TITLE: The Wind and the Rain AUTHOR: Birgit Mueller EMAIL ADDRESS: rm12908@navix.net (ALERT! bg50001@navix.net NO LONGER WORKS.) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Do what thou wilst. SPOILER WARNING: 4th season (sorta) RATING: PG CONTENT WARNING: MSR, Character dies CLASSIFICATION: V, R, A KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully romance SUMMARY: Far in the future, Scully reflects on life with Mulder. DISCLAIMER: I own them!! I own them ALL!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ...Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. *sniffle* All right, I admit it, 1013 and company own the characters, but please don't sue me. I don't have anything worth taking anyway. This is just a little scene set far, far in the future. If you wish, it *can* fit in with my other stories, though that wasn't the explicit purpose... It's a significant departure for me, since I've never before tried to write either vignettes, or in the first person, *or* in the present tense. So c'mon, gimme feedback (even if it's only to tell me it's time to start those antidepressants again )! *whimper* *pitiful look* ================= The Wind and the Rain by Birgit Mueller (rm12908@navix.net) ================= He never stopped calling me Scully. The strange irony of that beckons to me from the well of memory, and despite the cold ache in my soul, I can smile enough, just a little. The landscape is dull and frigid and wet against my face. It is only fitting. *Going conventional, are we, Scully?* I can almost hear his voice echo the words. Of course -- cliche' endings never did appeal to him. When we made love for the first time, he called for me -- for Scully -- in the sweet darkness. The cancer is always there, always lingering in the recesses of my spirit like a dark and baleful phantom. I always thought I would go before him into the breach. I planned on it. I counted on it. I am selfish. I don't want to live without hearing his name for me again spilling from his lips. When I was forty-six, I took his ring and his surname. And still, he said, "I do, Scully. I really do." And the justice of the peace gave a faint and puzzled smile when I laughed and he kissed me before the ceremony finished. I am too old to be standing in the rain. Bewildered, I heard the hesitant, distant voice on the phone call me Mrs. Mulder -- it sounded stilted, artificial, even after all the years. I am Scully, his Scully. Mrs. Mulder, I'm sorry, your husband... I am absurdly wounded that I hadn't somehow *known*. He left me without saying goodbye. There had been no visitation, no intuition, no imprint upon my unconscious. It fascinated me to realize I had expected one. It was because it was him. I expected one from him. The rain is picking up. I don't want to leave. I have no one to go home to. There is nothing but the sound of my own heartbeat, thudding forth the seconds without him. I am still. And I don't know when, exactly, but something changes, and I wonder if it is within me or without. Like the gradual shift from darkness to dawn, I cannot find the moment when I felt him, but like the first glimpse of the sun, I am sure. Suddenly, so sure. I hear his soft breathing in my ears. Even the eternal skeptic in me wants to believe. I can feel his warm and gentle hands smoothing back my hair, tracing the lines in my face, his touch so light, as if it were the wind. Only the wind. *Goodbye, Scully.* His voice is so real in the rhythm of the rain that I am almost startled by it. He never did stop calling me that. **END**