some odd reason his mind felt inert and numb. The light from the window was a deep orange, meaning that the day was drawing to a close. The day. It had been one hell of a day. The door he was staring at opened and Scully walked in. "I got her the other room," she said softly. "She fell right asleep, and it looks like she's going to sleep for a couple of hours. She said she had a headache." Mulder's eyes shifted up and met hers, tired and glassy and transparent. This was one of the few times that he was stripped of all defenses, sitting there like a wounded little boy, totally vulnerable to anything. Scully swallowed and sat next to him. She reached up and touched his face gently. "Are you okay?" He was suddenly acutely aware of her closeness. "I don't know," he said softly, voice tremulous and low. "I don't know. I really don't know." The world was spinning and he felt like it was at least ninety degrees inside the room. The whole thing was totally surreal... I have to be dreaming, he thought. He felt Scully's cool hand on his forehead. "You're exhausted," she said, her voice barely a whisper, "and overwhelmed by what's happening. You should try to get some rest." He jerked up as if she had stung him. "No! No, not until we decide what to do about this." He stood and started pacing, the passionate fire of his quest for the truth returning to his eyes and countenance. She gave a tiny sigh and begged him with her eyes. "Mulder-" "We have it, Scully," he said quietly, "the truth. Evidence of the truth. For the first time. This is the first time we got to it, and it wasn't stolen or destroyed in an explosion. Do you realize what this means?" His voice escalated, as did his excitement. Scully was watching him with an almost pained expression on her face. "Mulder-" she tried again. "We have to do something about this. There have to be tests we can do on her- to prove that she's a clone. And records- they have to be records. And hypnosis is being accepted by psychologists now- we have to expose this. The implications and ethics of her being a clone would come up, of course, but that wouldn't be the point." His eyes were wild now, and his face flushed slightly. Scully pressed her lips together. "Mulder," she said softly, "you realize that she's dying?" Pause. "Because she is," she continued, "and I don't know how much time she has left. I don't even think she realizes... she has cancer, Mulder. Just like Penny. Just like me." Mulder's agitation and excitement seemed to slide away; he looked away as if not willing to stare grief in the face. "And I thought about what she said. Before she fell asleep, she muttered something about-" Scully took a deep breath to steady herself, "about Benton Willliamson. She said that she saw him, or heard him, or something like that." She did not look at him. "If he's mixed up in this, Mulder- or if we imply that he is- then either way, it's over." Mulder's eyes never left her face. Benton Williamson was a prominent political figure, who had been proven to be mixed up in small scandals before. He was now known for his campaigning medical ethics. This... this would be a national scandal, if it was even implied that he was entangled in it. Did he care? No. But maybe Scully did. But he knew that he wouldn't go on with this without her. "Scully," he said quietly. "You know as well as I do what this means. It's going to smear a lot of people. I knew that from the beginning. My life has been searching for the truth, no matter what the consequences. I never really cared what might happen with the implications of what I found." He paused. "But if you do-" he shook his head slowly, "as painful as it would be to stop, I would. Because I can't do this alone." Her eyes widened slightly, and she stood and turned with her back to him, the full weight of his words sinking in. He was going down in flames, and he was asking her to go with him. God, she loved him for it. Mulder stood watching her, her back straight and stiff, wondering what she was thinking. Finally she turned around, and he was shocked to see there were tears in her eyes. "Mulder," she said, "when my father died, I wondered whether or not he was proud of me for what I decided to do with my life. And sometimes I wonder if I'm proud of myself. And then," she took a deep breath, "when Duane Barry took me, and I woke up and I knew that you had been with me the whole time, I made a decision. I decided that I would be with you the whole way. No matter what. But then..." her voice cracked, and she swallowed, trying to blink away the tears, "then, I had my whole life ahead of me. Now, I don't know when I say goodbye every day if it will be the last time that I'd see you." He started to speak, but she wouldn't let him. "I want to know that my life meant something. I have nothing to hold back for. Nothing at all. I had promised then, even before this..." there was no way she could force the c-word passed her throat, "I promised then that I was here to find the truth. And now that I have- I'm not going to walk away. Not for anything. Even a cure-" Mulder was by her side even as the words escaped her lips, and suddenly she found her face pressing into his shoulder, her lungs wracked with sobs. He had wanted to know her fears, but he had no idea that this is how she felt... terrible remorse gripped at him. All he could do was hold her. His own countenance threatened to give way when he realized that her arms were around him, too. God, he didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve her fighting devotion to him which he so rarely returned, or her persistence which had made his quest hers. But she didn't deserve to die. Fear and anger flooded his body and he lowered his face to her hair and pressed a light kiss on the top of her head. All the words he had so long been wanting to say to her were threatening to burst out, but he swallowed them with difficulty. Scully clung to him, grateful and terrified, relieved to cry and cry and cry. She drew a shaky and exhausted breath, confirming to herself that she was still alive. Her face was still buried in his shoulder and her voice came out muffled. "I'm sorry," she whispered raspily. His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and her skin prickled. "Don't you dare apologize to me, Scully," he answered softly. She felt the unimaginable urge to sleep come over her, nagging that she hadn't slept in what seemed like years. She closed her eyes and wished that she could fall asleep like this. "I'm so tired." Mulder moved away gently and stared down at her face. "You should get some sleep. We've got a lot ahead of us." She nodded and moved away towards the bathroom. He watched the door close behind her, his face expressionless. Finally he moved and knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm going to get something to eat and check on Christann," he called, and left the room. He closed the door softly behind him, wondering at the fact that it was still so early. He opened the door to the adjoining room. The curtains had been drawn tight, casting the room into semi darkness. Christann was huddled in the bed, fast asleep. Samantha's daughter. His niece. Who would've guessed. Sighing, he left the room and the motel. When he returned to 2d with coffee Scully was curled up into a ball on one of the beds, her eyelids flickering as she dreamed, her face still showing some evidence of tears recently shed. Mulder felt a light twang in his heart as he watched her. Gently he let his hand stray to her cheek and whispered a faint prayer to a God that he had long since thought that he had forgotten. Passing his hand over his eyes, he sat down to go over the evidence one more time. -------- May 21 11:21 a.m. Byers stared at Langly. "You're kidding. He's not going to go through with this." Langly was busy flipping through masses of papers. "I say we do it." "You're crazy! BENTON WILLIAMSON?" Langly glared at him. "Look, all we have to do is publish this. They say they'll take it from there. We don't have to be involved at all." Frohike was studying a picture of a UFO. "They're asking for our help." "Yeah, and since when are Mulder's theory's totally orthodox?" "Since when do you CARE?" The phone rang. The men all shut up immediately and Langly picked up the phone, snapping on the recording machine at the same time. "Gunmen." He paused, rolled his eyes, and sat down. "It's off. IT"S OFF! God!" He listened for a while then hung up. "They're on their way back. He now not only wants us to publish it, he wants us to send to anonymously to a local newspaper." Byers stared at him. "Yeah that's great. That's BRILLIANT. They'll take him to court before he can even blink. And what about Scully?" Frohike snapped to attention. "Yeah, what about Scully?" "It seems that she's going with this." Frohike's face fell, and he turned back to poring over the picture. "Ayayay..." he sighed. Byers was incredulous. "If he goes public with this no one is going to believe him." Langly picked up the papers. "That's up to him. He's come this far. You can't expect him to turn back with this and pretend that it never happened. Frohike?" Frohike was hunched over the picture, his face unreadable. He sighed, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes. "Do it," he said softly. Langly nodded. Here goes nothing... * * * * * J. Edgar Hoover Building May 22 7:08 a.m. Skinner threw down the paper and sighed. The headline had loomed out to him: FBI ACCUSES WILLIAMSON OF SCANDAL. This was not good. This was NOT good. His office had been flooded with calls from everyone. All outraged, demanding to know what had happened. He had spent an hour yelling at the reporter who had published the story. "Hey," he had said, "when someone says they have irrefutable proof that the senator is mixed up in something dirty, the public has a right to know." When Skinner had fumed that the FBI had made no formal accusations, all the reporter would say was that the evidence was coming from an FBI official. "It says Fox Mulder," he said. "Maybe it's a fake name. Sounds like one. I dunno." No, he was not going to print a retraction. Skinner was flooded with rage. He grabbed the paper and flung it across the room. "DAMMIT!!!!" Someone knocked on the door and his secretary peeked in. He stood there, a vein bulging on his forehead, hands on hips, face red. "What is it?" he barked. The secretary entered cautiously. "I just received a subpoena for Agent Mulder from the state." "Yeah, well, I dunno where the hell he is," Skinner thundered. "All I know is he can damn well kiss his sorry job goodbye and prepare to haul ass outta here. When they get their hands on him, he'll be seeing the world from a JAIL CELL." The secretary fidgeted. "And what should I do with them, sir?" "Put them on his desk. And tell the guards to seize him or his partner if any of them venture to show their faces here, god damn them!" The secretary nodded, and left. The phone jangled. "Skinner," he snapped angrily. There was a silence on the other end, then Skinner could hear the faint puffing sounds on the other end. "I presume that you read the papers, Mr. Skinner?" "Yeah, I read the papers," snapped Skinner. "What the hell do you know about this?" "It's not a good idea to falsely accuse a man that is so well known, Mr Skinner, unless you have some pretty good evidence to back it up." Skinner was seething. "Listen to me, you stupid son of a bitch, I have nothing to do with this. I don't know where agent Mulder is. All I know is that he is out of a job." There was a brief silence. "Good," the Cancer Man said simply, "because I wouldn't want to think that you were hiding anything about his whereabouts from us. This is a very serious affair. The second Mulder surfaces, he goes to court. And I want Scully out of the FBI, too." "Under what authority?" "Mine. Word will come down soon. Probably from the executive branch. And this time, Mr. Skinner, the division will not be reopened." There was a click, confirming that he had hung up. Skinner sighed. This is gonna be hell, he thought. * * * * * 9:21 a.m. Mrs Scully's house The smell of coffee dragged Scully out of bed. She stood and shuffled towards the kitchen. Mulder was there, hunched over coffee and talking on his cell phone. "I knew they were gonna subpoena me. We WANT to take them to court." There was silence as he listened. "Leave it to me, dammit. What? Oh. Okay. Okay. Yeah." He glanced at Scully. "She what?" He sighed. "Cut the crap, Frohike. Don't give me the medical jargon. Here, talk to the doctor." He tossed the phone at Scully irritably. She fumbled with it. "Hello?" "Hel-loooo, Dana!" Scully squelched a smile and tried to act annoyed. "What is it, Frohike?" "We got the results back for Christann. We found some stuff in her blood that proves she's a clone; you'll just have to get some pretty technical experts on your side to verify it. Her DNA..." Scully listened as Frohike rattled off a list of medical terms. She'd heard them all before. The point was clear. Christann had cancer as a result of mutated DNA. They did not know how long she had. "Given everyone else, not long at all," Frohike explained. Scully sighed. "Thanks, Frohike," she said quietly. "I'll come by to pick up the reports sometime today." She flipped off the phone and looked at Mulder, who was stirring his coffee. "Where's Christann?" "Still asleep." She slid into the seat opposite him and took a good long look at his face. He was tired, very tired. He hadn't slept in days. He spent all of his time on the phone with the Gunmen, listening to the reports they had analyzed. They had driven all day, taking the back roads to avoid traffic, and ended up at Mrs. Scully's, who had welcomed them all with a mixture of fright and relief. She told them that FBI had already come, asking about her daughter's whereabouts. Scully sighed and stood, walking back to her room to get dressed. On the way she met her mother. "Good morning, mom." "Morning Dana." From the look in Margaret Scully's eyes she hadn't slept at all last night. "Where's Fox?" "In the kitchen." Scully moved into her room and closed the door briskly. Mrs. Scully sighed as she watched the door close. She knew her daughter was afraid. She knew Fox was afraid, too. And they had a lot to be afraid of. She walked into the kitchen. Mulder gave her a quick smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Scully." She sat down in the set that her daughter had just occupied. "So, would you mind informing me of your plan of action?" He took another sip of coffee and avoided her eyes. "I'll go to the FBI today. No doubt they'll be ready for me. Then they take me to court for fraud and I say what I have to say." Her gaze suddenly turned icy. "Why?" Mulder sighed, gulped down the rest of his coffee, and stood, set in the sink, and sank back down in his seat, rubbing his eyes. "Because the one person who knows what they do out there doesn't have much time left." He looked up at her. "Christann has cancer." She looked back at him easily. "I know. Dana told me." Mulder stared down at the table, his eyes open but not seeing. Anguish wrenched at Mrs. Scully's heart. He looked awful. Absolutely awful. He was losing both Dana and his niece to a cause he didn't even know would work. "Does she know?" Mulder shook his head slowly. Scully re-entered the kitchen. "Christann woke up," she said softly. She walked and stood behind Mulder. "I guess this is it." He didn't turn to look at her. "I guess it is." Mrs. Scully scrutinized his face. It was unreadable mixture of fear, guilt, and pain. Scully was still talking. "I'll take Christann and get the things from Frohike." He nodded slowly. "I'll wait for you in whatever cell they choose for me." His voice was flat, as if he wasn't so sure of himself anymore. He was having doubts about this, Scully realized. As a matter of fact, so was she. She crouched beside him and looked up into his face. "Good luck," she murmured. A muscle in Mulder's jaw twitched, and he put his hand to her cheek, staring into her eyes. Christann walked in and his hand dropped, his eyes cast away, and he stood tiredly. Mrs. Scully stood as well. "Thank you, Mrs. Scully," he rasped, and without saying anything else, left the room. The women sat in total silence. About three minutes later they heard the front door slam, and they knew he was gone. * * * * * 12:07 a.m. "Mr Williamson!" "Senator Williamson, over here!!!" "Over here, sir, please smile, let us get a shot!!!" Benton WIlliamson fought the sickening need to bolt as he stood and calmly waved to the crowds of people and reporters that crowded around the building he had just come out of. "Mr. Williamson, what was your reaction to the article in this morning's news?" "I was shocked," he said pleasantly. "It was a vile and ugly thing to do, by a very very sick man." "Do you plan to take him to court?" "I understand that Agent Mulder has been issued a subpeona. Thank you." Williamson began to move towards the car again. The crowds followed him, snapping pictures and shouting. After what seemed like miles, he finally reached the limo. He turned and waved one more time to the crowd before ducking inside and slamming the door. He squeezed his eyes shut and fought to calm down. His life was crumbling before his eyes. He had never thought that this would happen. He had been assured that no one would know. The car slowly pulled away from the crowds, and Williamson lit a cigarette with a tremulous hand. He inhaled deeply and nearly jumped out of his skin when the phone rang. He snatched it up. "Williamson." "You seemed a bit nervous out there." Williamson found himself revolted at the sound of this man's voice. "I think I have the right to be." "There's nothing to worry about. We picked up Mulder an hour ago, walking into the FBI as if nothing ever happened. Mr. Skinner had the guards waiting for him. I called him and told him this morning about getting Mulder and Scully out of the FBI." There was a pause and the man on the other line said in a low, calculating voice, "You aren't planning to do anything rash, are you, my friend?" Williamson closed his eyes. "Can't we just kill them?" "We will. But not now, when they are in the public eye. Everything is under control." Rage washed over Williamson. "Yeah, that's what you said when Christann surfaced; that's what you said when she got away from the restaurant, and that is what you said when we found Mulder's card in her apartment. Dammit, I need to be SURE." "You'll just have to trust me, then." Williamson slammed down the phone in disgust. He was shaking all over, on the verge of panic. Shit, goddamn the world. He yanked a bottle of whiskey from the bar that adorned the limo, and took a long gulp. He considered for a while, then told the driver to turn around and go to another street. Thirty minutes later he hopped back into the limo with a small yet heavy paper bag. * * * * * 2:12 p.m. "You realize that I'm the only lawyer on the face of this earth that would every think of defending you," said the small dumpling of a man with huge butterfly glasses that stared at Mulder with a look of pure disgust. Mulder was leaning back in a chair, face flushed and shadowed with several day's growth of a beard. "Yeah, well, don't flatter me by pointing out that you are doing this because you have to." The man pushed his glasses up his nose. "I was assigned to help you defend yourself, Mr. Mulder. Any man in his right mind would not choose to do this on his own." Mulder sat back straight and glared at the man. "So you're stuck with me, are you, Mr.-" he glanced at the card that was lying on the table, "Morgan?" "I suppose you could put it that way." "If I told you that I my sole proof with bringing Benton Williamson to the stand- which is what I intend to do- was based on the testimony of a girl under hypnosis, what would your initial reaction be?" Morgan did not answer. Mulder smiled and shook his head, leaning back again. "Oh, geez." Andrew Morgan stood, irritated, and headed to the door. "I did not choose this blatant forfeit, Mr. Mulder. I think you should know that I can help you all I can, but as of today you an consider yourself in deep-" he paused and his eyes narrowed, "trouble." "You don't suppose they'll post bail today?" "Since you so very openly yelled that you planned to prosecute Senator Willliamson- on the news, I might add - I'd say your chances are pretty slim. Not to mention you are already in trouble for violating code and taking off on a case with no jurisdiction whatsoever." Mulder stared straight at him. "I'd think that the day they kick me out of the FBI is considered a national holiday." Morgan's lips drew into a fine line. "I'll see you in court tomorrow, agent Mulder." He pressed the buzzer and several moments later a guard entered to escort Mulder back to the cell. Mulder recognized him immediately. It was the young black guard that was usually operating the metal detector inside the entrance to the building. He cast his eyes downwards and mumbled, "This way, sir." He seemed almost ashamed of the fact that he had to do this. Mulder followed him without question and flopped down on the cot, staring up at the gray cold ceiling, wishing that Scully would come. His head was pounding and he felt tired and sick. He closed his eyes just for a second- "Agent Mulder," a voice barked. He opened one eye and sat up. Skinner was glaring at him through the bars of the cell. "Whatever happened to visitors hours? Can everyone just barge in like this?" Skinner was glaring at him, pure anger in his eyes. "I just came here demanding an explanation." Mulder rubbed his face and looked at the assistant director blearily. "Doesn't everybody." "You went off on an unauthorized case and disappeared with your partner," thundered Skinner, "and was involved in a shooting in your own building. Then you proceed to accuse a SENATOR of being involved in a government conspiracy!" Mulder's jaw clenched. "And your point would be..." Skinner's back stiffened. "I just came to tell you that both you and Scully have just submitted your resignations from the bureau." "Funny I don't remember that. Did I at least spell bureau correctly?" Now that this man was no longer his boss insults just seemed to leap off his tongue. "Cut the crap, you son of a bitch," Skinner snapped. "I'm not surprised you put your job down the drain, but to do the same to Agent Scully is beyond comprehension, especially now that-" "-now that she's dying and we should all throw her a pity party?" Mulder stood up and faced Skinner, eyes blaring. "Let me tell you, sir, that that's the LAST thing Scully would want for herself. The people that I am accusing know what happened to her, and the damn well know how to reverse it. If you truly cared about her condition, you would be on the other side of these bars. In the meantime, don't dare to tell me or my partner what is in your comprehension or beyond it, because we are trying to unearth the truth, which THOSE men, and for all I know, you as well, have been trying to use to destroy the lives of innocent people!" He was facing him squarely now, angry. Skinner stared back coolly. Mulder refused to back down. "Sir." Skinner finally cast his eyes away and turned, storming towards the door. As he was about to leave he turned. "There was a time that I would've cared about your actions. You were a terrific agent, and could've made your place for yourself. But now, you can do whatever you want. Burn in hell, for all I care." The last words that were spat out were left ringing in Mulder's ear long after the door slammed shut. * * * * * 9:43 p.m. Scully waited outside the cell blocks while the guard went to get Mulder. The guard had cast his eyes down and stuttered. She remembered him- he was the one that operated the metal detector the day that she discovered the chip in her neck. He seemed very flustered by the entire turn of events. She had been dragged in the outside area by several guards when she entered the building; only to spend what seemed like hours arguing with the bailiff, who decided to post bail. "Don't go far," he had warned. "And don't be a minute late for the hearing tomorrow." The door opened and the guard returned, followed by Mulder. Her heart went out to him when he entered. He looked exhausted and slightly feverish. He walked over to her and did not say a word, his eyes slightly closed, as if trying to ward off an impounding headache. She sighed. "How are you feeling?" "Like I just spent the day in jail." Scully felt his forehead. "You're burning up," she murmured. "You really have to get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Mulder closed his eyes. "Insomniacs don't sleep." Scully headed out of the building and he followed her mutely. Only when they were in the car did she speak. "Did Skinner tell you-" "Yes," Mulder mumbled. "He was gracious enough to deliver the message personally." Scully nodded, her face a study, eyes concentrating on the road ahead of her. Mulder's head dropped back and his breathing became even. It wasn't long before she pulled up outside his apartment. Scully turned off the engine and regarded her partner quizzically, wishing she didn't have to wake him. She touched his wrist lightly. "Mulder." "Hmm." His eyes opened slightly, staring straight at her, making her breath catch in her throat for a split second. "We're here," she explained. He blinked several times and got out of the car without a word. Scully followed him inside, watching as he absentmindedly pushed the door, already unlocked, open. She gasped when she saw the shambles. The place was a wreck. Mulder didn't seem to notice, or care. He kicked off his shoes and threw some stuff off the couch before stretching down on it, one hand on his forehead. Scully hurried to the bathroom and returned a few moments later with a compress and some aspirin that she gave to him immediately. "You have a slight fever," she murmured. Mulder didn't answer. She sighed again. There was NO way she was leaving him like this. She shoved papers and clothes off a nearby armchair and sat down, watching him toss and turn in his sleep. Presently her eyelids drooped and she slept as well. * * * * * Fox Mulder's apartment May 22 7:15 a.m. The jangling of a phone jolted Scully out of her sleep. She started up and glanced around her, wondering where she was. Then her eyes fell on Mulder asleep on the couch and she remembered. Subpoena... court... hearing... sick... The phone rang shrilly again. Mulder shifted in his sleep but didn't wake up. Scully sprang to her feet and darted for the phone, hoping to pick it up before it woke her partner. She managed to snack it up as it rung the third time. "Hello?" she gasped slightly. There was a pause, and then the sound of a woman's voice. "Fox?" Scully frowned and moved hurriedly out of the room. "No- this is his partner." "DANA?! What are you doing there? I want to speak with my son." Scully's face flooded with color. "Oh- Mrs. Mulder, I'm sorry. He's asleep." The words seemed to roar up around her and she cringed again at Mrs. Mulder's suspicious silence when she said that. She could almost feel her EYES scrutinizing her through the phone. Why in the world are you at my son's house this early in the morning? "He wasn't feeling very well." "What is going on here, Dana?" Mrs. Mulder interrupted sharply. "I need to speak with him." Scully swallowed an annoyed retort and tried to keep her voice low. "I'd rather not wake him, if you don't mind. He hasn't been getting much sleep lately, and we have a lot ahead of us-" she turned and almost crashed into Mulder with a surprised "oh." He rubbed his eyes blearily. Who is it? he mouthed. Your mother, she mouthed back. He took the phone from her. "Mom? Hi. Yes. Yes. Yes, I- MOM! Mom, calm down. Please... yes, I know. I realize that." He glanced at Scully helplessly. She moved back into the living room. After a few minutes he joined her and replaced the phone. Her gaze was worried. "How are you feeling?" "Better." That wasn't entirely the truth. He still hadn't slept that well the night before. He was kept up by worries of what to come. His head was still pounding and he was flushed and looked exhausted. With a sigh he rubbed his scratchy chin. "What time do we have to be there?" "Nine-thirty. You better change. You look like you slept in those clothes." "What a coincidence." There was a stretched silence before Scully stood and headed for the door. "I'm going home, and then I'll pick up Christann from mom's. I'll be here at nine. Okay?" He nodded. * * * * * 9:38 a.m. "Agent Mulder!" The screams and shouts coming from reporters crowding next to the courthouse was deafening. Christann lowered her head and stumbled after the agents as they pushed through the crowd. It seemed like forever before they finally reached the safe haven inside. Andrew Morgan was waiting for them, holding a briefcase and looking very professional. "My God," Mulder muttered. "Could we have avoided all this hoopla by having me tried by the bureau?" Morgan frowned disapprovingly. "This isn't about you keeping or losing your job, Agent Mulder. This is about whether or not your accusations were true." They made their way towards the courtroom. Scully had to hurry to keep up with Mulder's stride. Christann followed them, eyes wide, but her back straight and her countenance confident. Andrew Morgan paused before opening the courtroom door. He looked at Christann. Christann looked at Mulder. Mulder looked at Scully. And Scully stared straight back at him. Morgan swallowed, assumed lawyer stance, and opened the doors briskly. Heads turned and voices hushed as they entered the room. * * * * * 9:55 a.m. Mulder's bleary brain tuned out of the opening statements; all that really registered was "How do you plead?" "Not guilty." Did they think he would go through all this trouble just to confess? Scully was sitting right behind him with Christann. He felt reassured by her presence. Mulder leaned back and whispered, "Where's Williamson?" Her hushed voice sounded relatively calm. "He's not here. He won't have to show up unless you formally accuse him and he has to take a stand." "Jesus, does he want it in writing?" Mulder muttered back, shutting up immediately as Morgan glared at him and grunted "Ahem!" With a sigh, Mulder tried hard to concentrate, but his mind was consumed with the fire of anticipation. He barely heard what Morgan said; all he knew was that is sounded short and concise. It ended with a mumbled, "And my client has stated that it is - " pointed pause and slight rolling of eyes, " - his intent to prove the accusation printed in the DC Times were true." This sent a ripple of surprise through the people. Mulder's eyes scanned the room. He recognized some of the people- reporters, UFO freaks and supporters of Williamson. He thought he even saw Frohike sitting in the way back disguised in a trenchcoat, a tiny mustache and huge glasses. "The state calls Walter Skinner to the stand." Urgghhh. Scully shifted nervously in her seat and pointed an icy gaze towards the assistant director as he swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help him God. Skinner sat back and stared easily at the counsel for the state, a tall swaggering man by the name of Eddie Spotnitz. "Mr. Skinner, by whom are you currently employed? "I am the Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." "And you are familiar with the agent Fox Mulder?" "I was his supervisor, yes." "Was?" Skinner did not hesitate. "Agent Mulder and his partner resigned from the FBI yesterday." "Resigned or were forced to resign?" "They were forced to. Word was sent down from the executive branch the day that the article was printed in the paper." "Was the article the only reason for this dismissal?" Skinner straightened. "No, it was not." Spotnitz continued to pace around nonchalantly. "Oh? Would you please name for us some of the other events?" "Mulder disappeared with his partner for several days to work on a case that had not yet been authorized by the bureau. Word was sent out that if they were not to return within 24 hours, then they would be fired." Scully raised an eyebrow. This was news. "Anything else?" "Agent Mulder has been known to do these things. It was far from the first time, and probably far from the last. He was involved in a shooting in his building the day of his disappearance. A woman complained that he ran into her apartment, brandishing a gun and yelling." Mulder's back stiffened. He was angry. Even from the back, Scully had learned to tell the signs. She put her hand on his shoulder ever so gently and he relaxed a bit. "Mr. Skinner, do you recall an incident involving you and Agent Mulder approximately two years ago?" "Yes, I do. Agent Mulder attacked me in the hallway." It was Scully's turn to be angry. "You were DRUGGED! You were delirious he KNOWS that!" she screamed, in a whisper. Spotnitz's next words confirmed that. " Why was Agent Mulder not prosecuted?" "Because it was found that his water had been drugged by certain hallucenogens." Spotnitz turned on his heel and strode to his desk. He leaned against it and crossed his arms across his chest, looking like a smug arrogant rich man. "Mr. Skinner, do you consider Agent Mulder to be mentally stable?" For the first time Skinner hesitated. He turned and stared right at Mulder. Burn in hell, for all I care. "No, I don't." This time Mulder half rose out of his seat. Scully did, too, but only to pull him back down. "It's okay," she whispered. His face was even more flushed and his eyes were wild. Her hand brushed the back of his neck, making him shiver a bit. He's running a fever again, Scully realized. There wasn't anything to do about it now... "Why do you think that, Mr. Skinner? In your last report - the one dated two years ago - you indicated that he was." Skinner had adopted the smug look. He almost looked as if he was enjoying himself. "It is my personal belief that Mulder has started to mix truth with reality. He has spent his entire life losing people, and his quest to save them and himself has clouded his thoughts and actions. All of the unorthodox theories and cases that he has chased have had a negative effect on his rationality. And now that his partner has been diagnosed with cancer-" For the first time Morgan found an opportunity to jump in. "Objection!" he barked. "Witness is going into irrelevant information." The judge glanced at Spotnitz, who shrugged. The judge nodded. Spotnitz gave a heavy sigh as if to say Why do they even bother? and sat back down. "No more questions," he intoned loudly. Morgan stood, trying to look as calm and collected and confident as his predecessor. "Mr. Skinner. To which division of the FBI is Agent Mulder assigned?" "A division called The X-Files." "And this division is supposed to deal with the paranormal, or, as you put it, 'unorthodox theories'?" "That's correct." "Have the majority of these questions had definate closure?" Skinner shifted in his seat. "The majority of the cases have not reached definite conclusions." "So is it plausible that Agent Mulder's theories were not so unorthodox as they seem? That perhaps from time to time he may have been right?" "Ob-jec-tion," sighed Spotnitz. "Calls for speculation." "I'll rephrase that," Morgan conceded. "Agent Dana Scully was, am I correct, assigned to work with Mulder to support the plausibility of his conclusions?" Both Mulder and Scully felt the tension when he said that. No matter how long they had been working together, it was still a touchy subject. I was under the impression that you were sent to spy on me... "Yes." "And she conclude in some of these cases that perhaps he was right?" "In a few, yes." "So maybe his ideas were not quite so unorthodox? Maybe Mulder isn't quite as crazy as you thought?" Skinner sighed noisily. "I had no doubts about Mulder's mental health when he began as an agent. He was brilliant. I do believe that working in these cases and all of his personal losses have had a negative effect on him, involving him emotionally in the cases. For example, he seems to think that every case with a young girl is connected to his missing sister." Morgan paused. Okkkayyyyy. That wasn't where he had meant to take it at all. Mulder closed his eyes and mentally banged his head against the wall. At least now they don't think I was born insane, he thought. I just became insane with age. Morgan tried helplessly to repair the damage, but it was too late. "No more questions," he sighed tiredly and returned to his seat, not looking at either of the agents. Christann looked pale and worried. Skinner tried hard to ignore the looks of pure hate he got from the agents as he left the witness stand. -------- 12:52 p.m. Mulder felt like his brain was about to explode. His head was spinning. He felt like it was ninety degrees inside the courtroom. The room was starting to sway about him. DAMMIT! He rested his head in his hands for a split second before Morgan nudged him disapprovingly. Morgan looked tired, too. More witnesses had been called. All agents. All said that he was crazy, either downright spooky or just a little "odd." Morgan had put up a fight now and then, but it didn't seem to work. The one thing that he had going for him was the psychologist that was called to the stand. He had concluded that Mulder was "not dangerous but plagued by the past." Hmmm. Sounded like a made for TV movie. After what seemed like hours the judge called for a recess. Mulder snapped to attention. Oh, good. That meant that the state was done calling it's witnesses. Thank God. He was sick of everyone up there saying that he was insane. There was the bang of the gavel, and the people stood and swarmed about. He could vaguely hear Morgan talking to Scully in a low voice. Christann slid into the seat beside him, not saying anything. He gave her a sidelong gaze, noting the pouty lower lip and her intense fiery gaze. She really did look like Samantha. She acted like Samantha. It was uncanny. More voices blurbed in the background, and Christann stood and walked down the aisle followed by Morgan. Mulder sat there dumbly, his senses not registering what was going on... the feel of Scully's hand on his forehead jolted him back into reality. She leaned down close to him and his senses rushed back with a whoosh. She gazed into his face with a skeptical expression. "How are you doing?" He closed his eyes in an attempt to soothe the pounding headache. "Fine." His eyes snapped back open when she carefully brushed away a lock of hair, which had a habit of falling into his eyes. "You're sick." Mulder rubbed his temples. "Isn't that what all the witnesses have been saying?" She didn't answer and he sighed. "I'm fine. Really." Scully briskly poured him a glass of water from the pitcher that was placed on the table and dug some aspirin out of her pocket. "Here." He took it in silence, trying to steady a shaking wrist. She gently took the glass from him and set it back on the table. "I'm next." "You'll steal the show." Scully leaned back in the chair and let her eyes travel around the courtroom. "Morgan took Christann to get something to eat." "How's she doing?" "She'll be okay. She's a fighter. It's her life." She paused. "Sure as hell reminds me of you." "Funny, I was about to say that same thing about you..." She laughed lightly and slid a bit closer. He looked straight at her, his finger absentmindedly wiping the condensation off the glass that was in front of him. "Will you be okay?" "I guess. I have a gun if they try to mess with me." "You might just save my life." He said it lightly, but they both knew it was true. * * * * * 1:07 p.m. Davis watched the man and the woman sitting alone in the courtroom. He was above them, watching from a tiny window near the ceiling. The man was sick. He was flushed and tired and looked a bit dazed. He watched the woman reach up and touch his face tenderly. "They're close," he observed. Williamson didn't answer. He just stared at them mutely. The silence was broken when the man behind them took a long drag on a cigarette. "Yes," he murmured, "and hopefully that will destroy her credibility." David felt his heart quicken in a sense of relief. "They're..." The gray man shook his head. "No. Not yet, at least; though her illness has worn away some of the shield under which they hide their devotions. But who's to know the difference? Even if these accusations against Agent Mulder were the truth, she would stick up for him." Williamson spoke for the first time. "What about the girl?" The gray man's eyes followed the swirls of smoke that whirled around in the air as he exhaled. "I don't think they'll get that far. And if they do, then she won't remember anything. Mulder is being exposed as a nutcase." Without any more he turned and exited the room. As the door closed, Williamson spoke again. "We're doomed." Davis spoke angrily and harshly. "Listen to me, you cowardly bastard. We're in this together. I don't know what is going through your head right now. But don't do anything rash and leave me hanging here. If we do go down, then we go together." Williamson's mouth opened in a sort of smile. "What you mean to say is, I you go down I do too, but if I go down first, I doubt you'll be there to say goodbye. The little bitch doesn't have anything on you yet. But if she did, then I won't be there to do anything but wish you luck." Feeling rage flood him, Davis thanked God he didn't have his gun. If he did, he would've killed the bastard. "Is that what partners are for?" Williamson turned his gaze back towards the two in the courtroom. They were talking, heads bent close together and gazes locked. "Apparently not." * * * * * 1:26 p.m. "Agent Dana Scully." Mulder sat up straight as he watched her walk down the aisle, her face expressionless and her posture cool and collected. Morgan was standing next to the table pretending to be methodically shifting through stacks and stacks of notes. In reality it was about three pages of notes, some scribbled questions, and a lot of junk. Lawyers. Scully settled back in the chair in the witness stand after she had been sworn in. Her face was pale and her gaze cool. Her eyes scanned the room. The only thing that Mulder could find that betrayed her nervousness where her hands, which she had in her lap and was clasping and unclasping so hard that her knuckles turned white. Her eyes met his for a moment. He pursed his lips and her chin jutted out; she shifted in the chair and her hands stopped moving. She regarded Morgan easily. 'Agent Scully, how long ago were you assigned to work with Agent Mulder?" "A little over four years." "And what exactly where you to do?" Scully paused as if collecting and organizing her thoughts, thinking back to her first meeting with Blevins. "I was assigned to work with him on the x- files and write field reports on the validity of his work." "And did you do so?" "Yes I did." "At any time, did agent Mulder tend to go off on so-called unorthodox theories?" Something almost like a smile fleeted across Scully's lips. "Yes, he did, but not without something to propel those beliefs." "I see. Agent Scully, would you please, in your own words, recall what happened on the date of May 19th?" Scully told about the shooting; how a 'suspect from an earlier case had resurfaced'; their search for Christann. "When we did find her, Agent Mulder put her through hypnosis, in which she recalled events in her past that were connected to the disappearance of Mulder's sister. She also recalled some startling facts that Agent Mulder and I agreed were necessary to shed light upon; facts concerning illegal actions of the Senator Benton Williamson. We sent the story to the local paper and the next day I came and was told that Mulder had been arrested for scandal." "Mmm-hmmm." Morgan shot her an approving look. Good, he told her silently. She did not respond in any way. "Agent Scully, do you trust your partner?" "With my life." She did not hesitate. "And at any time, during any of your cases, did you ever question his sanity?" Mulder thought of the gargoyles and shot Scully a look. "Never, Mr. Morgan." "And I assume that in your four years working together you have learned a lot about each other?" Scully didn't even bother to answer. "In your opinion, would my client provoke such a scandal if he did not have a reason to do so?" "No." "Thank you," Morgan strode back to his seat. Spotnitz looked as if he had fallen asleep. He stood and arrogantly approached Scully. "Agent Sc-ully," he drawled, "I have been reading some of the reports here, of your work with Agent Mulder. It appears that not too long ago you were brought to court when Agent Mulder was missing soon after the discovery of a meteorite that he presumed held extraterrestrial life." "That is correct." "Did you know where Agent Mulder was at this time?" "I did not know at that time." "So you went to court to defend your partner, who had just left you here without a word to go and chase aliens?" Something flickered in Scully's eyes and Mulder felt a twang somewhere within him. It wasn't the only time. "Yes." "That is an amazing bond of trust. How could you be sure that he would even return?" Scully's chin jutted out again. "I just knew." Spotnitz's eyes lit up. "Ahh... you just knew. Was this the only time that you were left in the dark about your partner's actions?" Scully was tensing up all over. "No." "I'm not sure that I am clear on your relationship with your partner, Agent Scully. What constantly brings you to the defense of a man that hardly seems to hold up to his end of the deal?" Mulder kicked Morgan's heel. "Say something," he hissed. Morgan opened his mouth helplessly, but stopped when Scully snapped back, "What EXACTLY do you mean by that, sir?" Her eyes were blazing. Spotnitz was having a lot of fun. He enjoyed bullying the witnesses. Especially when he was so certain he would win no matter what he did. "I was sort of hoping that you could tell me that." Scully's jaw clenched. "When I was missing several years ago, Agent Mulder did all he could to find me. He was one of the first people there when I came out of my coma. He has saved my life a number of times. I'm not sure, sir, that it is in your place to question my relationship with my partner." Her tone was sharp and steely. She was teetering dangerously on the edge of her temper. Spotnitz made a low strangled noise in the back of his throat. "Riiiight, you just keep telling yourself that." Mulder kicked Morgan so hard in the shin that Morgan emitted a loud gasp. "Dammit," Mulder growled, "if you don't say anything, I will." Morgan wiped his brow, and leaped up. "Objection-counsel-is-browbeating-the- witness" he threw out all in one breath. "Your honor, I apologize and please disregard my last statement, but if you would let me proceed, I will establish my point." The judge nodded. Spotnitz turned back to Scully. Her steely gaze during this exchange was focused on Mulder. She was faltering. She swallowed and stared back at the lawyer. "Agent Scully, you have said that you trust your partner with your life. Am I correct in saying that you have just been recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer?" "Yes." "So in a sense you really don't have anything to lose by being here?" "Damn him," Mulder growled through clenched teeth. "Objection!!" called out Morgan. "Sustained," complied the judge. Mulder didn't dare look away from Scully. She looked a but flushed and her eyes showed dangers of falling apart. Her lip was starting to tremble. Spotnitz pondered his words for a moment. "Agent Scully, you and your partner have been through a lot together, and you have said that you entrust your partner with your life. May I ask just how intimate you are with him?" Morgan managed to jump up before Mulder kicked him again. It didn't matter. Mulder was standing too, eyes blaring and fists clenched. "Don't answer that, Scully," he barked out. Scully could hear everyone yelling around her. Finally Spotnitz's voice rose above the din. He was leaning down, yelling at her. "WOULD YOU LIE TO PROTECT HIM???" "Yes, I would," Scully snapped back, her voice high pitched and threatening to explode. "Dammit," gasped Moragn. The courtroom quieted down within moments. Everyone was staring at her, all of her credibility slowly disintigrating. Spotnitz shrugged. "No more questions," he said simply. Mulder stared back at Scully, openmouthed. She stared back, his fears mirrored in her eyes. Scully jumped when the gavel banged down. "Adjourned till tomorrow," the judge said quietly. -------- 5:58 p.m. Christann looked from Mulder to Scully and back again. Both were sitting there silently, Mulder's face tired and flushed from the fever that had not failed to return. Scully was staring blankly out ahead of her, her face stoic but her eyes betraying her feelings. The agents were sitting a few inches apart, and one could sense the invisible wall of tension that was pulsing between the two of them. Morgan was talking about the next day. They were sitting in Mulder's apartment, trying hard to ignore the fact that it was still a complete wreck. They had to fight off the crowds of reporters that were waiting for them outside. Scully had in vain suggested that Mulder just get some rest, but he had brusquely refused. Morgan pointed out that they had a lot to go over. Christann was to be put on the stand the next day. Morgan had gone over the fact that Spotnitz would without a doubt bring up her medical history and try to destroy her credibility as he had Scully's. He had been on the phone for an hour trying to contact Doctor Heitz Werber, the hypnotic specialist that had put Mulder through hypnosis before he even met Scully. He had agreed to come to court the next day to out Christann under hypnosis. "Now," Morgan was saying, "our main problem is whether or not the jury will accept hypnosis as a form of testimony. And I also predict that Spotnitz will try to get Christann off the stand as soon as possible because his main goal is to prove that you are not in your right mind. This case is about whether or not you rightly provoked scandal, Mulder, not whether or not your accusations are true." "Do whatever you want, just make sure that that bastard is put in his place," Mulder replied. He was having great trouble concentrating. "Mr. Morgan," said Scully gently, "Mulder is sick and all he really needs now is rest. Have we finished this discussion?" "No we haven't," Mulder snapped. Scully flinched as if he had stung her. She stood briskly and headed for the door. "I'm going to go get us something to eat," she mumbled. Mulder cringed as the door slammed. "Shit," he muttered, rubbing his eyes. They trio sat in silence for a second before the phone rang and shattered the quiet. Morgan picked it up. "Hello? Doctor Werber... yes, this is he... mm- hmmm..." he walked into the next room. Christann was playing with a lock of hair, twisting it around her finger. "I didn't mean to snap at her," Mulder sighed, saying it more to himself then anyone else. Christann's eyes stayed focused on the lock of hair. "She didn't mean it to end up as it did. That lawyer really gave her a hard time. And she answered the question truthfully." "She didn't have to. Morgan objected." "Yes, but you saw how upset she was. By answering truthfully she put her whole defense for you down the drain." Mulder didn't answer and Christann absentmindedly tucked the hair behind her ear. "My whole relationship with Joel was destroyed because he didn't fully trust me. He didn't always believe me. He thought I was crazy after a while." She watched him carefully. Mulder was leaning on his elbow, his hand covering most of his face. "I told her I couldn't do this alone. And she said that she wanted to make something of her life before it was over. She's helping me achieve my goal and I can't so a thing for hers." There was a tense silence and Christann started playing with her hair again. "I've been getting a lot of nosebleeds recently," she said softly. Mulder looked up at her. Her eyes were focused hard on the lock of hair once more. When he didn't answer her eyes traveled and met his. He tried to avert her gaze but couldn't. She frowned and leaned back. "How much time do I have?" "I don't know." Mulder's voice was tremulous. "I'm sorry." Christann sighed. "It doesn't matter. I'm doing something with the time I have left." She watched the hair again. "I read that it makes more sense to mourn those that are left behind then those that go ahead of you." Something in the back of Mulder's throat threatened to give way. Christann looked at him sharply and drew in her breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." "You shouldn't be." "I am. I'm not afraid of death, not now that I am doing what I should. My one regret is that I didn't get a chance to tell Joel how much he really meant to me. He had given his life for me. My cause. If I had not depended on him as much this would have not have happened." Sickening irony blazed through Mulder's mind for the second time. Christann continued to speak. "And if I could go back in time, I would have told him before he died. It wouldn't have made the pain go away, but I would be satisfied with the knowledge that he knew-" her voice dropped and faltered for a split second but she steadied herself, "that I had always loved him." She watched him carefully when she said that. Mulder swallowed, reached out, and took her hand. "You're a great person, Christann." "I should be. I'm related to you." Morgan came back into the room. "It's all set," he informed them. He looked at Christann. "Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." Morgan fell back in his chair and sighed. "Jesus Christ, I sure got a lot more then I bargained for with this case." The front door opened and heads turned as Scully came back in with a bag. Her face had regained composure but Christann could still see evidence of hurt on her eyes. She tossed the bag on the table. "Food." Morgan shook his head. "Hell no. Everything's all set. My wife and kids are waiting for me with dinner at home." He looked at Christann. "I'd feel a lot safer for you if you stayed with our family tonight." He regarded the apartment. "It doesn't look like they did a very good job protecting you, and you ARE the star witness." Christann did not argue. Five minutes later all that was in the apartment were the agents, the bag of food, and an embarrassing silence. Scully started to pull out some of the food but presently stopped. "Mulder," she blurted out, "I didn't mean to-" "You told them the truth," he interrupted her. "It isn't your fault." "I was one of the only witnesses on your side, and they won't believe me now." "It doesn't matter." Mulder stared at the food, but didn't take any. Scully reached out and touched his wrist. "Get some sleep, Mulder. Look at you. You're killing yourself." Mulder sighed. "Yes, mother." He stood. Scully did too. "I better get back home. Mom is going to call me as soon as she sees the news." She headed for the door. Christann's words came rushing back to Mulder. "Scully," he said suddenly. She turned, finding herself drawn into his gaze. "I just-" he paused and gestured with his hands. "Thank you," he said finally. "For today. What you said at the end... you know that I would do the same for you." "Yes, I do," she answered him softly. "I always did." Her eyes waited, daring and pleading for him to answer. Words were sitting on the tip of his tongue. He swallowed but couldn't say anything. Scully gave an almost imperceptible nod and opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." * * * * * May 23 Courthouse, downtown Washington D.C. 10:00 a.m. "Your Honor, the defense wishes to call to the stand Miss Christann Drumel." "Objection, your honor!" Spotnitz's voice cut through the air. Mulder jumped involuntarily, turning to stare at the other lawyer. Morgan covered up his surprise as quickly as he could. "May we approach the bench?" Spotnitz asked. The judge nodded. The two lawyers stood side by side, speaking in a low and muffled tone. Scully leaned forward. "What are they doing?" she whispered in Mulder's ear, sending a little shiver down his spine. He shook his head. "I don't know." Christann was fidgeting nervously, her foot tapping impatiently against the floor. It seemed like forever before they finished their debate. Morgan turned and went back to his desk, looking satisfied. He leaned down to speak with Mulder. "Spotnitz wants to get you on the stand first. He says that Christann should only be called in the event that you are found innocent, but the judge sided with me. I think it's because of what happened yesterday." Mulder raised an eyebrow. "Wonder lawyer." Morgan eyed Christann, giving her a reassuring glance. Christann swallowed and walked to the witness stand. Mulder found himself shifting in his seat, leaning forward. He was nervous and afraid for Christann. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" Christann's hazel eyes were flashing. "I do." Morgan approached her. "Miss Drumel, would you give us a brief synopsis of your childhood?" Christann straightened her shoulders. "I was found in Michigan when I was four, and placed in the foster care system." "Did you have any recollection of what happened in the first four years of your life?" "I did not." "And what happened after that?" "I ran away when I was twelve." "Why?" "I was being treated for epilepsy and I started having personality lapses. My foster parents wanted to take me to a mental institution because of some of the things that I would say at those times, so I ran away." "Would you elaborate on the personality lapses, please?" "At times I would have seizures, which of course would be connected to the fact that I am an epileptic. But during and after the seizures, I would yell about someone being taken from me, and about someone doing something to me. Then I would fall into a deep sleep and awaken with no recollection of what I had just said." "What happened after you ran away?" "They found me and put me in another foster home. I ran away again and continued to do so until I was fifteen." "What happened when you were fifteen?" "I started to have dreams- I would dream the things that people said I was yelling about during my lapses. Except this time I would remember. About the same time I went to have a physical and my doctor noticed something suspicious about my DNA. The day after the visit he was found dead and my foster parents died in a car accident on the way home. I was at home at this time when I noticed several forms outside, dressed in black. I called the police but ran out of the house when the intruders entered. I contacted one of my friends and she took me to another state." Spotnitz was fidgeting agitatedly. "Objection, your honor," he called out, a frown forming on is face. "What does Christann Drumel's history have anything to do with the charges against Agent Mulder?" "Sustained," the judge answered before Morgan even had a chance to speak. Mulder bit his lip. This was not good. The look in Morgan's eyes proved that he felt the same way. He pondered his options for a moment. "Miss Drumel, what happened on the date of May 18th?" "I was working at the restaurant when suddenly three men entered." "Did you recognize them?" "Yes; they were the same men that had broken into my house when I was fifteen." Morgan shot Spotnitz an ugly look. "Had the counsel allowed you to continue, would you have confirmed that these men had been chasing you for some time?" "Yes." "Why didn't you go to the police?" "I tried to once, but somewhere in the records there was a report that I had escaped from a mental institution." 'Was that report true?" "No, it was not, but it was enough for no one to believe me whenever I went to the police." Morgan was starting to pace around, his eyes casually focused on the floor in front of him. "Let's go back to the day in the restaurant. What happened after they came in?" "I recognized the men, and started to run. They followed me. I heard shots just as I was running out." Christann told her story calmly and impassively, but her eyes were bright and agitated and intense. Telling her story with such conviction made her look just like Mulder. Scully watched her with a deepening admiration and remorse. "What happened after you ran out of the restaurant?" Christann's eyes flickered to the agents for a moment. "Someone grabbed me from behind and hid me in a warehouse until the men disappeared." "Do you recognize the man who saved you?" Christann nodded. "It was Agent Mulder." "And then..." "I woke up the next morning at the house of a - " a little bit of pain flickered in her eyes, " - friend. He told me that I had come to his house and had a seizure." "And you bought a plane ticket to Kansas under a pseudonym." "Yes." "Why?" "Because I figured that maybe if I went away and kept my mouth shut then the men would leave me alone." "When did you see my client again?" "That day, he and his partner came and tried to get me to tell the story of what I remembered." "And did you?" "No. I knew they would be killed." "Go on." "That night, " Christann took a deep breath as she began to recollect the horror of that time, "I couldn't sleep, so I went to the coffee shop across from the building. When I returned, I saw the men coming out of the building. I ran upstairs, but Joel was dead." Morgan snatched up a pile of papers that were lying on his desk. "Three people confirmed that Miss Drumel entered the coffee shop at 11:53 p.m.; and those three people also confirmed that they saw a black car speed away from the apartment several minutes later, as she was leaving. Joel Resin's neighbor places the gunshot that she heard at 11:56. The police arrived at midnight, and found that the unregistered weapon had been left at the scene. They concluded that Joel died within moments of the gunshot." Christann swallowed visibly at that, but covered her grief as quickly as it had appeared. Spotnitz was regarding the scene with an annoyed look. "Your honor," he said, "please, what does this have to do with the matter at hand? Unless I am mistaken, the matter is the accusations against Agent Mulder." "Your honor, I am merely establishing what happened on the mentioned date from the point of view of the girl that led my client into this affair in the first place." The judge gave Morgan the nod. Spotnitz gave a loud and very annoyed sigh. "Where did you go after you left the apartment, Christann?" "I went to Agent Mulder's apartment. I don't remember much- I think I was in shock. He took me to the home of his partner. I fell asleep, and a little while later Agent Scully woke me up because the men had come back. We managed to get away and met Agent Mulder near New York." "And what happened in New York?" "Agent Mulder put me through hypnosis, in which I remembered some things about my past. They informed me that I had remembered tests in which Senator Benton Williamson was involved." Spotnitz opened his mouth, but Morgan beat him to it. "In case the counsel thinks that it is necessary to have Christann out through hypnosis again to verify the information, we call to the stand Doctor Heitz Werber-" "Objection, counsel has the right to cross examine the witness!" Spotnitz snapped. "Sustained," agreed the judge, banging his gavel to quiet the sudden outpour of voices. Christann's chin jutted out and her gaze hardened with anger as Spotnitz approached her. "Miss Drumel, you have been called to the stand to verify the information that Mulder submitted to the papers; the accusations that Senator Williamson blatantly denounced as they were published. You are here to prove that they are true. Correct?" "Yes." "Why are you doing this?" "I would not lie to protect Agent Mulder, if that is what you are implying." "That is not what I am saying. I asked WHY you suddenly decided to bring your knowledge out. What suddenly convinced you that this was the thing to do? Agent Mulder had already approached you once, and you refused to help him." "They killed someone that I loved. I want to see that they pay." "Yes, but can you IDENTIFY the men that killed Mr. Resin? The accusations that you brought forth are against Senator Williamson. Are you saying that Williamson killed Resin?" "No. But I do remember Williamson there in my past, and that he was specifically involved in what happened." "How do you know that you even remember these things? Just based on the facts that were told to you by a man after he hypnotized you?" "They correspond with my dreams." "And since when are dreams an acceptable form of proof?" "Your honor," called Morgan, jumping up, "if the state wishes that Miss Drumel be put under hypnosis again to satisfy the counsel that she actually DOES remember these things-" "Okay, let's assume that you DID remember things from your past," interrupted Spotnitz, ignoring Morgan. "Explain to me in your own words what you remember." "I remembered that I was in a lab, along with many other women who apparently were cloned to make me-" There was an uproar when she said that, and the judge banged his gavel. Morgan jumped at the chance, grabbing up a great manila folder. "Your honor, we have here the DNA results analyzed by three noted specialists that prove that Christann Drumel is the product of a cloning experiment that connects her directly to Agent Mulder." "Objection!" snapped back the other lawyer. "Defense specialists were not examined by the state." "Your honor," Morgan's voice was rising, as was the flush of his face, "it is possible to call up all of the specialists, or the defense could simply submit these reports as exhibit A-" A shrill scream broke the through the loud voices. Scully's head whipped around to Christann. She was slumped back in the chair, shaking violently. Mulder half rose out of his seat but Scully placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at her, eyes bright. Her gaze was focused on Christann, her mouth open slightly in amazement. She grabbed Mulder's hand. Suddenly Christann stopped shaking, and stuck her thumb in her mouth. She started to squirm. "NO!!!! No no no no no no please please please please An- NIE!! Annie, make them stop!" She gave a choking gasp and her eyes flew open. She regarded the courtroom with a blank expression. "Annie, it's me," her voice was low and childish. She stared straight at Mulder. "You look like Annie. Why doesn't she remember? She knows me. I don't understand." Christann stood and walked down from the witness stand, her face pale. "The buzzing, the buzzing, the buzzing again." Suddenly her head whipped around the other way. "NO! Not the Bad Man. I can smell him. No no no no no no... I don't want to forget..." she curled down, her back against the bench, her knees tucked under her and her arms around her body, rocking back and forth. "I will NOT forget. I will not. Annie. Her name is Annie. She said she's Samantha. She wouldn't remember me. She's one of my mothers. I won't forget, I won't I won't. A-B-C- D-E-F-G..." A bailiff approached Christann cautiously, but as he did she yelled again. "NO!!!!!!!!" she looked like she was having a temper tantrum, as she started to kick. "NO!!!! Don't let me forget!!! The men there, the men. The Bad Man. He was with his friends. Williamson. The tall man. The man with the voice that made you believe. And the other one, with the gray eyes... Davis... Davis..." she started to cry, her head tilting as if she could hear someone approaching. "No, I won't forget, not this time." Her back arched up and she recoiled as if someone had grabbed her. She writhed and suddenly fell back on her back, her hands down hard by her sides as if she was tied down. "Annie... she started to yell again. "It hurts it hurts please no..." Her voice died away and she started to shake again, violently, her eyes wide open. White fluid appeared in her mouth. Scully hurried to her side. "She's having a seizure," she called out to the stunned crowd. "Someone call the paramed-" Someone already HAD called the paramedics. They burst through the courtroom and within moments had loaded her onto a stretcher and were hurrying away. The courtroom was in chaos. Scully met Mulder's gaze and was shocked to see his face, pale and drawn and terrified. She followed him and the paramedics, ignoring whatever was going to behind her. She could hear Skinner yelling. "Someone get a report on Davis! I want a location for Williamson! Make sure he's not going anywhere!!! Williamson was watching the proceedings from his calm little spot above the courtroom. Davis and the Gray man had left some time earlier. Bottles of liquor were strewn about, all empty. His eyes traveled calmly to the paper bag on the chair beside him. His hands floated and reached inside, pulling out the gun. He placed it to his head, savoring the cool calming feeling of the metal against his flesh. He closed his eyes and his lips curved up. Don't you worry, Mr. Skinner. I'm not going anywhere. And he pulled the trigger. -------- 12:11 p.m. Gibas Memorial Hospital "Dammit, what the hell is taking them so long?' Scully watched helplessly as her partner paced around the waiting area like a caged animal. She didn't say anything. No matter what she said, he wouldn't listen. A door opened and out stepped a man that simply radiated the authority, I am a doctor. They both approached him simultaneously. The doctor sighed. "Agents Mulder and Scu-" "How is she?" Mulder interrupted him. The doctor sighed and decided that maybe this was not the time to go into what had been done and tons of medical jargon that no one, including himself, would understand. "The tumor is starting to push it's way into her brain; that and the trauma of the experience in the courtroom triggered the seizure. She's on a respirator and we are watching her closely; but for the most part the danger is out of the way for now." "What do you mean 'for now'?" asked Scully, glaring at the man. The doctor took off his glasses and polished the lenses with the front of his shirt. "Well, uh..." he coughed. "The tumor is malignant and is of a substantial size. I wouldn't say she has much time left." Mulder shook his head and turned away. "Can we see her?" "She's in a coma-like state right now- the deep sleep that usually accompanies the personality lapse that she experienced. But yes, you can see her." He was motioned to Mulder, who shook his head. "BOTH of us." "Oh, yes. Of course." The doctor led the two of them into Christann's room. It was gray and unfriendly, cluttered with machines and silent except for the beeps of the heart monitor and the respirator. The curtains had been closed but some light did manage to peek in through the cracks. A stripe of sun was strewn across her face, pale and drawn. She was lying unnaturally straight, on her back with her arms flat at her sides. The doctor did not say a word, but closed the door as he left, casting the agents in semi darkness. Mulder slid the nearest chair over by the bed and sat down, taking Christann's hand as he did so. Scully found another chair and sat down beside him. "She'll be okay," she said softly. "You don't know that." Scully swallowed. Please, I don't need this. That will be me soon enough. "Yes she will. You saw her out there today. She sure as hell put that Spotnitz guy in his place." She almost shuddered at the unnatural silence that followed. "And you got what you wanted. Skinner is after Williamson and Davis. They're whole project will be exposed soon." Mulder stared at Christann, his voice sounding far away. "I never meant for any of this to happen. Not Christann ending up on the hospital. Not your sister having to die along with my father. And-" his voice cracked, "I never meant for you to give up three months of your life for me, and now your wh-" he stopped suddenly, pressing his lips together and squeezing Christann's hand. Even in the darkness she could tell that he was crying. He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I never thought that-" He didn't finish the sentence, but reached over and took Scully's hand, pulling her closer to him. She slid over and leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. The two sat in silence, watching Christann, each giving the other secret strength, and each at loss for words. * * * * * 5:01 p.m. Davis sat in his kitchen, once again smoking a cigarette, only this time his hand was shaking uncontrollably. Dammit, where was Williamson? They needed to talk about a LOT of things. He had heard about the Drumel girl almost as soon as she was carted off to the hospital. He knew that the FBI was after him. They had come pounding to his front door soon afterwards. He assured them that he would appear at the hearing the next morning. They had taken him down for questioning. Their main concern was where Williamson was. Davis didn't know squat about where Williamson was. Under other circumstances he might not care, but this was serious. He didn't know when he had left the courtroom, or how much he had heard. All that he knew was that he needed to talk about the whole situation. There needed to be SOMETHING. Davis had called his contact in Japan. He said he would expose the Japanese involvement unless they helped him. The only thing that he was guaranteed was safe asylum if he could escape. Yeah, IF. With the FBI making his street their new home, he didn't think that very likely. The phone jangled, and he jumped. "Hello?" he snapped into the phone. Click. He stared dumbly at the receiver. Bastards. He grabbed his coat and quickly left the house, making his way down several blocks to a pay phone. He glanced around and entered the booth. It wasn't long before the phone rang. "Hello." "I'm sorry for the precaution, Mr. Davis, but they might have tapped your phone." "Yeah. I figured as much. Now listen to me, what do you and your whole goddam Consortium expect me to do-" "Williamson is dead." Davis stopped and gripped the receiver closer to his ear. "What?" "He's dead." He could hear the Gray Man nonchalantly puff on a cigarette. Arrogant bastard. "They found him in the courtroom. After we left, he watched the rest, drank, and shot himself in a drunken haze right after Christann had the seizure." The world seemed foggy around Davis. He listened mutely to the gray man, rage shaking him. "I told him not to do anything rash. Since he did not listen, I would encourage you to take my advice and keep your mouth shut and sit tight." Something in Davis just snapped. He slammed down the phone and hurried from the booth, brusquely pushing people out of his way. Yeah, don't do anything to rash. It's too late to say THAT, you son of a bitch. By the time he was back home all rationality and sanity was gone. He was bent on what he was going to do. There was no stopping it. He was not going down. He was NOT. It was time to get out of this godawful mess. And take vengeance on Mulder and Scully in the process. * * * * * 12:03 a.m. Mulder stumbled into his apartment feeling nausea sweep over him. His head was pounding again. He and Scully had stayed at the hospital, silently watching Christann. He had fallen asleep, his chin resting on her head, and his mind still numb from the events of the past couple days. She had drifted off, too, only to awaken when the doctor re-entered, gently suggesting that it would be better if they went home. Scully pointed out that Mulder was running a fever again. He was too tired to argue. In the weeks to come he would curse himself for many things. He would curse himself for not having his gun at hand. He would curse himself for not staying at the hospital. He would curse himself for not turning on the light switch the moment he walked in. The place was unnaturally quiet, and dark. A red light was blinking furiously from is answering machine. He didn't care. He moved blindly to the couch, wanting nothing more than to sleep. That was when it hit. He heard a rustle, but before his senses could even register someone slammed into him from behind, knocking him to the ground with a gasp. Mulder threw his weight back, trying to fend off the attacker and fumbling for his gun, realizing that he had left it on the table. There was a crunching pain in the back of his scull and he fell back down again with a gasp, the world spinning around him. He heard the door slam and lock, and then the cool feel of metal against his neck. He was on all fours, one hand against the back of his head, stunned and wincing. "Don't move, you bastard," the man's breath was tainted with alcohol and raspy from cigarettes. "Don't move or you'll end up with a five inch hole in your head." He pushed his foot against Mulder's back, pinning him down to the floor. He heard more fumbling, and the light flickered on, sending sharp pools of stings into his eyes. He squinted and tried in vain to turn and see who it was. In response to his efforts the foot slammed sharply into his side, causing him to double over. The metal released the pressure from his skin and the attacker stood. "Turn around." Mulder clutched at his side and painfully rolled over and sat up. His brain clicked as he saw the face of Luther Davis, drunk and disoriented, shortly before the butt of the gun connected with the side of his head. Pain, surprise, shock, fear... and then darkness... * * * * * 2:13 a.m. Scully was staring at the bright red glowing of the digital clock, as the number changed from 3 to 4. She sighed and squeezed her eyes shut, her stomach still painfully twisted in knots, as it had been from the second that Christann had fallen to the floor of the courtroom. Something still wrenched at her heart as it had when she was leaning against Mulder, watching Christann, feeling his arm around her and his chin on her head, trying to fight the sleep that was making her eyelids so heavy... Something was still lodged in her throat, aware of the phone, praying that it would ring, praying that she would not have to pick it up and hear that Christann was gone. The numbers of the clock blurred and muted, making her eyes hurt. She sighed again and shifted her gaze up the the ceiling. Beside her the phone rang. Her eyes snapped shut. Oh no... The phone rang again, insistently. Slowly she reached over and picked up the receiver, finding it hard to force herself to speak. "Hello?" No one answered. But she could hear someone breathing on the other line. "Hello?" There was a cough, and then a raspy voice that sent shivers of apprehension down her spine. "Day- Dayna Scully?" The voice was slurred and muffled and almost inaudible, as if he was disguising his voice. She switched on the bedside lamp and sat up. "Yes?" There was a rustle, and the caller's voice lowered. "I have someone here that needs to see you." She frowned. "Who is this?" "Are you familiar with an agent named Fox Mulder?" Scully's eyes narrowed. "Where is he?" "I got him here... he's okay... for the time being." She stood and frantically started pacing the room. "What do you want?" "We'll discuss that when you get here." Scully's brain was whirling and she sat down, pressing her hand against her forehead, trying to remain calm. "Where is here?" The caller gave her directions to a cabin just north and outside of Virginia. "No police. No FBI. No one but you. Don't you dare think for one second that I won't kill him." Something in the man's voice was steely with conviction. Shit, she thought, panic rising, this guy is crazy. "One hour,' he concluded. "Wait!" she said quickly, pressing her fingertips against her forehead, forcing herself to think clearly. "Wait, I need to talk to him. I need to know that he's okay." There was a rustle, and she heard someone breathing hard, almost painfully. "Scully?" She leaned forward and pressed the phone hard to her ear. "Mulder, what happened? Are you okay?" "Listen to me, dammit. Don't come here. Forget about me, Scully, just don't co-" There was a thud and Scully winced when she heard him gasp. She was flooded with rage. There was more rustling and the caller was back on the line. "Happy?" "Who the hell are you, you bastard?" she growled into the phone. "What the hell are you DOING?" "One hour. Don't try to trace the call. I'll know if you do." There was a click confirming that he hung up. * * * * * 3:27 a.m. Scully squinted through the rain-splattered windshield into the darkness of the morning. In front of her she could just make out a small, rustic cabin at the end of a long dirt road. Woods surrounded the cabin from all sides. There was a small shed next to it, which, taking into account the white propane tanks that were lined up next to it, was a storage shed of some kind. She pulled up next to the cabin and regarded it warily, taking a few deep breaths and trying to reassure herself that everything would be okay. Just go in, and hear what he has to say. Get Mulder out of there and leave. She fingered her gun for a moment, making sure it was secure, then stepped out of the car, trying hard to think back to the hostage negotiations with Duane Barry. They might come in handy... She reached the front door of the cabin. It had only one window that was drawn tightly and very old. Her fingers closed around the door handle and her other hand gripped the gun. One, two... Three! She burst through the door, whipping the gun in front of her. The moment she did so she felt someone grab her by the back of the neck and hurled her across the room, knocking the gun out of her hand. Scully felt a crushing pain in the back of her neck, followed by another when she collided with the opposite wall. The world rocked around her as she slid to the ground in a crumpled heap. * * * * * She came to slowly, almost reluctantly. The first thing she felt was pain. Her head was pounding and her body ached. She could taste blood in her mouth and her arm was numb. She twisted her head around and realized that her wrists were tied together around a radiator. Scully tried to sit up but every time she moved tiny flickers of pain were sent shooting through her body. Only then did she bother to take in the surroundings. The furnishings of the cabin were sparse- a table, a couch, and a lot of boxes. The curtain of the one window was open slightly, and a tinge of orange showed from behind, confirming that the sun was soon to rise. A small lamp was lit on the other side of the room, but besides that the room was dark. She bit her lip and focused her attentions on the ropes, twisting her hands around to see how they were knotted. Then Scully heard footsteps. She turned her head just in time to see Luther Davis emerge from the other room, holding a gun. She recognized him from television and some newspaper campaigns. He was tall, very tall, and distinguished-looking, with dark hair that was showing streaks of gray. His face was cold and devoid of expression. His eyes were steel gray and totally expressionless, besides the glint in them that sent shivers right down her spine. He stopped when he saw that she had come to. "Well, look who just woke up," he sneered, pointing the gun at her. He reached over and to her surprise undid the ropes. Her hands shot out as soon as they were free, but as they did he grabbed her wrist and twisted it hard enough for her to gasp. "Don't play games with me, Scully," he snapped, the rancid odor of his alcohol infested breath enough to send her reeling. "I went through the self defense classes, too, and, trust me, I'm stronger." He let go of her wrist and put both hands on the handle of the gun, aiming it directly at her. Face stern, he sat down slowly. "What the hell do you want?" His eyes lit up. "What do I want? I want this whole goddam charade to be done. It wasn't my fault and it never will be. They told me that they would take care of the girl. That they would take care of you and your partner. I only did what the shitless Consortium told me to, and look what happens? No, I'm afraid that you and Mulder are my one-way ticket out of here." She tried to remain calm. "They're not going to negotiate." He shrugged. "Then you'll have to die. Either way, I'm happy." Something about his tone made her terrified. "Davis," she said slowly, "they're not going to let you go. Put the gun do-" She stopped when he hit her smartly across the face. She tumbled back down to the floor, her head reeling. "Dammit, this isn't a game!" he growled. "Don't think for one minute that that is going to work. Do you realize what you've done? You've ruined everything. Lives will be shattered. The whole goddam COUNTRY will be shattered. No, the world. People have to have something to believe in. They should believe in the governments that do what is right for the advance of humankind." Scully had her hand up to her nose, feeling the blood trickle down, anger rising over sensibility. "You took the lives of a lot of innocent people, just for the advancement of experiments that violate all laws of ethics, Davis." Her eyes rose and met his with an icy gaze. "You deserve to be punished for it." He grabbed her arm and yanked her upwards roughly. "Why, so you can find a cure for your disease and live happily ever after with your goddam partner? It doesn't work that way. I'm not going to die with the rest of you, do you understand me?" His voice rose and he dragged her into the other room. His grip was iron and he pressed the gun to her temple. "Now I want you to get on the phone and call your boss and tell him that we have a small problem here. I want asylum to the country of my choice or you two end up dead." He pressed the gun harder against her head. "Do it!" Scully tried to ignore the fact that her insides were in absolute turmoil. She wiped away the blood from her nose and picked up the phone, dialing the number of the assistant director. After about six rings someone picked up. "A.D Skinner's office, how may I help you?" Scully gritted her teeth. Dammit, Holly, what are you doing there this early? "Yes, this is Dana Scully. I need to speak with Mr. Skinner." "Hold please." Holly sounded a bit, okay very, dubious. Undoubtedly she had heard about the rather messy resignation. There were several clicks, then, "Skinner." "Sir, this-" Scully ignored the urge to gasp as Davis pressed the tip of the gun even harder into her temple. "-this is Dana Scully. I have with me Mr. Davis-" "What? Where? Where did you find him?" "Actually, he found me, sir..." she swallowed. "He's taken myself and Agent Mulder hostage in exchange for asylum." There was a cold silence on the other end and Scully swallowed again, closing her eyes. She heard some rustling and whispers. "Go on, Scully. Where are you?" "I'm-" She stopped when Davis shook his head. "Uh-uh. I'll call again in an hour." He grabbed the phone from her. "And don't bother trying to trace this call, Mr. Skinner. We in the Consortium know how to get around those types of things." He slammed down the phone and let go of Scully's arm. The world reeled about and she grabbed onto the side of the table to keep from collapsing. She glared up at him fiercely. "Where's Mulder?" Davis raised an eyebrow. "I thought he might need a doctor." "I need to see him, Davis." This was more of a plea than an order. Davis shrugged and yanked her by the arm again, the gun pressing into the small of her back, pushing her forward and causing her to stumble. He led her into another room and threw open a door. There was a short flight of steps leading to what seemed to be a cellar. Davis prodded her with the gun. "Go on." He took one step down when Mulder appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Davis by the legs. Davis kicked out and fumbled with the gun, but managed to regain control of it quickly. Not before sending Scully sprawling to the ground. As she hit the floor she heard a gunshot, and a slam. She sat up, fighting to regain her composure and realize what was going on. Mulder was lying in a crumpled heap. She rushed over to him and pushed him onto his back, staring anxiously into his face. It was flushed with a raging fever and drawn in pain. A stain of crimson was spreading across his shoulder. From the dimly lit room she could see that it was bleeding. She took off her jacket and pressed it to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "Shit," he mumbled, "I told you not to come." "You're the shrink, Mulder. You know how reverse psychology works." She glanced around the cellar, finding nothing. She did note the bullet hole in the opposite wall. It had gone straight through. Scully bit her lip. Remain calm. She pulled him against her, trying to keep him warm with his head resting on her lap. "You're going to be okay," she murmured, pressing her fingertips against his temple gently. "You're going to be okay." "They say the third time's the charm." Scully ignored the fact that her nose was bleeding and brushed the hair out of his eyes. They opened at her touch and something inside her threatened to give way. Casting professionalism aside, she leaned over and gently kissed his forehead. "You're going to be okay." His voice was low but not totally inaudible. "I think I'm already in heaven." * * * * * 8:19 a.m. Skinner stormed around the office, glaring at the phone. Various devices had been set up all over the place; recording, tracing, analytical. They were waiting for Davis to call. He was already ten minutes late. Skinner had contacted the rest of the heads of FBI to be there to hear Davis' statements. But he knew the future looked pretty grim. The government would not let Davis get away just for two agents. On the other hand, Agent Mulder had attracted quite a cult following since the trial. UFO freaks and various abductee groups all over the country were hailing him. The fact that he was in a hostage situation had not yet been released to the press and they planned to keep it that way for as long as possible. There were some things that the public did not need to know. But the Mulder trial had proved quite simply that not everything could be kept secret for long. The phone rang. The people in the room hushed quickly and each hurried to their specified job. Skinner glanced around once, making sure everyone was in position, before reaching for the phone. "Assistant Director Skinner." "Mr. Skinner, Davis here." Skinner raised his hand to signal the personnel, who started recording the conversation. "You aren't planning on tracing this call, are you?" Turn it on, Skinner mouthed to the technicians who were tracing the call. They nodded. "No, of course not." "Good. Maybe we should get on to business." "What do you want?" "I want one hundred thousand dollars and safe asylum to Japan, transportation which I will provide. That or the two agents die. And you'll never know how to save the girl that's in the hospital." Skinner leaned forward. "And you do?" "As a matter of fact, yes. Tell those bureau people to weigh their options well. I'll call back in two hours to go over the details. Agreed?" One of the technicians was waving frantically to Skinner. Stretch it out, he was mouthing. "Mr. Davis-" Skinner began. Click. Skinner stared at the phone. "Hello? Dammit, he hung up. Where's he at?" The technicians were fiddling with the computer. He's got some sort of trace protector on the line- state of the art, but it's faulty, as if someone switched it off. We know that he's on the northern east coast." Skinner nodded. It wasn't hard to see that he got the trace protector from the government. Damn the Consortium. "What about you?" he motioned to the analysts. "Whaddaya got?" One of the women was hunched over, pressing the earphones to her ear and listening to the recording. "I don't hear any interference," she said, fiddling with the switches. "Me either," agreed the man next to her. "What does that mean?" "That means that he isn't in a big city- we don't hear background street noises, other voices, nothing. That and the fact that there was a bit of static points to the idea that he is in the country somewhere." A young agent hurried into the room with a folder. "We have a report that Agent Scully's car stopped at a gas station at 2:45 this morning." Skinner grabbed the report. "Where?" The agent gave the address of a station north and just outside D.C. Skinner started fiddling with the papers. "Get me Blevins on the phone," he called to Holly, who nodded. A moment later he picked up the receiver and heard, "Blevins." The two men spoke for several seconds. "Try to keep this quiet and find them, Mr. Skinner," said Blevins. "There will be no negotiations over money or asylum for this person, even if he does know how to cure the cancer." "And if we don't find them in time?" "Then we don't, and we'll pick up Davis at a border patrol in no time. He won't get far. We might lose one of the agents, but that is of smaller importance. Just do your job and try to keep this whole thing quiet." 8:25 a.m. Scully raised her head when she heard the door open. Davis was standing in the doorway, his gun at the ready, and his eyes adjusting to the light and noting the two figures on the floor, one cradled by the other. "I just got off the phone with your bureau." Scully didn't answer. One hand was still pressing the cloth to Mulder's shoulder and the other was resting lightly in his hair. "Your G-people don't know jackshit." Scully's voice sounded strange in her ears. "I need some clean bandages right now." Davis didn't answer. "Dammit, he's going to bleed to death! If that's what you want you might as well just shoot the both of us right now." Davis glared at her with his steely gray eyes. Without a word he turned and started to close the door. Scully breathed a sigh of relief. "And some cold water, too. He's running a pretty bad fever." "Don't push your luck, Agent Scully." Davis banged the door shut and she heard the bolt slide into place. Scully shook her head and shifted the cloth against to wound. She could feel Mulder wince. "Sorry." There was no answer, and terror rocketed through her. "Mulder?" "Yeah." She swallowed. "Stay with me, okay? You're going to be okay. Focus." The door opened again and Davis tossed a roll of bandages into the room. He slammed the door without a word. Scully moved carefully and picked them up. Not great, but they sure as hell were a lot cleaner. Gently, she shifted. "Can you sit up?" He nodded feebly and she put one arm around him, helping him to lean against the wall. In the dim light she squinted at the wound and in silence did the best she could. When she was done she gently touched the huge bruise that was swelling on the side of Mulder's face. "The gun?" He nodded, one eye almost swollen shut, relaxing at her touch. When she let her hand drop he cupped her face up. "Looks like the bastard didn't treat you any better." His voice was soft as he fought to stay conscious and his eyes lingered sadly on the stain of dried blood from her nose. The moment of silent communion was shattered only when Mulder broke into a hacking coughing fit, wincing at his stinging shoulder. Scully put her hand up to his face again. "Try to get some sleep," she said softly. "He's not going to be back for a while." Mulder noted that she was huddled over. "Are you cold?" It was freezing, but he was flushed with a raging fever and probably felt like there should be a baking sun three feet above them. Scully nodded slowly and he pulled her against him with a sigh. "What are we going to do?" her voice came out muffled from her face being pressed against him. "We wait. They'll find us." Neither was very convinced. After what had happened, would the government- rather, the Consortium- want to find them? Probably not. Scully swallowed the impending terror and panic and whispered a slow prayer in her head, letting one hand touch the gold cross around her neck. It always had brought them back together. If being together was enough to keep them alive. -------- 9:57 a.m. The Cancer Man was sitting in the dark room, looking around at the people that were seated around the round table. The Well Manicured Man was sitting back in a plush velvet chair, regarding the scene with ease. The Cancer Man spoke. "Well, gentlemen, this-" he flicked some ash off his shirt, "turn of events has left us all rather stunned. I believe that now is the time to decide where our loyalties lie." There was a ripple of chuckles through the room when he said this. Everyone knew that there were no loyalties, and never would be. The Well Manicured Man folded his hands across his lap and spoke with his smooth easy accent. "You mean whether we should help Davis or not." The men in the room all turned and looked at him. "I think, gentlemen, that it is time to get rid of the evidence. The Project has been exposed to a certain degree. The main witness is ill with a sickness that only the people in this room know how to cure. Of the two agents, one will be gone soon enough and the other will probably have nothing else to live for. Davis is evidence. He has admitted to the Project. We should break off all contact with him immediately." The Cancer Man looked slightly taken aback. "Yes, but-" he puffed on the cigarette, "how can we just leave him there?" The Well Manicured Man raised his eyebrow at hi colleague, exercising his authority to the fullest. "He is already using the trace protector on the phone in his cabin, correct?" When he nodded, the Manicured man continued to speak, "Well, get rid of it. Let the FBI go in and do their job. We can't try to protect him any longer." There was a long silence, and presently the Cancer Man stood. As he headed mutely for the door, the Well Manicured Man called out his name. He turned. "Someone else knows about this," he said. "You know her. She works with the U.N." The Cancer Man was truly taken aback. "Marita? Marita Covarrubias?" "Ye-es." The Well Manicured Man flexed his hands. "She knows more than she should." "She has proven to be of great help-" "You yourself said that Mulder doesn't trust her. And the Project is falling apart, and she was a part of it." When there was no answer the Well Manicured Man adopted his authoratative voice. "You know what to do." The Cancer Man swallowed and pretended to suddenly take great interest in the cigarette he was holding in is hand. "Yes, yes I do." The Well Manicured Man leaned back and relaxed. "Good. Make sure it is done better than with the Drumel girl." His voice had a certain edge to it, and he stared icily at his colleague. "And don't let your personal connections get in the way of your place in this Consortium." The Cancer Man left without a word. He was supposed to get rid of Marita. But he wouldn't do it himself. He picked up the phone that was in the dimly lit hall. "Find Alex Krycek." * * * * * 10:36 a.m. Skinner motioned to the man sitting at the desk and picked up the phone. "Skinner." "Well Mr. Skinner have you made any arrangements?" "I don't recall being given any orders to arrange." "What about the money?" Blevins pushed Skinner roughly aside and grabbed the phone. "Davis, this is Blevins." "I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you." "Listen, Davis, we are going to need more time in order to get this ready-" "Don't toy with me, Blevins. I want one hundred thousand dollars and granted asylum, and transportation which I will arrange. That or you have two dead bodies here and a bigger national scandal then already thought of. Do you think all of those alien abductees will be happy that the FBI allowed one of their own, a martyr, to be killed?" There was a scuffle and one of the men jumped up and started flipping switches rapidly. Skinner turned around. "Five seconds to location," one of the men hissed. Skinner frowned. Hadn't the phone line had a tracing security on it? "I'll give you five hours in order to get the money and the papers together." Blevins frowned. "Davis! Davis?! Shit, I lost him." One of the men shook his head. "It's okay. I think we got a location. He's in a pretty sparsely populated area." "What happened to the tracing security?" "It disappeared, just like that." The man stared at the screen, listening to the anxious beeps. "Hold on-" he grabbed at a paper that the computer spit out and rattled off an address. Blevins nodded. "Let's get people there on the double." Skinner stormed around the room, shouting orders. Blevins stopped him. "Skinner," he said, "You are in charge of this and I want you to remember on thing. This man is involved in a national scandal. I want him in unharmed. You can't prosecute a dead man. Don't just storm in there. Don't forget he's holding two of your own as hostages." Skinner nodded. -------- 11:08 a.m. Scully was jolted awake when next to her Mulder lurched forward. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes just in time to see him in the corner of the room, doubled over and making retching sounds. She rushed to his side and was shocked to see he was spitting up blood. When he was finished she helped him away, one arm around him so he wouldn't collapse. He sank to the floor again, leaning against her. He was burning up. Scully felt a stab of fear in her heart. He HAD to get to the hospital. He was exhausted, dehydrated, and terribly ill. The gunshot wound had started to bleed again. Suddenly he started throwing up again. When he was finished she slid his head onto her lap and placed a steady hand on his forehead. His eyes were glassy he started to cough. She squeezed his hand gently. After a long time there was silence and Scully said softly, "Did Davis give you a drug to get you over here?" Mulder frowned. "I don't know. I don't remember." His speech was weak and slurred and so low she could barely hear him. If Davis did give him something to conk him out, this was probably his reaction. Throwing up blood was not a good sign. Sighing, she gently pushed his hair back with her fingers and leaned over him. Please please please please please someone get us out of here... "Scully?" "Yes?" "What keeps you hanging around?" His eyes were closed to she could not see what he was thinking. She absentmindedly touched Mulder's cheek, gingerly touching the bruise under his eye. "I want my life to mean something to somebody." He opened the one eye that he could and looked up at her blearily. She hadn't really answered the question, but this was one of those things that went without saying. One of those things that you can't really express with words. As Mulder's hand closed gently over her wrist something ran through her body that knocked her head into dizziness. A sick fear embedded in her stomach and she fought to breathe. It went away as quickly as it had came, the only evidence that it left was yet another warm nosebleed. Oh God oh God they are coming so much more often now... She wiped it away hastily and then did she notice that Mulder was staring intently at her face. His fingers twined with hers and she gave a little smile. "You're going to be okay," she repeated softly for what seemed to be the hundredth time. His eyes fluttered shut again. "Yeah. I know we'll be fine." * * * * * 11:21 a.m. Davis frowned, pacing around the room. Something was wrong. He couldn't place what it was, but SOMETHING was out of place. Something was nagging him. He picked up the phone and dialed a number, on an impulse. And listened. His face grew red. He threw down the receiver and swore. "DAMMIT!!! DAMN THE BASTARDS!!!!" He kicked hard at the table and knocked over a lamp in a process. He didn't care. "DAMN THEM! NO GOOD DOUBLE CROSSING SONS OF BITCHES!" They had left him. They had let the FBI trace the call. Davis' voice was ragged and hard to control. He swallowed and looked around the room frantically, not knowing what to do. The FBI would be here any second now. He grabbed the gun and slammed the door to the basement open. He stormed down the stairs, ignoring Mulder and grabbing Scully roughly by the arm, jabbing the gun into her side. Mulder started to rise. Davis slung an arm around Scully's waist. "Don't move," he warned. Scully was watching Mulder with a pleading gaze. "Mulder," she said softly. Davis gave her a shove and pushed her back up the stairs. "We're going to the other cabin, my dear," he said. "I'm getting the hell out of here." Scully tried to stay calm. "What other cabin?" "The cabin on the other side of the ridge a half a mile from here. I can figure out what to do with you from there and contact my colleagues." Scully shut her eyes when he pushed her roughly out the door and slammed the bolt, leaving Mulder pounding on it from the other side. "Shut the hell up!" Davis yelled, pushing Scully towards the door. "Move." Scully had just about reached the door when she heard noises outside. Davis stopped and glanced out the window. "Shit," he muttered. His eyes were wild and bloodshot. He grabbed Scully around the waist in an iron grip and cocked the gun, shoving it to her temple once again. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the FBI vans and the agents jump out and position themselves. Before they could come too close Davis flung the door open and pushed Scully out ahead of him, the gun still at her head. "If one of you arrogant bastards move you can say goodbye to your friend here," he bellowed, squinting in the sunlight. Scully could see Skinner crouched behind one of the cars. Somewhere from behind another car a hostage negotiator was yelling over a megaphone. "Put the gun down, Mr. Davis! We can help you-" "Like hell I will!" he screamed at them. Suddenly Scully was struck by a harsh, sharp smell that coated the air. It smelled almost like gasoline. Her thoughts were shattered when Davis yelled some more things and threw her back inside the house. She hit the wall hard and shook her head to clear it. Davis was aiming the gun at her. The phone rang. "DAMN IT!" screamed Davis. "What the hell do they think that they are doing?" He wildly snatched up the phone. "Davis, this is Assistant Director Skinner. Let me talk to Scully." "It doesn't work that way, Mr. Skinner," snapped Davis. Skinner was trying to listen to the negotiator and Davis at the same time. "How do I know that Agent Mulder is alright?" Davis practically threw the phone at Scully and jabbed the tip of the gun into the base of her neck. "Talk," he ordered her. Scully swallowed. "Sir?" "Scully, are you okay?" "I'm- I'm fine, sir." Her knees where quaking. "But Agent Mulder is very sick and he's been shot. He-" she glanced at Davis. "He needs to get to the hospital." "Agent Scully, I want the two of you to sit tight and-" Davis wretched the gun away from Scully. "No more time to chit chat," he snapped. "What the hell is going on with the deal?" Scully was pressed so hard near the phone that she could here Skinner on the other end. "How do we know that we'll get them back alive?" "Take my word for it, you son of a bitch," snapped Davis. He pushed Scully away and pointed to the couch. She sat down slowly. Davis was listening to them on the other end, still training the gun on her, his finger resting on the trigger. He had long since broken through the line of sanity. He listened to the person on the other end. "One," he said finally. "But one stays. And when I get one out of here, then you and your little squadron move down a mile." He listened for a while longer, then snapped, "NO! One. And I swear to hell that you can kiss goodbye any thoughts of saving the other or the girl if I look out the window and see you still here. One mile. Do you hear me?" One moment later he slammed the phone down. "Get up," he snapped at Scully. She did not move. "What did you mean by that, Davis?" she asked quietly. "What?' "You said that if they don't comply then there is no way that Christann could be saved." He stared at her without a word, but his eyes were slightly confused. "Do you know how to cure the cancer?" His face twitched. "Get up." Her face crumpled slightly and her voice escalated. "Do you know how to cure the cancer???" "Shut up!" He ordered. "Shut up!" " DO YOU?!" "I said shut the hell up!!!" Scully fell silent, but her eyes were daggers. "I'm letting one of you go," Davis continued. "You can choose who gets to go. You have fifteen minutes." He pulled her hard by the arm back to the door that led to the basement. He slid the bolt out of place and steadied the gun, just in case Mulder chose to fly at him again. He opened the door and pushed Scully inside. "Starting now." Mulder looked up when she entered and stood shakily. He was slouched by the stairs. The wound was bleeding profusely again, through the bandage. Scully took one step and almost fell. The ground was swaying around her. Mulder caught her. "Are you okay?" he whispered into her hair. "I'm fine, Mulder," she barely managed to force out the words, sinking down to the floor. She put her head down and took a couple of deep breaths before raising it again. She looked at him, close to her, his breathing forced and ragged, leaning against the wall, weak and tired. "He's letting one of us go." Mulder didn't answer immediately. He watched her face carefully for several seconds, as if trying to read her thoughts. "I'll stay." His voice cracked at the effort to speak. She shook her head hard, just as he knew she would. "No you won't. Look at you. You need to get to the hospital. You-" "I'm not leaving, Scully," he replied flatly, closing his eyes. "Neither am I." They stared at each other for several moments. "He'll kill you if you stay." "He'll do the same to you. The man is crazy." "Does it matter?" she replied almost too instantly. "I don't have much longer, Mulder. The nosebleeds are coming a lot more frequently than before-" His face twisted and she knew that she was hurting him. She was about to continue when he broke into another coughing fit that left him half lying on the floor. When he was finished she gently brushed the hair out of his eyes. He sighed and weakly leaned his head against her. "You have so much to live for, Mulder, now that the Truth is revealed..." Something was threatening to explode within her. Idiot, idiot, tell him... "They don't care about me, Scully." He sounded like a little kid. "They never did. They always wanted to shut me down. Even my family..." he stopped that sentence and bit his lip. "Who do you think the FBI would rather have back? You or me?" "This isn't about them, Mulder," she whispered fiercely. "And we don't know what Davis is going to do. You know more about your sister now. Christann needs you. They need someone to lead this whole crusade. It's got to be you." She absentmindedly stroked his hair. "I'll be okay." "I'm not leaving you here, Scully," his voice was weak and he fought to stay conscious and keep down the coughing. "I won't." A loud silence followed, the void of words almost hammering in Scully's ears. They sat huddled together, Scully still stroking his hair. She didn't even realize how long they had been sitting like that when suddenly Mulder lifted his head and stared at her with his good eye. "Scully, I-" The door banged open, startling her. Davis entered the room. "Well?" he barked impatiently. "Who's it gonna be?" "I'm staying," Scully said quickly. Mulder shot her a look and shook his head. "No-" "Mulder," she said softly, "I'll be okay. I promise." He stared back at her, pleading. "I'm not leaving," he whispered hoarsely. "I don't care-" Davis gave him a hard shove and yanked him up. "Let's go." Mulder suddenly hurled himself at the man. Davis was caught off guard but when Mulder started coughing again he easily pushed him away. "Dammit, let's move!" Davis was all rage now, and it showed in his voice and eyes. Mulder didn't move. "Mulder- please," Scully gave him a look and willed him with her eyes. "Do this for me." It was like the two of them knew that it took much more courage to leave than to stay. Mulder watched her feebly, squinting since the cut under his eye had reopened and was bleeding. He looked as if he was about to break down. Balancing himself against the wall, he stood, his eyes never leaving Scully's face. Davis kicked at him impatiently. Scully's voice broke. "Mulder-" Quickly she reached up and undid the clasp of the tiny gold necklace around her neck. She pressed it quickly into his hand. Whatever answer she wanted she read in his eyes. But it wasn't until the door was kicked shut and she heard the bolt slide into place that she started to cry, panicky sobs that threatened to tear her apart. * * * * * 11:40 a.m. Skinner squinted when he saw the front door to the cabin open and Mulder was shoved out. Even from the distance he could see the crimson across his shoulder and he was so ill he could barely walk. They waited until he managed to stagger about twenty feet from them before moving forward with the stretcher. An ambulance screeched to a halt twenty yards down the path. It stopped only long enough for Mulder to be pushed inside, and then taking off back down the path. He could hear Davis yelling, and whipped back around. "MOVE DOWN ONE MILE!" The negotiator held up the megaphone and yelled back in his monotonous, patronizing voice. "Now Davis-" "DAMMIT TO HELL!" He came out, shaking all over, brandishing the gun. "Do you even notice what is all along the ground! Gasoline, dammit!!!! I'm giving you three seconds-" "Shit, the man is insane..." the agent next to Skinner tightened his finger on the trigger. Skinner shook his head. "No! He's not to be harmed-" He stopped when Davis suddenly lit a match with a flourish and tossed it, igniting a thin path that had been methodically coated with gas. The licking flames rolled across the ground and then flared up across a circle roughly ten feet wide. The circle included one of the vans. Screams were emitted and agents swarmed about to help their colleagues. Two shots rang out and everyone ducked down, though two agents simultaneously dropped to the ground. The agents ran forward to try to stop the blaze. At that moment Skinner's phone rang. "Hello..." "This is Blevins. Dammit, get outta there." "How can we-" "I said get out of there! We have our orders, Skinner, and one of them is the explicit order not to have Davis harmed. He needs to be prosecuted. Move down one mile." "But we-" "Get your men outta there, now. There's no sense in pushing this. Move down a mile. We'll get in professionals to try to talk him out of it." Skinner dropped the phone when someone yelled, "It's gonna blow!!" He looked up just in time to see the van explode. There were yells and he ducked away from the flying debris. The fire was still smoldering in the gasoline-coated areas but the damp ground did not let in spread. Two of the agents that were in the van were lying on the ground, moaning, their legs singed. Small swarms were around those that had fallen when Davis pulled the trigger. Sirens could be heard in the distance, getting louder. Skinner shook his head. "Move down one mile!" he yelled. * * * * * May 25th Gibas Memorial Hospital 2:25 p.m Mulder awoke to the steady beeps of machinery next to him. It took several moments to realize that he was in the hospital. His shoulder was sore and his head throbbed, but compared to what he had been feeling for the passed couple of days, he felt fine. That was when he saw all of the guards outside his door and it all came flooding back. Davis... Christann... Scully... His eyes widened. Oh crap. What had happened? He forced himself to think clearly. He could remember Davis hitting him. He could remember pounding on the door and the fear that had gripped him when Davis had dragged Scully outside. He could remember leaning against her, sick and scared, trying to stay conscious. And he could remember her saying, "He's letting one of us go..." Oh, Lord. A doctor entered the room. "Agent Mulder," he said pleasantly, "it's good to see that you are up again." "What happened?" he asked hoarsely. The doctor flipped through the charts. "Well, you hadn't been receiving enough sleep. That combined with the stress of what was going on contributed to your illness. And then there was the gunshot wound- we patched that up pretty well, and you'll need to rest for a while considering you've lost quite a bit of blood. And then your reaction to the drug. We found a combination of morphine and some depressants in your bloodstream..." the doctor rattled off a list of medical terms. "We gave you enough anesthetic to conk you out for quite a while while your body was recuperating. You came too briefly a couple times during the night." Mulder shifted weakly, trying to wake up fully. The pain that made him wince told him he had a bruised rib. "What is the date today? How long have I been here?" "It's the 25th of May; we brought you in midmorning yesterday." That long? Oh God, what had happened? "What happened when I was unconscious? Did they bring Davis in?" The doctor's back stiffened and he did not look Mulder in the eye. "Agent Mulder, what you need now is rest." Something in his tone struck Mulder to the core. "What is it? What happened?" The doctor pursed his lips. "Dammit, tell me!" he cried frantically. "Is it my partner? Is she here? Is she okay?" He stared agitated at the doctor, who still did not answer. "Agent Mulder," he said gently, "I think what you need now is your rest. It'll be back in a while to check on you. I'll inform the FBI that you are awake." He walked out of the room without saying anything more. * * * * * Somewhere outside D.C. No no please not now... The darkness was terrifying, terrifying and cold. She clenched her fists together and blinked away the tears, feeling the sudden bursts of dizziness rocket into her head. She tried to think calmly, analytically. Like a doctor. Deep breath. It's the fear. It's not the tumor. It's too soon. Calm down. Deep breath. A sharp pain in the side of her head made her wince and suddenly she couldn't breathe. A low strangled noise was emitted from her throat and she tried to stare through the fog. Her wrists hurt. A lot. She was tied to something. It didn't matter. She wasn't in the basement anymore. She remembered crying, fighting, a sting and then darkness slowly fading in, while somewhere outside a huge burst of orange and yellow, shooting sparks out everywhere... The dizziness subsided a bit and she swallowed and counted slowly to ten. The fits never lasted long, though they were becoming frequent and more intense. But the doctor had said... Mulder, where are you? Why had you let me stay. I can't- I can't do this on my own... please don't leave me... The world spun again, and Scully lurched forward, seeing drops of blood both from her nose and her mouth on the floor. When she looked up she could see Him, marching around and muttering to himself, sometimes talking on the phone, sometimes rocking back and forth, waving the gun. Something bit was next to her foot. Big and bulky. It smelled.... like gasoline... She threw up again, and the sharp pain in her head escalated. Mulder please... * * * * * Gibas Memorial Hospital 6:15 p.m "Fox... Fox, wake up..." he felt someone gently touch is arm and jolted upward. "Scu-" The pain in the other's eyes made him cover up his mistake quickly. "Mrs. Scully." The older woman smiled gently. "You seemed to be having a bad dream." He looked around. "Yeah, I... I don't know..." She took his hand and Mulder smiled gratefully. "How is Christann?" Maggie Scully didn't look at him. "She's okay. Better. She came out of the sleep and the doctors think-" she took a deep breath, "that she will be okay." She squeezed his hand again. "Thank God." His voice was low and still hoarse. "Mrs. Scully-" She looked up at him and he knew that something was wrong. "What is it?" he asked, fearing the worst. Her lower lip trembled, reminding him so much of her daughter that it hurt. She covered their hands with her other one and looked earnestly into his face. "Fox... Dana is dead." All of his worst fears came rushing into his face hitting him like a ton of bricks. He tried to speak but found that he couldn't. He stared dumbly into her face and in the distance could hear her go on, sounding so far away... "Davis called about three hours after you left. He was hysterical, crazy, and he said that he-" she squeezed her eyes shut, "that she tried to fight him, and he pulled the tr-" Maggie Scully pressed her lips together in order to regain composure. "The team went when they saw smoke and found the cabin was burned to the ground. They have been combing the area but can't find any sign of Davis. They did find an extra bullet casing." She was squeezing his hands now so hard that her knuckles were turning white. "You- had this in your pocket..." she reached into her own and slowly pulled out the tiny gold chain and cross. Only when Mulder saw that did his intentions fail and his face crumple. His lungs threatened to explode and he could feel his world and life crumble away before his feet. He covered his face with his hands and sobbed, mind whirling. He could hear Mrs. Scully crying next to him, and he knew that it was all over. * * * * * "She's gone." The Cancer Man tried hard not to choke on the smoke that he was inhaling when he heard Alex Krycek's voice. "So, uh, soon?" "Yeah, isn't that what you wanted?" For the first time in so long the Cancer Man felt something inside of him- was it remorse? He shook his head and switched the phone from one hand to the other. "I suppose you would like some payment for your services." There was no answer. "Mr. Krycek?" "Do you remember," Krycek said softly, "do you remember what I told you after I watched my car go up in flames?" The Cancer Man's breath caught up in his throat. "Surely-" "I said, 'If I so much as feel your presence, I am going to make you a very very famous man.'" "Mr. Krycek-" "I thought I could let that slide. Until I was left to die in a room filled with black oil. Do you have any idea-" he paused effectively every couple words, "how it feels, to have that stuff kill you slowly?' The Cancer Man was finding it hard to force his voice into his throat. He heard a noise, and saw that the other men where entering the room. "Uh, yes, yes thank you." Krycek did not seem flustered by this turn of words. "So the only payment that I will be seeking is to fulfill that promise that I made." There was a click as Krycek hung up, and the Cancer Man was astounded to see that he was shaking. He swallowed and tried to cover up his fear. "Uh, yes, thank you. I will be sure to- report that to the group. Yes, thank you very much." He hung up the phone and turned to meet his colleagues' quizzical gazes. "I just received word that our UN. contact has been disposed of as was asked." The Well Manicured Man started studying his fingernails. "And?" "And that the FBI just received word that Agent Scully is dead. Davis killed her." There was a ripple of surprise and the Cancer Man was relieved that he had found out before anyone else. "Well," said the Well Manicured Man pleasantly, "it seems that Davis has been helping us in more way than one." A stout man with a pouty lip and deep, slurred speech that reminded on of a gangster queried, "How long do you give Agent Mulder?" The Well Manicured Man frowned. "A month. Maybe two." Once again the Cancer Man felt a light ripple of remorse run through him. "Have we made the deal with Japan?" "Yes. They have agreed to drop contact and deals with Davis in exchange for the flight coordinate patterns of Flight 549." The Well Manicured Man nodded. "Give it to them. If Davis is still alive, he will be found soon enough, but we don't want him accidentally escaping anyway." * * * * * Davis paced the room wildly, ignoring the woman that was tied and gagged on the floor. She had thrown up a couple times and he had barely noticed. He paced around and his eye kept falling on the gun that was lying on the table. The phone rang and he snatched it up. "What?" he snarled. His face grew pale. "What? What?! Don't you- hello? hello!" He slammed the phone down and in desperation yanked the cord from the wall. He sank to the musty old couch, covered with plastic, and put his head in his hands, rocking back and forth. "This is not happening, this is NOT happening..." The woman on the floor stirred. Suddenly her body convulsed in short spasms. Her eyes popped open and he could see blood on the floor next to her. Low whimpers of pain could be heard through the gag. "I'm sure it hurts, doesn't it," he spat out at her. She turned her head and her blue eyes, bright with pain, were tearful. "I'd be glad to let you know how to get rid of it. I'd be willing to save all of those like yourself. But do you know what they just did?" He stood and walked over to her, his figure looming above her small frame. "They let me go. They DITCHED me. Is this how you felt when your partner did the same to you? Is this how you feel NOW? Oh, he was a selfish bastard to leave you here like that." He shook his head and turned away. Fear in Scully's body was slowly replaced by rage. Pure and terrible rage. She never knew she could feel as much hate as she did then. The spasms stopped and the pain in her head subsided a bit. Davis turned on his heel and regarded her. "You're thirsty, aren't you? I'll bet you are." He reached down and ripped the gag from her mouth. "Scream all you want. No one will hear you." Moments later he tipped a cup of water into Scully's mouth. She swallowed some of it, weakly. Davis resumed his pacing. "They'll find me," she said softly. "You might as well let me go." Davis let out a maddingly diabolical laugh. "Oh, they'll find you. I see. You mean they'll find you here, of all places? No one will bother to look here. You know why? No one knows about the cabin. All they know is that there was an old mine over by the ridge, with enough sinkholes to get rid of a whole squadron. They know I'm not that stupid. But they don't know about the cabin. And you know what else they don't know?" He leered down at her. "They don't know that you're ALIVE." His words hit her hard. "Yeah, that's right," he whispered. "I called them. I said that you were dead. I said I shot you. I left an extra bullet casing there. They think you are DEAD." He laughed again. "No, Miss Scully, no one is going to find you. But I said I would have some of my revenge, and I am. Don't you think so?" The man was fully insane now. He plugged the phone back in. "There is still hope for me. I have a contact at the UN. We'll see. As for you, you should just enjoy the time you have left here." Scully put her head down and she felt the jabbering voices of panic in her mind. Was this really how it was going to end? Could it? Mulder, I once thought that you were dead and you told me... you told me not to give up hope... and I knew that you were alive... please please don't give up on me. Don't believe what they are saying... please... -------- 8:20 p.m. Scully's voice woke Mulder up with a start. He glanced around. "Scully?" There was no one. The room was empty and dark. Mrs. Scully had left. Mulder shook his head, glancing down at his hands. He was clutching Scully's necklace firmly in one of them. No, he had heard her voice. He was SURE of it. "Scully?!" The door opened and Skinner entered the room. "Agent Mulder?" "I heard Scully, sir. She's here... where is she?" There was a flicker of grief that could barely detected on Skinner's impassive face. "Agent Mulder, Scully is dead." Mulder shook his head hard, knowing that he sounded crazy and not caring one bit. "No sir, I heard her. She's alive. I know it." Skinner sighed. "Agent Mulder-" "Did you search the area? What about footprints? A trail? He has her somewhere around there. I know it." Skinner's voice tightened. "Mulder, they are checking the woods around the cabin, and there is no sign of Davis. We heard a gunshot over the phone, and he said that he had killed her. I know that this is hard-" Something clicked in the back of Mulder's mind. "What about by the ridge? There has to be something by the ridge." "Agent Mulder, the only thing on the other side of that ridge is an abandoned and condemned mine. The area is littered with sinkholes and openings. Davis would be crazy to go there." But Mulder was convinced. "How the hell can you give up on her, sir? I won't let that happen. I know that she's still alive." "Mr. Skinner," someone called from outside. Skinner didn't look at the agent; he just left the room. Mulder shook his head and closed his eyes. This wasn't right. He knew that she was alive. He was sure of it. It wasn't just a dream... His eyes flew open as his mind went back to the time that the FBI had arrived outside the cabin. What had Davis said then? We're going to the other cabin... There WAS another cabin, on the other side of the ridge. She was there. He knew it. What to do now? They wouldn't listen to him. He was so full of conviction that it almost blinded his ability to think rationally. He called in one of the guards. "Is Mrs. Scully still here?" The guard nodded, and moments later Maggie Scully re-entered the room. "What is it, Fox?" she asked gently, as if speaking to him would snap him in two. "I need a phone." She frowned. "What?" "I need to make a phone call... Skinner has a cell phone, in his jacket. Ask to borrow it." He stared at her. "PLEASE." Her mouth twitched and within minutes she returned with the phone, closing the door behind her. "Make it quick." He nodded and dialed a number. "Gunmen," came the sad and slightly drunk voice on the other end. "Frohike, it's me." "Mullllldddderr! Are you okay? Did you hear?" There was a slight sob. "I'm so sorry, Mulder..." Mulder shook his head. "She's not dead, Frohike." There was a pause, as it took him time to register. "What." It was a statement, not a question. "Is Langly there?" "Yeah." "Is he drunk?" Pause. "No." "Put him on the phone." He could hear rustling, then, "Yo Mulder, we heard about what had happened and-" "Yeah, listen to me," Mulder interrupted. "I need you to get me out of here..." * * * * * 9:10 p.m. "I tell ya, I saw 'em!" Mulder could hear Frohike's drunken voice shrieking down the hallway. "They was big and gray, man. I'm telling ya! Don't let 'em take me again! They's got this big machine and they take away all my videos... " His voice cracked. "I tell ya, I saw them! Don't let 'em take me again!" Mulder suppressed a smile. Oh, Lord. He waited. There was a snap, and the lights flashed off. "What the hell?" one of the guards bellowed. Several seconds passed, and then the fire alarm, shrill and strong, pulsed through the hospital. "Lordy!" Frohike wailed. "They's coming for me!!!" Footsteps went pounding down the hall, and voices shouting. Then silence. There was a click, and Mulder turned his head to see the door open and Langly stick his head in and grin. "Dude, what a show." He closed the door and tossed some clothes at Mulder. "Put these on." "What's happening?" "Byers logged onto the computer system and is making the alarms on this floor go nuts. Everyone chases Frohike and tries to figure what is going on, and we stroll out the front door." Mulder dressed quickly and shakily stood. Langly looked concerned. "You sure you want to do this?" Mulder gave him a Look. The floor was in chaos. The guards had taken off after Frohike. Personnel flooded about. "It's not a fire!" one yelled, "Stay put!" "Evacuate!" someone else yelled. Through all of the excitement no one took much notice of Mulder and Langly discreetly leave. "We better hurry," Mulder murmured and he slid into the car that Langly had gotten somewhere along the line. "They'll notice I'm gone soon enough." As Langly pulled out of the lot something caught his eye. "It's soon," he said. Mulder looked in the mirror just in time to see Skinner and a handful of the guards take off after them. "Hey!" one yelled. "Stop! Federal agents!" Mulder winced as Langly barely missed an oncoming car. "And to think I used to be one of them." "They might reinstate you," Langly put in helpfully. Mulder didn't answer. They were chased for several blocks, but Langly knew enough twists and turns to lose them soon enough. "Where to?" "North." Langly made a sharp right and noticed that Mulder looked slightly green. "Hey, man, you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine. Just drive." Langly floored the accelerator and they sped back towards the cabin. * * * * * 10:30 p.m. Mulder got out of the car and stared down at the ridge. She was somewhere around here, he knew it. He got out of the car, and turned back to Langly. "Do you have a phone?" "Yeah." "Stay here. Don't move. If something happens, don't wait for me, just get out of here." Mulder put his hand on the side of the car to steady himself and stared at the vast expanse of woods ahead of him. Langly handed him a piece of paper, noting that Mulder was very pale and he still coughed occasionally. "Here's the map of the holes." Mulder smiled. "What would I do without you guys?" "Probably stay out of trouble." Mulder shrugged. "Thanks." "Yeah. Hey- be careful." Mulder nodded and started carefully through the forest in search of the cabin. * * * * * Scully tried to ignore the reeling in her head and the taste of blood in her mouth. Her nose had been bleeding on and off for a long time. She was weak and exhausted and at times consciousness seemed to be slipping away. Davis was yelling into the phone. She didn't know who he was trying to contact. Someone at the UN. An odd name- Maria or Marita. In any case, it wasn't working, and it was making Davis frantic. Startling her, he took hold of the phone and hurled it with all his might across the room. He snatched up the gun, pressed it to his head, and started to babble insanely. "Theykilledhertheykilledhertheykilledherthebastards..." He grabbed a lamp and threw it, hard. The pieces of sharp ceramic barely missed her. Then, to her surprise, he tore off the bonds from her wrists. She stared up at him, not knowing what to do. "They ditched me, you know that," Davis snapped. "They even killed Marita. Because she knew. She worked on both sides, did you know that? She was the one that got your partner to Russia. She was his informant." Seeing the surprise on her face, he laughed. "I see you didn't know that. So you know what it is like to be left out. What do you think your partner was thinking when he left? Huh?" With one hand Davis hauled up the tank of gasoline and started sloshing the contents liberally on the floor. Then he put it down and aimed the gun at her. "Don't be afraid, Agent Scully." Scully shook her head. "Kill yourself if you want to, Davis," she croaked. "Go ahead and pull the trigger. But you can't let so many others die in your stead. It wasn't their fault. You know how to cure them-" "You mean cure YOU?" Davis screamed. "Very funny. That's all you can think about. I would rather to take your partner with me than you. He would deserve it, the unlucky bastard, leaving you here like this." He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a match. He lit it and was about to toss it down when Scully bolted. With all of her remaining strength, ignoring the pain in her head, she threw herself forward and Davis. Startled, the match fell to the corner, lighting up the rug and slowly eating away at it, but not yet reaching the part that was doused in gas. She clawed for his gun, and he swore, hitting her hard across the face. She could feel the licking flames behind her. Spots were starting to show before her eyes and the pain in her head was so crushing that she felt she would faint. "SCULLY!" Two heads turned to the doorway, and one gunshot went off. Everything froze. Davis' back arched, a low noise was emitted from his throat, and he slid away from Scully, falling hard on the damp floor. Scully's eyes went from Davis to Mulder, who was standing in the doorway. The smell of the gas made her head reel. Her face was pale and tear-streaked, and the gun fell from her hands. She had killed him. The one man that knew the Truth. The one man that knew how to save her life. Mulder stepped forward, trying to ignore the sick fear and urge to run when he saw the fire. "Scully-" Her eyes were locked on him, and her knees buckled, sliding towards the floor. Her limbs started to shake, and at that instant, blood, not a little trickle anymore, came gushing from her nose. The flame on the carpet inched its way towards the dampened floor. Mulder moved to her and tried to help her up. She was having a seizure. Her eyes were drawn in pain. Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, he scooped her up in his arms and moved to the door, forcing his legs to move, using only pure will to save her in the place of long-drained energy. As he dragged himself away from the cabin, he could feel it break out in flames, sending a foul stench of gas into the air. Fear gripped him, but he ignored it, and managed to just get to the woods before collapsing. Mulder rolled over and pulled Scully over to him, trying to control the shaking. It finally subsided but he kept his arms around her trembling body. "Scully?" he barely could force himself to speak. There was no reply and he frantically pressed his fingers to her throat, looking for a pulse. "Scully?!" She stirred and her body started to tremble. Her head turned, her hair tickling to bottom of his chin. "I'm f-fine, Mulder." He could barely hear her. He started to move away, but she shook her head. "No," she whispered, placing one freezing hand on his. "Just- hold me for a while, okay?" Tears sprang to his eyes and he brushed his lips against her temple, feeling her head roll back as she lost consciousness. Spots started to dance before his eyes. The flames from the cabin illuminated the sky. In the distance he could hear sirens, right before being enveloped by blackness. Lying on the cold forest floor, holding his partner fifty feet away from a blazing inferno, he lost consciousness. * * * * * He couldn't breathe. He could hear beeping and voices in the background. "OXYGEN!" someone called, and moments later air flooded his lungs. People were yelling, and he could hear clattering, and realized that wherever he was he was moving "Seventeen oh-one." "Jeeeesus, will someone get a crowbar and pry their hands apart?" "Yo Joe, isn't this that FBI guy that was on the news?" "Hey I found a card on him. Fox Mulder- Contact in Case of Emergency: Dana K. Scully." "Me too," someone else yelled. "Dana Scully- Contact in case of Emergency: Fox W. Mulder. This helps." "Heads up!" There was a slam, and he felt himself being lowered to the ground with a bang. Someone shone a light in his eyes. "Sir? Sir, can you hear me? You are going to be okay, we'll take good care of you." He tried to speak. The person moved away the oxygen tubes. "She- hh--" he wheezed painfully. "What?" "Cancer," he more mouthed than said. "She has cancer." As soon as he had said that something started beeping uncontrollably. "She's crashing!!!" Mulder tried to raise his head but he was pushed away. He could see an IV bag hanging in front of his face. Somewhere down the hall he heard Mrs Scully. "What is it? What's going on? Dana?!" "WE NEED A DOCTOR HERE!" They were passing Christann's room. Why were there nurses everywhere? Mulder blacked out again. * * * * * May 26th 11:05 a.m. Mulder stared at the gray ceiling above him. They wouldn't tell him anything. They told him that she was alive, and that was it. Skinner had come, once, awkwardly to state that they could reinstate him in the bureau due to the course of events. He hadn't answered. He had no idea what was going to happen now. He had been there when Christann died. They said that she had felt it coming. He had sat there and held her hand and talked with her. She wanted to be taken off life support as soon as the pain made her black out. That was what she wanted. It was too late. "Don't cry," she had said, wiping away a tear from his cheek, "All you lose is little old me. I have to say goodbye to you and to Scully. The two people that truly cared. I did something that I always wanted to, deep inside. I have had seventeen years on this earth... and I am so grateful." When he didn't answer, she squeezed his hand. "When you find Annie, tell her thank you. Tell her that I love her for what she did with me. She treated me like I was her true daughter, not just some experiment." Right before life had cut the cord, she had managed to whisper, "Don't let Scully go. Don't make the same mistake I did with Joel. I'll be with him soon, but don't torture your feelings in this life." The pains had come then, and within moments she had blacked out. And that was that. He had lost another. If he lost Scully, then... He squeezed his eyes shut. Please God, don't take her away from me. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't... The door opened. "She can see you now," a nurse in a white coat said. "Her mother has already been with her. But she was asking for you most of the night." He had been stopped right outside the door by a doctor, who wanted to inform him of her condition. "The cancer is very unstable now. There is no telling what might happen; how much time she has left I also can't say. She's a fighter, though- most would've been dead long before reaching the hospital after that last seizure." Mulder entered the room, his heart full of things that he wanted to say. It was dark, cluttered with machines and instruments. Mrs. Scully had left a chair pulled up next to the bed. She was lying on her back, face ashen gray, tubes everywhere. He sat down slowly, and took her small hand in his. Her eyes fluttered open, and her head turned to meet him. "Hey." "Hey." He played lightly with the skin on the inside of her wrist. "How are you feeling?" Her eyes darkened. "I feel..." she watched him with a tender look on her face, "I feel... as if... my life has meaning." That was when he made the decision. He wouldn't let them ruin his quest by taking away the person that he loved. He was going to cure her, or die trying. That was that. Something in her eyes struck him, and he kissed her hand ever so gently. "Trust me, Scully. It always did." Her hand turned and touched his jaw. "Ready to go on?" He smiled and put his hand on hers, savoring the feeling of her touch on his face. "Yeah. Together." *THE END* Hmmm... isn't it funny how a three page prediction can evolve into so much more? Gethsemane has long since aired, and for those who want to pretend that my prediction was more on the mark, just change the end to the doctor coming and telling Mulder that Scully died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. Better?! Please tell me what you thought of this, my opus that has been slaved over for so long. Actually, this is the first fanfic that I have ever written. There is no such thing as a comment that will not be appreciated. I hope you liked it... -Talia Christine Gibas PS- to non shippers- I tried to block out the moments, but in the words of Han Solo, "Hey- It's me!!!" The shipper that will not go quietly into the night!!! FM+DS 4-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMMENTS!!! PLEASE!!!! I'm BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mail Talia at-